Because YunaxTidus are only 17, so it's harder to establish a mature relationship when you're traveling around the world trying to save it. And while CloudxTifa were doing that too, keep in mind they're in their 20s, not just coming out of pubescence. Tuna's hormones are all out of whack so they probly don't know what's appropriate in the current situations.
Cloud isnt exactly in his right mind-set age. Tifa and Cloud are mature and immature in their own ways, but its easily concluded that both are immature in stands to relationships, nether ever (to our knowledge) having one, outside of their affections for eachother.
As for the Cloti thing, judging from the way you phrased that it seemed to me like a more of a one night stand situation. They did their little thing beneath the stars but after that, we don't hear any more from it. And then in CoT she's all insecure about how he feels, which is how a lot of women feel when they're falling for a guy they have a one night stand with.
I dont think its a one night stand thing, I think its a Tidus and Yuna kiss situation. In the 'watered down' version, I think its up to interpretation, making absolute sex non-canon, but it COULD be taken that way and still make sense. I think in the chocobo stables that was pure sex-derived, but with two versions, no matter how much the other is embraced, both are considered Canon, because they both happen and can be incorporated into the story. So, wether it was a kiss, holding hands, or sex, it gave the implication of romance, and the start of a relationship, and the sharing of mutual affections.
Used her for what? He said he wanted to start a LIFE with her, said it was DIFFERENT know. Whats different? Possibly the mutual affections they share and are aware of now?
Wanted to raise kids with her?
Took care of Barrets daughter like their own?
Took on Denzel has a way to cover their sins, grow together, and save a life?
Ran away from those he loves. Those he cherishes most, at the thought of losing them? Searching for a way to save them?
I think C & T have done enough for eachother, their 'children' and gotten plenty of hints from Aerith to go on and live their lives together, regardless of the past, and regardless of their sins and faults.
I'm not saying there HAS to be physical intimacy, I'm just saying it would have been nice...
A. for the Clorith's because alot of the "facts" going around these days are still arguable
B. Because although it's an action movie it would use a little more softness to it
C. sex sells ;D
It would be nice, but I think we've had enough physical intimacy between them. FF7 isnt a love story, your looking for FF8 in that department. The story isnt ALL about Cloud and Tifa and their romance, thats just a small part that furthers the real plot and development, which is life, moving on, living, family, and so on and so forth, but mainly life, and living.
I havent seen a single Clorith fact...I'd love to though.