The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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The Wanderer of Time
Lol -

"Balthier does not believe in Cloti, or Cleris/Clerith. This page just needed to have a character on it that doesn't completely suck."


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Honestly, I think I'm just gonna change the club myself because one of the rules here is that a club can't exactly discriminate or put off members. And if thats the case then it'd be wrong to let it slide. So I'll just go amend the first post and just leave that out. :monster:

I don't want clubs to require members to have the same groupthink period.

EDIT: Done. See? I can be nice :monster:
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Higher Further Faster
Reasons People Believe in Clerifa

1. Where is it written that Cloud could only choose one of them? Maybe polygamy is legal in Midgar.
2. Aeris and Tifa are good friends. If Cloud wanted both of them, they'd be understanding.
3. If you had a chance to get Aeris and Tifa, wouldn't you?
4. Aeris convinces Cloud to dress like a girl and save Tifa. Clearly this is Aeris' subtle attempt to express her bisexuality, and turn Tifa bi as well upon her seeing Cloud as a girl.
5. Aeris and Tifa have shown romantic interest in each other before.
6. Tifa is hot, Aeris is hot. Why should Cloud choose between them?

OMG that Wikia article uses the term that me and someone else made up on ACF!

I even made a sig for it a long ass time ago before I knew anything about making sigs. I wish I could find it but instead I'll show you all this that I randomly found on Photobucket:



Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
LOL okay that's funny but c'mon, we had a nice discussion goin' on. Let's try to keep it going folks. :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
screw Clerifa, let's just take it to its logical conclusion and have Clerifack. :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
A porno with those four would've been an awesome extra for ACC. Fuck that Reminiscence shit they included. :comedian:

Anyways back to our lovely LTD. Let's hear some more stuff cause we had a good back and forth going on regarding who Cloud loved, if he loved Tifa or Aerith etc. I'd hate for all that to get lost in the lulz. I mean, by all means continue it but also keep the discussion up too damnit :monstersmash:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Eh, that's hard to say because Tifa loves Cloud a lot...I..I honestly can't think of anyone else who would do it for her. She's got that Buster Sword on her mind :awesome:

Celes Chere

I really can't picture Tifa loving anyone but Cloud, tbh. I've always thought that RudexTifa, RenoxTifa, and AerTi were cute for crack, though. :monster:


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
It's never been a question as to if Tifa loves Cloud and even less of a question whether or not Cloud loves Tifa. First and foremost FFVII is Cloud's story and Cloud's story begins and ends with Tifa. He was obsessed with her as a child--and anyone who uses "dim love" or "crush" is understating. He watched her/followed her/stole panties... I mean, obsessed. And his reason for joining SOLDIER? Not a mystery, he tells us: To impress Tifa.

And I'm sorry, this may not be as "nice" as some people are putting it, but there are a canon couples in this compilation, and no they don't need a press release to announce them. All you need is common sense and the willingness to acknowledge something--even if you may not like it.

If anyone can give me a legitimate instance where Cloud shows/tells romantic feelings toward Aerith I will be astonished and amazed, because I've played the game (those that argue LTD without doing so really need to stfu in my opinion) read the novellas, watched the movies and it's not rocket science. Yes, he grieves over Aerith's death. Uh, duh. He held himself responsible for her protection...he would have grieved Barret for cripe's sake. And can you imagine his reaction had that been Tifa?? O.o But that's not relevant. What is relevant is that nowhere in all of compilation does Cloud show us--the player, viewer, fan--that he has any other love interest than Tifa.

I read mention of how he responds to Aerith in ACC...and how is his reaction loving? He doesn't even face her and when she touches his Geostigma, he flinches away. He is ashamed of his weakness, and his failures and having failed her. Yes, all true. But as reactions go, his scream at Zack's death--mere months before Aerith's-- shows a lot more emotional attachment than "She'll never laugh again..." Which isn't to say it's not moving and emotional, because it is. It's just not romantic.

A person can infer/project their wishes onto the actions, sure. And in singular instances, that may even work. However, when we take it apart, examine it and study the whole of compilation the picture is crystal frikkin' clear.

Yes, Virginia, there is a canon couple.


Higher Further Faster
screw Clerifa, let's just take it to its logical conclusion and have Clerifack. :monster:

Just wanted to give a big shout of EPIC WIN before I leave.

Okay continue on. Yes, yes, LTD, yes.

Clerith is cute yes but yeah Cloti does make more sense given the narrative.


good girl =D
I agree with Fairheartstrife! I do believe Cloud loved Aerith but he was not IN love with her..Zack and Aerith were shown equally in ACC..Both of them were important persons in Cloud's life, both of them looked after him, made him feel like he was needed and not a failure till they died. In a way they were like mommy and daddy to Cloud imo. In the end of ACC they said goodbye, knowing he'll be alright now, knowing he decided to finally be happy with his family and friends.I like seeing it that way and I do believe it's also the intention of the creators^^ Plus, Cloud did tell us which person he wants to be together with him for the rest of his has always been Tifa..from the beginning until the end :monster:

edit: btw I'm also happy seeing a kind clerith here =D Hey Drake^^ this thread was kinda boring with only clotis around xD More cleriths should join here :/
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Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Incidentally, Google returned no search results for the term "Clerifack." So apparently I just invented a new term. :awesomonster:

And yeah, I think it requires a fair amount of cognitive dissonance not to at least see that Cloud loves Tifa and vice versa. Whether other people have involvement in the romantic entanglements of either of the two I can see as somewhat open to interpretation.


You look like you need a monkey
Two to four weeks is about how long disc 1 can occur over, depending on when exactly in the last 3rd of January the game ends.

Looking at the compilation timeline here, the crew were fighting Hojo at the cannon before January of the following year. So I tend to favour Disk 1 taking place within two weeks at the very most.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I'm just stating at the absolute most, Shadowfox.

And yes I gotta echo FHS. You can't look at everything in tiny isolated spots and figure out the big picture. You must step back, and look at the whole of the work. Divorce something from context, and it loses all meaning.

It's like a pointilism picture. Look at a corner close up, you have a indecipherable blur.
Step back, look all around, you get the proper picture.


Great Old One
I really can't picture Tifa loving anyone but Cloud, tbh. I've always thought that RudexTifa, RenoxTifa, and AerTi were cute for crack, though. :monster:
Actually, has she even even loved anyone else other than Cloud throughout the entire compilation of FFVII? I call that devotion. :)

Celes Chere

has she even even loved anyone else other than Cloud throughout the entire compilation of FFVII?

Some may argue that Tifa 'bullied' Cloud, was only infatuated with him, or played a bunch of guys, but that is simply not the case. Tifa is one of the most devoted FF females, imho.


Great Old One
Oh lawd. I find it incredibly amusing that people insist on Tifa 'bullying' Cloud in the movie. By far, Tifa's little rant with Cloud in the movie just delved on helping Cloud. Plus, he needed a good kick in the ass to get himself back together.
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