The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Your Mom
Aside from the new additions to the compilation, what's left to discuss? Yesterday's conversation could have been held two years ago. And probably was. Multiple times.


The Wanderer of Time
As far as I can tell from the replies I've gotten at CxA, the main hesitation for Cleriths joining here is the view that it's a Cloti-centric forum with members that bash and flame Cleriths with no reprimands. Looking at the above posts, they're not entirely wrong. I get that you guys are neutral here, I do, but sometimes it doesn't always seem that way.


Great Old One
Aside from the new additions to the compilation, what's left to discuss? Yesterday's conversation could have been held two years ago. And probably was. Multiple times.

Unfortunately the LT will never end. There will always be new fans of FFVII, and probably ones who'll support either side (Clerith or Cloti. Some exceptions come to Clack, because it seems to be the most reasonable :monster:), and I'll admit that I can't resist jumping into a LT discussion if I see one. Plus there are people who annoy the hell out of you and make absolutely no sense in their posts because they don't know a thing about the game. I have very little perseverance. :wacky:

As far as I can tell from the replies I've gotten at CxA, the main hesitation for Cleriths joining here is the view that it's a Cloti-centric forum with members that bash and flame Cleriths with no reprimands. Looking at the above posts, they're not entirely wrong. I get that you guys are neutral here, I do, but sometimes it doesn't always seem that way.
I can't help but say, you guys do the same thing. And while it is a Clerith-centric forum, it's not very accepting of Clotis if they support Clerith fanon. I mean, what's wrong with a couple of Cloti signatures? No harm there. And note that we're not generalizing.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Let us not forget in all these hypotheticals that if Aerith doesn't die then the planet is borked.

So it would be a very short relationship. :muhaha:

Not if they could manage to defeat Sephy soon enough to make the lifestream's aid unneeded, but I don't think that's possible with just the non demise of Aerith. Perhaps if Zack had lived too and helped, but that renders the LTD more than moot. So let's make Mukki join the party and add a whole new layer to the drama.

What if Tifa had died and Aerith had lived and activated Holy, but it started killing off humanity and to save yourselves you had to fight it back into the planet and in the end fight a giant monster Aerith after the White Materia fused with her, with the spiritual help of Tifa (who, what-if, was also a Cetra)?

How would that affect their relationships?

By my calculations, seven.

You mean the debate threads?
Mostly cause they've gotten pwned beyond recognition before.

I'm sure many of them don't wish to be asked about some of the more embarrassing things, like koispacebito becoming koibito again.

As to why they don't join the forums....they're convinced it's a grand Cloti conspiracy and that the forums are actually run by Cloti fuckers, and that all TLS cares for is proving the love between them Cloud and Tifa polygons.

Which is an utter lie. It's all about the Yufiroth.

Aside from the new additions to the compilation, what's left to discuss? Yesterday's conversation could have been held two years ago. And probably was. Multiple times.

I think I had that conversation.

And Drake, most of the folks not wanting to come here for that reason are the same sort of people who bash us over in the CxA forum. If they are that thin skinned, they ought not be bashing in the first place.
And perhaps ought to learn was bashing truly is.
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Fire and Blood
Well, considering the claims that many saw, it's kind of natural to want to joke about it. You really want to know what made me hit the 'register' button?

In another forum, a Clerith claimed that Aerith and Tifa's feelings for Cloud couldn't be compared, because Tifa's feelings for Cloud were only "motherly".

Yeah, I'm not joking :wacky: Danna saw it too me think :monster:

For I, who was never really part of the FF7 fandom and who's never been in a pairing discussion - aside once me think? - it was pretty lulz-worthy. So I can't imagine the members who's been stuck for years with this kind of crap :wacky:


is the view that it's a Cloti-centric forum
Anything that does not end in Cleris must by default be Cloti to them. In other words, they don't want to leave the safety of their own forums where no one calls them out on their bullshit :monster:

with members that bash and flame Cleriths with no reprimands
Oh, you mean in our super sekret Ranting forums....oh wait.

Which is an utter lie. It's all about the Clephiroth
Fixed. That's why our translations are so biased.
OWD's callin' YOU out!
Quick, someone get me an Uncle Sam picture!
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Great Old One
I am appreciative with the fact that they removed the Members bashing forum. That seemed to be going a little too far.


Not if they could manage to defeat Sephy soon enough to make the lifestream's aid unneeded, but I don't think that's possible with just the non demise of Aerith.

I don't think it would be possible period until Cloud regains his true self. At which point all his Tifa stalking memories would be back rendering the point moot anyways.

Perhaps if Zack had lived too and helped, but that renders the LTD more than moot. So let's make Mukki join the party and add a whole new layer to the drama.

We can get a love hexagon going if we try.

Syneiam said:
For I, who was never really part of the FF7 fandom and who's never been in a pairing discussion - aside once me think? - it was pretty lulz-worthy. So I can't imagine the members who's been stuck for years with this kind of crap

I have been around it less than a month and I have reoccurring migraines now. :loopy:


Great Old One
And Drake, most of the folks not wanting to come here for that reason are the same sort of people who bash us over in the CxA forum. If they are that thin skinned, they ought not be bashing in the first place.

Which is an utter lie. It's all about the Yufiroth.
No. Clack.

I have been around it less than a month and I have reoccurring migraines now.
Don't worry, your migraines will probably disappear in about... six months? :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Bashing? What do you see here as bashing? I'm not being sarcastic or facetious, I'm really curious and would like your input and feelings on the matter.

Both sides of the fence generalize, we accept that and as long as there's no outright flaming and harassment we let it slide. People are allowed to voice their opinions here and as long as they're civil and debate/discuss the points at hand, we have no problem. And that's not with just the LTD, but that's anywhere and on anything on the forum. We don't mince words, hand hold, or censor. We figure everyone's an adult here, and knows when something's said in jest or if its serious offensive flaming.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Anything that does not end in Cleris must by default be Cloti to them. In other words, they don't want to leave the safety of their own forums where no one calls them out on their bullshit :monster:

I was quite amused when their debate forum became too Cloti for them to participate, despite only having all of six C/T advocates on it.

Oh, you mean in our super sekret Ranting forums....oh wait.

Ah yes, the cetra only subforum. Such a silly place.

Fixed. That's why our translations are so biased.

Naw, Clephiroth's already canon. That's why we're fronting the Yufiroth now.

Quick, someone get me an Uncle Sam picture!



Great Old One
Ah yes, the cetra only subforum. Such a silly place.
Well, I think all forums have a 'secret' forum... if you know what I mean. :monster:

I was quite amused when their debate forum became too Cloti for them to participate, despite only having all of six C/T advocates on it.
There's me, Tiff, you, Mako, OWD, Lily Ella, Vendel, Isabella, hito, namake, xAerith, Goodbye Charlie, null, and some others. Unless you're talking about shippers, or people who post here regularly. :monster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Well, I think all forums have a 'secret' forum... if you know what I mean. :monster:

Staff subfora don't count.

There's me, Tiff, you, Mako, OWD, Lily Ella, Vendel, Isabella, hito, namake, xAerith, Goodbye Charlie, null, and some others. Unless you're talking about shippers, or people who post here regularly. :monster:

I was referring to TNC. 'Their' debate forum.


AI Researcher
If you think someone is out of line, you can use the report button on those posts.

Fixed. That's why our translations are so biased.
You all think those Lifestream Black things were really all "oh Cloud, I'll keep thinking of you and make you the centre of my being <3" originally?

This manly woman kept slipping me money to put that in. And cut stuff out. Why do you think it's so short?

In all seriousness, I have seen the 'it's so short, that's suspicious, something might have been cut out' accusation and find that insulting. And silly. What would I gain cutting things out?


Fire and Blood
But then again, why would it be longer? It makes perfect sense and explains everything that has to be explained on Sephiroth's actions right after the game.

Brain does not compute :wacky:


Your Mom
I suppose the more insular you are, the more you distrust others on the "outside." Accusations like the ones hito's describing sound like mild paranoia to me. I think there'd be less of that if these people would venture out and actually talk to us once in a while.


AI Researcher
Maybe if you're comparing it to the other chapters, or were expecting something longer. But there's only 7 pages to it (usually 1 at the end of the other chapters, except for Black 3 which is 2 pages), with massive margins leaving only a little space for the text as it is.

If I was cutting stuff out, why wouldn't I cut out the 'beloved' line altogether? That's what I do, isn't it?

Frankly, I don't see the point in twisting anything around, making up or taking out stuff, especially if it's publicly available. Anyone can pick it up, you'll be found out, and who is going to trust a known liar?

I won't mind if people ask questions or tell me I've made a mistake, but this looks like trying to find problems again.


The Wanderer of Time
NOTICE - I'll be posting this exact same post, word for word, on CxA forums. Reply as you will:

I'm thinking this is a lost cause, but it doesn't and shouldn't have to be. The CxA members are displeased with the staff allowing Clerith bashing to go on. The TLS members are displeased with how the CxA forums talk about them. And both sides are simultaneously right and wrong, to different extents. The actions of the members of both forums speak for themselves, and it seems neither of us are too fond of each other because....we're not too fond of each other.

CxA members, it's not a Cloti forum, admittedly it can seem that way but it really isn't. To be fair, they have every reason to dislike our membership because we've questioned their translations and neutrality. My advice is to just join the forum if you want to, post a bit there and make your own decision. I should think my presence there should be proof that they're not going to pounce on you and drive you out just because you're a Clerith.

TLS members, the problem is that you guys do bash Cleriths. And yes, CxA forums bash Cloti and TLS. But TLS, as your own members have said, is a neutral forum - I wouldn't complain about Strifeheart bashing Cleriths, in fact Anastar directed me to an old forum topic where I defended them. So it's a bit confusing to see things like members impersonating "rapid Cleriths", and talking about Cleriths "being pwned" about their "Clerith bullshit". It does give the forums the appearance of being anti-Clerith. It's especially a problem when many of these remarks aren't provoked and seem to spring up just for the sake of bashing Clerith.

So where do we go from here? I mean all of us, both forums as a whole. What happens now? Do we have to get our respective staff members together for a chat or something? Do we just keep bashing each other? As far as I can tell we dislike each other for the sake of disliking each other. Can't one of us be the bigger man (or forum, as it were) and just bury the hatchet?


Great Old One
I don't think so. She's pretty nice once you get to know her, and she does try to be fair, even though she runs that forum. If someone's intentionally flaming/bashing another member, she'll do something about it. There are people a billion times worse than she is, and she really isn't that bad. Once people start trolling your forum lots of times, you do start to get a bit bitter. I was really bitter for some time toward Cleriths. She's mature when debating too. Although, this is my opinion...
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Great Old One
We're not generalizing, again, I'll say that. I don't see what's wrong with having a rant towards people who flame others for no reason, I don't mind that. I thought the CxA forum bashed more than what we do? It's displeasing to hear about people referring to others as having no lives. I doubt we ever said that.

What do you mean, are you referring to the CxA forum? They don't even allow Cloti signatures/graphics for Christ's sake, I don't see why a Cloti would want to be hanging out there. It's almost as if anything that's Cloti related is despised there.

Again, I'll say, if you guys would actually step up to debate with us, the amount of 'bashing' there is and you assume would decrease heavily. We have made changes for this. And the fact that the NC was closed because there were 'too many Clotis,' when at first it was a Clerith dominated forum is kind of insulting in a way. It's like they're saying 'it's not fair towards Cleriths who have to be attacked by Clotis,' and yet when it first started it was basically Clerith dominated.

Yes. Clotis aren't even allowed to go to the CxA forum without being looked down at if there's anything Cloti related, but we do allow it here. If more Cleriths joined here, that'd be really, really great.
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Your Mom
I don't think it's TLS staff's responsibility to maintain a "LTD neutral" atmosphere. TLS isn't about the LTD at all. I think the staff should allow as much free discussion as possible, while preventing deliberate flaming or harassment of members. If you see members being harassed, you should most certainly report it, whatever the topic. But if they try to prevent anyone from saying anything negative about Clerith or Cloti ideas, isn't that a slippery slope? Aren't we sliding into censorship?


The Wanderer of Time
We're not generalizing, again, I'll say that. I don't see what's wrong with having a rant towards people who flame others for no reason, I don't mind that. I thought the CxA forum bashed more than what we do? It's displeasing to hear about people referring to others as having no lives. I doubt we ever said that.

No generalizing? You and I must have differing understandings of the word then....

I think it's a Clerith defense mechanism, because they know Tifa is on the receiving end of Cloud's smile thus they rebut with Cloud laughing with Aerith and make it oh-so-important, regardless of the fact that Cloud was out of his mind then, because laughing is just more special than gentle, loving smiles. :awesome:
So.. Do we have to discuss this Clerith-laughing-love thingy any moar?
But I just remembered, Cloud and Tifa DO laugh together in CoT. When they are drunk, with Barret. :wacky:
ZOMG, TRUE LUUUURV!!1 Right, rabid-Clerith's?
Mostly cause they've gotten pwned beyond recognition before. As to why they don't join the forums....they're convinced it's a grand Cloti conspiracy and that the forums are actually run by Cloti fuckers, and that all TLS cares for is proving the love between them Cloud and Tifa polygons.
Anything that does not end in Cleris must by default be Cloti to them. In other words, they don't want to leave the safety of their own forums where no one calls them out on their bullshit

What do you mean, are you referring to the CxA forum? They don't even allow Cloti signatures/graphics for Christ's sake, I don't see why a Cloti would want to be hanging out there. It's almost as if anything that's Cloti related is despised there.
Given that it's a Clerith forum, I don't see why a Cloti would want to hang out there either.

Again, I'll say, if you guys would actually step up to debate with us, the amount of 'bashing' there is and you assume would decrease heavily. We have made changes for this.
That would be nice. I believe you, not sure if they will though.

And the fact that the NC was closed because there were 'too many Clotis,' when at first it was a Clerith dominated forum is kind of insulting in a way. It's like they're saying 'it's not fair towards Cleriths who have to be attacked by Clotis,' and yet when it first started it was basically Clerith dominated.
I'm not too up-to-date on the story of TNC

Yes. Clotis aren't even allowed to go to the CxA forum without being looked down at if there's anything Cloti related, but we do allow it here. If more Cleriths joined here, that'd be really, really great.

I don't think it's TLS staff's responsibility to maintain a "LTD neutral" atmosphere. TLS isn't about the LTD at all. I think the staff should allow as much free discussion as possible, while preventing deliberate flaming or harassment of members.

Agreed, but flaming *is* what's happening often.
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