So, what do you think the LTD conclusion is? (Round 2)

Who does Cloud love?

  • Aerith

    Votes: 20 14.2%
  • Tifa

    Votes: 121 85.8%

  • Total voters
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
OH OH OH!... Advent Children... I thought you meant... okay sorry, never mind.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
I was reading some posts at a forum(it's not CxA), and this one was the most recent. Man, talk about blinded to everything but what you wanna see:

"Ever since I first played the game, I vastly preferred the pairing of Cloud/Aerith. I thought Tifa was a boring coward, to be frank with you. I could never like her. Aerith was the type of heroine I like; cute, spunky, flirty, a little mysterious, and special(I like it when the heroine has a rare heritage and a heavy destiny).
But I didn't just prefer Cloud n' Aerith; I saw it happen in the game, and then in the Compilation.
Okay, we have Cloud at the beginning of the game. He's cold, arrogant, and doesn't care for much more than money. No one he comes in contact with moves him, breaks through his facade. Not even Tifa, who he's supposed to be head over heels for.
No one but AERITH. Right after he comes in contact with her, we see him begin to slowly show emotion. He protects her. He accepts the date she offers without her having to pull his leg at all. It seemed like he was blushing, and then he just nods. So, this guy who cares for seemingly only money opts to pass up a monetary fee in favor of spending time with a flower girl? Sounds like the beginning of love to me.
From meeting Aerith on, he becomes the sort of person who will fight for others besides himself. The party notices this, and they mention it. Tifa can see that Cloud and Aerith form a special bond immediately, and this special closeness makes her jealous. Cloud becomes so close to Aerith that he can feel her in his soul when they are apart. He senses her because she has literally become a PART OF HIM.
When she dies and falls into his arms, he gives a heartwrenching display of emotion such as we had never seen from him up to then, and don't see again in the game or Compilation. It's like he was feeling part of himself die with her, and could only cry out in agony.
After she dies, he throws himself into the battle like never before. He says that unfeezing her smile is the most important thing to him and that his memories of her are what he fights for. At the end of the game when he sees her angelic hand and reaches for it, he has a look of such love and awe on his face that we can no longer doubt the force of his love for her. He then says to Tifa that he wants to look for Aerith in his Promised Land.
After the game, he lives with his good friend Tifa while his works a delivery job; which is very likely a front to search for his Promised Land, where he believes he will find Aerith. He contracts Geostigma, and goes to Aerith's church, the only place he feels comfort and peace, because Aerith's presence is everywhere.
I believe he was ready to die, and planned to stay there until the end. He didn't want to fight, he just wanted to be with Aerith. But when she appears to him and makes it clear she wants him to live and fight bravely, he honors her wishes. He fights, and wins. When he defeats Sephiroth, he, quote, "loses himself in Aerith's rain". He feels her around him, and it is too much for him. He then comes close to dying, but Aerith's loving hand brings him back.
After this, he clearly makes visits to flowerfields, a place that holds a special meaning for him and Aerith, and there they find time to be together. They have been reunited, never to be parted again. Aerith's presence is so strong for Cloud that she can even physically touch him. What more could he want?
I don't see how anyone can NOT see and recognize that Cloud and Aerith are bound by great love. It's so in your face. Tifa lost Cloud to Aerith. She never even had a chance with Cloud because he lost his heart the minute he awoke in Aerith's flowerbed to find her smilng gently down at him.
Cloud and Aerith are the best of all Final Fantasy couples. No other one even comes close."

There's like twenty different kinds of wrong in here. And, of course, the usual flowery descriptions.

At the end of the game when he sees her angelic hand and reaches for it, he has a look of such love and awe on his face that we can no longer doubt the force of his love for her.

Wow... okay I don't think it's too weird to describe the hand as angelic coz, yeah... her hand was all glowy and surrounded by light. But where do you get "such love and awe" from this: (0:56-1:00)

His face looks sort of blank to me. It's definitely not the undeniable confirmation of Cloud's feelings that she's acting like it is.

Jeebus. wtf, dood.
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Your Mom
That girl is clearly a Destiny Fulfilled devotee. Call me harsh, but I don't see anything in that post that DF didn't put into her head.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I'll see if I can set her straight... though I highly doubt it.

Does anyone have that ... quot where Nojima referenced his grandparents as living inside him the same way Aerith lives inside Cloud or whatever?
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
It's from Distance, where they got this benighted idea from, by ignoring context, and the original words in favor of the subs which help them only in isolation.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Wanna fight about it?

Looking at the thread, Quex, point out that Kadaj can also see Aerith, that Cloud can also see Zack, that he can see Zack alone, and that 'She lives on inside his consciousness' is a FIGURATIVE expression as clarified, as I said, three seconds later


Your Mom

Even the English subtitles don't help them because Nomura is taking a general concept that applies to everyone and using Cloud and Aerith as examples.

"Even if they're (plural) dead, their (plural) consciousness is still with us (plural)."

He's not calling Cloud and Aerith's connection unique. He's saying the exact opposite.

... and a random encore, simply because I stumbled across it in my Photobucket account ... :monster:



[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
I don't know why I looked, but I browsed TNC...and wow. Just...**shakes head**

Also, love that "smack" photo. :)


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Tifa: "Well, he already rejected me so why not cop a feel?"

*rubs Cloud's upper thigh*


Your Mom
Cloud's next move will clearly be to file a restraining order.

Oh wait, he doesn't. He asks her to be by his side forever. That's some whacked-up shit right there.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Wanna fight about it?

Looking at the thread, Quex, point out that Kadaj can also see Aerith, that Cloud can also see Zack, that he can see Zack alone, and that 'She lives on inside his consciousness' is a FIGURATIVE expression as clarified, as I said, three seconds later
In time... in time... bare with me for now.

But yeah I never saw this stuff so I dunno when he said the thing about his grandmother, but thanks.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Even the English subtitles don't help them because Nomura is taking a general concept that applies to everyone and using Cloud and Aerith as examples.

"Even if they're (plural) dead, their (plural) consciousness is still with us (plural)."

He's not calling Cloud and Aerith's connection unique. He's saying the exact opposite.

Like I said, you have to take ONLY that one section of the english subtitles completely in isolation.
And then ignore that Cloud can see Zack too.
And Kadaj can see Aerith.
And that Marlene and Tifa can sense her.
And that she can call the entire town.
And she can appear to people in need like an affectionate mother.

... and a random encore, simply because I stumbled across it in my Photobucket account ... :monster:


TTLY platonic touching of the inner thigh, there.

And further RE: The Ultimania DOES NOT SAY Aerith lives on inside of Cloud.

And she's ALSO mistaking a storytelling decision 'Well, if Sephiroth's coming back, Aerith needs to make a Cameo' with an in universe phenomenon
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Pro Adventurer
I'll see if I can set her straight... though I highly doubt it.

Does anyone have that ... quot where Nojima referenced his grandparents as living inside him the same way Aerith lives inside Cloud or whatever?

There is another you can use:

"Two years after returning to the planet, Aerith still lives on in the hearts of her friends who saved the planet." - Ultimania.


Not Sure - guess the movie.
Bzzzt. Wrong. Ryu wasn't warned or asked to modify his post or even remove the capslock, and by NOT doing any of the above options, the thread wasn't being "modded" or "maintained" it was being controlled. And WTF is a fight ratio? There must be 3 Cleriths for every Cloti? And CAPSLOCK was emphasis looooong before html codes, kiddo. So yes, IT IS.
BZZZT! WRONG! Ryu was warned, I don't know what the banana you're reading, but he was in fact, warned.

You should read the above ^
Quexinos -
Okay things seemed to have calmed down but Ryu, I need to ask you to please refrain from things like using all caps. You're getting upset obviously but you really shouldn't be. Please try not to do things like that, it gives your post an angry tone and then people take offense to things that aren't offense...
Shroudy closed it because he got to it late, reading a late message he probably thought it happened that day. But either way, he punished them so they would know NOT to do it again. He wasn't just doing it to the Clotis, but to all who kept using ALL CAPS.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum


Not Sure - guess the movie.
Yea, it may be cool for some uses, but in a debate forum that was closed due to fighting over a movie, I can understand the control over the capslock.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
BZZZT! WRONG! Ryu was warned, I don't know what the banana you're reading, but he was in fact, warned.
You need to shut up because I did NOT give him a warning for it. I just asked him to stop there's a difference. And Ryu hardly had ANYTHING to do with the topic's closure. Can we please let the admins at TNC handle this stuff? Thanks.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
And yet, if I WAS the reason it was closed, I wasn't told, so yeah, guess again Madhatter.

Reports have a timestamp on them.

And the forum wasn't closed over 'fighting over a movie' it was closed randomly, before ACC JP or ENG was out. In fact, it was closed without warning or even at a heated juncture.


Not Sure - guess the movie.
And yet, if I WAS the reason it was closed, I wasn't told, so yeah, guess again Madhatter.

I wasn't saying YOU were the reason :doh: Just posting that there was warnings being given out. Whether that be in message or on board, its still a message.

You need to shut up because I did NOT give him a warning for it.
Calm down!
Technically, it was a warning. And I never said it was RYU'S FAULT IT WAS TAKEN DOWN! I was just pointing it out! Jeez people. -_-


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I know but I'd appreciate it if you let the admin staff deal with admin staff issues. Don't come here and say what happened because of this and that. At first you came in and said the topic was closed because of people posting in all caps and that wasn't even true... and now you're saying Ryu was warned when he wasn't.

I'm just saying let TNC deal with TNC problems. And furthermore, we're not allowed to discuss what goes on in the admin forum, so please leave that to the actual admins.

and no I'm not plugging the forum, I'm telling this guy to stop acting like he's on staff.
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