TES V: Skyrim


Double Growth


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Surprised this hasn't been posted yet, apparently the latest patch contains a bunch of code and stuff hinting at future DLC and a lot of names of locales in Morrowind have been found.

People thinking that a DLC might actually ADD Morrowind to the game are being a little too ambitious. However, I could totally see going to Solstheim (An island north of Morrowind that Skyrim gifted to them after Vvardenfell blew up.)

Also, dragon riding. Great Justice.

Technically, Morrowind IS in the game, though it's not actually populated with anything. And yes, it's stupidly ambitious to try and add it into the game, but Morrowind related DLC, especially as it relates to the Atmeri influence over the Dunmer Island would definitely be possible.


Yeah, the rumors I read about it is that they're going to include Solstheim - which makes a surprising amount of sense, somehow, seeing that Solstheim and Skyrim are pretty close together, if only culturally.

I need to get back to this game again, finish it, and get DLC and stuff, :monster:.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Plus all those obscure, mysterious islands up over yonder :monster:

There's plenty of related lore to be mined, and it'd be pretty big if they included Morrowind all over again.


I'm getting pretty close to the end of the main story. I should be able to finish it tomorrow, studying notwithstanding and all that :P


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Yes yes, but tell us the REALLY important details- how far in (totally unrelated questline) are you?

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Bethsda really knows how to show off combat AI. My latest dragon fight was against an Ancient Dragon over the College of Winterhold. Watching it land on the roofs where I couldn't slash at it was annoying! But I got to use my new Storm Atronoch spell, so it's all good.

General series pet peeve: I find it slightly unrealistic that you are the only person who can cast Illusion spells like Calm, Frenzy and Fear. I have to wonder what combat would be like if the NPCs could cast in on you and it could work if your level was low enough. Also, those spells would be awesome for torture/interrogation. Illusion is the magic school that freaks me out the most.


Plus all those obscure, mysterious islands up over yonder :monster:

There's plenty of related lore to be mined, and it'd be pretty big if they included Morrowind all over again.

Well, they are working on TES Online at the moment. It's in a completely unrelated engine and will probably contain only a tiny part of the TES world, but still.

Actually ffs, fuck you Bethesda, you guys suck; fix up your engine to support multiplayer and spend the next ten years completely building your world in a chunk at a time, you'll make billions. And no, you won't do that with your online attempt, it's shite.


Double Growth




Looks pretty neat / interesting, :monster:. I should finish the damn game.


Double Growth
Looks pretty sweet. I see spears, and lots of Morrowind-looking locales and enemies. I likey.

Also, that helm looks like you, Cthulhu :monster:
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Um, yes. Looks like it's going to answer my call for several things I wish Skyrim had:
1. A wider variety of enemies
2. More varied locale (I know, I know, this is Skyrim - it is what it is geographically, and it's beautiful, but...I want to see more locations done up in Skyrim's engine)

Force said:
Also, that helm looks like you, Cthulhu

Yup. Hahahaha


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
If they allow dragon riding, I'd be this all day and never come down




Actually, I'm not sure if they can make dragon riding work that well in the engine; if you recall Morrowind, at one point you could pick up a spellbook early on in the game that allowed you to jump straight across the map in one go. That caused a rather jarring gameplay, seeing that for every 'block', the game had to load a bunch of stuff - and iirc the amount of stuff that has to be loaded or streamed has only increased since. Although I guess it could work to some degree if altitude matters in terms of how much stuff is loaded / run, and of course to how fast the thing flies.

But, like shooting arrows from the back of a horse (or horse riding, period), it'll probably never become as smooth as the average arcade game.

I am suddenly getting flashbacks of Drakan from back when, which combined 3rd person action/RPG gameplay with dragon riding. And Drakengard, off course. Both of which had a pretty decent transition / experience, iirc. Although in case of the former I only every played the demo. For the ass, off course.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Horseback archery turns deer hunting from the most difficult low-level thing to do to the easiest thing to do in the game, period. It makes me sad because for my first character I put all those points into Stamina (and nothing else :awesome: ) so I could outrun deer on foot and cut them down with my two-handed sword. :wacky:

I picked up the mod that allows you to ride a variety of animals, which includes the ability to ride dragons. No flying yet, though.

On the other hand, the mod lets you ride deer and stag and what-not. And bears.
I get to ride furry tractors.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^^Cool mod. I used a different one to get myself a good mount. It conjures a see-through horse that goes twice as fast as the normal ones do. It works really well too and since I get everywhere really fast, I hardly ever use fast-travel. Given that it does make cell loading look really obvious (and lame), I'd say dragon-riding is probably not going to happen.

Speaking of mods... what types mods do you guys use?


SkyUI - changes the menus to make them more like Oblivion's. It's a beautiful thing.

Force: "SkyUI is ta amazings. Because the regular menu sucks monkey ass."


orite, I've had SkyUI ever since it came out I think, :monster:. I'm actually a bit surprised that the guys behind Skyrim haven't rebuilt the menu themselves yet.

Also, shooting shit from horseback is shit, :monster:. Although I do think I've gotten pretty good at 'regular' archery, hitting moving targets etc. I have a simple mod that adds more random 'traveler' NPC's on the roads. Easy kills. Especially when they run. Muahaha :monster:


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
So, they got me Dragonborn.

Arrived at Ravenrock. Got greeted by a "Remember, we are watching you" before I could step out from the boat as Morrowind's OST played in the background.

Cue tsunami of nostalgia :monster:


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Apparently I've put in 419 hours.

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