Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
- Tim, Ryu
But do you have what he says? I can't find it on youtube and I want to be able to show that to them because chances are they haven't seen Distance and they just look at that one quote.
Quex, my point is that you SHOULD HOLD THAT AGAINST THEM. They're either deliberately misquoting or have never watched what they are purporting to be an expert on. That's intellectual dishonesty either way, and you SHOULD hold it against them.
Then you should slam them with SoS's link.
For the record 'their consciousnesses are still with us' is at 25:20 and Nojima's addition is shortly thereafter. The 'Cloud's smile at the end of the script' from Uematsu on 'Cloud Smiles' starts at 29:10.
But seriously, watch the whole damn thing. Among other things, it has Nomura say that Cloud has lost everything before and is afraid of losing everything again, and that the happier he becomes, the lonelier he feels. That's the sequence starting at ~22:40.
Seriously, rewatching Distance, it strikes me just how goddamn intellectually dishonest with it they are.
The MAJORITY of it disproves shit they hold as gospel, so that all gets ignored for the one bit they see as ZOMFG romantic.
And Mako, I agree, but we do have to generally, if only nominally, enforce on topicness. Crack dissidia pairings can go into the crack theory thread, if needed.
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