But Tenny, the DoC manual says Aerith is someone Cloud will never forget. As is Sephiroth, I'd imagine, but let's not get into that.
To be serious, I think some people set bars arbitrarily high so they can comfort themselves with the fact Cloud and Tifa didn't reach them. "We didn't see Cloud and Tifa married in a game that's not about them, so my OTP is still safe." etc. Problem with that is, C&T have reached more realistic bars many times over. So people keep raising the bar higher and higher, so they can keep reassuring themselves they won't be reached.
... not sure if that ramble made any sense
Not that setting the bars too high for C/T helps their OTP without also setting the bars basement low for said OTP as well. Any time you set equal bars, C/T always comes out better than C/A or other Cloud pairings.
@ Vendel: CloVin? That's hawt.
@ Bella: I had to think about it for a sec but it makes perfect sense. And is kind of unfair, really. If the tables where switched I wouldn't expect Cloud/Aerith cuteness from a game that wasn't about them unless it actually fit into the plot.
Trim the fat trim the fat! A former teacher told me that (lol rhyme
). You have to cut out what the story doesn't need, even if it's something that means a lot to you.
So Cloti/Clerith/whatever lovemaking and all that jazz, in a game about VINCENT AND HIS PAST AND HIS WOEBEGONE LOVE FOR LUCRECIA no less, just makes nooooo sense whatsoever!
That's right I'm talking to you, lurkers.
Similarly, yet in the converse, you don't shove something into a relevant plot unless you want it there. Hence, the Z/A in CC actually matters.
As friends, yes. As something more, not quite.
They live and raise children together as 'just friends' in your opinion? Even after the risque night under the highwind?
Aren't we being nice today...
I agree with that, but if SE wanted to "admit" there's something more between Cloud and Tifa, they would've done so already. Like they did with Lulu and Wakka.
You know how they 'admitted' Lulu and Wakka? A few hints in the original game, then a kid.
Cloud and Tifa have all that and more. They are blatantly analogized to Denzel's biological parents on several occasions.
In AC/C? I'm not talking about DoC, in which we have nothing to make a judgement.
In DoC, we have AC/C, CoT, FF7, CC, BC, the Ultimanias, etc.
Faith is not necessarilly supported by facts and it's not bullshit.
What evidence do you have that it didn't happen?
He doesn't need any, unless you want to prove you don't owe us a thousand USD each.
What happens under the HW isn't shown.
But it is Risque.
In AC they are not together.
Yes they are. Despite Cloud's isolation, he is 'with' Tifa, they form a family. He belongs with her.
In DoC there's no proof to either side.
It's about VINCENT.
Hardly. The facts are plenty, concrete, and littered throughout FF7, AC/C, CoT, Reunion Files, Prologue, CoD, CoB, and Ultimanias.
@The Man:
You can't prove they're together either.
Unless you have absurd standards, yes we can.
Yesterday I was told that it only has a line of english for each line of japanese or something and that it can't be considered a decent translation.
You were told no such thing. You asked if the new novellas were 'subtitled'. CoD as the anime isn't a novella by definition. My response was a sarcastic line that each line of japanese text had a tiny english line right below it, then a correction that if you meant TRANSLATIONS, then only CoT and CoL of the new revised OTWTAS had been translated.
It might do you well to more closely read both replies and the source material you wish to debate.