Clerith troll, two accounts with the same IP... this all sounds very similar, doesn't it Celes?

(Not saying this is the same girl(s), we have just had this one person follow the two of us around on forums and it got really funny after a while).
No, Brooke, that's someone else here.
The ones that seem to be aware of the quotes and evidence, but still claim there's no canon couple make me think troll and/or rabid Clerii. You don't go after all that evidence unless you are looking for an answer or you have an answer picked out and you want to try to prove it. Your average FF fan doesn't even know what an Ultimania is.
ur so nice ryu

he went to bed, i want him banned but..i dont wanna get banned too =[ im starting to love it here *gets sad*
Don't worry, it's entirely possible to ban accounts without banning all accounts with that IP.
well..if it was possible id find out his pass, change it on him and make it so he cant log in here anymore but i dont wanna be mean,
Don't do that. It's not technically against the rules, but it's a horrible thing to do to someone.
then again he scolds me everyday for CloTi, then asks me for evidence, then when i say just watch the movie, read the novellas, and fucking open your eyes, he says "thats not a mountain of evidence, its a mountain of crap, i should put a diaper over your mouth so no more crap comes out of it"
And so is that. But really, the major points are thus
Cloud fell dimly in love with Tifa before leaving for SOLDIER
He left for SOLDIER to impress her.
He kept this feeling until two years later, during the nibleheim incident.
He then spent four years in a tube, and 7-9 months comatose. It was meeting Tifa that caused his mind to restore itself.
Over the next several months he recuperated at 7th heaven.
Game begins. He knows Aerith two weeks.
He loses his mind. The last thing he says before falling into the lifestream is an apology to Tifa and expressing the hope that she meet the real Cloud again someday.
In Cloud's mind, Tifa is left, right, and center. Nary an Aerith. Cloud and Tifa become aware of their mutual feelings here.
Under the highwind, they have risque dialogue with mature subject matter implying intimate coupling.
The butt touch.
Cloud, mere hours after killing sephiroth, asks Tifa to live with him.
Cloud and Tifa live together after this, and despite a brief time apart, they return to a communion and live together through DoC and CoD.
Cloud lives happily with Tifa and the kids between FF7 and AC, even though his increasing happiness leads to increasing guilt and worry.
Tifa is someone's beloved.
The only man Tifa has expressed interest in, the man she loves, and the one she considers a father figure to the children she considers hers- that's Cloud.
I can go on.