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Aeris does appear in DC. She's on a random poster :)
This is what it says: Cloud: 20-something. Strong. Saved Planet. Tired of clingy bitch ho. Looking for this angel. Seen her ghost around your petunias? Call Strife Delivery Service.

It says so in the game booklet, and the NA DoC site refers to her as a "girl he would never forget."
Because what else do you say about dead people other than "they'll be forever in our memories."

Sephiroth is also forever in his memories....shirtless. I wanna see Aeris beat that.


Higher Further Faster
Aeris does appear in DC. She's on a random poster :)

Oh yeah! To go along with the Cloud poster. And the Red XIII poster. And a shop sign with Cait Sith on the Moogle. And various other things because DoC had shitloads of Easter eggs. :)

This is what it says: Cloud: 20-something. Strong. Saved Planet. Tired of clingy bitch ho. Looking for this angel. Seen her ghost around your petunias? Call Strife Delivery Service.


Because what else do you say about dead people other than "they'll be forever in our memories."

But if they stay in your memories then it's true love!

Oh ew does this mean that I am in love with my grandma? Or my dog Arwen? D:

Sephiroth is also forever in his memories....shirtless. I wanna see Aeris beat that.

So do I.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Y'know, the accidentally Cloti Clerith thing reminds me of the fundamentalists, who deny the possibility of evolution, yet propose a version of the Ark story that by its very nature incorporates super fast evolution.

I think I've read about that one. XDDDDD I guess you can really see how one's logic is flawed when it seems to support the other side. :awesome:

Oh yeah! To go along with the Cloud poster. And the Red XIII poster. And a shop sign with Cait Sith on the Moogle. And various other things because DoC had shitloads of Easter eggs. :)



Oh yeah! To go along with the Cloud poster. And the Red XIII poster. And a shop sign with Cait Sith on the Moogle. And various other things because DoC had shitloads of Easter eggs
Yes, but the point is there was no poster of the busty one.
And that makes Cleris canonz!

and back to stalking: Cloud stalks Tifa when they're young. He watches her from windows and steals her panties, gaiz (in a totally platonic way) =(


AI Researcher
Which they never seem to remember, despite me knowing I've pointed it out about 30 times.
I'm sure I've said "the Japanese version says 'Tifa......'" only to see the same person repeated say "'......' means rejection!!"

That LOVELESS poster in DC looked like Tifa to me.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
And hasn't it always been "If Tifa's not around then it's CLERIS"? And Tifa is already married to Barret you gaiz therefore Cleris is canon :awesome:

So maybe littlekid!Cloud = Edward Cullen? XD

And don't you forget that stalking is romantic. :monster:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Wasn't the Aerith poster in AC only?

In DC, Tifa was all over the place.

Are you talking about that Loveless poster? :lol:

Yeah, Tifa was everywhere. But I always saw Aerith's image in Lucretia... :wacky: They look alike, I swear.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
But if they stay in your memories then it's true love!

Oh ew does this mean that I am in love with my grandma? Or my dog Arwen? D:

Yes! And I'm apparently in love with my cat Rubi. O.o

Well, she did die a horrible death right in front of my eyes.
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Higher Further Faster
Hey there's also a chocobo sign next to the temple sign! :D

AerithxChocobo? XD

Oh wait, Cloud is always called Chocobo head by fans. It's just more SE symborism for Clerith! <3
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