Fish makes me think of vagina.
That's pretty scary.
Why the fuck is The Northern Crater closed anyways? That's pretty lame in and of itself. Isn't that owned or maintained by some pinkers there, anyways?
A friend of mine who posts there (who is epic by the way. Aud, if you can see this, please fucking reply. o_o), says because apparently all the Clotis were ganging about on the Cleriths. Which, of course, last year at the NC, it was a Clerith dominated forum. Then after the Clotis joined and started debating all the Cleriths, they stopped because apparently the Clotis were 'jumping at 'em,' (of course, the real reason is because they had NO answer to the debates, and they can't debate), so only one was left to debate. And some Cleriths even went so far to saying that they had saved it on Word, and would 'debate later,' but they were just too busy doing stuff in their real lives, whilst they talked shit about us in the venting thread there.

Thus, because it was 'unfair,' that there was only one Clerith against all zeh rabid Clotis, they decided to close it and make up some excuse about how it was only till ACC comes out, when you can clearly see (from past posts of theirs) that they closed it because they can't debate with us, because they have no answers for us.
At least, I think that's the answer. Probably is.
I should tell crackit to come here, damn it. She was the one who posted there the most.
Alise, have you seen how he drew Squall and Selphie, Yuna and Seymour, Yuna and Brother, Aerith and SEPHIROTH, Cloud and Red, etc. etc. etc?
No, I didn't see, which is why I said, "in positions like those...?" Clearly in the pictures, it looks as though Cloud is holding Aerith in his arms, and that usually can be associated with something romantic. In the other pictures, then I asked, do they do the same things like the ones shown with Cloud and Aerith? Because I have no idea.
Besides, as I said, he's only the IMAGE ILLUSTRATOR. Even IF he drew them like that with the intent to cast them as a couple, his works are not part of the design process. If they were, he would be credited as a designer as well as illustrator, as he was for FFIX.
I know that, which is why I said that Amano didn't even count for the game anyways. I hope you don't
think that I actually believe in those pictures, as they are of no use as of now.
Giving new meaning to "KOI bito" I guess
Yes, because Koibito actually means Fish-somethin'.