The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Yeah, I know i'm not gonna go right out and count a 10 second long sentance as an answer to the LT, but I do think it was leaning the love story towards Clerith by putting the word love over them. But that could just be the marketers putting their interpretation into the LT and they believed it to be Clerith. -shrugs- Isn't it funny that love isn't that big of a factor in it, but people have been bitching for 12 years about that. Hello Everybody, what about the life? xD

Well one of the only thing that *really* discredits it, is the fact that it isnt a commericial by, or endorsed by Square, and it wasnt even made/shown in Japan, where the game was made. The Japanese commericials don't talk about love at all, I believe, because love isnt a big element, the love triangle, was a fun and important sub-plot. Life and living and moving on and loss, where common themes used in FF7, and thats what the game, focuses on.

In my eyes destiny does just about everything really. I do believe Aerith's meeting with Zack and Cloud was destiny, but Cloud and Tifa...err I think destiny can be a romantic word and the train station didn't seem very magincal imo. U_U

I'd have to disagree. If you remember, in that scene he *just* saw Zack die, and is suffering a great amount of trauma, and is pretty messed up. Though when Tifa comes on the screen, when the girl that real Cloud 'dimly fell inlove with' actual confirmation of Clouds feelings, which were never stated to receed, he starts to act like he's all fine, and the Jenova cells mimic off her memories, to create the *NEW CLOUD* which we get to play with for awhile. Which was created to be the ideal person he wanted to be, *in order to be the kind of man he wants to be to save Tifa* That's highly romantic, in my opinion. So upon seeing the girl he knew from his past, it changed him from trauma exposed, and fucked up shy awkward guy, to passive badass, who has Zack's mannerisms. The thought that he changes into this to be the ideal man he wants to be in order to save Tifa is reinforced by, every time she turns away, or isnt looking, flashes go across the screen, he looks in pain, when she looks at him again, he's acting fine. He wants to be the kind of guy that can save Tifa, though mentally this destroyed him, if just the thought of wanting to be with Tifa did that to him, he must feel some strong feelings.

Like I said, desintined seems like a romantic word, imo like how soulmates are desintined to meet each other. That's why I believe Clerith works because of "meet" being with them. But I suppose same goes for Zerith seeing the met the exact same way.

I don't know, All it says in regards to destiny between Cloud and Aerith is, thats when the wheels of their destiny started turning, and it is, since her capture leads to the realization that Sephiroth is alive, Sephiroth. The one that Real!Cloud hated for burning down Nibelhiem, hurting Tifa, killing his mother, so on. Their is nothing romantic in that really. It was destiny, but it wasn't soul-binding lover destiny. It's the first step to leading them down their ultimate paths, Aeriths to her death, and then her rescue of the planet, Cloud to Sephiroth, then to the lifestream, then to finding his real self agian, then to facing him for the final showdown. Aerith is a big part of most of that, but don't forget that Tifa is as well. They both help to further him along, the difference is, one is in a romantic and personal sense, and one is like an affectionate presence, that's always watching over him, with Zack always by her side.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
In further news. As of a few days ago according to the
Tifa is not Clouds light in KH2. Aerith is of course. He was looking for her in KH1 and left her to find his light which is......her...and.

(keeping in mind that this is all really useless information for the compilation anyways)

Nevermind that Tifa was declared to be the light and Aerith belonged to neither...

And Aerith calling Cloud her Koibito is more relevant than Nomura calling Tifa someones koibito. Because Cloud is named in the first. And not in relation to Tifa.

And Aerith couldn't possibly just means she loves Cloud, no no. And Tifa could be ANYONE'S beloved, even people she despises!

Humm...I don't ever remember seeing Aeriths name in CoL now that I think about it. No! Ignore logic!

Cloud and Ilafna had a little something something.

actually i read on many sites that the one Cloud was looking for in kh1 wasn't Aerith but .. Sephiroth!!

It was.

That's sort of because Aerith wonders in Final Mix if she's been able to find HIM again yet. Now if he's looking for her, why is she referring to herself as a dude? Mighty stupid if you ask me.

Not if SHE IS ONE!

Such as a Cloti to defend Tifa when Tifa isn't mentioned and misinterpret what was said. :monster:

Notice how I didn't mention Cloud's promise to Tifa (because I could give two shits about her rly.)? I only mentioned the part of that scene where Cloud mentions he wants to be like Sephiroth. It's less than a two minute mention, in the promise scene.

And yet it destroys the concept of a hatred for Sephiroth 'that always was'

But Nibelheim is a full on elaborated scene revisited time and again, which continues to burn in Cloud's heart. He hates Sephiroth for what he did to his hometown. He lost everything because of Sephiroth. THAT is the hate that always was. Mmkay?

FUCK I hate this bullshit.

And I still think Tifa's a slut

You don't want to walk that path, even in jest, since I can 'prove' by the same asinine logic that 'proves' Tifa is a slut that Aerith's a whore/ coke pusher in the first 30 minutes of the game.

Re: commercial...

I saw that soooooo long before I actually played the game and totally thought Clerith was the canon pairing because of it. But then you just think about semantics and such and it's like "a love that could never be? How the crap does that translate to a love that is? Doesn't that more readily mean a love that isn't?"

YES. That is exactly what a love that can never be is.

And you could always get all philosophical and say that Sephiroth (or Jenova) WAS the hatred that always was. But that's just gettin' all nuts.

But seeing those bits as referring to Aerith and Sephiroth (it's her love that could never be, his hate that always was) actually makes a lot more sense than assuming it means Cloud.

Yeah, I know i'm not gonna go right out and count a 10 second long sentance as an answer to the LT, but I do think it was leaning the love story towards Clerith by putting the word love over them. But that could just be the marketers putting their interpretation into the LT and they believed it to be Clerith. -shrugs- Isn't it funny that love isn't that big of a factor in it, but people have been bitching for 12 years about that. Hello Everybody, what about the life? xD

Some people have an emotional investment in their ship. People still argue Harry/Herm despite everything to the contrary.

In my eyes destiny does just about everything really. I do believe Aerith's meeting with Zack and Cloud was destiny, but Cloud and Tifa...err I think destiny can be a romantic word and the train station didn't seem very magincal imo. U_U

What, Cloud's mind restoring itself from a vegetative state isn't 'magical?'

Like I said, desintined seems like a romantic word, imo like how soulmates are desintined to meet each other. That's why I believe Clerith works because of "meet" being with them. But I suppose same goes for Zerith seeing the met the exact same way. :awesome:

But Cloud and Tifa also get meet. Like when he finally restores his mind, he says to her 'so we meet again.'

Yum, yum if I get a slice of those T&A's maybe Cloti could slide by this time...:lol:

Even women want Tifa. That's why Aerith was after her too.

Oh really. :O I always just thought of Clerith because Cloud wanted to meet Aerith in the promised land, and Aerith wanted to meet the real Cloud. Idk though, i haven't played VII in a bit. Sorry..U_U

Except Cloud only expresses realization. Tifa expresses desire. Besides, if he wanted to meet her in the lifestream, why not hop back in? Why leave, stay close to Tifa, talk of startng a new life with her, move in with her, raise kids together, etc.

Clophritoth ftw? Well this thread is talking about destiny and imo it was desitny for Cloud to meet and love Aerith.

The OP uses the word destiny, yes, but really, the question of the LTD should always be who Cloud chose.

And about Cloud picking Tifa...uhh neither has been confirmed. He could be making the choice to still search for Aerith later or maybe it is settle down with Teef, the world may never know. :O

Point of order, he HAS settled down with Tifa. He's living and raising kids with her. Still is as of DoC.

I agree, Aerith is a sweetheart and if Cloud loved Tifa, i'm sure she would let him have his happiness with her, but what if Cloud doesn't want Tifa? Then what would Aerith choose. Same with Tifa, I believe if she knew Cloud loved Aerith, if she wasn't a bitch she would let him love her and not pin on starting a relationship. I'm still waiting for Cloud's decision though...T_T

Case of Tifa. Advent Children. Dirge of Cerberus, Case of Denzel. He has made his decision and shows it by his actions.

Ah, but you must not forget Sephy is in there too, lets not forget him he might blow up the world. xD
I love when Aerith says "i'll come back" and when Cloud wants to meet her in the promised land. ^^ <3

But he doesn't express an intent to meet her. Tifa does. And Cloud was referring (in the original japanese anyways) to Aerith among other fallen comrades, as a friend. So sayeth the UO, anyways.

Neh? How is the promise coming into this. Really Cloud seems like he can hate way more than he can love, damn you emo! :catfight: I think he has been hanging around with Sasuke a wee bit too much. xD

Except even when going Emo, Cloud's family is still quite foremost in his thoughts.

Oh course not, that was Ilfana's Cloud/Ilfana always. &#9829;

Cloud has a thing for MILFS. It's why he wants Tifa.

In KH2 he was looking for Sephiroth and found him, in KH1 he said he was looking for his light

No, he didn't. He was looking for 'someone', and used the darkness to find that person, in the process losing sight of his light. Said person to be found was Sephy, as revealed in KH:FM by Aerith and Cloud both.

which is implyed to be Aerith because he meets her at the end like the other couples in the game. But that is just an interpretation.

Non couples also meet in the end, like Pinno and Ghep and Minnie and Daisy, where Cloud getting dragged home by Cid is sandwhiched between.

And in KH2, Tifa is unquestionably his light.


AI Researcher
Are they opposing arguements to the 'it's a little different' line? I never seen any, but I only see stuff that's brought up here :monster: I can't really imagine how that could be explained away, really. But it probably can.

Well this thread is talking about destiny and imo it was desitny for Cloud to meet and love Aerith.
This seems to have happened a couple of times, but I just thought I'm mention that the wording on the first post should be taken too seriously. I can assure you that not much thought went into it :awesome:


Your Mom
Are they opposing arguements to the 'it's a little different' line? I never seen any, but I only see stuff that's brought up here I can't really imagine how that could be explained away, really. But it probably can.
What I've seen argued:
"It's different" is so vague it can mean anything. It could be different now because they weren't really friends before and they are now. It could be different because Cloud didn't have his memories before and now he does. It could be different because they were chasing after Sephiroth before and now they aren't. etc.


lil' rice krispies
Elizabeth, Selda
Guuuuuuuuuh. That's the kind of thing that makes my brain cry. :/

The number of times I've seen this conversation take place between couples in fiction is many.

Many many. -_-

Deep down they MUST know they are being full of it when they throw stuff like this around. I've seen them discuss other fictional couples that parallel C/T on their boards.

They don't have trouble deciphering things when it isn't them.
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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Hey now, let's not be too serias here. This isn't a debate thread anymore. It's a Monkeyshines thread. :awesome:

Incidentally, on this "destiny" thing...

Isn't everything about everyone in FFVII about destiny? I mean, AVALANCHE were destined to meet and fight against Shinra together. Everyone was destined to meet everyone to save the Planet. I don't think it just pertains to Aerith and Cloud. It includes everyone! :reptar:

And I think the promise of being a hero to a girl is romantic in itself. Am I wrong in my girlish notions here? :monster:


Pray for Sound
Issac Dian, Dudley, Chev Chelios
I'm going to cop to looking at Tifa's butt in the Vendel sig. :D Looks like she traded the orthopedic underwear for something a bit more ... snug. :monster:


I'm going to cop to looking at Tifa's butt in the Vendel sig. :D Looks like she traded the orthopedic underwear for something a bit more ... snug. :monster:

You sick pervert.:objection: I see why Cloud gets his 'don't get a boner around these kids' look.




Smile Tifa! You deserve it. *cries*
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....And we're still waiting for an answer. :awesomonster:

Well that is a lot of text to sift through. We did bombard poor KTR.
And I think it looked a little something like this.
I Am Not Me said:
I'd hit that if I were a guy. Even more so if I were Cloud

Yeah... but you would be thinking of Zack the whole time.

And that's just wrong.
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I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Yeah... but you would be thinking of Zack the whole time.

And that's just wrong.

I would if I were Cloud. If I were guy!Mei, Tifa would be the only thing on my mind. :awesome:

She's so pretty. I'm gay for her. :monster:

Cloud is dense for not noticing this ORITE, he's noticed since he was kid. Tifa was a loli then, and he was a shota. But he still liked her anyway, with or without the "sluttiness".

See my point thar, Cleriths who think fans and Cloud only like Tifa for her bewbs? :monster:


Well that is a lot of text to sift through. We did bombard poor KTR.
And I think it looked a little something like this.


Well, first off. I started to answer that KTR, and when I was done and saw all the posts, I was all like:


Answer to what? :huh:

We're still waiting for an answer from that Clerith. :awesomonster:

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Lmao. This was suppose to be a debate, not a massacre. :monster:

People here are becoming touchy because of all the repetitions. I mean, how many times do the same points have to come up in this thread anyway, right? :awesome:
People here are becoming touchy because of all the repetitions. I mean, how many times do the same points have to come up in this thread anyway, right? :awesome:

Wait, I forget this is a Mokeyshines now, whatever the fuck that is.

I think Massacre fits better.


Fire and Blood
Well, if people read the thread a bit before joining and repeating the same fail!arguments, maybe we'd actually go somewhere like uh, in the debate area XD

The only questions that we've been constantly asking and had no reply to whatsoever would actually lead to something new, aka - when does Cloud ever express romantic interest towards Aerith? The truth is there's absolutely 0 indication of that, hence why people still repeat the same fail!argument that have been debunked at least a hundred times - in this thread only XD
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