The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Rookie Adventurer
^ I read the transfer student thing too. Which was, IMHO why creator's had to really amp up Aerith's cutesy / loveable / magical girl factor as much as possible so that people would adore her character in a short period of time. Problem with this is that she might appear a little too "in your face" for some people...hence the Aerith hate / Mary Sue stamp.

Tifa has a more slow and steady progression in her character development. I personally felt she was kind of dull in the beginning, though I liked the fact that she was a fighter. Then as the story goes on the player gets to like her more and more.

And Zack? Zack >>>> Cloud. Nuff said.
And Zack? Zack >>>> Cloud. Nuff said.


Tifa has a more slow and steady progression in her character development. I personally felt she was kind of dull in the beginning, though I liked the fact that she was a fighter. Then as the story goes on the player gets to like her more and more.

I actually liked her from the beginning. But there were times in the start when I wished they'd tell more about her. Good thing they started putting more emphasis on her character later on.

I officially loved her when it was that part with the Scarlet cat fight. I love it when girls don't back down and actually pawn.

Aerith is an awesome character, but Tifa for me was just THE character. :monster:..and THE girl for Cloud. :3


Selene, Sheila
whereas Aerith is the perfect girl you only meet once in a lifetime? I read that somewhere. Please verify.
Aerith was the "transfer student".

Though it's Tseng and Zack who both think Aerith is "one in a million", Tseng says it's cause she's a Cetra (a cover) but Zack openly means it as a girlfriend type.


I believe it he was talking about how they upped Aerith's appearances in the first fisc because they felt she needed to make an impact. Originally, she didn't show up as much, and the crew thought it wouldn't have as big an impact on the player. As "the girl who transfers quickly," they needed to show her more so the ones she is leaving behind felt really sad.

Yes. :3 They gave her very much screen-time and such, and also made her a person you would remember and she did affect all. They did that because they planned her death pretty early in the game.
That's probably why they made her like the "different girl". But that's why I love her so much :wacky:
She got her problems, but like some people said.. Their up and downs make them more real. :monster: And I really can understand Tifa's jealousy, she loves Cloud damn it. XDDD


Pro Adventurer
Lol, what? No offense, but it seems to me that Tifa's the one who works a lot more on trying to help others and their well being. Like Aki said, she can sometimes be a bit uncaring.
In my game she is the healer her limit break heals, she gets treated like a martyr and all that crap and plus just everything about her screams *love me because i am perfect*, i just hate that kind of person, nothing personal against Aerith it's more of that type of person really. Tifa was the one who was developed better, slow and steady, Aerith was more *here i am* and we learn everything about her, it's like someone said *in your face* and i can't really like that type.

EDIT crap forgot to sign in to my account, i'm Kaine

Lily Ella

Pro Adventurer
Aerith was the "transfer student".
Yep... she was the "transfer student" who is going to leave soon, so she has to make a big impact while she was still around.

Don't know here the "perfect girl you meet once in a lifetime" thing came from. Someone (a fan) probably made it up.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Next time, kaine, just delete the post you made with your brother's account, and repost with yours. Or just make sure you're in your account before posting if you share a computer.

As for treated like a martyr, what do you expect? She lost her life in the middle of the game. Adoy she'll be seen as a martyr even if she's not one.

Not sure how everything about her 'screams love me I am perfect', however. Elaborate. Grand, sweeping claims ought to be backed up with evidence and argumentation, etc.
I say that because she idk she comes off as perfect and attention grabbing, she just seems that type of person to me, first impression probably my reason for thinking that way, but again, it's not valid in this topic just ignore me. I understand Kaze, i'll delete it next time and make sure i'm in mine, would probably be better that way. Sorry Kaze i just can't help how i feel about someone.
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Higher Further Faster
It sounds to me like you just don't like how much of a flirt Aerith was in FFVII, am I right, Kaine?

Not that this is a bad thing mind you. Frankly it's part of why I like her, but different strokes for different folks, and all that jazz...


Can we get back to the subject? :monster:
But hey.. There are alot of proofs in the Ultimania you can check out here.
And how are Clerith's denying it? To me Cloti seems pretty canon right now.. :whistle:
Because it doesn't says: "Cloud and Aerith came to realize their feelings for eachother.. etc." on Aerith's or Cloud's page. But it does on Tifa's CC page that she and Cloud did. :wacky: And there are more.. but yeah. I just feel so upset that people tell me I'm wrong, but that is really.. a proof. Hm? I was a bit shocked first when I read Aerith's page tho. I were expecting some Clerith, because I was brain-washed. :awesomonster: I have no problem if you have fanon pairings, because I support Clerith very much. I just think that when you're trying to make the "couple" to nothing they are.. That's immature. But maybe I'm not being so mature, being bothered by this? But yeah.. I don't wanna feel like it's something wrong with loving another couple. Heh..

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
I don't think all this 'denying the canon' is actually something we can ever understand. I've never been one to support just a fully canon pairing either, I enjoy a lot of fanon pairings. In fact, I like fanon pairings better.

...not that I'm saying Clack is fanon or anything just because I like it better than Cloti. :awesomonster:

And you're not the only one bothered by this. I don't think it's immature, as I feel bothered by it as well. Although taking that from a 13 year old may not exactly help as much. :awesome:

Of course, I do have this urge to deny some canon Squinoa. I just don't like them together; I don't like the way they developed their feelings for each other, I don't like their backstory, I don't like their proofz (LOL), and I don't like Rinoa. But even then I'd probably be annoyed if someone said "I couldn't see Squinoa in FF8" or "This scene actually means Squall doesn't love Rinoa" etc. I think it's just stupid. The fact that I didn't act on my urges means I'm avoiding stupid, or sounding like one.

And I always did think that Zell wanted to touch Squall's other "gunblade". :shifty: /random

LTDs are pretty lulzy though, and it continues to amaze me at how much some people can take a lot of things out of context, and somehow sound logical. It sometimes makes me think that all of these are just for show. Everyone in the Pink Side are actually just deliberately doing such things to get the lulz out of our reactions. :awesome: Am I the only who thought this? Some of these things are too awful to be real. Koispacebito? SRSLY. That was obviously made to get something out of the Dark Side. They're secretly laughing at us. :shifty:

As for me fighting against the Clerith; I just love the characters individually too much. I love Zack, Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith. If Clerith happens, then what about Zack and Tifa? It's unfair for them. This is saying if Clerith were canon. In fanon, it's okay, because I ship Fack anyway. 8D I just feel that as characters in a world like FFVII, they deserve as much happiness in love as the next person, whether in the Lifestream or no.

Even Sephiroth deserves some lovin'. :monster:

Hojo doesn't. :catfight:

...Oh yeah, I made no sense. :hohum:


I don't think all this 'denying the canon' is actually something we can ever understand. I've never been one to support just a fully canon pairing either, I enjoy a lot of fanon pairings. In fact, I like fanon pairings better.

...not that I'm saying Clack is fanon or anything just because I like it better than Cloti. :awesomonster:

And you're not the only one bothered by this. I don't think it's immature, as I feel bothered by it as well. Although taking that from a 13 year old may not exactly help as much. :awesome:

Of course, I do have this urge to deny some canon Squinoa. I just don't like them together; I don't like the way they developed their feelings for each other, I don't like their backstory, I don't like their proofz (LOL), and I don't like Rinoa. But even then I'd probably be annoyed if someone said "I couldn't see Squinoa in FF8" or "This scene actually means Squall doesn't love Rinoa" etc. I think it's just stupid. The fact that I didn't act on my urges means I'm avoiding stupid, or sounding like one.

And I always did think that Zell wanted to touch Squall's other "gunblade". :shifty: /random

LTDs are pretty lulzy though, and it continues to amaze me at how much some people can take a lot of things out of context, and somehow sound logical. It sometimes makes me think that all of these are just for show. Everyone in the Pink Side are actually just deliberately doing such things to get the lulz out of our reactions. :awesome: Am I the only who thought this? Some of these things are too awful to be real. Koispacebito? SRSLY. That was obviously made to get something out of the Dark Side. They're secretly laughing at us. :shifty:

As for me fighting against the Clerith; I just love the characters individually too much. I love Zack, Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith. If Clerith happens, then what about Zack and Tifa? It's unfair for them. This is saying if Clerith were canon. In fanon, it's okay, because I ship Fack anyway. 8D I just feel that as characters in a world like FFVII, they deserve as much happiness in love as the next person, whether in the Lifestream or no.

Even Sephiroth deserves some lovin'. :monster:

Hojo doesn't. :catfight:

...Oh yeah, I made no sense. :hohum:

LOL, I'm 14 so... XDDD
And yeah, I still ship Clerith.. But as a fanon pairing.
Some people say: "But that dosen't mean it's canon because Cloud and Tifa realized their feelings for eachother!!"
Yeah, riiiight.. And they *THINK* that Cloud is Aerith's koibito in some new.. novella. I heard it's from Aerith's POV. But anyway, and that is a MAYBE. But Nomura have called Tifa a koibito in the Reunion Files (..or was it? XD) And that's not a maybe, that's for sure. And they are still denying it? :huh: I feel a bit sorry for them tho..

Nuh-uh, I will never forgive Sephiroth. He stabbed Aerith.. T^T And Cloud.
I got hurt after watching the Sephy vs. Cloud fight in ACC. So.. bloody..


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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Actually, I like Sephiroth's whole "penetration of Aerith" angle. It's so sexual, especially when dealing with symborisms. :awesomonster:

So I like Sepherith. :muhaha: Besides, I sort of feel sorry for Sephiroth. Sane Sephiroth (CC) was totally awesome...until he went crazy and started obsessing over Cloud's hawt pants. He totally needs a mother aka Aerith. :awesome:

As for that koibito thing, I think everyone's right. Just because Aerith declares Cloud is her koibito doesn't mean she actually is or ever was. I think that the creator's actual words beat what can be written in a novella; and if Cloud's her koibito, then what's Zack? A pile of potatoes?

Besides, we need to see and think more of Cloud's POV than Aerith's, if we're going to have to find out who Cloud really loves. But come on... Case of Tifa, anyone? :monster: Tifa didn't have to declare anything like that, and look how Cloud was acting. And let's not forget
how Cloud was so totally into the family thing. And he had more vivid flashbacks of Zack than anything. CLACK FTW :awesome: ...I mean, CLOTI FTW :shifty:
. Yup.

And I think you just posted a spoiler? o_o Spoiler tags?

CLACK FTW :reptar:

I'm just being a Cloti for show. :shifty:
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Actually, I like Sephiroth's whole "penetration of Aerith" angle. It's so sexual, especially when dealing with symborisms. :awesomonster:

So I like Sepherith. :muhaha: Besides, I sort of feel sorry for Sephiroth. Sane Sephiroth (CC) was totally awesome...until he went crazy and started obsessing over Cloud's hawt pants. He totally needs a mother aka Aerith. :awesome:

As for that koibito thing, I think everyone's right. Just because Aerith declares Cloud is her koibito doesn't mean she actually is or ever was. I think that the creator's actual words beat what can be written in a novella; and if Cloud's her koibito, then what's Zack? A pile of potatoes?

Besides, we need to see and think more of Cloud's POV than Aerith's, if we're going to have to find out who Cloud really loves. But come on... Case of Tifa, anyone? :monster: Tifa didn't have to declare anything like that, and look how Cloud was acting. And let's not forget
how Cloud was so totally into the family thing. And he had more vivid flashbacks of Zack than anything. CLACK FTW :awesome: ...I mean, CLOTI FTW :shifty:
. Yup.

And I think you just posted a spoiler? o_o Spoiler tags?

CLACK FTW :reptar:

I'm just being a Cloti for show. :shifty:

I don't know if you'll count that as a spoiler, I thought everyone knew that.. But sure, i'll make it a spoiler. :monster:
And we know what Aerith and Tifa feels.. It's up to Cloud now.
But we kind of got the answer in Case of Tifa.
Like, he said he wanted to start a new life with her.
He blushed infront of her.
He said she had always been with him.
And yeah..
I just love how Cloud talks so much about his family in ACC. *drools* XDDD
Aaaah, I think you do like Cloti. Hm? :lol:
But the Clack moments are EPIC.
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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
LOL You gotta use spoiler tags.

[spoiler]INSERT SPOILAH HERE[/spoiler]
M'kay? :) I don't want anyone getting spoiled.

That's why Cloti is so canon AMIRITE :monster:

I mean, Cloud obviously has feelings for Tifa as she has for him. It's not something anyone needs to think too deeply about. The fact that Aerith fell in love with Cloud is irrelevant. Slight Clerith is slight. And the fact that FFVII Clerith proofz supports Zerith tells us how Aerith's feelings for Cloud is not valid for the LTD anymore.

And just because Aerith loves Cloud doesn't mean he loves her back. Very few evidence point to this; and by evidence, I mean actual facts. More evidence points to him having feelings for teh Tifa. LIEK SRSLY :awesomonster:

It's a wonder why the LTDs still exist right now, but I'm not complaining. I like the lulz coming out of it. XDDDDDD

And the symbolism aren't just for who loves who. Remember the wolf? Is it symbolizing that Cloud loves Zack or something like that? No, it does not. ...wait, yes it does.

Some rabids get too focused on the LTD to appreciate everything else about FFVII. It's sad...but funny. :awesome:
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Pro Adventurer
So I like Sepherith. :muhaha: Besides, I sort of feel sorry for Sephiroth. Sane Sephiroth (CC) was totally awesome...until he went crazy and started obsessing over Cloud's hawt pants. He totally needs a mother aka Aerith. :awesome:
I loved Sane Sephiroth but sometimes I wish CC hadn't made him so awesome. When I think about how awesome he was before and the mother bleeper he turned out to be, I want to shave his head and kick him where it hurts until he starts stops crying for his mommy.

Aerith and Zack should totally btw. And teach him some manners! :awesome:

As for that koibito thing, I think everyone's right. Just because Aerith declares Cloud is her koibito doesn't mean she actually is or ever was. I think that the creator's actual words beat what can be written in a novella; and if Cloud's her koibito, then what's Zack? A pile of potatoes?
Nonono, everyone's getting the wrong idea.

Aerith is declaring Cloud her koibito because she doesn't actually speak Japanese. You see, she just heard Zack refer to Cloud as his koibito (they speak Japanese in Gongaga) and now she thinks it means "friend" and calls him her koibito too. But we all know it means so much more!

Oh, is that more Clack proofz I see? :awesome:

Besides, we need to see and think more of Cloud's POV than Aerith's, if we're going to have to find out who Cloud really loves. But come on... Case of Tifa, anyone? :monster: Tifa didn't have to declare anything like that, and look how Cloud was acting.
Precisely. Even if we assume that Aerith ended up loving Cloud at some point, when did he ever show romantic feelings for her? If what we see are romantic feelings, what do we call what he shows for Tifa throughout the Compilation? Mega romantic?

And let's not forget
how Cloud was so totally into the family thing. And he had more vivid flashbacks of Zack than anything. CLACK FTW :awesome: ...I mean, CLOTI FTW :shifty:
. Yup.
^ This. :awesome::awesome::awesome:

CLACK FTW :reptar:

I'm just being a Cloti for show. :shifty:
You were starting to worry me! :awesome:


LOL You gotta use spoiler tags.

[spoiler]INSERT SPOILAH HERE[/spoiler]
M'kay? :) I don't want anyone getting spoiled.

That's why Cloti is so canon AMIRITE :monster:

I mean, Cloud obviously has feelings for Tifa as she has for him. It's not something anyone needs to think too deeply about. The fact that Aerith fell in love with Cloud is irrelevant. Slight Clerith is slight. And the fact that FFVII Clerith proofz supports Zerith tells us how Aerith's feelings for Cloud is not valid for the LTD anymore.

And just because Aerith loves Cloud doesn't mean he loves her back. Very few evidence point to this; and by evidence, I mean actual facts. More evidence points to him having feelings for teh Tifa. LIEK SRSLY :awesomonster:

It's a wonder why the LTDs still exist right now, but I'm not complaining. I like the lulz coming out of it. XDDDDDD

And the symbolism aren't just for who loves who. Remember the wolf? Is it symbolizing that Cloud loves Zack or something like that? No, it does not. ...wait, yes it does.

Some rabids get too focused on the LTD to appreciate everything else about FFVII. It's sad...but funny. :awesome:

GAH. I'm new here, I don't know how to use that kind of.. stuff. D:
But I did! Now, gimme some cookies? :awesomonster:
Errrrh, suuuuuure.. That's really some evidence you got there. XDDD
Anyway, all I have to say is.. Cloti is so canon it hurts babeh.
It sounds to me like you just don't like how much of a flirt Aerith was in FFVII, am I right, Kaine?

Not that this is a bad thing mind you. Frankly it's part of why I like her, but different strokes for different folks, and all that jazz...
Good point, thats a reason why i don't like her as well Tennyo.

Celes Chere

t sounds to me like you just don't like how much of a flirt Aerith was in FFVII, am I right, Kaine?

When I first played the game, I ended up not liking her for that reason as well. If you say that Tifa is your girlfriend, she will still continue to flirt with Cloud, and she will still flirt with him knowing that Tifa has an interest in him. It just bothered me, but when I got to thinking about it, I just felt bad for Aerith. Her loss of Zack, how lonely she must have been for a long time... and then his clone shows up? XD That must have been pretty confusing and kind of hellish.

And, wait a moment.
Aerith declared Cloud as her koibito? Is this more 2ch bullshit?
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Great Old One
No, not bullshit. And you should add a spoiler there.

I feel bad for Aerith too - clearly a girl would be confused if she had a guy reminding her of her first love, I don't think Aerth was trying to be a bitch when she flirted with Cloud, it just came naturally because she was reminded of the Zack in Cloud.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I'm confused.

Wasn't Case of Lifestream from Sephiroth's point of view? If it's from Aerith's, does that mean it overrides Maiden? I'm so confused. :loopy:


Great Old One
We should be discussing this in the other Love Triangle Spoiler thread. But all hito has given us is that CoL has Aerith speaking of Cloud as her koibito. :monster:


Higher Further Faster
@ A and Nin:
There are two parts to the Lifestream story. One is about Aerith and the other is about Sephiroth. :)


Selene, Sheila
If you say that Tifa is your girlfriend, she will still continue to flirt with Cloud, and she will still flirt with him knowing that Tifa has an interest in him.

It doesn't stop there.

I've got another example, Aerith plays the ~awkward game~ where an outsider knows two people have a thing for each other but won't admit it, so she does things to make both of them feel even more uncomfortable. The difference is that Aerith knows Cloud is listening while Tifa doesn't.

"...And you are?"
"Hey you're the one with Cloud in
the park..."

"Right, with Cloud."


"Don't worry. We just met. It's nothing."

"What do you mean, 'Don't worry'... about what?"
"No, don't misunderstand."
"Cloud and I grew up together. Nothing more."

"Poor Cloud, having to stand here and listen to both of us call
him nothing."

(She turns to Cloud.)

"Right, Cloud?"

There's a role reversal where Aerith talks about the Zackstyle!Date but doesn't know Tifa's in the same bedroom as Cloud.

"I knew that Cloud would come for me."

"Hey, I'm your bodyguard, right?"

(She walks to the door of her cell.)

"The deal was for one date, right?"

(Tifa sits up.)

"............oh, I get it."

"...!? Tifa! Tifa, you're there too!"

"EXCUSE me."

And then gets owned by Tifa's maturity, cause Tifa changes the subject (seemingly for Aerith's sake, second hand embarrassment?) and talks about the Promised Land.
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