The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Those are all relevant points, but My question was in regards to Clerith. Grieving, as we've stated earlier is not romantic, it's natural. And on the date, there's really nothing romantic said from Cloud's end TO Aerith, so my question remains... Where is the Cloud side to the Clerith love?


Fire and Blood
Hey, I only added that because it's a point I've seen from Cleriths :monster:
I personally felt that CloudZ wasn't really romantic you know? XD

But yeah, everything Cloud did pretty much involved Tifa. She truly is a catalyst for Cloud (their last night before the battle with Sephiroth, in AC...).


There were so many sweet lines Cloud could possibly say to Tifa on the first disc like "Yeah, I slept good cos you slept next to me" and so on. This doesn't inculde what Cloud actually said in other disc like "Your words will always support me", "No matter what anyone else says to me, it's your attitude that counts." etc. But as far as I remember, Cloud never said such a thing to Aerith even when it's up to player's choices. Even "I'll take you to ride on Highwind some days" sounds more like friends to me.

To add up what Syn post earlier,


- Cloud protected Tifa from a monster on Mt.Nibel even if he got himself injured in the process.
- Cloud wished he was a SOLDIER after Zack had reassured him Tifa was safe.
- Cloud walked to the well in the middle of night telling Zack he's thinking of something in the past. (Obvioudly, he thought of the promise he made with Tifa.)
- Cloud lovingly caressed Tifa's face to make sure Tifa was alright.

In CoT

- Cloud told Tifa with a smile that his new life will be alright because he will start it with her.
- Cloud comforted Tifa when she was crying over Aerith's death.
- Cloud was sure that he would be able to find his normal life and then he asked Tifa for reassurance.
- Cloud gave up his mercenary life and settled with Tifa even if he could live by himself.
- Cloud told Tifa with a blush that he would be there to remind her how strong she is.
- Cloud could possibly share a bedroom with Tifa.
- Cloud felt guilty about keeping things from Tifa.


- Cloud freaked out when he saw her lying in the church.
- Cloud didn't want to leave unconcious Tifa until she was awake.
- Cloud saved Tifa from the falling building.
- Cloud made a breif shy smile while looking at Tifa.
- Cloud asked Tifa if she could close the bar so that they can spend a time off together as a family and he would be home to meet her soon.

Other characters also noticed them being together in CoB like Barret helped building Cloud and Tifa's house, Barret also confirmed Cid that Cloud were together with Tifa and Cid commented it's the girl who wear pants after Barret told him Tifa encouraged Cloud to do business.

In CoY, that were a lot of times it was mentioned that Cloud and Tifa were togther like Cloud and Tifa started to walk off together, Yuffie talked on the phone with Tifa first and then Tifa passed it to Cloud. etc.

Moreover, if we can throw KH's Cloud in there, we will have "Tifa is Cloud's light." :monster:
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Great Old One
@ Kelly20: No, not all Cleriths in that forum are mean/bad. The majority of them aren't Tifa bashers, but I just wanted to point that out. It's not that they don't like Tifa that they support Cloud/Aerith, they see Cloud/Aerith as the more canon couple - at least, I doubt that most of them are like that. Also, to be honest, I don't think Cloud freaking out when he saw Tifa lying in the church is anything romantic, because Cloud would freak out if Aerith or Zack was in the church too. Lots of good points though. :)
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Also, to be honest, I don't think Cloud freaking out when he saw Tifa lying in the church is anything romantic, because Cloud would freak out if Aerith or Zack was in the church too.
He got worried, and he was shocked. You could tell that he was from the look on his face.
And Cloud do speak with his eyes.. I think that he is more concerned about Tifa though, because he promised to always save her and so on. So I think he really is afraid of seeing Tifa being that hurt.

Hmmm, The Clerith-Cloud. o_o
Let's see..

They don't know eachother. xDDD

-He was buying a flower from Aerith. (that he could give to Tifa or Marlene)
-Cloud becomed Aerith's bodyguard.
-Cloud dosen't want Aerith to get involved. Like when he says: "But..! Aerith, I can't let you get involved into this!" I don't remember it exactly. xDD
-Cloud laughed together with Aerith. (sorry for bringing that up again <_<)
-Cait Sith tells Cloud and Aerith that their stars shows a great future.
-Cloud saves Aerith from The Turks.
-Cloud and Aerith are talking about their date infront of Tifa.
-Cloud can go on a date with either Aerith or Tifa. But you have a better chance to get Aerith.
-Cloud is sad about Aerith's death. (he is sad about Zack's too)
-Cloud is nagging: "Aerith.." a couple of times, so do the others in the gang after her death.
-In the end, Aerith reaches her hand for Cloud, and he is about the grap it.. But then Tifa is shown.

Remember that Cloud was being Zack when he had his moments with Aerith.
So.. It dosen't really count. We don't know what the real Cloud would have done.
Btw, I don't remember all the parts of the game that well. xDDD

-Cloud thinks that Aerith is bringing Denzel to him and Tifa.

-Aerith is herself calling Cloud a dear friend, lover.

-Cloud is hiding in Aerith's church.
-Cloud is depressed by her death. (and Zack's)
-Aerith's spirit is talking with Cloud in his heart in a scene.
-He wants to be forgiven more than anything by her.
-Aerith is Cloud's last push when he is going to defeat Bahamut.
-Cloud and Aerith are the only characters that is shown in the Credit scene "Calling".
-Cloud is smiling at Aerith and Zack in the ending.

There isn't many Clerith-moments in AC.. If there is any scenes that contain Aerith, Zack is probably also there. Because they are both dead, and wants Cloud to move on with his life/family. The only scene were Cloud and Aerith is alone is when they stand in the flowerbed. In the other hand, Cloud and Tifa have plenty of those moments.. Anyway, I just pointed out the facts that have anything to do with the original game and etc. I can write about other games like, Utadaki Street Special, KH1, KH2. :wacky:
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Great Old One
Given that Aerith isn't meant to appear in many scenes because she's: a.) Dead, b.) Not the main character, I would think that's the reason why. It does make one wonder how Cloud and Aerith's time spent together in FFVII is anything but romantic. Buying a flower from Aerith? Not romantic, unless you count the fact that he said that she had beautiful eyes or something like that (which, I still don't know where they get that from). And Aerith is an attractive girl.

Cloud becoming Aerith's bodyguard at the last minute when she needs to be helped? I don't see anything wrong with that - and Cloud 'becoming Aerith's bodyguard,' in a way is quite similar to Cloud's promise to Tifa. Crossdressing is back y'all. And he has to be strong armed into the date - all of them have to be, but the difference is the fact that Aerith offered him the date even before the Golden Saucer came.

I don't see anything wrong with Cloud not wanting to get Aerith involved. He's clearly worried because she's not as strong as the rest of the members. I think Tifa also said this.

Cloud laughed with Aerith when he wasn't himself.

Cait Sith is a fake.

Cloud saving Aerith from the Turks? Hell, Cloud crossdresses to save Tifa.

Again, he's not himself when they're talking about their date. And that scene crosses out the fact that Tifa has motherly feelings for him, because she's obviously jealous.

The Love Parameter is based off the girl's feelings, not Cloud himself. The title of the scene is called, "Interrupted by Fireworks."

Cloud is sad about Aerith's death because she was a dear friend, and like you said, he was sad with Zack too.

He's not nagging. He's angsting.

You can think of that scene as Aerith leading the way. And let's note that Tifa falls after that, and Cloud saves her just before she falls, debunking any claims that Cloud can't save anyone.

About the KH ordeal, I don't see how it's even possible that people come up with the conclusion that Aerith is Cloud's life, when it's been shown that Aerith is 'rooting and cheering,' for him to find it. How is one bending over their head and looking at someone (the victim Cloud) romantic? And even more, people come to claim that only couples are shown in the ending credits. Unless, Gepaddo and Pinocchio are so getting it on. Troo luv? Meanwhile, at least we see another person hand over her light in order to help Cloud instead of standing by the sidelines and cheering for a comrade. Sadly though, it seems that Tifa is desperate to actually do such an act, because we clearly are shown that Cloud rejects her with her light. Poor stalker never had a chance. :no:
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Also, to be honest, I don't think Cloud freaking out when he saw Tifa lying in the church is anything romantic, because Cloud would freak out if Aerith or Zack was in the church too. Lots of good points though. :)

I see your point here :) I just think that moment is when Cloud showed his emotion/reaction the most throughout the movie. Of course, it might be the same for Aerith and Zack, but we never get to see it so I think we can't really say how Cloud would react compared to how he rushed to Tifa with his worried look. Also, I think I remember Cloud seeing Aerith getting slapped in front of him once and he didn't even move an inch if I'm not mistaken. It was Tifa who seemed to be more angry for that.


Great Old One
I think I read once in an interview that, "Cloud's eyes volumize his emotions, which we see in the scene where Tifa faints. Cloud's thoughts at that moment are most likely angsty thoughts of failing Tifa, not keeping true to their promise, etc. One of those reasons probably come to Cloud apologizing to her (of course, he probably is apologizing for him leaving her as well). Cloud's reaction to Tifa would probably be stronger than if Aerith was there, because unlike those two, Cloud and Tifa have the promise. :awesome:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Tbh, I think the notion of Clerith died when she did, not because I don't think he had any feelings for her, but ruining any future relationships based on a two-week one seems ridiculous to me. Unlike other relationships where there's a whirlwind romance, he sort of liked her, she sort of liked him, she realized he wasn't himself, she wants to meet him, and then she dies. The whole spirit sex thing just seems wrong on many levels, especially the fact he's trying to continue a relationship with someone who's dead.

I've heard of love beyond death (James/Mary being my favorite example) but couples like that had gone through much more than Cloud and Aerith were ever allowed to. Futhermore, their affection is usually resolved in a healthy manner (dying, in the case of Dyne, taking care of someone else who's precious to their loved one, etc.) and the only way that someone who was dead could be with a living person would be either if they went crazy (see Rebirth ending of SH2) or if they killed themselves, and neither seems in character for Cloud.

Perhaps I'm being too pessimistic here, but their short relationship doesn't seem like the healthiest springboard for a life-long commitment, especially since she's no longer alive.


Great Old One
Aerith's death basically gives the cue in for Cloud and Tifa's relationship, in my opinion. The fact that Aerith died gives that Zack and Aerith and Cloud and Tifa's relationship is solidified in consideration with the Love Triangle. I can see why people believe in the fact that Cloud and Aerith's 'love goes beyond death,' but the fact that they've been together for like, what, two weeks seems a bit too quick for them to even fall in love with each other. I don't think that either Aerith or Cloud believe in 'love at first sight.' I doubt that Aerith was in love with Zack the moment she saw him. And the fact that Aerith realized that Cloud wasn't himself during their time they met just comes to show that she hardly knew who the real Cloud was in the first place.

I've heard some people tell me that Cloud and Tifa's relationship would never work because they fight all the time, but isn't that what normal relationships are about? And even so, they've had some pretty romantic times together. A short relationship where the two hardly know each other is probably not the healthiest relationship, compared to a relationship where the two 'belong together', and 'balance each other out.'

It's simple. Zack and Aerith are together, and Cloud and Tifa are together. I don't know what else to put out.


He's not nagging. He's angsting.
I agree with everything you said. All the "proofs" for Clerith dosen't contain anything romantic(or that Cloud is FAKING) unless you look at Aerith's POV. And I'm sorry, Cloud is the king of angst. :awesomonster:


The Wanderer of Time
Those are all relevant points, but My question was in regards to Clerith. Grieving, as we've stated earlier is not romantic, it's natural. And on the date, there's really nothing romantic said from Cloud's end TO Aerith, so my question remains... Where is the Cloud side to the Clerith love?

Alright, I'm behind, gotta re-start somewhere.

Cloud said:
Cloud: I wonder how Aerith is doing.
Aerith: Cloud, are you there?
Cloud: Aerith!? You safe?
Aerith: Yeah, I'm all right. I knew that Cloud would come for me.
Cloud: Hey, I'm your bodyguard right?

Aerith: I learned a lot. The elders taught me many things. About the Cetra...
And the Promised Land... I'm...... alone... I'm all alone now...
Cloud: But I'm...... we're here for you, right?
Aerith: I know. I know, but... I am the only...... Cetra.
Cloud: Does that mean we can't help?

Cloud: ...Shut up. The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean a thing. Aerith is gone. Aerith will no longer talk, no longer laugh, cry...... or get angry...... What about us...... what are WE supposed to do? What about my pain? My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My eyes are burning!

Cloud: ......Aerith. She was smiling to the end. We have to do something, or that smile will just freeze like that. Let's go all together. Memories of Aerith...

The hand reach scene of course. And though I admit it's up to interpretation, I thought Aerith's date scene was more romantic than Tifa's. Aerith expresses a desire to meet the real Cloud, Tifa tries to tell Cloud something and gets frustrated and gives up.

The thing I don't get is that many members here say there is no LT and that it's settled and Cloud clearly loves Tifa. If that's the case, why is there Clerith? If the Cloti is so obvious how is it some, including me, watched the movie and played the game and saw Clerith?

I know this will sound strange, but I really would like SE to spell it out for us if Cloud *does* love Tifa. They've had no problems with other couples - Cecil and Rosa marry, Wakka and Lulu marry, Laguna and Raine were married, Yuna and Tidus kiss, Squall and Rinoa kiss, Ashe and Rassler were married, and Zidane.....well, enough said really, it's Zidane.

Considering SE has no problems with their couples getting married and being in love with hugs and kisses and all that good stuff....where is that for Cloti? No wedding, no kisses, no confessions of love. And yeah, there's none of that for Aerith either, hence the LT - SE hasn't confirmed anything beyond a doubt, they've given us statements and quotations that could be misunderstood or contradict something they've said elsewhere.
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
There was also No Hugging, No Kissing for Vaan and Penelo, but I don't see many people arguing that they aren't a couple. Even if it isn't explicit, it's still obvious they're a couple. In fact, I think they got a similar hug to Cloud/Tifa at the end of FF7 in Revenant Wings.


wangxian married
There was also No Hugging, No Kissing for Vaan and Penelo, but I don't see many people arguing that they aren't a couple. Even if it isn't explicit, it's still obvious they're a couple. In fact, I think they got a similar hug to Cloud/Tifa at the end of FF7 in Revenant Wings.

That doesn't count, cause no one in FF12 has enough personality to fall in love.

I mean.

I have something real to say.

It's simple. Zack and Aerith are together, and Cloud and Tifa are together. I don't know what else to put out.

I agree with the second part and not the first. There's no indication post Aeris-date she's still in love with Zack. She tells Cloud they are two different people are makes it clear he is the one she's interested in. In CoL she blatantly calls Cloud the one she loves and her thoughts revolve around him.

Not to mention jesus christ no more love beyond death shit. It doesn't work for Cleris, it sure as hell doesn't work for Zeris. They're not a "couple", they're goddamn lifestream goo that's gonna dissolve.


Fire and Blood
The thing I don't get is that many members here say there is no LT and that it's settled and Cloud clearly loves Tifa. If that's the case, why is there Clerith? If the Cloti is so obvious how is it some, including me, watched the movie and played the game and saw Clerith?

I'm sorry, but no, no. There will ALWAYS be people to interpret what the creators/writers intended wrongly, no matter how much they put this into clear sentences - it's a matter of preference that affects our opinions there.

Saying: "there should be stuff more clear" I don't know, what's more clear to you? I love CloTi for what it is, I don't need them to be all over each other in a make out scene to know they're the main pairing of FF7.

And, from my memories from reading this thread, it seems that the large majority see CloTi as the canon pairing too. Non shippers and shippers both think that. Fact is, only a minority think Clerith is canon; if so, why bother for those who will dismiss EVERYTHING no matter what?

FF7 has a greater focus than just the LTD. And it just happens that truly, there's no real LTD anymore - the question would even be, was there one in the first place? XD

As for me, I'd say that I feel sorry for Aerith in CoL - she hanged on those feelings for a fake personna while he was already with Tifa. That was the first time I felt sorry for Aerith. XD


The Wanderer of Time
I'm sorry, but no, no. There will ALWAYS be people to interpret what the creators/writers intended wrongly, no matter how much they put this into clear sentences - it's a matter of preference that affects our opinions there.

And, from my memories from reading this thread, it seems that the large majority see CloTi as the canon pairing too. Non shippers and shippers both think that. Fact is, only a minority think Clerith is canon; if so, why bother for those who will dismiss EVERYTHING no matter what?

FF7 has a greater focus than just the LTD. And it just happens that truly, there's no real LTD anymore - the question would even be, was there one in the first place? XD

Why is it "wrongly"? Why don't Cleriths interpret it "differently"? Interesting you used that particular wording.

And what makes you think we're dismiss it if Nomura said "Cloud and Tifa love each other"? And "was there ever one in the first place"? Again, if Cloud and Tifa are so obviously in love, where are the kiss scenes, where's the wedding? Where does Cloud say "I love you" if it's so obvious he does?


Fire and Blood
"Cloud and Tifa would be back home together, where they belong"

I've seen people say 'but it's only related to their location'. I call that twisting the creators' intent, because when you mean that people belong together, it's just much more a question of location. I'm pretty sure that if the same had applied to Cloud and Aerith, no one would deny that they're the canon couple, even those who always flip flop - see the whole koi______bito debacle. And it's not the only instance, but I'm too lazy to say everything again.

Also, I'd like to know exactly why is that everything that the fake Cloud does is more important when it's to Aerith than what the TRUE Cloud does for Tifa - especially when the quotes and everything that happens with Tifa is a stronger case in itself than with Aerith.


The Wanderer of Time
Also, I'd like to know exactly why is that everything that the fake Cloud does is more important when it's to Aerith than what the TRUE Cloud does for Tifa - especially when the quotes and everything that happens with Tifa is a stronger case in itself than with Aerith.

I'd like to know exactly why everything "Zacloud" does, and all his moments with Aerith, mean little to nothing.

Selphie Tilmitt

Pro Adventurer
Eh wut? There are plenty of Cleris fans all over the world. I also know non shippers that see Cloud and Aerith too. So yeah. Just because it's a minority here doesn't mean that applies everywhere. Cleris is still strongly represented and SE wouldn't release statements/suggestions like "two heroines and the hero having to choose" /Aerith being like the transfer student crush and of course most recently Cloud is the woman's koibito if Cleris hadn't ever been a possibility~

*high fives the Zelda <3*

I'd like to know exactly why everything "Zacloud" does, and all his moments with Aerith, mean little to nothing.

Biggest point is that Cloud wasn't ZaCloud when he reached for Aerith in the lifestream nor in the Bahamut scene.
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Cloud: I wonder how Aerith is doing.
Aerith: Cloud, are you there?
Cloud: Aerith!? You safe?
Aerith: Yeah, I'm all right. I knew that Cloud would come for me.
Cloud: Hey, I'm your bodyguard right?

I see this is normal thing he would say since he's actually her bodyguard after all. It doesn't really sound romantic in my opinion.

Aerith: I learned a lot. The elders taught me many things. About the Cetra...
And the Promised Land... I'm...... alone... I'm all alone now...
Cloud: But I'm...... we're here for you, right?
Aerith: I know. I know, but... I am the only...... Cetra.
Cloud: Does that mean we can't help?

This also depends on interpretation I think. Cloud probably didn't want Aerith to get any idea that he sweettalked to her. Compared to what he said to Tifa, he openly made it clear that he meaned it.

Cloud: ...Shut up. The cycle of nature and your stupid plan don't mean a thing. Aerith is gone. Aerith will no longer talk, no longer laugh, cry...... or get angry...... What about us...... what are WE supposed to do? What about my pain? My fingers are tingling. My mouth is dry. My eyes are burning!

Cloud: ......Aerith. She was smiling to the end. We have to do something, or that smile will just freeze like that. Let's go all together. Memories of Aerith...

Cloud failed to protect her and he even almost could kill her himself because he couldn't get control over his body. We know that how painful it is for Cloud for not being able to save someone. He always took it too serious. Of course, he would feel painful when Aerith got killed and he would do anyhing to be forgiven for not being able to save her.

The hand reach scene of course. And though I admit it's up to interpretation, I thought Aerith's date scene was more romantic than Tifa's. Aerith expresses a desire to meet the real Cloud, Tifa tries to tell Cloud something and gets frustrated and gives up.

I think it just means Aerith told Cloud she realised she never know the real him because she has kept seeing her first love in him for all this time. Still, it's only one-sided in that scene since Cloud just sit there barely speaking anything. It can't be compared to how Cloud and Tifa realised their mutual feeling under Highwind without words.

The thing I don't get is that many members here say there is no LT and that it's settled and Cloud clearly loves Tifa. If that's the case, why is there Clerith? If the Cloti is so obvious how is it some, including me, watched the movie and played the game and saw Clerith?

People only see what they like because lots of things have been up to interpretation but it doesn't mean all of them have to be the truth.
I know this will sound strange, but I really would like SE to spell it out for us if Cloud *does* love Tifa. They've had no problems with other couples - Cecil and Rosa marry, Wakka and Lulu marry, Laguna and Raine were married, Yuna and Tidus kiss, Squall and Rinoa kiss, Ashe and Rassler were married, and Zidane.....well, enough said really, it's Zidane.

Considering SE has no problems with their couples getting married and being in love with hugs and kisses and all that good stuff....where is that for Cloti? No wedding, no kisses, no confessions of love. And yeah, there's none of that for Aerith either, hence the LT - SE hasn't confirmed anything beyond a doubt, they've given us statements and quotations that could be misunderstood or contradict something they've said elsewhere.

Creators such as Nomura and Nojima spilled it out in many interviews that Cloud and Tifa are together, Tifa is Cloud's important woman and a part of his family in Edge etc.

SE has no problems with their couples getting married, hugging, kissing and so on --Yes, but it doesn't mean they need to do that with every couples to show they are canon. Cloud and Tifa understand each other more than anyone else. This is why I love Cloti more than other couples as well.


Fire and Blood
@Drake: because, if you want to believe in a pairing being canon, the first thing for them is to have both parties being their true selves. If you base your opinion on an act, what is there to say? What you loved back then in the game wasn't especially CLoud*Aerith but CloudZ*Aerith. I think the difference is important, especially when we learn that the true Cloud is *all* about Tifa.
As many people pointed out, the only big scenes that were not part of the player's choice were with Tifa - you could not say he didn't love Tifa, you could not say they didn't spend the last night together - which is, according to SE, another time when Tifa acts like a catalyst to Cloud.

@Maidenofwar: of course there are plenty Clerith shippers; they are indeed cute together. But being a shipper does not mean you see them as canon. Hell, I've got plenty friends who are cleriths and think CloTi is canon since the game. See, that's the difference, and what a LTD is all about :monster:

Edit: oh yeah, before I forget: I think a lot of the confusion stems from the fact that to Cloud, nothing is not important.


The Wanderer of Time
This also depends on interpretation I think. Cloud probably didn't want Aerith to get any idea that he sweettalked to her. Compared to what he said to Tifa, he openly made it clear that he meaned it.

This first sentence here is something that immediately caught my eye. Because that proves my overall stance on the LT.

Evidence for *both* pairings is left up to interpretation. Both pairings have evidence for and against them. So why does one pairing have to be right and the other pairing have to be wrong? I support Clerith but IMO SE hasn't and probably has no intention of ever stating outright who Cloud loves. They just give us statements and such that we can interpret and discuss amongst ourselves, leading to circular debates like this. ^_^
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Eh wut? There are plenty of Cleris fans all over the world. I also know non shippers that see Cloud and Aerith too. So yeah. Just because it's a minority here doesn't mean that applies everywhere. Cleris is still strongly represented and SE wouldn't release statements/suggestions like "two heroines and the hero having to choose" /Aerith being like the transfer student crush and of course most recently Cloud is the woman's koibito if Cleris hadn't ever been a possibility~

*high fives the Zelda <3*

Biggest point is that Cloud wasn't ZaCloud when he reached for Aerith in the lifestream nor in the Bahamut scene.

Yeah like Syn said, being a shipper doesn't mean that couple is canon. No one can or allow to stop other people from liking what they like. I think the real interview about transfer student doesn't mention anything about having a crush? and do you mind to show me where the statement about having two heroines that the hero have to choose?

Nomura: As for the heroines, during development some people were of the opinion that compared to Tifa, Aerith has fewer scenes and didn&#8217;t really stand out, so we also increased her appearances.

Nojima: As a motif for them, Tifa is &#8220;the childhood friend who&#8217;s been with you since nursery school&#8221;, and Aerith is &#8220;the girl who transfers school mid-term and quickly leaves for another school.&#8221; Since she doesn&#8217;t have many scenes, you&#8217;ve got to make it so that the transfer student has a big impact. That was what I thought.

For koibito thing, it's only one-sided as in Aerith --> Cloud. What's about Nomura's statement about Tifa is Cloud's lover?

This first sentence here is something that immediately caught my eye. Because that proves my overall stance on the LT.

Evidence for *both* pairings is left up to interpretation. Both pairings have evidence for and against them. So why does one pairing have to be right and the other pairing have to be wrong? I support Clerith but IMO SE hasn't and probably has no intention of ever stating outright who Cloud loves. They just give us statements and such that we can interpret and discuss amongst ourselves, leading to circular debates like this. ^_^

I mean anyone can interpret it how they like in that scene, but it doesn't mean it has to be the truth. Though, giving all other evidences we have from the creators, it's obvious which pairing is canon.
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wangxian married
Eh wut? There are plenty of Cleris fans all over the world. I also know non shippers that see Cloud and Aerith too. So yeah. Just because it's a minority here doesn't mean that applies everywhere. Cleris is still strongly represented and SE wouldn't release statements/suggestions like "two heroines and the hero having to choose" /Aerith being like the transfer student crush and of course most recently Cloud is the woman's koibito if Cleris hadn't ever been a possibility~

*high fives the Zelda :kiss:*

Hey bb! <3 I was going to make an Aeris/Tifa club. You should be the first member. ;)

I think it just means Aerith told Cloud she realised she never know the real him because she has kept seeing her first love in him for all this time. Still, it's only one-sided in that scene since Cloud just sit there barely speaking anything. It can't be compared to how Cloud and Tifa realised their mutual feeling under Highwind without words.
Depending on the affection rate you get, Cloud's wooden through that scene too, which leads to Tifa being irritated the next morning rather than embarrassed.

Edit: oh yeah, before I forget: I think a lot of the confusion stems from the fact that to Cloud, nothing is not important.

To be honest, I always thought that was the "answer", that both meant a lot to him and it had nothing to do with one over the other.

In fact, he pities Sephiroth for thinking that such a choice can be made.
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Fire and Blood
And we're back in square one. If what you claim is true, then what about their feelings being revealed under the Highwind? Was that feelings of friendship? I'm sorry, but lol, they were already friends. A new friendship?

Se has made enough comments so that people would be able to see the pattern they were drawing. There's the player's choice, but then there's also the canon story - and with that one, there's no way to go out of that territory - except for fanarts and fanfics.

Edit: I've read that the Highwind scene wasn't decided by the affection meter, but by how you used Tifa in your parties. I can't be sure though. I've read it somewhere, here XD
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