
Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
For one thing, I wouldn't do something so juvenile. The simple fact it's applicable, whether you think it's dumb or not.

You have yet to support that in any way. Telling me to 'go find it' doesn't count.

No, it's not.

Pretty much. It's the same concept, telling me something exists, and failing to provide any such instances of it yourself.

The fact that people at their core are not the same, we don't act just like every other community out there, nor do we conduct ourselves the same.

It's nothing special, it's the way people are.

Ah cool I don't think you really understood so I'm just going to restate it

Let me rephrase. What makes our community fundamentally different than the other ones out there? I love our community, but fundamentally, it's just some Final Fantasy fans at its core. What's so special about us?

To be honest, I don't even see why the idea of teams even came up. Right now, it just seems like doing everything ACF did. We don't really need all of that imo. Unless we gather translation teams fgj. :duhard:
Since to me, the Ultimania translations are what it's all about (I would love Ultimania translations of other FF games too, imo =P)

And most importantly: There is no need for discussing it unless we get a couple hundred members or so with enough people that would warrant a couple of teams. :monster:
We might as well discuss this when the time is right and enough people are interested.

Pretty much! Right now, the memberbase is too small to even consider doing anything like this, even if it was whatever I suggested.

I don't have too much more to say on the matter.

Cookie Monster

@MOG: I believe you'll find the atmosphere is much different here that it was on ACF, and much more different than it is on EOFF, FFF, ect. You're oversimplifying things. Just because people have similar interests, doesn't make them the same.

Also, all you really have to do is go to an anime forum and you'll probably find Role Playing teams. I believe the Naruto Forum has them. I was also a member of a forum named Anime Warez which also had teams like the sort were talking about. Sadly it closed as the owner just didn't want to continue paying for the site, so he closed it.

And finally, no one said teams were to be implemented now. We would obviously need a much bigger member base before we could do such a thing. :monster:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
You have yet to support that in any way. Telling me to 'go find it' doesn't count.

Yes, far be it from me to tell you to see something with your own eyes, which is as easy as pressing a few keys.

Pretty much. It's the same concept, telling me something exists, and failing to provide any such instances of it yourself.

No, it's not, because the situations are vastly different. It's so easy to find such on google, that I shouldn't have to provide anything for you, it's not my fault you're incapable of it.

fundamentally different than the other ones out there? I love our community, but fundamentally, it's just some Final Fantasy fans at its core. What's so special about us?

Apparently you're not understanding at all. People make the community, and people are not the same. Just because they're FF fans, they're the same as all the other ones?

What a joke.

Pretty much! Right now, the memberbase is too small to even consider doing anything like this, even if it was whatever I suggested.

Yes, much better than your incessant ranting against the idea because it simply doesn't suit you.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
@MOG: I believe you'll find the atmosphere is much different here that it was on ACF, and much more different than it is on EOFF, FFF, ect. You're oversimplifying things. Just because people have similar interests, doesn't make them the same.

I'm not saying that we're all of the same, but my original point was we're not really fundamentally different either, at least to the end of community closeness and forum members sharing personal things.

Also, all you really have to do is go to an anime forum and you'll probably find Role Playing teams. I believe the Naruto Forum has them. I was also a member of a forum named Anime Warez which also had teams like the sort were talking about. Sadly it closed as the owner just didn't want to continue paying for the site, so he closed it.

Ah geez, Naruto? Really man? Ugh.

Well, an example if an example. But at least role playing teams is a means to an end, a source of specialized activity and fun, and even those only work if they're really active.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Alright, let's try to reach some common ground here.

In regards to Teams serving a purpose, they don't have to because their purpose is just for socializing. Just like we have clubs and stuff, we can have social clubs. I personally would like to see the teams have a Final Fantasy theme so they match the site and don't detract from its focus. That would really help.

In terms of teams doing something, like projects, we have that already. That's US. The site staff. We scan, translate, and post what we have and can do. In terms of comparing us to that Chrono Trigger forum, we're actually pretty similar in that regard.

But that's not the point here.

All in all, IF we can make this new Team construct completely different from the ground up and nothing like the ACF incarnation, I can accept it, so long as its properly moderated, transparent and not leeching activity from the main site. Socialization and shit isn't a problem. It would help the userbase and give us activity. It'd be no different than having a club.

But as has been stated, it's way too early to worry about such things, but it's fine to discuss them.

There are good points from both side, and as long as Teams don't end up the secluded, removed forums they were before, I think we can work on trying to figure out how it can be done properly.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
In terms of teams doing something, like projects, we have that already. That's US. The site staff. We scan, translate, and post what we have and can do. In terms of comparing us to that Chrono Trigger forum, we're actually pretty similar in that regard.

Ah, let me comment here. The thing with that is, the setup like the Chrono Trigger (and many other forums with a similar set up I can show if you want), is that not just staff do things like that, everyone does. A lot more cool things get done that because organized, concrete projects don't have to be staff run at all to work.


Ohshits, four pages 'o posts in a night, fgj. Lolz at the bickering, if you lot weren't adults and/or great in justice, we'd have our first official drama already, :monster:. Good job.

Lessee. First, I'm all up for a peas and gravy forum, peas are good and so is gravy, so I guess the combination is worthy of its own section. I'll set it up posthaste.

I think that part of the problem with the ACF teams is / was that they were almost all an entire forum in themselves - almost every team (as far as I know) had its own general chat, spam, art, serios business, etc sections, which eventually led to at least the two largest teams to completely separate from ACF and start their own forum / site. That's certainly not something we'll want in this case.

Speaking of wanting in this case, as is described in the first page (post?) of this thread, the forums aren't yet as large to support teams properly. I'd vote against starting up 'general' (i.e. non-specific themed, non-project, and/or 'hidden' teams) teams until the membercount has passed a thousand members - back on ye 'CF, the teams were only added once there were what, 5000 members? I can't remember, I do know that I joined when there were 'just' 1400 members back in '04 (I think), and it took quite some time after that until teams were started. But that's years ago, I could be wrong.

I think that 'project teams' or (maybe) 'theme teams' could work, especially the former (I think the latter's topics could just go in the public sections), but only under two conditions: Their primary activity would have to be public, and the addition of new members should be according to that members' skill and offered services to the team, and not by the current team members' opinions and/or favoritisms. Either a non-team associated (group of) member(s) should handle team applications, or joining a team would depend on a certain amount of prerequisites, such as translating skills (to be tested with either a test or earlier work, to be checked by existing translators), join date and/or forum activity, warning level (i.e. misbehaving members won't get allowed into a team or could get expelled), etc.

Also, I've been using the i.e. thingy for ages without actually being sure it's applicable in the places where I use it.

Back to the teams themselves and their transparency, as I said I'd like to see the majority of a team's activity to be publically viewable and actively moderated (also because of being publically viewable, would give off the wrong signals if rules weren't enforced as strictly inside a team as outside of it, elitism etc), with only a hidden section if that section contains sensitive information, such as personal stuff, team competition discussions, etc.

Transparency is what we're aiming for on TLS right now as well. There's a hidden staff section for (gasp!) staff, but I've seriously added the note that only the really sensitive discussions (the stuff about specific members, n00dz, that kinda stuff) should go there. More general topics that concern the entire forum (and its members) such as rules, new staff, the site's technical / financial / management issues, etc should go into the feedback and suggestions section, for everyone to view and add their feedback to. One of the poor points of yon CF was the secrecy, the giant barrier between (some?) staff and the members, the lack of transparency in what's being done with the site, the idea that everyone's just winging it without having any solid idea of what they're doing.

Back there, the Member Representatives was a step in the right direction and an adequate substitute for complete transparency, but it was still elitist and it didn't actually work, regardless of several months of intense and constructive discussions. I want to prevent that by doing (almost) everything in public, for great justice.

Back on track now, teams in the general sense seems a matter for the uncertain future when the amount of members and activity create an impersonal atmosphere on the forums. I don't see that happening anywhere soon, with for example the clubs, the specific interests of each member, etc, but when it does, feel free to bring this subject up again. From the various opinions I've read in this thread, it seems a pretty bad idea to have the same team structure as back on ACF (i.e. opaque micro-forums with an extra helping of drama), so I'd be all up for keeping the majority of team activity in one or several general (= publically viewable) sections. The notion of the current members of a team deciding which other members get to join the team also seems pretty poor to me, since it'll create a 'you can only join if we already like you'-atmosphere, which kinda defeats the purpose of teams.

Teams in the project sense would be an excellent idea for the site right now. With the Compilation being pretty dried out, now would be the time to concentrate on work on what exists (such as ultimania's, the stories, etc) in somewhat larger projects, concentrate the focus of the talents of the members on here into constructive products, and thus create exclusive content on / for this site.

For great justice, of course.

Dumb Apple

Soul Wrought of Terra Corrupt
Geostigma, Omega Gist
'Greed with what most of Cthulu said.

With nigh on 100 members, it might be a bit too soon to start teams. 'Specially since most of the people who are here are here because they knew each other on ACF/FFOF/FCF or the likes. To me, that would make them seem extremely elitist/exclusive to people who may be joining this happy band for the first time in the near future.

Sort of like, you had to be an ol' skool membah or something silly like that. [Gawds, I remember when it was "Team 1, Team 2, Team 3, Team 4"].

@.@ If that makes any sense.

I think Teams would work for, again, like Cthulu said, for site projects and such. Also, forum competitions that require a team effort.

... Just not quite yet.

<<" Nothing that would involve having moles inside super secret hidden forums that non shall pass.


[quote author=Tennyo link=topic=194.msg4969#msg4969 date=1230718330]
I hate peas. How about mashed potatoes and gravy instead. :monster:


Works for me as well. We can have a Peas & Gravy and a Mashed Potatoes & Gravy team, and have them battle it out in endless nitpicking threads about which of the two is canon.



AI Researcher
Mashed potatoes and gravy fgj. That was my dinner :monster:

[quote author=Tetsujin link=topic=194.msg4867#msg4867 date=1230688967]
Unless we gather translation teams fgj. :duhard: [/quote]

I was never a part of ACF's teams, and ignored its drama :monster:

But the idea of teams for a specific purpose sounds interesting. In some ways it could overlap with staff, but as long as you aren't giving people special benefits/bollocks (which if it was a staff dominated team would go mainly to staff members), that doesn't seem like a problem to me. It's basically staff's work, but slightly more categorised and with more help from the community.

I don't know what I'm saying. I agree with the Great One :monster:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
[quote author=Dumb Apple link=topic=194.msg4975#msg4975 date=1230719611]

With nigh on 100 members, it might be a bit too soon to start teams. 'Specially since most of the people who are here are here because they knew each other on ACF/FFOF/FCF or the likes. To me, that would make them seem extremely elitist/exclusive to people who may be joining this happy band for the first time in the near future.


Except those elitist cunts are not here yet, and probably won't like it much cause they can't get their jollies trolling the shit out of people here like they could on acf :mon:

I've also noticed the significant portion of people here really had nothing to do with acf drama or teams.

I've also pointed out that if we were to do this, it'd have to be completely different from what ACF did, otherwise there'd be no point in bothering.

I'm all for waiting further down the line to explore this avenue further though.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
[quote author=Dacon link=topic=194.msg5032#msg5032 date=1230749360]
[quote author=Dumb Apple link=topic=194.msg4975#msg4975 date=1230719611]With nigh on 100 members, it might be a bit too soon to start teams. 'Specially since most of the people who are here are here because they knew each other on ACF/FFOF/FCF or the likes. To me, that would make them seem extremely elitist/exclusive to people who may be joining this happy band for the first time in the near future.[/quote]Except those elitist cunts are not here yet, and probably won't like it much cause they can't get their jollies trolling the shit out of people here like they could on acf :monster:[/quote]Not to mention that this place doesn't seem to have elitist cunts on staff either, which is a big help in that regard. :monster:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Okay, I'm late to the game, but - I would like to see Renegades up and running again. :) I guess I'm in favor of all the teams and/or with the addition of new teams making a come back. :)


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
If teams were made here I suspect they wouldn't have the same names as the teams on ACF, if only for the purpose of enabling a fresh start.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
[quote author=V link=topic=194.msg5101#msg5101 date=1230767842]
If teams were made here I suspect they wouldn't have the same names as the teams on ACF, if only for the purpose of enabling a fresh start.

Makes sense to me. :)


Higher Further Faster
[quote author=Cthulhu link=topic=194.msg4986#msg4986 date=1230721495]Works for me as well. We can have a Peas & Gravy and a Mashed Potatoes & Gravy team, and have them battle it out in endless nitpicking threads about which of the two is canon.


Oh mashed potatoes of course. Nomura said so in the newest Ultimania, didn't you know? :duhard:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
[quote author=Tennyo link=topic=194.msg5109#msg5109 date=1230770506]Oh mashed potatoes of course. Nomura said so in the newest Ultimania, didn't you know? :duhard:[/quote]

I'm with Tennyo on this one. Mashed potatoes and gravy, ftw!


:P :-X

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
[quote author=firehahahahahaha link=topic=194.msg5306#msg5306 date=1230914613]
I don't feel like reading the past 6 pages. Can someone sum it up for me?

Completely undecided on the issue and agreed to postpone it until we have a sizeable memberbase.


Pro Adventurer
I read 2 pages and gave up , sorry guys. Any way heres my 2 pesos.

Sounds like a good idea to just wait for more activity to come your way.
On FFK's site we made teams before the first year was out , each team had like 10 members each and it was dead as... dead.
We recently re-implemented them with a slightly higher member base and its still dead as dead :P

@mog, teams contributed activity in a competitive nature.
The sig contests were great , the only problem is the contests were always the same with no imagination. There was alot of talk of different comps but never any follow through.

Not to mention the friendships that grew from these teams are a great contribution. When i first joined in ACF back in 04 i didnt think i would really give a shit about people lives there , i just wanted to post about FF and other crap and that was it. Then i joined FC (and later SO in 2006) and i really felt like i was part of a family.I really miss that feeling , i loved logging in and being interested in what was going on in the lives of all my buds , often times more so then i cared about my real life buds happenings. Thats just something that cant be achieved by posting in general discussion and what not.

There is going to be drama regardless if theres teams or not , somewhere down the road someone is going to hate someone and bitching will follow soon after. Its unavoidable.
Dismissing teams because everyone on ACF was a fucktard is a bad reason to dismiss it in the first place.
Dismiss it because it could kill forum activity , dismiss it because it wont be active at all.

But dont dismiss it because it might cause drama , if your afraid of drama you should of never joined a forum.



Gabriel said:
But dont dismiss it because it might cause drama , if your afraid of drama you should of never joined a forum.

Plus, dramas only start because there's people that allow it, :monster:.


Pro Adventurer
Drama only really starts because theres fucktards.
I dont see any fucktards here :P

I believe as long as everyone is lax and is just here to mingle everythings going to be fine.
Everyones just shell shocked from all the bull shit at ACF ,and to be honest i dont blame them the place was owned by an arse anyway , shit was bound to happen :P


Hmm, not sure if bringing back the teams would be a good thing or just bring damnation to this place. But I guess it wouldn't hurt to try again.

Just looking round and found something that made me lol, don't even know how long ago this was put up.
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