The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Correctly, it's "Sierra", but I think it was misspelled in the original Japanese too. :monster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Sierra always liked it rough. It's not just over the intercom when she's in the engine room, that he screams at her in disapproval, tells her what to do and how fast to do it.

And the lady likes it that way. That's why he named his second ship after her. So she could still be doing what he said even when he was off working.
It's why her painted her on the Highwind and Sierra's bridge, too. it Shera or Sierra?

It's both. Sierra's the JP, Shera's the NA. I like 'Sierra' better.

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
It is Shera because I say so. It is also Aeris for the same reasons. OBSTINANCE.

Not to be confused with abstinance. It is definitely not because of abstinance.

But truly, it's either, and anyone who tells you it must be one or the other has a stick up their ass.

I think when it comes to the bedroom Cid likes Shera to dominate him for a change. But that's neither here nor there. Least of all here.



Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
But truly, it's either, and anyone who tells you it must be one or the other has a stick up their ass.

Or possibly an entire tree.

I think when it comes to the bedroom Cid likes Shera to dominate him for a change. But that's neither here nor there. Least of all here.

Point, the sexual proclivities of Cid and his Lady ought to be discussed in their own club.

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
I just want to say one thing.

Faith is a completely bullshit concept concieved in the minds of people too afraid of life and need something to comfort them during those long nights where they cry themselves to sleep. Also happens to be a useful tool for politicians and corrupt officials in religious organizations.

It's not supported by anything in reality but a person's perception of events. It's bullshit as far as factual shit goes. Bullshit that I subscribe to at times I admit, but bullshit nonetheless.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
And the lady likes it that way. That's why he named his second ship after her. So she could still be doing what he said even when he was off working.
It's why her painted her on the Highwind and Sierra's bridge, too.

It's both. Sierra's the JP, Shera's the NA. I like 'Sierra' better.

What does an airship have to do with his dominance over Shera in the bedroom?

wait wut? That was Shera on the ship? I never would have thought he looked at her that way.

It is Shera because I say so. It is also Aeris for the same reasons. OBSTINANCE.

Not to be confused with abstinance. It is definitely not because of abstinance.

But truly, it's either, and anyone who tells you it must be one or the other has a stick up their ass.

I think when it comes to the bedroom Cid likes Shera to dominate him for a change. But that's neither here nor there. Least of all here.


Abstinence ruins everything in FFVII. It's why the LTD exists. Because Cloud and Tifa DIDN'T have sex under the Highwind. In fact, the Cloudy wolf they wear? Their Purity Rings.

Celes Chere

What evidence do you have that it didn't happen?

No offense, but this is something that really irritates me in debates. If you make a point, you yourself are supposed to be backing up that point, not asking others to prove it didn't happen. I find that evident that the opposing side is obviously desperate and out of options when that starts happening. If it's a statement you believe in strongly, you should have the facts or at least enough ideals of your own to support it.

I could say Cloud and Zack have flower field smex. After all, no-one can prove it's Aerith he's visiting right? And, no-one can prove that it isn't happening. In fact, Vincent probably joined in. Proof that says he didn't?

See what I mean? ^^; Also, no need to apologize. :)

In fact, the Cloudy wolf they wear? Their Purity Rings.

Marlene is impure. :awesome:



That's not a simple way of viewing things, it's simplistic.

Oh I'm sorry. When you see two people living together raising two children. I simplistically assumed they were a couple. My bad.

Far be it for me to ask you to prove that they are not a couple. Unless you can. And you clearly can't from what I have seen. So Occam's Razor applies just fine here.

Seriously. What is with this fucking conspiracy theory mindset? Why is it simplistic to start from the most logical assumption? Why would you start in goofycrapometer land?
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Well it's that time again.
Everyone's favorite. The LOL of the day pics! (and no these are not what I was alluding to yesterday)

From way back in 2004. The 3 highwind scenes theoryproofs.

So wait. Your proof that you control Clouds affections is some supposed third Highwind scene? Not to mention that Cloud never rejects Tifa in either version....*sigh*

And then we have this gem. It has so much wrong packed into one little post. I don't know where to begin.

Seriously I could underline the entire fucking post.


"I slice your ass in 4."
Raq, Raquel.
I must have missed something. How did you get to assuming they aren't together anymore?

I never said they weren't. I requested a quote that states or implies that they are still living together because afterall that's what this thread tries to value so much, the supporting of statements with facts and quotes.

Anyway, I only found out last night that the added scene at the end of ACC is set after DoC and the fact that Cloud's gone on a father-son walk to talk about heros and such implies enough if you ask me.

Marlene doesn't wear one? o.O How weird. I assumed she did since Barret does?

Marlene, the youngest of the children, takes a different perspective ... she doesn't hide anything; she says exactly what she's thinking. This action is in direct contrast with what the Cloudy Wolf represents: the forceful concealment of emotions. The fact that she makes an effort to break the terrible circle of sadness and regret sets her apart from the rest of her family and, consequently, the Cloudy Wolf ring.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
OMG I had to post this. I've been gone for a while but this is great. This is without a doubt the stupidest post I've seen in a while. It's just filled to the brim with attention whore, someone with WAAAAY too much time on their hands, someone just trying to flex their e-peen, and god knows what else. :loopy:

I'm warning you though, you might not have it in you to put up with the amount of bullshit that this post shows but here it goes:
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Hilarious timing though. I was just about to post on your "I give up" and embracing the cult of pink
Fuck yeah, post my music video as well. It doesn't get any comments:



Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Have fun in "it's true if we believe it" land.
I refuse. I will NOT have fun there. I will not sleep, I will not rest until the green eyed man... fuck

dammit I can't do this. I keep getting distracted by Tifa's ass.

But seriously dude, instead of "LOL LOK AT THE MORONS!"
Why not post why what they said is wrong? Post proof to counter it.
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But seriously dude, instead of "LOL LOK AT THE MORONS!"
Why not post why what they said is wrong? Post proof to counter it.

Oh I'm sorry. I guess when I post something from before AC when some moron states that Cloud 'never lived with Tifa'. Then when AC comes out they post that 'no way he will be living with her afterwords'. And now they say 'well even though the creators say he likes living with his family he really doesn't'.

And it's the same fucking person.

Well does that really require my counter argument?

Besides plenty of others take care of that.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Well how am I supposed to know it's the same person if you cut off the names? :P

And if it's that obvious that the person is wrong, and it is, I'll say that, why bother posting it in the first place? It can't generate any kind of discussion besides "wow what an idiot" and they have places for that. They have an entire blog dedicated to Clerith and their arguments, you should post it there.

Honestly, I don't want to argue with you or anyone because I AGREE with you. Some Clerith posters are stupid, yes we know this... this isn't something that needs to be pointed out constantly. We get it.

and i honestly can't think of anything else it's 6:30AM... just think about it.


And if it's that obvious that the person is wrong, and it is, I'll say that, why bother posting it in the first place? It can't generate any kind of discussion besides "wow what an idiot" and they have places for that. They have an entire blog dedicated to Clerith and their arguments, you should post it there.

Ah go on their forum and post about how they are wrong about Clerith? Hello ban in 3...2..1.

Some Clerith posters are stupid, yes we know this... this isn't something that needs to be pointed out constantly. We get it.

Except it is the people that run that damn forum. The ones that make the rules. They are the worst of the worst. Not just some random clerith shipper or newcomer.

and i honestly can't think of anything else it's 6:30AM... just think about it.

Oh I do think about it.

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Quexinos said:
And if it's that obvious that the person is wrong, and it is, I'll say that, why bother posting it in the first place?
I personally like to know just what kind of BS people can convince themselves of. It helps prepare me for things I might actually come face to face with.
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