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Celes Chere

Four pages....


God, that spoiler picture is going to scar me for life. I didn't think I could be anymore scarred than I already am, either.

when we see Cloud driving away from her?

The script... IT LIES!


Higher Further Faster
Because in reality, Sephiroth is Ronald McDonald. And the ponies just love McDonalds.



You think that's scary?

And Ronald can be hot...

If it hadn't been for Celes' comment I wouldn't have clicked on that spoiler to see that pic. lol


Yeah. And they say something like Aerith does NOT need Cloud in her profile to make her story an interesting one, unlike "someone"
I love this. it's hilarious because they're so pathetic in trying to come up with excuses why SE never feels the need to connect Cloud and Aerith with anythign other than "guilt" and "comrade" and "friend who died".

Tifa is just not interesting enough as a character, that's why they talk about Cloud and her all the time!!11
Just like Aeris never making it in the EU AC site = Aeris is too important a character to be listed in the character list, like she is too important to appear in trailers and pictures unlike that Tifa (except for KH2. That just means Tifa was a totally last-minute addition to appease the sex-crazed fanboys who fap to her)

I'd say that's Cleris-logic for you, but as Jon-Jon says, that'd be an oxymoron.


Great Old One
Four pages....


God, that spoiler picture is going to scar me for life. I didn't think I could be anymore scarred than I already am, either.
Here you go:

D :

Tennyo, that may be just the ugliest and funniest thing I've ever seen. LMAO. Cloud Strife the KFC Man? Hahhaha!


盈盈一水间 脉&
Geez, I find some Chinese Aerith fans says that Cloud is IMMORTAL but Tifa is not so they will never be romantically involved. And they bash Nomura and dislike all the compilations except MoTP. WTF !

OMG, there is even bulshit like Cloud REBUILT his personality after the final battle with Sephy? What could I say about these lame rabid fans.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Cloud didn't go anywhere by himself in DC. Cloud, Tifa, and Barret evacuated Edge with the orphans because of the DG threat. THATS where they were.


Your Mom
Mako, they're taking about the very end, when Tifa is shown at the bar and Cloud is gone. Some Clerith fans like to say, "see! he's gone again, out meeting up with a certain someone, if you know what I mean," when the game itself says he's out looking for the missing Vincent and calls Tifa with an update.


Higher Further Faster
Wait, people think that Cloud not being shown at Seventh Heaven at the end of DoC implies that he's ditched Tifa and the kids? HOW DO THEY COME UP WITH THIS STUFF?!

Like Bella said, Cloud is out searching for Vincent. ZOMG CLONCENT PROOFS!

And since Tifa has an answer for Yuffie it obviously implies that Cloud is keeping in contact with her while he is out.

And yes I just made up the term Cloncent now. You like? :wacky:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Let's try not to stay TOO far off topic and get overly spammy here. ;)

You've gotta think about the totally fucked up Mental state of Cloud in FFVII, along with the parallels of his/Aerith's relationship mimicing that of her & Zack's shown in Crisis Core & the effects on both of them.

Cloud doesn't even really know who he is when she dies - which contributes a lot for him feeling responsible for her death after he re-discovers who he really is. That being said, he probably did really care for with a little piece of his true self, in and amongst that melded persona that you get to know at he beginning of FFVII.

Aerith hadn't seen Zack for a LONG time, but still cared about him enough to write letters to him for years. (89 over 4 years works out to a letter about every 2.5 weeks). After that, she ends up meeting a First Class SOLDIER who falls through her church ceiling with the same mannerisms as Zack. Over time, she grows fond of him & really cares about who Cloud is, aside from being enamored with the memory of her lost love. BUT I think that there's still a distinct difference between her caring about Cloud & being in love with him.

NOW - You look at the other 2 relationships.

Zack & Aerith: They had a very fully fleshed out and defined relationship - a rarity in FFVII. They worked through a lot of grief & other situations together, but both of their stories are tragically cut short (or continue in the Lifestream, take your pick). They both cared for each other greatly, and both ended up dying to save Cloud. Zack doesn't show his emotions a lot after Angeal's death, but you can see how when he reads Aerith's final letter, how determined to get back to Midgar he becomes, and you know that he felt very strongly about her.

Cloud & Tifa: Tifa has stuck around with Cloud being crazy, brave, emo, and basically everything else. Cloud probably wouldn't be back to being Cloud if it weren't for her, and deep down, he's really still the kid who went off to join SOLDIER & promised to save her one day, and that's what he's re-discovering in himself in AC, is the hero in him, not the hero that he was pretending to be (which I really think is the theme of ACC).

X :neo:

Celes Chere

And Ronald can be hot...

LOL. The female version of that is quite nice, too. And as for the other link... Wow. I can't handle it! I rofled though, xD.


DAMNIT, I KNEW IT! Did anyone else notice he closed himself off to everyone but Vincent in AC?



Rebel without a Cause!!!
Who to choose, who to choose!

I say threesome. Got one hot/cute man, one hot chick, and one cute chick, and you have it made! Just kidding!

Anyway, from what little of the original game I've played, what I could understand of Advent Children, and any research I have done. I can't see any of them together.

I mean, when Aerith was alive, I could see her as the mischievous, little sister that Big Brother wants to protect. But, in AC, I came to see Aerith as more of maternal figure to Cloud and the others (although her mischievous attitude was still there).

As for Tifa, I can see something between her and Cloud. In FFVII, Cloud mentions her as being his first crush, and wanting to impress her. He also makes a promise with her. And, I can see Tifa crushing on him in the original game. However, Cloud's feelings were a little confusing to me, even after Aerith died.

There is definitely something deep between Tifa and Cloud, but I don't think it is a mutual relationship. Cloud just seems too shy and withdrawn to make his feelings known, and Tifa is too independent and tomboyish to admit her feelings (she could also be a romantic, waiting for her knight in shining armor to confess his love to her and sweep her off her feet).

It is possible for a man and a woman to live together, and love each other beyond that of friends, family, or lovers.

EDIT: Besides I see Aerith more with Zack than with Cloud.
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The shy n' quiet one :P
Sooo....lemme sum up what I've been reading for the last 20 minutes (MAN you people post a lot O.O)

Clerith fans make people LOL and facepalm, are desperate, want to crush us Clotis, are pretty pathetic, and make excuses over everything, correct me if I'm wrong there.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Sooo....lemme sum up what I've been reading for the last 20 minutes (MAN you people post a lot O.O)

Clerith fans make people LOL and facepalm, are desperate, want to crush us Clotis, are pretty pathetic, and make excuses over everything, correct me if I'm wrong there.

You got it.

Not all Clerith fans are like that though. But you gotta admit, they give the wrong impression about the people from the other side of the fandom. :awesome:


Great Old One
No, Cloudtail4ever. Let's not forget that not ALL Clerith fans are like this. Only the rabid pinkers do this, and the same goes for few Cloti fans out there who call themselves, 'Clito's,' (yeah, Clito's). Rabids will do anything to get their pairing straight, even if it is stupid and completely false. -_-

Not all Clerith fans are like that though. But you gotta admit, they give the wrong impression about the people from the other side of the fandom.
Yep, I've met a ton of nice Cleriths. And unfortunately so.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I'm always amused by how they preface the C/T position as Cloud 'moving on' when they haven't even established there being anything to move on from in the first place. Ah, good ole fashioned poisoning of the well.

And BWA, Tifa is certainly not tomboyish, nor is she too independent to admit feelings. She's quite shy, but certainly she was able to reveal her feelings to Cloud at several key junctures, such as the highwing sequence, in which they got their respective freak on.


Great Old One
Oh, didn't see BWA's post...

There is definitely something deep between Tifa and Cloud, but I don't think it is a mutual relationship. Cloud just seems too shy and withdrawn to make his feelings known, and Tifa is too independent and tomboyish to admit her feelings (she could also be a romantic, waiting for her knight in shining armor to confess his love to her and sweep her off her feet).
What Ryu said. And also, if Tifa was tomboyish, why would that effect her admitting her feelings to him? Just wondering. I don't necessarily think she's too shy to admit her feelings, as sometimes she was actually able to reveal them - and like Tifa said, without words. Though, it's kinda hard to debate about this right now without the movie coming out, right? lol. ^_^


The shy n' quiet one :P
I, too, have met some nice Clerith fans. But the majority of the ones I've seen are just...well, the things I listed, basically.
I had a convo with a Clerith fan once, who claimed Clerith was cannon, due to a recent *at the time recent* interview with Nomura, in which he stated they were cannon. I searched for that interview on the internet for half an hour.

And Tifa may not be a tomboy, but she certainly isn't overly girly, either.


Great Old One
Lol, well, okay. If there's a Clerith fan who claims that Nomura said that, then that's just total bull. Right there. Whoever did that must be very desperate.

And no, she isn't overly girly either.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Course not. She's womanly. Femininity isn't always about dressing up in frilly pinks and acting dainty. Sometimes the most feminine thing a woman can do it toss on a pair of rough jeans or overalls and start working outside a bit.


Higher Further Faster
No, Tifa isn't girly, but then a woman doesn't have to be girly to not be a tomboy. She is an equal mix of both in a way. She cooks and takes care of children, she's a martial artist and a bartender, she has lovely hair and a lovely face. She is shown wearing both pants with sneakers AND dresses with heals. She has a bit of a romantic side in that she likes the fantasy aspect of a prince running to her rescue (or at least she used to), yet at the same time she's never the one who really needs saving, is she? She likes to be able to take care of herself.
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The shy n' quiet one :P
To me, at least, that's really the key aspect of her character and attitude, which is why I like her so much in the first place.


Great Old One
Apparently, she is dependent on Cloud... and doesn't like taking care of herself. :duhard:

I think she is. I mean, okay, she's not a frail girl and can take care of herself ( and later, take good care of children ) without Cloud around... but honestly, the sole meaning of her existence as a character is her love for Cloud. Aerith loves Cloud as well, but she doesn't exist because of that. I don't know if I'm clear. Let's say that Tifa's character would serve no purpose in the story if Cloud didn't exist (remember how Nomura said she was created : fanservice first, then they added the Cloud's childhood friend *taken from Aerith's initial character*... she alone isn't a key character, it's because of her feelings and connection to Cloud's past that she became important... without that, she is just a pretty girl with good fighting skills who follows the flow of events... that's the reason why I think she can't concur in my heart as the next main heroine after Aerith ). Even without Cloud, Aerith's story and background would be important to the whole game.

It's funny, almost always, the hero and the heroine have to fall in love at some point in the story... but really, they're not the hero and the heroine because they/one of them are/is in love with each other/the other ( or we can proclame Sarah from Lost Odyssey the main girl *see, that's the same problem with her, she's the hero's wife and that's it, apart from that, she's plain boring and useless... hell, in fact, I can't exactly compare her to Tifa since Tifa's connection to Cloud's past helps him to come back in the fight... I don't remember Sarah being useful because of her connection to the hero... , IMO Sarah/Kaim is just , I was almost rolling on the floor when I saw their "happy" past, the hero's face was totally emotionless, à la Sweeney Todd when Lovett is daydreaming about her life ... *).

Ummrite, okay then. :awesomonster:


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
(edit)Oops, missed some posts. Also, Tenny said what I wanted to say better, hehehe. ^^

"And also, if Tifa was tomboyish, why would that effect her admitting her feelings to him?"

I could see how a tomboyish woman wouldn't want to admit their feelings, seeing as how, at least in fiction, they're usual embarrassed of their "girly" feelings and stuff.

But yeah, Tifa's not a tomboy, she's just not a waif, a damsel. Tifa's strong(physically and emotional), and that's a big part of why she's sexy.
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