The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Your Mom
Not sure exactly. A lot of the ultimanias, I believe I've heard.

On that subject, could the person or people who are claiming biased translations kindly come here, point out which translations are biased and what they believe they should say? I think it would be an interesting conversation (to observe, not to participate in, since I'd have nothing to contribute). And I mean that sincerely.


Pro Adventurer
Koibito really means a sweet person.... oh wait! Maybe they owe you an apology for that, but wait... you've gone and bastardized it again.
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AI Researcher
Not sure exactly. A lot of the ultimanias, I believe I've heard.

On that subject, could the person or people who are claiming biased translations kindly come here, point out which translations are biased and what they believe they should say? I think it would be an interesting conversation (to observe, not to participate in, since I'd have nothing to contribute). And I mean that sincerely.
I've sincerely meant that every time I've said it.

In other news:

While koi bito in kanji has been known to be used for the word "sweetheart", it is extremely rare. Native Japanese inhabitants just do not use koi bito written in kanji for the word "sweetheart", only non-Japanese and/or die-hard anime/manga fans. Koi bito= lover, as in "someone who loves", not "_____'s lover". It isn't used to imply reciprocated feelings (unless, perhaps, it is written in either katakana or hiragana).
Chirine: "Well, since you told me that if koi bito is written in kanji it wouldn't really mean 'sweetheart/girlfriend/boyfriend', right?"

Saicho: "Yeah."
Now now, no one said anything about Cloud. Cloud's name is not even in there, but even if it was Cloud, the love is equivalent to a crush. Why say it is a crush? The word koi from koibito. Compared to ai, koi is more like a fleeting or temporary love. From the above link, "The difference between koi and ai":

Koi is temporary/Ai is perpetual
Koi is taken/Ai is given
Koi is something one person does/Ai is something two people develop
Koi is a strong feeling that was unrequited/Ai is impossible to express in words
Koi is the beginning of ai/Ai is a continuation of koi
Also, if you think Cloud is Tifa's koibito... just remember that koi, unlike ai, is a temporary/fleeting love that is equivalent to a crush/puppy love.

What happened with this? Is all this going to be taken back now?

Koibito really means a sweet person.... oh wait! Maybe they owe you an apology for that, but wait... you've gone and bastardized it again.
The official translations of CC and CoT have agreed with me, and I dun' get no respect for it D:


wangxian married
I guess my problem is, that I end up be-friending a Clerith from that site, and then I see my arguments posted and mocked when I browse the site. It's just flat out lying and betrayal, and it gets quite old. It doesn't give me a right to generalize the entire Forum though, and I apologize for doing so in some of my posts. I can get carried away.
Ahh, I see. D: I know a lot of times arguments get copypasta'd over in the love triangle section of the forums. I'm not sure exactly what was said in the threads. I don't think you should take it too personally, if it's just the arguments they are debating, since everyone dissects everyone else's arguments in these things. Of course if they were insulting you that's a totally different story.

Don't you think members that have been around for three years deserve a slot? It still seems cliquey to me, just because of the fact it's hidden, and it's special treatment for a certain close group of members. The 'Guide' on how to be a Cetra seems extremely cliquey to me as well, but maybe it's because of the way the person worded it. Made it seem like they were elite, special, and better than everyone else.
Being around longer and post count doesn't automatically qualify for being a Cetra. It's quality over quantity and, as I said, most Cetras work on forum projects (graphic making, essays, contests), so this is also taken into consideration. Like I said, promotion hasn't stopped, it's merely stalled for a bit. (I just checked the threads and someone has been promoted recently!)

Also, I never read the guide on being a Cetra, I was just promoted one day. :lol:

If she doesn't agree with Cloti arguments, wouldn't that make her Clerith? xD I thought CG was really nice, until unfortunately... dramaz!
Not agreeing with all Cloti arguments doesn't automatically make you Cleris, though. Not trying to totally speak for her, but I think there's a difference between what you see in the compliation and what you like to make pretty graphics of. I mean, I personally see Cloti post-AC, but I still think it's boring as fuck. :awesome:

I just think it's a bit ridiculous to claim that Clotis are allowed, when really, they don't seem to be welcomed at all. I see member and Cloti bashing in almost every thread. They talk about the TLS Mods doing a bad job, but they're using the fact that it's a CxA based Forum as an excuse to treat members outside of their Forums unfairly. I don't think they should be trying to justify those kind of actions with excuses.
I just dived into the thread and I'm requesting any sort of evidence of the mods here dropping the ball. I haven't been here long enough to witness such a thing.

Most of the ranting that goes on there is because the forum (Obviously) isn't neutral, most of the time members there feel like they have nowhere else to vent with fans, so a lot of it comes out there.

I actually did own a Cleris forum before I vanished from the interwebs where many C/A members came, there was less uhm "unfair treatment". :3 However it died, like everything I touch does.

It was quite a long time ago. I couldn't remember if I tried. But when I was there, I was BulletProofMarshMellow(BPMM) *watches as CxA readies their pitchforks*.
I remember that username!

...but I also don't remember the arguments lol. D:

I've disagreed with C/A arguments, but that made me a Cloti.

I don't agree with everything C/T fans say. I don't think that 'ying/yang' thing in AC means anything, or Zack and Aerith walking out of the church means they're back together, and the 'dim love = secret' thing. But why does disagree with C/A ideas = Cloti?

I think some people inferred that because of your sig and your posts in Faith. If you aren't you aren't, but I can understand why some people would think so just by skimming through the forums.
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Goodbye Charlie

Rising Chest-Bank Protestor
I don't agree with everything C/T fans say. I don't think that 'ying/yang' thing in AC means anything, or Zack and Aerith walking out of the church means they're back together, and the 'dim love = secret' thing. But why does disagree with C/A ideas = Cloti?

My pink billed platypus, surely the ying/yang can't be contended? The symbolism was so blatant I wasn't sure whether a brick of thick concrete subtext had been squared right at my forehead. Certainly I won't say it means they are wuv, but from my understanding of design, I can't see such a careful and iconic positioning can be simply "they look nice like that". A central, directed image like that on an act out of all places doesn't just get done because its purdy. Shame on you Hito, shame on you. Now you're banished from TLS, forced to wander no-mans land translating for fan subs of the very weakest anime.

Seriously, I think the difference between ACF/TLS and PinkieHeaven/ClotiHell is a very simple one: I don't think the people here have ever been interested in anything that doesn't ally with the story. The reason there are these outlets of frustration occasionally come from a history of making salient points over and over to be countered by emotional, non-substantiated arguments which are then quite often cast aside as being "Cloti". Now if these arguments were made in a shipper forum, then perhaps one could make such an aspiration - true or not - but here, and at ACF, they were done on neutral ground, we weren't a group of devoted shippers, which however you cut it, FF_G's kingdom is anchored by - and then people were being called shippers for offering rational debates.

For me, that has always been a bone of contention for me. I've never given a damn about who ships what. I'm not a romantic man (tried, failed), I don't have that mentality and it IS infuriating when your rational, after copious posts on a subject is whittled down to being a "biased Cloti". I even remember being called that for posting in Faith on ACF - a Cloti club that really wasn't filled with shippers, but mainly people who had got to know each other in the LTD debates and shared the same rational. The posts were evident, but no, the same comments were made.

It is of course possible for people to exist at CXA and not be shippers, some might be there for being mates of shippers, but those types aren't the ones that came over and spouted the same old mantras (often, a specific "bible" mantra laid out by their leader) and then tried to break the rational arguments by looking to level all the debaters as being mirror opposites of themselves. It was a dirty tactic to diminish any attempt at common sense as being as emotionally burdened as their own.

Which pretty much leads me to my point: we're not debating the same thing. That's why you can't find unity here - one group here is debating story and character relationships within that story using consistency, logical and evidence, the other is debating from their heart.

Both get sort of snarky, but the fact of the matter is that an FF7 forum shouldn't be presumed to be a biased ship-hole. Those who live in a biased ship-hole, well, you're probably going to be shippers. So how about you don't presume I'm a shipper, and I won't presume you're a rational objective analyst of story narratives? :)

And I think that's our bottomline. Either one side embraces the notion that Cleris is a possibility and ignores the consistent evidence throughout the Compilation, or the other embraces the constant, rational evidence and turns their back on their emotional fantasy. Not going to happen.

Yes, I'm being a little blunt, but I think anything else is wishful thinking. Personally, I can respect any shipping - what I'm a stickler for is evidence and narrative exploration, both firmly deny any romance between Cloud and Aeris. If Cleris are happy to accept their notion is as real as Clack or Cluffie then super - I can invest in their perspective and discuss the possibilities behind that fantasy, but while they look to subvert the narrative by looking to put their wants beyond their own subjectivity I can see no way people here can give them the respect they would probably enjoy.

Which is a shame, because I quite like exploring other ideas and possibilities between the characters - just not as a platform to validate or look for credibility in rationalising a fantasy pairing.


wangxian married
And I think that's our bottomline. Either one side embraces the notion that Cleris is a possibility and ignores the consistent evidence throughout the Compilation, or the other embraces the constant, rational evidence and turns their back on their emotional fantasy. Not going to happen.

Personally I don't think a Cleris possibility is so far out of whack that it's completely inconsistent, unless of course someone is arguing that Cloud/Aeris continues on romantically after her death, in which case I'd agree it's not...really jiving with the story.

Celes Chere

Of course if they were insulting you that's a totally different story.

I don't mind if they pick apart my arguments, even though I'd much rather they do it directly to me, instead of in a place where I can't reply. That part I don't mind as much though, really. It's when insult are used that I become upset. I might be a :quote:sensitive:quote: Cloti for that, but now I find myself being like most of the members here... sarcastic. :monster: I've grown more into the 'trying to laugh at insults' rather than being offended by them. Because they aren't going to stop, and it's just not worth being upset over. (Though, I can get irked by them)

Also, I never read the guide on being a Cetra, I was just promoted one day.

Ah, I see. I suppose I can take your word for it, you seem reasonable enough. :) And I haven't actually seen the Cetra Forums, to be fair. I've just heard from others what is said there. It's always seemed to be negative, though that was quite a while back in the past. Also to be fair, I can't really judge something 100% accurately if I've never even seen it myself. =P

Not agreeing with all Cloti arguments doesn't automatically make you Cleris, though. Not trying to totally speak for her, but I think there's a difference between what you see in the compliation and what you like to make pretty graphics of. I mean, I personally see Cloti post-AC, but I still think it's boring as fuck.

Well, you've got me there. :awesome: I never meant that disagreeing with some things makes you a Clerith/Cloti. I'm a Cloti, and I don't agree with the ying-yang stuff, though I might joke about it. I'm also still on the fence about the 'sex under the Highwind' business. I just found the way she debated, to be less neutral. Though again, that was quite awhile ago. And I'm sure you definitely know more about her than I do, so I don't really have a right to feel that way... though I probably always will, lol.

However it died, like everything I touch does.

Lol, how depressing. I'm glad you asked though, because I saw that no-one wants to join because the Mods here are somehow corrupt? I believe that any CxA member that joined would be welcomed. If they posted, they would be heard out. I mean, look what Drake did- everyone listened to him, let him say what he wanted, and then responded. Again, like Mako said, everyone should be able to say their piece honestly, and get the honest answers in return.

I understand the need to vent, but I think those Forums get especially carried away. That's why it baffles me that they wonder why "Clotis are so mean" to them.

I remember that username!

...but I also don't remember the arguments lol. D:

Good. It's better that way, methinks. XD I'm actually kind of annoyed with myself for bringing it up. I kind of want to forget it ever happened. =/


AI Researcher
I think some people inferred that because of your sig and your posts in Faith. If you aren't you aren't, but I can understand why some people would think so just by skimming through the forums.
The one C/T I ever used was a jokey one someone else (OWD?) made about the chocobo stable thing, and I posted in the C/A forum when it was first started without it making me a 'fake neutral'. Why is posting in Faith different? Because it's on the opposite side? Chibica/Resha/Saeki can post on the C/A forum and that's no reason to doubt them, but post in Faith and it's all different?

Maybe I'm just bitter about being called a liar without being told what lies I'm supposed to be telling :awesome:

Sans said:
Now you're banished from TLS, forced to wander no-mans land translating for fan subs of the very weakest anime.

I knew you all only liked me for my lies. Your loss is Super Magic Lass Mumu fandom's gain.


wangxian married
Actually, I just did a quick google search for the Cleris forum, and it's still there, just not very active. I'll probably ask some of the members to come back. If you'd like to join (I encourage Cloti and crack of all kinds), I'd love to have you. :)

I'm glad you asked though, because I saw that no-one wants to join because the Mods here are somehow corrupt? I believe that any CxA member that joined would be welcomed. If they posted, they would be heard out. I mean, look what Drake did- everyone listened to him, let him say what he wanted, and then responded. Again, like Mako said, everyone should be able to say their piece honestly, and get the honest answers in return.
I asked and I didn't...really...get an answer. XD; I'm just gonna shrug it off, I think everyone here's nice and will continue to think so until proven otherwise. :3

Maybe I'm just bitter about being called a liar without being told what lies I'm supposed to be telling

Understandable, not saying you shouldn't be. Like I said, I think a few members thought you were a Cloti because of some posting, but if you aren't you aren't, I don't think you're a liar.

Annnnd I can't really argue on any of your questions mostly because I agree with you, lol.
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Celes Chere

Wow, pretty Forum. *O*

Anyway, I'm glad to see CxA members posting here, and giving their insights. About the LTD, and otherwise. I'd hope for others to do the same, though it's not likely to happen I guess. ^^;


wangxian married
I was actually meaning to say that I agree with your view on this LTD thing, which is pretty much the same as my view

XD Ah, okay, sorry. I got sorta jumbled up there for a second.

Goodbye Charlie

Rising Chest-Bank Protestor
Personally I don't think a Cleris possibility is so far out of whack that it's completely inconsistent, unless of course someone is arguing that Cloud/Aeris continues on romantically after her death, in which case I'd agree it's not...really jiving with the story.

It's a point that I think does have serious debating depth to it - but not in the way its used by those who ship for Cloud x Aeris. Problem is, and the reason the debate never works with shippers, is that there are two different perspectives on Cloud. If you are an Aeris shipper, you're unlikely to agree that the narrative supports Tifa being the centre of Cloud's world. If you did, you'd probably find the idea the man could move onto seeing their mutual best friend after any sort of time, seems a little less likely than shippers would like to credit. Not impossible (hence the worthy of debate), but what does it say about Aeris? Waiting in the wings while comforting Cloud grieving over one her best friends?

What does it say about Cloud? Cloud was falling apart, racked with guilt for the death of Zack and Aeris - two dear friends. If Tifa was killed in anyway he couldn't stop - particularly if he was being puppeted at the time, how would he react? Would he just get over it? He barely got over Aeris and Zack... would Aeris remind him of Tifa? Hell, do we know for certain Aeris is his type? We don't - but again, only if we work on the narrative reasoning - which many Cleris do not.

And we have issues of subjective context - what sort of scenario wrought the situation Cloud and Aeris to maybe get together? Specifics are needed to quantify - as we can see its a complicated issue and it needs both side to at the very least understand the characters in roughly the same way. And of course, as one ships one ideology while the other spouts another perspective, where's the middle ground to debate.

So it's sad that the only people I feel I can quantify such debate are those who aren't shippers of either.

CC: Another ying/yang doubter? Heavens be, just what was the director doing with that act-out, eh? What was his intention, hmm? I need to know before I banish you too. Sounds like Hito might need a helping hand on his work for Super Magic Lass Mumu - I'm sure he'd be willing to give you a job. Ha ha, all will bow to my opinion or otherwise join the ranks of Super Magic Lass Mumu!
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Celes Chere

CC: Another ying/yang doubter? Heavens be, just what was the director doing with that act-out, eh? What was his intention, hmm? I need to know before I banish you too. Sounds like Hito might need a helping hand on his work for Super Magic Lass Mumu - I'm sure he'd be willing to give you a job. Ha ha, all will bow to my opinion or otherwise join the ranks of Super Magic Lass Mumu!

Lol, please don't banish me. Why don't you convince me of your opinion, instead of forcing it with threats of banishment, hmm? ;) I think that romance is implied with the scene, but I think Ying/Yang is pushing it.


AI Researcher
XD Ah, okay, sorry. I got sorta jumbled up there for a second.
I meant to say that I wanted to say that but kept forgetting to add it :awesome:^2

I also meant to go to bed soon :awesome:^4

Also, I don't even think ying/yang scene is even romantic. I thought it just meant the ground was spooky :awesome:^8
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Lol, please don't banish me. Why don't you convince me of your opinion, instead of forcing it with threats of banishment, hmm? ;) I think that romance is implied with the scene, but I think Ying/Yang is pushing it.

I think he's just calling it the 'yin/yang' out of convenience, since it isn't one, but it is interestesting that it's an impossible fall for him to land like that, and yet, he did, and moreoever, the scene's direction keeps coming back to focus on the two of them together, and the music, especially in the remake, relates back to C and T.

From a narrative standpoint, this is bludgeoning you over the head with a lamppost.

Celes Chere

A lamppost? Why not a sledge hammer? Or maybe Hito is right and the ground is just creepy~ :awesome:

Though really, I agree that with the new music, it comes off as even more romantic. Surprisingly, most CT fans I've talked to so far don't see it as romantic at all. Whhy. :rage:


AI Researcher
Or maybe Hito is right and the ground is just creepy~ :awesome:
That shit's lit up like a lamppost, that's some creepy shit right there. If you looked down and the floor was suddenly all lampposting it up in your face, you'd be all, "shit, man, that's some creepy floor!"

I don't know where you lot were looking (oh wait, Tifa's chest), but it obviously wasn't the spooky floor.

Now I have to add music change to the stuff you wenches have spoiled for me. Leave me some surprises, plz.

Celes Chere

Now I have to add music change to the stuff you wenches have spoiled for me. Leave me some surprises, plz.

Aw, ffs! I AM SORRY! :'(:aah: Look at the emoticons, they express how terribly sorry I am.

@FHS- Because some say that it's just adding a more dramatic effect.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
@FHS- Because some say that it's just adding a more dramatic effect.

To what? The stigma attack? Pffft. Bullshit. That song is DIRECTLY related to Cloud and Tifa, not the stigma, not Aerith, not Sephiroth. That theme has only one meaning. Anyone saying differently is a moron. Period.
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