Staff Misconduct Thread

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I didn't even know what that remove the beam quote meant until I looked it up a second ago, and it still sounded condescending just reading it. Having looked it up, it still sounds condescending to me.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
In all honesty, I very rarely know what he's talking about :monster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I don't feel this at all, and if this is true, it's because the mods SHOULD Be held to a higher standard than the regular members. So it makes more sense that the members are more likely to point out when a mod or an admin doesn't hold those standards.

And I'm saying it often feels like posters don't want to be constrained by any rules at all, not merely less strict versions of those they wish the mods and admins held to.

I didn't even know what that remove the beam quote meant until I looked it up a second ago, and it still sounded condescending just reading it. Having looked it up, it still sounds condescending to me.

In all honesty, I very rarely know what he's talking about :monster:

I'd call you Phillistines, but that would just be silly.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I can't speak for everyone, of course, but I recall making several lengthy posts about the importance of rules to provide structure and stability to a community. And in my experience, most of the folks here cease to complain about a given rule once the actual importance of such is brought to their attention. I can't think of anyone off the top of my head who seriously wants a NO RULEZ EVAR environment, aside perhaps from Username (and we all know how that's been working out for him).


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
And I'm saying it often feels like posters don't want to be constrained by any rules at all, not merely less strict versions of those they wish the mods and admins held to.
That's nice... that still doesn't change the fact that you broke a rule :monster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I can't speak for everyone, of course, but I recall making several lengthy posts about the importance of rules to provide structure and stability to a community. And in my experience, most of the folks here cease to complain about a given rule once the actual importance of such is brought to their attention. I can't think of anyone off the top of my head who seriously wants a NO RULEZ EVAR environment, aside perhaps from Username (and we all know how that's been working out for him).

I never said 'no rulez evar.' I'm not saying they are anarchists, rather, they wish not to be burdened by those rules they wish others to be burdened by.

That's nice... that still doesn't change the fact that you broke a rule :monster:

I don't deny it. I just think the rule is barely a band-aid, and that deeper resentments are the root of the issue and these ought to be addressed instead. I have felt this way for some time, since the first time a select few decided to exacerbate the situation even as they complained about it.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I never said 'no rulez evar.' I'm not saying they are anarchists, rather, they wish not to be burdened by those rules they wish others to be burdened by.

Ok, "NO RULEZ FOR US BUT ALL 4 U" mentality then. I still cannot say I've ever seen attitudes expressed that would match such a sentiment really.

I don't deny it. I just think the rule is barely a band-aid, and that deeper resentments are the root of the issue and these ought to be addressed instead. I have felt this way for some time, since the first time a select few decided to exacerbate the situation even as they complained about it.

I will agree, dealing with any lingering resentment is better than burying it and hoping it goes away. But, those in charge of a community have to set an example and lead by it, so rather than breaking rules in certain threads it might be best to address them in other threads. Like we did with the anger and such that resulted from the Name Change Drama(tm) a short while back. Tis my opinion, at any rate, that such a course is preferable. Let the so called "band-aid" heal as best it can while treating the underlying cause of the wound elsewhere. At least until a different consensus is reached among the staff that the rule doesn't work, since it kinda undercuts your fellows' authority otherwise.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I think the bottom line is this Ryu, people don't like to see other people insulting their friends or calling them dumb or what have you. I don't like going into the LTD thread and seeing things like, "Those idiots at CxA actually believe blah blah blah." because those "idiots" are my friends.

That was my problem anyway. It's why I say names shouldn't be named and we should attack arguments and not people. People want to discuss the LTD not "What so and so thinks or did 3 years ago." I mean... okay SOME people want to attack people and what not, but I think the majority in that thread would rather discuss LTD related stuff and not the people involved.

Does any of that make sense?
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
don't deny it. I just think the rule is barely a band-aid, and that deeper resentments are the root of the issue and these ought to be addressed instead. I have felt this way for some time, since the first time a select few decided to exacerbate the situation even as they complained about it.

So you admit to breaking the rules yet your implying because YOU don't think the reasoning behind it is valid, it shouldn't be inforced.

Wow it's like reading all the previous staff BS involving aka fields.

If your all going to band together on the united front of "it's a rule so stick to it" then deal with the concequences.


wangxian married
Ryu said:
To the people saying that the mods should be held to a standard, I agree. The problem is, it often feels as though the posters want only the mods to be held to a standard, with none for themselves.

Except you're wrong, because everyone else is that thread somehow managed to follow the rules and post in there just fine. Also, have you even seen this thread? Those that couldn't follow the rules were basically told to buck up and deal with it by staff and userbase alike. And not two pages ago Tiff and I even said that we all brought this on ourselves, so don't give me this shit.

I just think the rule is barely a band-aid, and that deeper resentments are the root of the issue and these ought to be addressed instead. I have felt this way for some time, since the first time a select few decided to exacerbate the situation even as they complained about it.

No one else has any lingering resentments that I can see -- we all get along in and out of that thread just fine. It's your unwillingness to change your condescending, self righteous attitude that people are sick to death of. It's shipping. It's the LTD. It's just fucking tired, man.

L said:
So you admit to breaking the rules yet your implying because YOU don't think the reasoning behind it is valid, it shouldn't be inforced.

This. If that's how you're going to be, Ryu, then I very seriously think you shouldn't be a mod.


We have come to terms
I didn't even know what that remove the beam quote meant until I looked it up a second ago, and it still sounded condescending just reading it. Having looked it up, it still sounds condescending to me.
That's because it is. I note that he still hasn't...explained it. :P

Also, while you may not be denying you broke the rules set forth, Ryu, you also haven't admitted that you did. I think that the shifting of the subject is just causing things to not really move forward. Wouldn't be having this conversation if you had in the ltd thread and moved on, imo.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Except you're wrong, because everyone else is that thread somehow managed to follow the rules and post in there just fine. Also, have you even seen this thread? Those that couldn't follow the rules were basically told to buck up and deal with it by staff and userbase alike. And not two pages ago Tiff and I even said that we all brought this on ourselves, so don't give me this shit.
Yes. People had to be warned because they didn't know what exactly the mods were wanting, but since those two people have been warned, people now understand what you can and cannot do in the thread. Heck, you were even warned about joking around with people's semantics earlier in the thread, and now we're having to discuss you bringing up another forum.

Come on, Ryu, stop being worse than the members about this. :\

No one else has any lingering resentments that I can see -- we all get along in and out of that thread just fine. It's your unwillingness to change your condescending, self righteous attitude that people are sick to death of. It's shipping. It's the LTD. It's just fucking tired, man.
Agreed, again. Like I said, you were already told to knock it off with mocking people's semantics and grammar. I am honestly shocked why you don't understand that bringing up other forums isn't allowed either.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
So you admit to breaking the rules yet your implying because YOU don't think the reasoning behind it is valid, it shouldn't be inforced.

This is the only post by L I've ever thanked. Thanks, dude, for saying what I was trying to say.

No one else has any lingering resentments that I can see -- we all get along in and out of that thread just fine. It's your unwillingness to change your condescending, self righteous attitude that people are sick to death of. It's shipping. It's the LTD. It's just fucking tired, man.
And I don't care what so and so on another place says to me in a PM about this, this is absolutely right. No I'm not saying "Mean ol Clotis" are the problem, but a lot of us get along just fine in there. I don't see why it's so hard for you :( If there are still problems (and I'll admit there are some) maybe you should try working that out with people instead of taking it out on others.


I don't see why you don't just close the damn thread and lay people's sensitive souls to rest. If one thread is generating a million pages of butthurt elsewhere, I don't see its purpose. /shrug


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Because as long as people obey the rules there's no reason for it to be a cause of aggravation to anyone. Furthermore, most people have been obeying the rules, and we really don't want to let a couple of people ruin it for everyone else.


wangxian married
I don't see why you don't just close the damn thread and lay people's sensitive souls to rest. If one thread is generating a million pages of butthurt elsewhere, I don't see its purpose. /shrug

I'm sorry but seriously, is butthurt just your kneejerk response every time there's a complaint? I've seen you use this word at least twice when it had nothing to do with the situation at hand.


With all due respect, the rules are fucking infantile.
The whole idea that other people can't be named even in reference or for fucking clarification because someone might misconstrue and seek to avenge their friends is fucking ridiculous. I haven't seen it anywhere else.

It's a public forum and that kind of attitude doesn't lend itself to any dicussion. The fact that the thread has been up for ages and has only got what, 8 pages when it used to generate hundreds, speaks for itself. I just don't associate it with any other thread in this forum. It's like a little corner of WTF right now. IMO, either moderate it in accordance to all forums rules or just take it down if you see yourselves unable to moderate.

EDIT: is this off topic here? I don't know where else I'd put it. I'm just kind of wtfing at that entire thread.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
The only rule that applies to the LTD thread that doesn't apply to other threads is that other forums can't be named at all, which was instituted because discussion of other boards was pretty much the only thing that was going on in the previous LTD towards the close of its existence. Other than that, every other rule applies to the rest of the board as well; the LTD is simply more strictly moderated. I would say the LTD is mostly dead compared to its previous incarnation because the people who previously kept it active were more interested in discussing what people on other forums were saying than they were in actually discussing the LTD. Also, there simply isn't much left to discuss. Nearly everyone already knows what everyone else's opinion is, and they've been discussing it for five years or more in many cases.

Disallowing discussion of other boards is far from unheard of; it is hardly unheard of for people, coming to a new community, to wish for a fresh start, and it is not unreasonable to accommodate that desire.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Why are people mad about not being able to mention other forums anyway? idgi

Celes Chere

It's just that it's kind of ridiculous to some people that you can't mention other Forums simply in passing. I think it's ridiculous too (to some extent), but that's what the rule is and I don't really disagree. xD Same rule over at the Cloti Forums back when it was active, no names and no Forum names. It just prevents drama.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
But it wasn't so much in passing, it was a jab at them. That's the difference :monster:

Celes Chere

Some people from the CxA forums would insist Cloud was just another child or a rebellious teenager as far as his role went.

Personally, I do not see that as a jab at CxA. It's not like he said "All people from this Forum think this" or "This Forum sucks and so do the people there".

The only problem with it, is that it's against the rules imo.
I'm going to have to agree with Tiff on that one. Yes, it's the rule and it's against it, but I don't think the statement itself is hurtful or mean towards CxA. Heck, saying that it's mean could be an insult in and of itself, because that's like saying it's an insult if you do have that opinion.
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