Super Mario
- Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
I wanted him to score Tifa (or balloon girl as I called her back then) because she seemed kind of friendly in the cutscenes. He said it's a stupid idea ironically.
Something just came to me. How is it that the pinkers say Tifa is clingy, but not Aerith? Wasn't Aerith the one who magically appeared in front of Cloud when he tried to get away from her? And who insisted on staying by him when he just wanted her away from the danger? Someone who doesn't have the excuse of actually knowing Cloud like Tifa does.
Something just came to me. How is it that the pinkers say Tifa is clingy, but not Aerith? Wasn't Aerith the one who magically appeared in front of Cloud when he tried to get away from her? And who insisted on staying by him when he just wanted her away from the danger? Someone who doesn't have the excuse of actually knowing Cloud like Tifa does.
And of course lives inside his body like a spiritual parasite (according to the tards).
@Vendel: this is such a mystery to me. It's because Aerith acted that way that I really disliked her. Because she kept jumping on Cloud every time, even when my Cloud kept ignoring her
@Raquel: I'm quite a noob, but I heard from a friend that the LTD was very bloody back in the days. Since then, she avoids fandoms because of this.
Reading about so much noise as clinginess, Cait's predictions, Aerith's ribbon, who the buster sword really belongs to, how bitchy Tifa was as a child, etc etc, it makes me realize that the majority of LTD discussion has nothing to do with the actual debate -- who Cloud's in a relationship with, if anyone -- and everything to do with which girl people prefer.
Ryushikaze said:Reading about so much noise as clinginess, Cait's predictions, Aerith's ribbon, who the buster sword really belongs to, how bitchy Tifa was as a child, etc etc, it makes me realize that the majority of LTD discussion has nothing to do with the actual debate -- who Cloud's in a relationship with, if anyone -- and everything to do with which girl people prefer.
Nail on the head. Most of the LTD really has Jack all to do with the real question at hand- which is pretty much entirely one sided, there being only one girl Cloud has been said to have 'love' for, to have 'realized [his] feelings for', 'open his heart to', have risque dialogue with, ETC. ETC. ETC.
So we all know that the last we see of Aerith she is leavingwith Zackgoing back into the light. So when exactly did she spirit STD cloud?
If this is to be believed shouldn't the last scene of the movie looked a little more like this?
Pretty much it right there. At least at this point.
Once upon a time -- say, before 2005 -- there was more to it than that. But now that's what it comes down to: which chick is preferred.
You know this debate will never end CelesWoah, the LTD is still going on? XD Seems pretty quiet out there to me!
Actually, I agree with CiC here... kinda.CiC-Cloud was mostly himself during FFVII
SE-Cloud be messed up
20 vs 121, actually.Oh shit. 20 vs 120. Talk about going down. xD
Actually, I agree with CiC here... kinda.
Cloud was himself in VII - after Mideel became a giant swimming pool. Before then? Not so much.
I agree with what they say, although not necessarily what they meant.Don't ever agree with them.
Cos, of course, the whole game was actually a vision of Aerith's, as is proved with the way the game ends.The position used to be that Cloud was mostly himself during disk 1. And that is what Aerith fell in love with. Then all these official statements come out saying Cloud was really messed up on disk 1 (DUR) so they modified it. NOW Aerith could see the real Cloud anyways and fell in love with that.
I'm sure everyone's heard about the 'Lightning- The female Cloud- is voiced by Aerith and her hair is pink' one..