

Pro Adventurer
So now that the member base has grown a bit and the ratio of active members to total members is pretty neat (400 out of 500 is pretty fucking great imo), how about looking back at this idea?

With the current active member base it would be possible to pull off 2 or 3 30 member teams whilst keeping both the sub forum and main forum active.
I think nows the time to bring the members ever closer :)


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
You know I think maybe if Teams weren't so largely segregated like they were at ACF. You had 4 basic teams, and everyone could very easily fall into one of the four. And the rivalries between them was quite strong. But I think if there were more, smaller teams to choose from, it might diffuse the so adage of "You're not good enough to be in this group, you belong with so and so." I reckon more, smaller teams would be made equal.

...make any sense?


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
I think just requiring that teams not be exclusive on anything except competitions would cut down on a lot of drama. It certainly pretty much ended the drama between SO and FC, at least ON acf.

That said, I'm still kind of sceptical that the idea can work at all.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
I don't know. I think the idea certainly has the potential to work. The memberbase here isn't so brutally divided and actually all get along (pretty much afaict) quite well. There's certainly a lot less risk just because the members seem to be less likely to get involved with the dramatic team based asshattery than they were at ACF.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Plus, it's alot easier to sense where division is coming from, and you guys can hand out warnings to people who are trying to start drama for the sake of drama. :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Fair point. It could work; if there's enough enthusiasm for the idea and we come up with some sort of mechanism to ensure transparency (which clearly didn't exist with ACF's team system) then maybe most of the potential for drama can be stifled.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Attempts only came to try and moderate and implement transparency with the teams far, far, far too late on in ACF's history. Trying to implement new rules against the grain of tradition and stuff, it was no wonder it didn't take. Things might be different if the proper rules were set up from the off imo.

Cookie Monster

Tbh, I think teams should remain private. They should just be moderated by staff, and staff should respect each team's privacy by keeping any private info said within teams to themselves, which I'm sure we're capable of doing.

Also this,
I think just requiring that teams not be exclusive on anything except competitions would cut down on a lot of drama. It certainly pretty much ended the drama between SO and FC, at least ON acf.

Plus we don't have any subcultures like ACF had, so I doubt there will be any drama.


Pro Adventurer
A big issue of the drama with the ACF teams is that people already hated each other prior to joining the teams , hell prior to the teams being made.
ive been present through pretty much every ACF era and ill tell you what theres been drama in every single age of ACF , it was never the segregation that made the drama , in fact it only helped to hide and quell it more then anything.

People were bound to just hate on each other from the onset of acf.
TLS is different pretty much due to the fact that we arent seperated, were all together and we all get along fairly well. This can be attributed to the staff in my opinion , unlike ACF's staff you guys know how to make people chill which is a great factor.
With proper restrictions and proper modding this can work just like any other section of the forum.

Like i said a few weeks ago teams really bring a forum together, FC and SO (the 2 teams ive experienced extensively on ACF through out my 4 or so years there) were like big families to me and im sure they were to the other members. Theres just something about throwing people into a secluded area that brings them together very close.

I believe that if the team sections are to be made that they should stay private HOWEVER with a moderator to govern them all to keep shit from stirring , Ghost X did an amazing job of this in the last days of ACF and it worked like a charm.

I say we should sit down , think of some rules and regulations and test drive it.
If it doesnt work then it doesnt work and we can forget about it ,but dismissing it right off the bat just because someone may not like it is a fairly lame move.

As much as i loved the Somewhat Obssessed name i think we should come up with new and original teams with a very simple subforum , nothing extensive like the old ones.
Just the bare essentials.

if your enthusiastic about this idea please say so , mayhaps a poll is in store?


Beacause I am a puppet
I feel like a huge tard for asking, but could someone please define what a "team" is? Please and thank you.

I've read through the thread and I think I have a general sense of what they are in the context of a forum like this, but I'm not familiar enough with ACF to know all the ins-and-outs about what they do and what their purpose is. :huh:

And sorry I have to ask, btw :doh:


Pro Adventurer
A team is a group of members part of a usergroup that has access to a private sub forum here.
most of the time the teams compete in competitions like signature making , story telling ect.

Teams ultimate feature is that they bring members closer together though :P

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
I CBA to read this whole thread—or, for that matter, to read up on wtf teams actually were—but IMO no good comes of segregating members into different exclusive groups. What is this, the high school cafeteria? We should all be the same "team" here.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Oh damn, this shit again?

I was hoping we could just leave that shit at ACF and forget it.

Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
I CBA to read this whole thread—or, for that matter, to read up on wtf teams actually were—but IMO no good comes of segregating members into different exclusive groups. What is this, the high school cafeteria? We should all be the same "team" here.

Holy shit this.

I'm going to mail you a fucking trophy. A giant motherfucking trophy. Scratch that; how about I just Paypal you some money?


Pro Adventurer
I CBA to read this whole thread—or, for that matter, to read up on wtf teams actually were—but IMO no good comes of segregating members into different exclusive groups. What is this, the high school cafeteria? We should all be the same "team" here.

Segegrating would entail forcing members of teams never talk to each other again , the only reason there was a sense of segegration on ACF was because the members already couldnt stand each other prior to joining the teams.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I'm not worried about teams dividing the members, so much as teams sucking up the activity and shit here. Subforums of members posting in their own private area is not the focus of this site, nor is it a necessary way to get people to come together. We have forum groups now, and if people want to meet others, they can partake in discussions, post in General Chat, use the Chit Chat thread, and then hit up members on IM or PM. There are numerous outlets for members to get to know each other on a social level.

A smaller forum that takes focus from the main one is hardly necessary or productive at this point. We need to focus on the main forum, and not adding anymore distractions to it.

Let's try to NOT make this place a damn copy of ACF, please? I'm tired of people comparing it to ACF and trying to shoe-horn its failed concepts that have no place or need here. We don't need teams. Especially in light of member groups now. Use those.
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Cat Rage Room

Great Old One
It's still a form of (technically) segregation and separation, even if it's just encouraging it. And I don't like the idea of exclusive groups, either.

I'm not worried about teams dividing the members, so much as teams sucking up the activity and shit here. Subforums of members posting in their own private area is not the focus of this site, nor is it a necessary way to get people to come together. We have forum groups now, and if people want to meet others, they can partake in discussions, post in General Chat, use the Chit Chat thread, and then hit up members on IM or PM. There are numerous outlets for members to get to know each other on a social level.

A smaller forum that takes focus from the main one is hardly necessary or productive at this point. We need to focus on the main forum, and not adding anymore distractions to it.

This too.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
If you want to make a team or something, make a social group. That's what the function is for. You can make a fan club, a social group for your friends, whatever. It hardly necessitates an entirely new subforum. That's why we added social groups in the first place :monster:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I'm still trying to figure out wtf to do with that social group crap.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c

shut up kid.


Pro Adventurer
I'm not worried about teams dividing the members, so much as teams sucking up the activity and shit here. Subforums of members posting in their own private area is not the focus of this site, nor is it a necessary way to get people to come together. We have forum groups now, and if people want to meet others, they can partake in discussions, post in General Chat, use the Chit Chat thread, and then hit up members on IM or PM. There are numerous outlets for members to get to know each other on a social level.

A smaller forum that takes focus from the main one is hardly necessary or productive at this point. We need to focus on the main forum, and not adding anymore distractions to it.

Let's try to NOT make this place a damn copy of ACF, please? I'm tired of people comparing it to ACF and trying to shoe-horn its failed concepts that have no place or need here. We don't need teams. Especially in light of member groups now. Use those.

I doubt it would cause that much loss of activity , it would probably cause about as much loss as having an affiliate most likely.
This is why i suggested just having the bare essentials in the sub forum , a small general discussion section , hellos/good byes and feed back maybe.

The idea is not to seperate but to bring the group of members closer together im a firm believer that teams , if implemented properly (with proper regulations as well) can achieve very easily.
It wouldnt be making any cliques , we would sitll hang out in the main forum but well just know each other on a more personal level.

That said i say we atleast give it a shot rather then dismiss it right off the bat , whats the harm in a test drive?


To be honest , social groups are ridiculously stupid imo.
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