The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Probably doesn't matter considering the other doesn't want ANYTHING to do with those bedroom boys. This is why he's smiling. It's out of pity.

He is embarrassed for her. "Geeze Tifa you know I'm not interested. Don't throw it at me in front of all these people. Didn't you get the hint under the Highwind? Or in these two years we lived together?"


Great Old One
And there is the possibility that he was smiling at Vincent or Cid instead. The options are endless, but in the end, none of them can be related to Tifa.

Whilst, in the scene where Aerith and Zack take off, it can only be regarded as Cloud smiling to Aerith. Zack doesn't count because he CHEATED on Aerith.


And there is the possibility that he was smiling at Vincent or Cid instead. The options are endless, but in the end, none of them can be related to Tifa.

Were gonna need a bigger graph.

Whilst, in the scene where Aerith and Zack take off, it can only be regarded as Cloud smiling to Aerith. Zack doesn't count because he CHEATED on Aerith.

Also Aerith never liked Zack that much anyways. He was never her true love....

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
And there is the possibility that he was smiling at Vincent or Cid instead. The options are endless, but in the end, none of them can be related to Tifa.
I always did think he was smiling at Vincent, because Vincent is looking straight at him with bedroom eyes. He even has his arms crossed. He's mimicking Tifa.


Whilst, in the scene where Aerith and Zack take off, it can only be regarded as Cloud smiling to Aerith. Zack doesn't count because he CHEATED on Aerith.
Zack cheated on Aerith with Cloud. Cloud was smiling at Zack's butt. Zack and Aerith had turned around when he smiled--he waited for Aerith to turn around so he can check out Zack's ass.

My proof for canon is uncanny. Don't mess with me.

Were gonna need a bigger graph.
should i make it? :awesome:

Edit: made it

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"On your knees, I want you to beg for forgivness." :awesome:
That's the pr00f for the whole CloudXSephy thingy.
:monster: ghey

Anyway.. does the Cleriths have any evidence that Aerith live in Cloud?
Because Aerith would TTLY ruin the Cloti-smex. <_<


The most obvious contradiction to that, is Lifestream White. How can she be pining and thinking of ways to reach Cloud, if she already lives in Cloud's subconscious?

How could she be able to diffuse into the Lifestream if she's in Cloud? Why would she have to worry about trying to warn him of the threat of Sephiroth if she's in him already?

The theory is such bullshit, I'm holding my nose all the way from here.

I got it!

Aerith lives in Cloud after ACC. Her and Zack walk into the light. She drops him off to be diffused in the lifestream (thanks for the help sucker) and she high tails it back to Clouds mako infused body.

And the soul bonding begins.

Or maybe it's when he meets her in the flower field.......
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Would Aerith really leave Zack to "live" in Cloud's body? <--- That sounds so sexual. :awesome:

So Zack isn't more than just a bunch of crap then? :monster:

"At all times, her first love Zack is always by her side."
-ACC Dengeki Profiles

I see, it's all coming together nao. :sigh:


You look like you need a monkey
Aerith lives in Cloud after ACC. Her and Zack walk into the light. She drops him off to be diffused in the lifestream (thanks for the help sucker) and she high tails it back to Clouds mako infused body.

Dunno, I read on an LTD that Aerith was already living inside him during AC/C. It was said that the reason why only Cloud gets to see, talk with, and touch Aerith during AC/C is because she's already playing spirit tenant with him. Sure, the kids see her too, but that's just because they're innocents. Non-innocent non-Clouds like Tifa don't get to see squat.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
Dunno, I read on an LTD that Aerith was already living inside him during AC/C. It was said that the reason why only Cloud gets to see, talk with, and touch Aerith during AC/C is because she's already playing spirit tenant with him.

The only problem with that is that it contradicts CoL, which shows that Aerith can't even reach him from the Lifestream. And CoL is considered canon material, especially after the whole 'koibito' appearance. :awesome:

Some people need to get their facts straight. :monster:


You look like you need a monkey
The only problem with that is that it contradicts CoL, which shows that Aerith can't even reach him from the Lifestream. And CoL is considered canon material, especially after the whole 'koibito' appearance. :awesome:

Some people need to get their facts straight. :monster:

Contradiction? As of a puny thing like that's going to stop a good Clerith theory.

The tru luv of Clerith is so awe-inspiring that it makes every bent, twisted fact look straight.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Contradiction? As of a puny thing like that's going to stop a good Clerith theory.

The tru luv of Clerith is so awe-inspiring that it makes every bent, twisted fact look straight.

It's this, in any theory, that I can't comprehend. I'm more than willing to entertain Clerith as canon if someone--anyone--could bring forth an argument that doesn't completely disregard the compilation narrative as a whole. Yes, if I squint, tilt my head and maybe go half-retarded I can see "scenes" in a different light, but once you step back and look at the big picture pairing Cloud with anyone other than Tifa--who he SPECIFICALLY states he wants to be with--not only twists the facts, but it disregards the character himself, and his motivations.

FFVII is not a love story. It's Cloud's story, and I've said it before, Cloud's story begins and ends with Tifa.


Great Old One
FFVII is not a love story. It's Cloud's story, and I've said it before, Cloud's story begins and ends with Tifa.
Not unless you bring up an Aerith living inside of Cloud's consciousness. But really, that's actually a very freaky thought. I mean, if she lives inside of him, would that mean she'd be with Cloud all the time?

Even when he's taking a shower?

When he's on the toilet?

When he's playing with himself?

When he's having sex with Tifa?


Great Old One
Gross, all you Clotis talk about is sex.
Better than talking about two destined 'soul mates' reaching the limits of physical intimacy in a flower field somewhere over the rainbow.

And I was the one to think that Aerith would body slam the next person who dare flattened her flowers.
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And I was the one to think that Aerith would body slam the next person who dare flattened her flowers.

How do you think that she and cloud do the flower field loving? He steps on her flowers and she jumps him. :awesome:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
And I was the one to think that Aerith would body slam the next person who dare flattened her flowers.
Wild AERITH uses Body Slam!

It's super effective!

Ravynne Nevyrmore

that one Lucrecia fangirl
Oh by the way, I found this chart a while back to help me with my drawing:

Emotions and Facial Expression

Now scroll on over to the one labeled "Seductive." It's in the yellow tree (the one that stems from "Smile," i.e., happiness/good feelings).

It says this on what a "seductive" expression should look like:

This varies with the personality, but this is an example combining some constants.

- Head tilted forward as if bowing, a submissive cue showing approachability.
- Bedroom eyes
- Sexual attraction dilates the pupils and tints the cheeks red
- Lips everted in a pout to signal harmlessness and availability (both sexes)

Renaissance women used belladonna extract to dilate their pupils. Men unconsciously picked up on the message and found them more attractive. As for the rosy cheeks, they are simulated by applying blush.

More tips about courting/seductive behavior:
- Courting couple slook down a lot when speaking.
- Both men and women tilt their heads as a flirting cue.

Now let's see...

- Head tilted forward: check.
- bedroom (heavy lidded) eyes: check.
- lips pouting: check.

She's not blushing and her pupils don't look dilated, but there's a lot of light which would cause them to constrict anyway.

Someone's comment on bedroom eyes reminded me of this.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Not unless you bring up an Aerith living inside of Cloud's consciousness. But really, that's actually a very freaky thought. I mean, if she lives inside of him, would that mean she'd be with Cloud all the time?

Even when he's taking a shower?

When he's on the toilet?

When he's playing with himself?

When he's having sex with Tifa?

Pretty much just that last one, really.

Gross, all you Clotis talk about is sex.

As opposed to soul bonding, which is sex, but better. Yes, it is we who only talk about sex, and not the folks who postulate Cloud nipping into flowerfields for an affair.

CLOUD STRIFE has fainted!

Sent in TIFA!

TIFA's CHARM attracted enemy AERITH.

WAIT... how does that WORK? They're both female!

Wild AERITH and TIFA ran away!


You Clotis are weird.

And so are you, Audball.
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