The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Rebel without a Cause!!!
Is it me or is Cloud the biggest man-bitch ever?

I mean:

Sephiroth's only way to remain whole while in the lifestream.
Zack's living legancy.
Tifa's knight in shining armor.
Aerith's body guard.
And a few more I can't immediately bring to mind.


Pro Adventurer
A rejection has no consistency. The behavior of both of them is completely wrong if that were what happened.

I just think this theory was made up out of desperation...... I honestly never heard of this "theory" until I noticed the pairing wars, and what the crazies were saying about this...

I mean, this woman just came out of your conscience, which was full of HER, pieced back your personality and who you truly are.. and now you are rejecting her? :huh:

The fact that few believe this or want to makes me :worffacepalm: more than anything else.. I dunno but this claim really bugs me because its just so off.. :offended:

wth her legs are open!!


Great Old One
Not only that, but the conversation between the two (both high and low affection version) aren't even considered to be a conversation where Cloud rejects her. It's a theory made by people who have to make it so far as to a rejection to Tifa.

Celes Chere

There really is not much different in the lower affection version. Also, people say this scene is optional without realizing only the content is optional, not the actual scene. Aerith's entire date scene is optional, and that's the difference.


Your Mom
Tifa being rejected, then the next morning saying crap like "just a little longer" while snuggled up to him ... WTF? If they truly believe that's what happened, no wonder they don't like Tifa. I wouldn't like her either if she were that much of a dishrag.


Rebel without a Cause!!!
There really is not much different in the lower affection version. Also, people say this scene is optional without realizing only the content is optional, not the actual scene. Aerith's entire date scene is optional, and that's the difference.

That scene is optional? I started FFVII, school got hectic, so I lent it to a friend to borrow since he had never played the game before, but only got to the beginning of disk two before it started skipping (not surprised really since he didn't put it back in its case when not in use, the bastard). So neither he nor I have gotten that far.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Not that, y'know, anything in Cloud's reaction even remotely indicated a rejection, either.

The rejection explanation exists purely on the basis that they can't allow anything romantic between C/T to exist 'in the present', since it absolutely destroys Aerith's role as the inviolate special romantic snowflake of purity, love, and self insertion.

Oh, Anna, Alex's accusation of sex obsession would hold more water if he didn't write porn. No, I'm not planning on letting him live that one down when he insists on saying the other side is sex obsessed.

And BWA, if it's 'optional' on that basis, then the entire final boss fight is optional.
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Great Old One
Tifa being rejected, then the next morning saying crap like "just a little longer" while snuggled up to him ... WTF? If they truly believe that's what happened, no wonder they don't like Tifa. I wouldn't like her either if she were that much of a dishrag.
I doubt SE would make her look like such a pathetic character. It's so annoying to hear that she's a 'tragic,' character. All that black just suits her, no?

And isn't the real reason for Tifa stating, "just a little bit longer," in the first place because they were going to fight with Sephiroth and it would be the last day for the two of them?


Your Mom
But Ryu, Cloud didn't instantly jump her bones when she said her line! He hesitated for a few seconds! That is totally NOT something a character like Cloud would do!

Celes Chere

That scene is optional. I started FFVII, school got hectic, so I lent it to a friend to borrow since he had never played the game before, but only got to the beginning of disk two before it started skipping (not surprised really since he didn't put it back in its case when not in use, the bastard). So neither he nor I have gotten that far.

I know that what happens IN the scene is optional, but the scene itself is not. The HW scene HAS to happen, no matter what.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Even then, saying what's in the scene is optional is looking kind of weak with Memorial Album (release 1 and 2) and the 20 ani Ulti story all listing the 'high' version of the scene, and the low version getting mentioned once, off hand.

Celes Chere

That's true, though when I bring it up in the LTD I have to be fair an admit that there are other options to the scene. :B But seriously, there isn't that big of a difference between scenes, imo, and the fact that the high one is referred to is enough to convince me.

That being said, I consider Aerith's date pretty much canon, since it makes more sense with the plot, and was referred to the most as far as I know.


Great Old One
The Love Parameter itself isn't based on Cloud's affection for the girls, it's based off of the girl's affection for Cloud... right?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Only a few lines are 'optional'. Giving the flower to someone is not optional if you purchase it, for example, but what is optional is who to.

The date parameter is an arbitrary value that, if we attach ANY significance at all to must be the 'affection' of each character for Cloud, but is is, in the end, a grand and illusory lie of choice.

And all the dates keep getting referenced, Teef. All four were in the 20th Ani Ulti, Tifa's keep showing up in Cloud's profile and Tifa's, Aerith often shows up in hers in the UO, etc.

I hold they all happened, since they're not exclusory in nature, and Cloud getting dragged out on dates three times before finally not even bothering to resist Barret amuses me.


Your Mom
So what you're saying is that Cloud ultimately wigged out from exhaustion, from going on virtually the same date all night long, with four different people. That could certainly explain psychosis as much as anything.


The only thing that changes is whether the team watches them or hears them. Those are the only two versions and none of them are rejections. The Clerii claim there's a third one, but that must be one of those only obtained by the most dedicated of followers, because even SE doesn't seem to know about it (read: doesn't exist).

So one version has them being physically intimate while everyone watches, while the other = everyone hears what they're talking about/doing. And Red + (was it Cid?) tease them the next morning in BOTH versions.

Clearly, Red & Cid hate Tifa as much as the Clerii, because they make fun of her after pouring her heart out and getting horribly rejected. :monster:

Not to mention that the high affection = the only one SE keeps shoving in our faces in every guide they publish. Must be because they totally want to push Cleris


Also, Interrupted By Fireworks plays during it and only one person is ACTUALLY interrupted/cut off: here's a hint, it's not the the ninja, black dude, or flowergirl


LOL. You mean like Nojima? And pretty much the entire fuckin team? LOL
Were you around for the Nojima hate back when stuff like CoT/KH2 came out? It was hilarious!
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