TES V: Skyrim


I don't recall finishing either their storylines, so I have no opinion, :monster:. Actually, iirc the only questline I actually finished was the mages' guild one, and that one mainly because it's the shortest of the bunch.

I actually got back to playing it, trying to do both the main quest and Dark Brotherhood ones. finally. ffs, y u no finish things, :monster:


Forgot the cutesy in my other pants. Sorry.
Mama Dragon
Regarding the Thalmor dissoers, I learned that, whatever the Dominion sees as good, it's bad for Skyrim.

I sided with Ulfric during my first playthrough just because I saw it fit, since I was playing as a Nord, but I think the correct choice is to side with the Empire. It's not only about the Dominion, it's about what happens with the population. I hated myself when the smith at Whiterun told me that they let her have her shop open only because whe was married to a Nord :/

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Oh boy, who do I side with? Good job Bethsda for making there be no right answer.

Personally, I would go with the Stormcloaks. Long-term wise I think they're the best choice. Short-term wise the Imperials are.

Here's my analysis of the situation divided into all the major players and what they want and what their motives are. Feel free to comment.

The Thalmor: At the core, these guys want anyone who isn't a native race of Tamriel dead. The only thing holding them back is how fast they can do this and get away with it. For them, the civil war in Skyrim is a good thing. It pits a whole bunch of humans, most of whom are good at fighting, planning and leadership, against each other and a lot of them end up dead. And the Thalmor aren't even to blame and don't even get their hands dirty. It also gives them more time to go after the people who don't fight in the war. If the Imperials win, humans won't be killing each other off, but the Imperials have a treaty with the Thalmor and aren't in any shape to oppose them. So the Thalmor's goals will just take longer. The worst thing that could happen is for the Stormcloaks to win. Then not only are humans not killing eachother, but the Thalmor will be driven from Skyrim and they won't have any influence there at all. This also frees up Skyrim to ally with other countries who don't like the Thalmor as well, like Hammerfell. Also, the Thamor have been planing this a long time, they just need a opportunity to get in power and the Obivion Crisis give them one. And if you do beleave everything you read, it's not just the humans the High Elves think are abominations... I don't like where that could lead.

The Imperials: These guys signed a treaty with the Thalmor (Aldmeri Dominion, they're pretty much the same to me) that runs along the lines of "do what we want you to do and we won't slaughter you all". Where do what we want you to do equals, no worshiping Talos, letting the Thalmor do whatever they want and no resistance groups. On the plus side, everyone gets peace, on the negative side, how real is the peace with all the Thalmor sneaking about. What makes the situation even worse is that the Imperials don't like the Thamor either, but they obey them anyway because the Thalmor are currently more powerful then them, so the peace is a very flimsy peace. The way I see it, there is no "good end" for the Imperials. If the war goes on, more of them die. If they lose, and the Stormcloaks win, they'll have to come to terms with the fact that someone did push the Thalmor back, as well wondering where they stand with the Thalmor. If they win, they will have to keep peace in Skyrim, which probably won't be that easy (because I have a hard time seeing the Nords only having one rebellion against the Thalmor). They'll also have to deal with what the Thalmor want the Imperials to do after they take over Skyrim.

Stormcloaks: These guys are the most straightforward of the bunch. Someone invaded their home and told them to give up centuries of tradition and they don't like it. The only thing really complicated about them is their leader. They can get both the best and worst endings as well. If they loose, they all die (and someone else follows their example?). If they win, the Thalmor are out of Skyrim. Then they'll have to deal with keeping peace in Skyrim, but at least they won't have the "who is really in charge here?" feeling the Imperials do. As far as the long-term future of humanity goes, you can't get much better then this.

Ulfric: When it really comes down to it, this guy reminds me of Talos. Both Nords, both can shout, both are fighting against elven invaders, bothe are leading large groups of people etc. One big difference I do see is that while Talos wanted to take over all of Tamriel, Ulfric just wants the invaders out of Skyrim (as far as I could tell). His big flaw is that he's racist. That said, eveybody in Tamriel has this issue to at least some degree, so it's a social norm, and Nords seem to have it particularly bad (Kadjiits anyone?). For me, it's also a very weak argument against him as the Empire dealt with this a lot and it was only towards the end of the 3rd Era that it became the way it is in Oblivion, that is, every race is as equal as any other race. (Anyone think what it wouold be like to be one of the elven races at the time of Talos?) The strongest case I can make against him is that we don't know what he is going to do yet with being High King of Skyrim, whereas we can make a good guess as to where the Thamor and Imperials are going. I'd say he's the the lightest of three grey paths to take, at least if you want the human races to have the best chance for survival.

You, the player, have a talent for Shouts. The Greybeards are not dragonborn (as far as I can tell), but they can also use Shouts, only with a lot more training. Then you have Ulfric, who can uses Shouts also, but is not the type of person who the Greybeards would train. So where did The learn how to Shout? He can't be dragonborn as then he would have to kill dragons to unlock the Shouts... if I'm missing something I'd like to know.

From what I can tell, being dragonborn means you have the spirit of a dragon in the form of a human. Here's the thing, what are most dragons like? Most of them want to subdue the mortal races. And Talos was a dragonborn and what is he famous for... really trying not think that the two are related.

This is the TES that turns a lot of per-established TES history on it's head, or at least, made me think what it would be like to live though it. Living in a fantasy world is not all it's cracked up to be.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
To be quite honest, I didn't have a problem with the Stormcloaks - it was just Ulfric I saw as an insufferable prick. To me the Imperials represented that sort of ineffectual-but-unoffensive governance that didn't have the backbone to stand up against the Thalmor. But on the flip side, judging from the way Ulfric forces his rebellion towards a power grab seems to me that he'd be much better at *taking* the throne than actually *keeping* it.

Can't win all your fights by shouting other Jarls into bits, :monster:

Also yeah the Thalmor are probably the most uppity out of all the sentient races. Either way I see it, Skyrim and the Nords are obviously screwed in the long-term unless, well, someone particularly powerful with a lot of influence can somehow unite the entire race against the real threat oppressing them.

I wonder who could do that :awesome:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I fell like most people think that all the Stormcloaks are like Ulfric when that isn't the case.

And yeah, its kinda funny how in both Morrowind and Skyrim it's only slightly obvious (yeah, right) that the Player is going to be the one in charge in the near distant future, or at least, the one influencing everyone else. (Morrowind abolishes slavery anyone?)

Oblivion was a lot more: random person gets involved and then disappears (because they became the Daedric Prince of Madness). I'd love to see the Thalmor's reaction to that...


So I discovered the Vampire guys castle by accident after finishing up the Solitude lighthouse quest chain. Came out of the cave and said to myself "That looks like a castle in the distance. Let me swim my horse over there".

Also thank goodness the 'Forbidden Legend' quest is fixed.


~The Other Side of Fear~
I still can't play Dawnguard. Damn PS3. :(

I favor the Empire though the game really makes the correct answer to have everyone sing some happy song and get along. roffles

I like the Empire because Ulric really is a prick, I liked Whiterun a hella lot, and just generally liked the Imperials a lot more. That, despite picking a Nord. xD

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Ulfric is more than a prick.

That's an insult to pricks everywhere.


New DLC announced, confirming the newly registered Hearthfire name. Basically, it's a relatively cheap ($5 / €5) build your own home mod. Kinda derpy, tbh, but I guess people will like it.


New DLC announced, confirming the newly registered Hearthfire name. Basically, it's a relatively cheap ($5 / €5) build your own home mod. Kinda derpy, tbh, but I guess people will like it.

Now my dream of building a 7th Heaven and adopting my own Marlene and Denzel can come true!

And now to find the perfect Clo...Tifa to start this home with.
Last edited:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
You mean the Priory and Shivering Isles DON'T count as home expansions?

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I don't count them as being Home expansions primarily because the bulk of those DLCs were about the questline associated with them. Where as the other DLC were just about the house.


Now my dream of building a 7th Heaven and adopting my own Marlene and Denzel can come true!

And now to find the perfect Clo...Tifa to start this home with.

Next mod will be more customization options for your characters and wive(s), particularly concerning bust size and jigglyness.


Double Growth
That IS screwed up, what's the holdup? (but I still maintain TES belongs on PC.)

I finally got to spend a whole weekend playing Skyrim and it was GLORIOUS. Finally got to venturr to the western side of the map. But damn the quests rack up so much faster than I can complete them.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
That IS screwed up, what's the holdup? (but I still maintain TES belongs on PC.)

I finally got to spend a whole weekend playing Skyrim and it was GLORIOUS. Finally got to venturr to the western side of the map. But damn the quests rack up so much faster than I can complete them.

Eventually, they start winding down again, and most of the quests are actually really tiny things.
I tended to get like 10-20 at once and try and clear out a bunch at once that clustered around each other.


At the moment I'm mostly trying to balance / finish two questlines, the main quest and the Dark Bro'hood. But still there's a lot of work to be done, :monster:. In the main quest I'm now at
ooo purdy giant cave


When I first started playing a couple of weeks ago, I spent most of my time doing the main storyline quests and largely ignored the multitudes of side quests. Heck, I barely picked any up. It was until
Delphine sent me to Solitude I meet with her contact
that I started doing side quests, and that was largely because
when Malborne told me to leave my best equipment with him, I freaked out, having thoughts of "oh no sabotage am I going to get my stuff back?!" so I just haven't gone any further with that, though I suppose if that were to end up being the case, it would have been better to lose all of my equipment then rather than now when I have much better stuff :monster: I kind of doubt that the game would screw me so royally in the main quest line
, but fear of that has driven me to do other quests for the past week or so. I'm really enjoying it, more than I thought I would. I've not really been one to play games on PC, or even games as open ended as this one is, and I was afraid when it first came out that I wouldn't really get into it, but I find myself just wanting to do one more quest before I go to school/eat/bed/shower/what have you, and I keep looking at my skill trees and trying to figure out how to best navigate through them and boy oh boy do I need to up my smithing skills. I want so hard to be able to work on enchanted stuffs, haha. The one thing I just cba to even want to try to get into is alchemy. It seems like it would be such a pain.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I can now take down giants by myself. Two at a time even.

My goal is to turn myself into a monk class and punch everything. Then I can start the game for reals.

So yes, I've just been grinding this past year.


Double Growth
Skyrim doesn't have an Unarmed skill like Oblivion though, right? I know there is a perk or two for it, but seemed toughter to specialize in it. Do you just wreck the other guy in brawls?

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^Given you can't get into brawls with anything that is attacking you, that would be a no. I do remember seeing a glove that has a "fortify hand to hand" enchantment on it, though.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Yep, gloves of the pugilist or something like that. You snag them off a guy in the riften sewers (I think) then disenchant it to get the ability to add hand to hand to your gloves. With a grand soul gym and some fortify enchantment potion I can add 10 pts extra for now.

I really want to get some gloves closer to 100 though (66 right now). I'm also at 100 in smithing and enchanting, and am working on alchemy and heavy armor. The "hit proportional to gauntlet rating" perk in the heavy armor class is very important.
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