The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Alex Strife

Yay! you're right there, Megas! Haha! :)

Now, really, it's all about reading between lines. Of course, it's never explicitly said they are toghether as a couple, but the highwind scene implies something. And the fact that they are living toghether implies they have to be a couple, otherwise, as stated in this topic, that would make Cloud a bastard, and Tifa a reaaaally stupid lady, which I'm sure neither of them are.

And there are some more things, but I really won't bother explaining them, because along the 500 pages (wow! Half a hundred!) they've probably been said like a thousand times, minimum.

@A: He maybe means "more than friends but less than a couple"? OMG! They'll end up toghether! (anyway)


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It's not Case of Denzel, it's Case of Tifa. It's a novella that's in English that you can read.

And the US release of ACC has Case of Denzel with subs. Or you could just read the story which is also the exact same thing.

And it sounds like you don't even know all of the source material in the first place, so how can you even say you don't see it, if you don't even know what the full range of evidence is, in the first place?

Alex Strife

It's not Case of Denzel, it's Case of Tifa. It's a novella that's in English that you can read.

And the US release of ACC has Case of Denzel with subs. Or you could just read the story which is also the exact same thing.

And it sounds like you don't even know all of the source material in the first place, so how can you even say you don't see it, if you don't even know what the full range of evidence is, in the first place?:awesomonster:



Pro Adventurer
It's not Case of Denzel, it's Case of Tifa. It's a novella that's in English that you can read.

And the US release of ACC has Case of Denzel with subs. Or you could just read the story which is also the exact same thing.

And it sounds like you don't even know all of the source material in the first place, so how can you even say you don't see it, if you don't even know what the full range of evidence is, in the first place?

Yesterday I was told that it only has a line of english for each line of japanese or something and that it can't be considered a decent translation.


Pro Adventurer
I've learned so much about humanity in general during these debates, seriously. But it still baffles me every time someone says there "isn't enough evidence" for Cloud and Tifa. People sure have some weird-ass ways of looking at things, don't know how else to put it.

There is either self delusion based on wishful thinking or some kind of overlap with sheep mentality that makes people give credence to something just because a bunch of other people claim to believe it.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I have no idea what you're talking about megas_sephiroth. But Case of Denzel is subbed just fine in the official US release of ACC, you can read the original novella online, and you can read Case of Tifa here on this very website. So you have no real excuse to say you haven't read it. The information is readily and clearly accessible to you.


Pro Adventurer
I have no idea what you're talking about megas_sephiroth. But Case of Denzel is subbed just fine in the official US release of ACC, you can read the original novella online, and you can read Case of Tifa here on this very website. So you have no real excuse to say you haven't read it. The information is readily and clearly accessible to you.

Actually, I do: an ungodly amount of work that's not going anywhere unless I do it. Also, papers and tests. :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Well that's not what you said before, you chalked it up to being unsure of the quality of the material. :monster:

If you cba, then say so. But that still shows you're operating with only half the story at most and your "judgment" is incomplete.


Pro Adventurer
Well that's not what you said before, you chalked it up to being unsure of the quality of the material. :monster:

If you cba, then say so. But that still shows you're operating with only half the story at most and your "judgment" is incomplete.

Of the BD, not of anything on this site, cuz you guys sure do an awesome job.

It's not that I can't be "bothered", it's just that I wanted to watch it, before I read it...


Your Mom
Wow, I step away for a couple hours ...

So are we arguing whether CxT are together in DoC, or whether they were ever together?


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
It's not that I can't be "bothered", it's just that I wanted to watch it, before I read it...

It's the exact same thing, and regardless, that changes nothing. You made an assertion about the material when you clearly didn't have all the information to make any assumptions, much less an assertion of "fact" as you claimed a few posts back.


Higher Further Faster
Yesterday I was told that it only has a line of english for each line of japanese or something and that it can't be considered a decent translation.

That was Ryu who said that, and I think he was being sarcastic.

Also if you are too busy to read the novellas then how are you not too busy to argue with us in this thread?


"I slice your ass in 4."
Raq, Raquel.
My, I'm so disturbed by the CloTi relationship; first they hit off under the Highwind, then they separate because Cloud is looking off for a dead girl, then they get back together, but they realized it didn't work so they separated again - but wait, aren't they together in Case of Denzel again? :wacky:

I don't recall this being stated or implied in Case of Denzel. Do you have a quote to back that up?


Higher Further Faster
What happens under the HW isn't shown.

And that means the implications and character reactions from before and after are moot points? Why bother putting them into the story if they mean nothing?

In AC they are not together.

For what, a week? Two tops? Out of a whole two years together they were apart for a very short time.

In DoC there's no proof to either side.

Then why do people keep bringing this up as proof of a non-Cloti relationship?

There are your facts.

Facts that would do well to be backed up with even more facts. :monster:

@The Man:

You can't prove they're together either.

Oh no you di'int! *snaps fingers*

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I don't recall this being stated or implied in Case of Denzel. Do you have a quote to back that up?
Technically, he never outright says "Yes, I still live with Cloud and Tifa." But he does mention him in the same breath as Tifa and Marlene as people he's thankful to for being alive. So I would think they're still living together as a family.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
I don't recall this being stated or implied in Case of Denzel. Do you have a quote to back that up?

Considering that Denzel lives with Cloud and Tifa in CoD, I'm pretty sure that's implied. By all forms of logic, unless stated otherwise, it makes the most sense to conclude that the two main figures in Denzel's life--and in FFVII compilation--are still as they were designed to be: Together.

But if you need reference: "You know..." Johnny stopped and said, "You can fight whenever you feel like. There's no need to join the WRO. What are you so concerned about?"

"Cloud, he..."

"What about him?"

"Long ago, when he was in the military, he was strong. I too want to be strong."

Now unless there was some dramatic alteration that went completely unmentioned, I highly doubt Cloud picked Denzel up and left Tifa's, so Denzel's continued "hero worship" and mention of wanting to live up to Cloud also imply that continued familial unit.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
But Tenny, the DoC manual says Aerith is someone Cloud will never forget. As is Sephiroth, I'd imagine, but let's not get into that.

To be serious, I think some people set bars arbitrarily high so they can comfort themselves with the fact Cloud and Tifa didn't reach them. "We didn't see Cloud and Tifa married in a game that's not about them, so my OTP is still safe." etc. Problem with that is, C&T have reached more realistic bars many times over. So people keep raising the bar higher and higher, so they can keep reassuring themselves they won't be reached.

... not sure if that ramble made any sense

Not that setting the bars too high for C/T helps their OTP without also setting the bars basement low for said OTP as well. Any time you set equal bars, C/T always comes out better than C/A or other Cloud pairings.

@ Vendel: CloVin? That's hawt. :wacky:

@ Bella: I had to think about it for a sec but it makes perfect sense. And is kind of unfair, really. If the tables where switched I wouldn't expect Cloud/Aerith cuteness from a game that wasn't about them unless it actually fit into the plot.


Trim the fat trim the fat! A former teacher told me that (lol rhyme :awesome:). You have to cut out what the story doesn't need, even if it's something that means a lot to you.

So Cloti/Clerith/whatever lovemaking and all that jazz, in a game about VINCENT AND HIS PAST AND HIS WOEBEGONE LOVE FOR LUCRECIA no less, just makes nooooo sense whatsoever!

That's right I'm talking to you, lurkers. :shifty:

Similarly, yet in the converse, you don't shove something into a relevant plot unless you want it there. Hence, the Z/A in CC actually matters.

As friends, yes. As something more, not quite.

They live and raise children together as 'just friends' in your opinion? Even after the risque night under the highwind?


Aren't we being nice today... :monster:


I agree with that, but if SE wanted to "admit" there's something more between Cloud and Tifa, they would've done so already. Like they did with Lulu and Wakka.

You know how they 'admitted' Lulu and Wakka? A few hints in the original game, then a kid.
Cloud and Tifa have all that and more. They are blatantly analogized to Denzel's biological parents on several occasions.

In AC/C? I'm not talking about DoC, in which we have nothing to make a judgement.

In DoC, we have AC/C, CoT, FF7, CC, BC, the Ultimanias, etc.

Faith is not necessarilly supported by facts and it's not bullshit.


What evidence do you have that it didn't happen?

He doesn't need any, unless you want to prove you don't owe us a thousand USD each.

What happens under the HW isn't shown.

But it is Risque.

In AC they are not together.

Yes they are. Despite Cloud's isolation, he is 'with' Tifa, they form a family. He belongs with her.

In DoC there's no proof to either side.

It's about VINCENT.

There are your facts.

Hardly. The facts are plenty, concrete, and littered throughout FF7, AC/C, CoT, Reunion Files, Prologue, CoD, CoB, and Ultimanias.

@The Man:

You can't prove they're together either.

Unless you have absurd standards, yes we can.

Yesterday I was told that it only has a line of english for each line of japanese or something and that it can't be considered a decent translation.

You were told no such thing. You asked if the new novellas were 'subtitled'. CoD as the anime isn't a novella by definition. My response was a sarcastic line that each line of japanese text had a tiny english line right below it, then a correction that if you meant TRANSLATIONS, then only CoT and CoL of the new revised OTWTAS had been translated.

It might do you well to more closely read both replies and the source material you wish to debate.

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
mega_sephiroth said:
It takes place one year after, maybe they realised they just didn't have what it takes to have an intimate relationship.
Maybe the reason we don't see Red XIII is because he ran off and joined the circus.

Maybe Elmyra became a transvestite between AC and DoC.

Maybe Cid likes to play Tiddlywinks in his spare time.

Prove to me they didn't happen.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Maybe Vincent actually has buttsex with Cid in his spare time. I mean, it never says that's NOT what he does. :monster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Actually, this has been proven.

So fail. :monster:

Except it actually meant engage in BDSM play with Sierra. I mean, you knew there was a reason she stayed with him even though he 'mistreated' her. It's because she wanted to be 'mistreated'

Also, the Vincent/Cid shippers are an insane an ardent fangroup, only taking second to rabid pinkers for their lack of spirit lovin'.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Maybe Vincent actually has buttsex with Cid in his spare time. I mean, it never says that's NOT what he does. :monster:

Vincent's too closed off to ever engage in buttsex. COME ON GAIZ THINK LOGICALLY

I could point you to a disturbing group of fangirls who believe that's canon.

The real LTD is Vincent/Lucrecia/Cid btw.

No, the real LTD is Hojo/Vincent/Cid. Lucrecia's just the faghag.

Except it actually meant engage in BDSM play with Sierra. I mean, you knew there was a reason she stayed with him even though he 'mistreated' her. It's because she wanted to be 'mistreated'

Also, the Vincent/Cid shippers are an insane an ardent fangroup, only taking second to rabid pinkers for their lack of spirit lovin'.

Sierra always liked it rough. It's not just over the intercom when she's in the engine room, that he screams at her in disapproval, tells her what to do and how fast to do it. it Shera or Sierra?
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