That's weird. XDDD We must have had different sources. I, for one, don't remember where I read this from.

I read that they only had Aerith at first, then during a phone conversation decided to kill her off and bring out Tifa, which gave FF7 two heroines. I was thinking that Aerith was actually split in half and the other was Tifa. Aerith was the healer, Cetra half that died, and Tifa was the initial Aerith personality and Cloud devotion.
IDK I'm a n00b to the franchise. XDDDD But if this were the case, what about Zack? Does this mean the real LT was dead!Zackxinitial!AerithxCloud? Did they make Zack before splitting Aerith? D:
Also, I think both are important. Tifa is heroine to Cloud, while Aerith is heroine to the Planet.
And isn't Yuffie supposed to be the tomboy? LOL I've always had this impression that Tifa is a classy woman with badass martial arts kickassery.

And Tifa has teh boobs 8D
I think there are many nice Cleriths around in general forums. Because, well, it's not a Clerith focused forum. LOL
NICE TO MEET YOU, NICE CLERITH!!! I'm a nice Cloti! ...I think.