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Great Old One
That certainly isn't a very healthy way to reject someone. Claims about 'ignoring her,' by not responding can basically be regarded as cold. If he was going to reject her, he wouldn't 'ignore,' her or say nothing at all.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

You reject somebody and that automatically makes you a bastard?

No. Rejecting her, then stringing her along, sleeping cuddled up with her, talking about starting a new life with her, moving in with her, raising two kids, one of whom is 'theirs' with her, despite that rejection, that makes him a gigantic rat bastard of the nth degree.

Rejection!Cloud becomes a bigger asshole the longer past the rejection he keeps acting like a person in a relationship with a woman with Tifa, despite knowing her feelings and not returning them. Makes him a user.

Celes Chere

In all seriousness, I never really understood how the end of the Highwind scene could be perceived as Cloud rejecting Tifa. Not only that goes completely against the whole Lifestream event but it also makes us, the players, go on an imagination stretch there, not to mention it would seem completely out of context (and character) for Cloud to do such a thing there.

It makes more sense (to me, at least) that he felt shy/awkard/whatever and simply didn't know what to say and stood there with Tifa as his side through the night (and as they appear in the next morning).

Tifa's reaction and the entire party's reaction makes no sense with rejection. Why would they live together if Cloud rejected her? Why would they raise a family? Unless Cloud is a really big dick and wants to make Tifa suffer by having to be with the man that rejected her for the rest of her life. And seriously, why would Cloud let Tifa sleep with him (sexual or not) if it meant rejection? Out of pity? Yeah right- he'd never do that to Tifa. Especially since he just got done telling her that they should go home together, and that all they have left is one another.

Tifa told him not to talk- he didn't. They shared a night, and were perfectly fine in the morning. Tifa would be really heart broken if the love of her life turned her down- but she's not.


Great Old One
Tifa told him not to talk- he didn't. They shared a night, and were perfectly fine in the morning. Tifa would be really heart broken if the love of her life turned her down- but she's not.
Instead, Tifa stays strong and continues to suck up to Cloud in hopes to increasing her chances to be with Cloud.

But yeah, I agree with all you said there Tiff.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Instead, Tifa stays strong and continues to suck up to Cloud in hopes to increasinge her chances to be with taste Cloud.

But yeah, I agree with all you said there Tiff.

Fixxed for great justice.

Death Sin

Memento mori
Just DS is fine
Tifa's reaction and the entire party's reaction makes no sense with rejection. Why would they live together if Cloud rejected her? Why would they raise a family? Unless Cloud is a really big dick and wants to make Tifa suffer by having to be with the man that rejected her for the rest of her life. And seriously, why would Cloud let Tifa sleep with him (sexual or not) if it meant rejection? Out of pity? Yeah right- he'd never do that to Tifa. Especially since he just got done telling her that they should go home together, and that all they have left is one another.

Tifa told him not to talk- he didn't. They shared a night, and were perfectly fine in the morning. Tifa would be really heart broken if the love of her life turned her down- but she's not.

Yep, couldn't agree more there. The entire compilation conjecture (both pre-FF7, FF7 itself and pos-FF7) completely put aside that whole "Tifa rejection" theory. I mean, even if you consider FF7 alone, you'd still need to go on a long imagination stretch to interpret that Cloud actually rejects Tifa at the end of the Highwind scene... which was why I never understood (and I'm being completely honest here, no snark intended) just how some could see that scene not only as non romantic but as a rejection to top it all.

Now, if you consider other compilation sources (like CoT and AC), then yeah, its obvious that theory/argument is shot down completely, IMO. Then again, I think the game alone makes it obvious enough as it is but that's just my personal take there :)


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Cloud rejecting Tifa, given what happens in the Compilation, basically makes him into a complete cunt and her into a complete dishrag. Obviously that's not the interpretation the creators had in mind.

Celes Chere

I mean, even if you consider FF7 alone, you'd still need to go on a long imagination stretch to interpret that Cloud actually rejects Tifa at the end of the Highwind scene... which was why I never understood (and I'm being completely honest here, no snark intended)

Certainly. There are people out there that really think that Cloud doesn't like Tifa at all, would even stretch to say that he secretly hates her and that he finds her too clingy. This, I don't get at all. Especially when it comes to AC! Sure, she calls him a lot, but is it so wrong to want to know if the love of your life isn't off dead or hurt somewhere? I mean, what a clingy girl.

I don't understand Cloud pitying her either. Why would he want to her to feel like shit, even if you DON'T think that they're in love? Baffling.


I don't understand Cloud pitying her either. Why would he want to her to feel like shit, even if you DON'T think that they're in love? Baffling.

And the fact that Cloud actually had a crush on her, and still have because that's been stated that they came to realize their feelings for eachother. So why would he want to hurt her like that? He cares for her deeply, right? It doesn't make sense that he would hurt the woman he loves and wants to be the hero for.

Even if he did hurt Tifa and the kids when he left. But I don't think it was his intention..
Didn't he leave because he thought he couldn't take care of them anymore?


I'm still confused as where 'rejection' takes place.. liek... where in game?

:whistle: said:
Cid is trying to reduce the embarrassment of this scene by only hinting to it...but what is he hinting to?

Let's consider why she may be embarrassed:

1. Sex - The most popularly believed reason. I don't think that this is it because it just doesn't seem to fit. Tifa is visibly quite embarrassed, while Cloud does nothing. Also, judging from the dialogue before the night ended this doesn't appear a likely ending to the scenario.

2. Tears - Tifa, realizing that Cloud doesn't love her as she does him, breaks down in tears. Cloud comforts her.

To recap. Cid (and everyone else) is an asshole. And points out how they all saw her get rejected. She breaks down in tears on the Highwind because of this.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
What gets me here is the idea that CID, CID, of ALL people, might be softening the blow. A man who was clearly modeled as the sick bastard child of McCoy and Scotty trying to reduce the blow? Hah.

But yeah, and it's older version Destiny Fulfilled take an unsupported premise, treat it as immutable fact, and then use it to cherry pick a scene or scene to their liking, but then fail to apply this premise and apply it in other logical places where it also ought to be implied.

Then comes the ptolemian epicycles of special pleading as a result.

The more specific exceptions your theory needs to make, the more hoops it jumps through, the worse it is. C/T and Z/A (to an extent) theories are all incredibly self consistent, parsimonious, and consistent with established facts of the compilation. No need to deny creator statements we don't like, or handwave them away, and even if you think that's what's happening with CoL, that's still merely just one to the dozens the overzealous pinkers have tried and failed to explain away.

In short, their positions are untenable, their logic is strained and tortured, and in some cases, the most ardent of believers really do look at it with an almost religious zeal and viewpoint, like the tales of the converted Cloti who have seen the pink and holy Clerith light.


1. Sex - The most popularly believed reason. I don't think that this is it because it just doesn't seem to fit. Tifa is visibly quite embarrassed, while Cloud does nothing. Also, judging from the dialogue before the night ended this doesn't appear a likely ending to the scenario.

When Tifa gets upset, everyone turns and look at her, WHILE... Cloud turn his back to everyone and 'scratches' his neck. (I dunno how you should... explain it. :lol:)

So I saw it as both Cloud and Tifa were embarressed.

Here is the scene:

It happens around 16:55... :monster:
But it's not the high version of it thought.
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Higher Further Faster
^ This, Cloud is embarrassed, just not quite as vocally as Tifa. I mean it's Cloud, and he's a guy, it fits for him. But he does appear to be a bit embarrassed as well. :monster:


Fire and Blood
Merr, in mangas, it's such a common action for guys when they get embarrassed, to show their back and/or scratch their heads, it's funny XD I think no one can really misread that - Cloud *is* embarrassed.


Merr, in mangas, it's such a common action for guys when they get embarrassed, to show their back and/or scratch their heads, it's funny XD I think no one can really misread that - Cloud *is* embarrassed.

Yeah, I know. :awesome:
But were they really embarressed because of that they were talking?
Maybe also because they were sleeping like that.
I don't think they had smex thought :monster:


But were they really embarressed because of that they were talking?
Maybe also because they were sleeping like that.
I don't think they had smex thought :monster:

The creators said that they toned it down; for some they still did it, for others they did something but not sex and for other people it was Cloud rejecting Tifa. Now everyone should pick the one that makes more sense to them. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
The creators said that they toned it down; for some they still did it, for others they did something but not sex and for other people it was Cloud rejecting Tifa. Now everyone should pick the one that makes more sense to them. :monster:

Cloud rejecting Tifa makes no sense with the "I'll make enough ruckus for everyone". They wouldn't be ok with each other, so I doubt Cloud would be saying stuff like that...


Cloud rejecting Tifa makes no sense with the "I'll make enough ruckus for everyone". They wouldn't be ok with each other, so I doubt Cloud would be saying stuff like that...

some folks say that the entire scene was Cloud rejecting Tifa
there's a bible worthy essay just for that scene
. That's not true, but since they're so convinced of that I included it too. :monster:
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