The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Get on topic or I really will close this damn thread. It's already being used as a goddamn tentpole for other arguements.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Since this was complained about and apparently people aren't pleased with the lax atmosphere here, I'm going to ask that the members keep the spam and shit to a minimum now and either post on the topic or refrain from posting. So please, stick to the LT on hand and the said discussion.

Also, mods, please keep it somewhat in line. That said, carry on, on topic now please.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
It was supposed to be a damn Love triangle debate thread about Cloud, Aerith and Tifa. According to the opening post anyway.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Jesus fucking Christ.


I'm going to try and actually start some conversation here.

Do you guys think Cloud's childhood connection with Tifa was meant to reinforce a possible romantic relationship with him in the present, or there to iterate just how fucked up he was?

I personally think it was meant to connect him further to Tifa, just like his promise to protect her, while at the same time it really does go to show how fucked up he was when he says they were childhood friends and Tifa is dumbfounded.


Great Old One
Err, anyways.

We all debated on who Cloud is destined for - but who deserves Cloud? Thoughts?

I find both of them deserving of Cloud - they both deeply care about him, and you can see that throughout the movie/game.

Although, I do wonder about the position of Tifa caring more about Cloud than Aerith because of the fact that she stayed with him when he was in a vegetable-state at the hospital, but would Aerith have done the same thing if she were alive?

Just trying to bring a discussion here. :monster:

Oh. And an even better question: Does Cloud deserve Tifa and Aerith?

Discuss. :monster:


Oh, apparently Dacon beat me to it. :(

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
Cloud needs a psychiatric evaluation before he gets anymore seriously involved in a relationship if you ask me.

Past events and how they've effected his mental status really need to be examined by a professional.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Are there psychiatrists in FFVII? If so, it doesn't mention them. But yeah, he's hugely fucked up.

And I'd say Tifa deserves him more, just because there's the childhood connection and shit.

As for the childhood connection, I'd say it highlights both how deep their relationship is and how fucked up he gets.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Since this was complained about and apparently people aren't pleased with the lax atmosphere here, I'm going to ask that the members keep the spam and shit to a minimum now and either post on the topic or refrain from posting. So please, stick to the LT on hand and the said discussion.

Also, mods, please keep it somewhat in line. That said, carry on, on topic now please.


It's posts like the one two above yours that made me make that damn topic in the first place.

I think Tifa deserves Cloud more, she's done more for him.. plus she's alive :monster:


Great Old One
I'm not sure, to be honest. I think if Aerith were still alive, she would have done a fair share of what Tifa's done for Cloud; although, Tifa is the only one who Cloud opened up his heart to, so perhaps she 'understands,' him better than Aerith once, ergo she's more deserving of him... if that makes sense, :awesome:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I still really think that if Aerith survived there would have been a massive cat fight between her and Tifa at one point. Obviously someone would get hurt but I think that Cloud would chose Tifa in the end.


Great Old One
I don't know, the both of them are just too sweet to even start a cat fight. :) Although, I do have to say that Tifa would have probably sided if Cloud and Aerith were getting closer - she did that when Aerith was alive in FFVII, I wouldn't be surprised if she did it again even though she loves Cloud. A


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I disagree I think Tifa can be a bitch and I could see Aerith making some snide comment about Tifa. Nothing like "you're a bitch" but something subtle.


Great Old One
Really? :huh: What gives you the assumption that Tifa can be a bitch though?

I mean, it's already been stated that Tifa was jealous, which is something perfectly normal, but I don't think it's bitchy - unless you're not talking about that, that is.

Death Sin

Memento mori
Just DS is fine
This is a very subjective matter since we're basically walking on "what ifs" and suppositions here. If you ask me, Tifa deserves Cloud more because: 1) They have a past promise together, which transcended to the present day (by Cloud's own will), 2) it is Tifa who Cloud opens his heart to. and 3) If you look at what the hardships Cloud and Tifa share in the entire Compilation and the way it ended up heading, its pretty obvious those two were meant to be an item.

Sure, had Aerith remained alive, actually "met" the real Cloud and the two of them had more time to interact and experience more stuff together (more than the few weeks since they met at the begining of FF7 and Aerith's demise... and that wasn't even the real, non messed up jenova-mako-zackified Cloud), then, yeah, things could have gone differently since its obvious both girls cared about Cloud. I just think Tifa was the one given more emphasis, relationship wise with Cloud (even if we only consider the original FF7 game) and that was due to a reason, IMO.


Hmmm.. I think Aerith would have done the same for Cloud if she was alive.
But after all Cloud and Tifa have been through, I think they deserve eachother more than anything. I mean.. first of all Cloud's mind was fucked up for a long time in the game, and Tifa understood that he wasn't being himself. Don't you think that hurted her? He didn't even remember their Promise in the first place. Umh, so yeah. I think Tifa deserves Cloud more. :hohum:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Aerith might have tried, but could she have done anything?

Cloud's heart called out to Tifa before he opened it up to her. Could Aerith, even with her Cetra spiffy, gain the inherent trust from Cloud required for him to literally bare his soul to her and let her sort it out?

And that's WITHOUT being able to sort his memories out.


Great Old One
Agreed - I don't think Aerith could have helped much, though I'm positive she would have tried. And without her, Tifa would have most likely gotten Mako poisoning in that scene where they fall in the Lifestream - Aerith contributes to helping Cloud as well, but not directly, per se.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Well, according to maiden, she would. Without Maiden, the most reasonable explanation as for why she did not was Cloud reaching out to protect her.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Aerith might have tried, but could she have done anything?

Cloud's heart called out to Tifa before he opened it up to her. Could Aerith, even with her Cetra spiffy, gain the inherent trust from Cloud required for him to literally bare his soul to her and let her sort it out?

And that's WITHOUT being able to sort his memories out.


Says she could


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

Says she could

Four Clouds sharing a crotch is not exactly 'getting in his head'. Elsewhere, perhaps.

Now then, the time for monkeyshines is over, the time for well reasoned arguments is now.

And Kiss The Rain, if you don't like people 'spying' on your forums, it would help not to admit to doing such yourself over here in public threads.
And I apologize that you misunderstood the focus of this thread, but that is why I and Hito took time to point out that the OP's question was not serious, and why I edited the OP. The entire purpose of this one thread IS the canonicity argument. And you ARE expected to back them up. We don't care what you like in the slightest. That's what the clubs are for. This is specifically concerned with the facts of the story.

Also, Shishi, since you are also reading this thread, if our evidence is merely circumstantial, could you please provide some of the more concrete examples for the C/A conclusion?


Aerith might have tried, but could she have done anything?

Cloud's heart called out to Tifa before he opened it up to her. Could Aerith, even with her Cetra spiffy, gain the inherent trust from Cloud required for him to literally bare his soul to her and let her sort it out?

And that's WITHOUT being able to sort his memories out.

Nah, Tifa is the only one that could build up the real Cloud. She have the memories, and she is the only one that understands him.
I don't think Aerith could have done that. But the only thing for sure is that she cares for Cloud deeply. So she leaves it to Tifa, to take care of him.



*takes off hat and clears throat*

I must apologize. I think some of my actions may have led to the degradation of the LTD thread. For those that I might have offended epically those on that other forum. Please accept this from me.

Now back to your regular discussion.
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Fire and Blood
Am I the only one who absolutely hate the 'deserve' shit? I mean, love isn't about deserving ._.

In a work like FF7 where there's a LT - or supposedly, at least during Disc One - you can build up connections and bonds between the characters, discover their past and how it cements the present and future. But in no way it's about deserving.

For example, speaking of Tifa staying with Cloud when he was a veggie, I personally hated her decision - but I understood it story-wise. I just didn't like that she chose one person over the planet. But, narratively speaking, it shows what Cloud is to her, what he means to her - he means more than everything else combined, something that in the end was highlighted again in the scene under the Highwind. Does it means that she deserves him, because she's able to abandon everything just for him?

You can see, during Disc One, that Aerith becomes very dear to the whole party, that she built a very sweet friendship with Tifa - I remember, I think it was the village before Junon, where they are talking with each other about random stuff. We know she definitely fell in love with Cloud - but with her being abandoned by Zack (sort of), being the last Cetra and shit, does it mean that she deserves Cloud because of all the troubles she had in her life?

In the end, it's not about deserving; love isn't a fair game. And the real choice is Cloud's, a choice that stems from when he was a kid up until now, minus Disc One.

Also, I have to agree that their childhood connection - Cloud and Tifa's - was meant to connect them further, but also to show how fucked up Cloud was, even when he was normal.
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