Re: Love Triangle Discussion
Personally, I love the 'you don't know what Koibito means' from someone who by their own admission doesn't speak the language, and whose source doesn't speak the language, but who does have sources, who wind up being less credible than the 'japanese friends' she accused her mythical opponents of using (and which she herself has used in the past).
And from back in the day, I don't recall much in the way of people giving a shit about who was better for Cloud on the C/T side, outside of a side point.
As for Mods and their sympathies, there's a reason I let other people deal with the LTD thread if it got out of hand at ACF and only dealt with the most obviously out of control posts.
I certainly never got on anyone's case about being mean to the other side, despite the less than stellar records of some of our more active cleriths.
Of course, I also think it's better to air the dirty laundry, which the net nannies don't seem to share my views on.