The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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One person said, in effect, it was inexcusable for Tifa to act as she did in AC if she was in a relationship with Cloud, but not if she wasn't. I never could get the logic backing that one up.

Well that is from the "Tifa should just leave Cloud alone to be with his thoughts of Aerith. Or Just let him die so he can be with Aerith!" line of logic.

Far be it for Cloud's koibito to be the one to kick him in the ass so he will try and save their children.


You look like you need a monkey
Well that is from the "Tifa should just leave Cloud alone to be with his thoughts of Aerith. Or Just let him die so he can be with Aerith!" line of logic.

Far be it for Cloud's koibito to be the one to kick him in the ass so he will try and save their children.

Ah, yes, the ol' rant about how cruel and inconsiderate Tifa was in AC/C for wanting to change Cloud from his being true to his angsty, suicidal self.

Does anyone else remember the stupidly hilarious anti-Cloti argument where saying that Cloud and Tifa liked each other when they were kids in Nibelheim means that you're a disgusting pervert who preys on innocent children? That one came from GameFAQs.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Remember it, Shadowfox, I was there when it came up! I might even have the page saved for posterity. I know I have lifestream family in my archives.


Great Old One
Does anyone else remember the stupidly hilarious anti-Cloti argument where saying that Cloud and Tifa liked each other when they were kids in Nibelheim means that you're a disgusting pervert who preys on innocent children?
Because having sex with a dead person is so not wrong.
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Seriously, she has so many multiple accounts that I've lost count by now. Danzaii/ohfuckchaos/Sky/Skysoldier/aznprince1001. And then she talks comments to her own profile pages in order to get 'sympathy,' it's one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen. And her arguments are hardly anything to even consider thinking about, as all of them are complete and utter bull. She's basically everything that's bad about the internet - a troll, a spammer, an obsessed fangirl, and very, very delusional at what she does.


Danzaii is foaming at the mouth. If there was ever a true example of a rabid, it's her.

Only she can make even make the pinkers hate her.
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Great Old One
Are there still debates going on in GameFAQS, or have they gone downhill like the NC has? The fanfiction forum for the LTD was running pretty well until that went down as well.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
They flare up from time to time, but are quickly squashed. Honestly, the 'Aeris/Aerith' poo flings flare up with more frequency and fervor than LTD threads at Gfaqs.

Celes Chere

Cloud apparently.

Yeah, even though he never outright says he hates Tifa, everyone can tell. He's always leaving her behind because she doesn't understand him the way Aerith does.

Youtube debates are really the most facepalm worthy.

I've never seriously debated on Youtube, except for one time. This guy insisted it was all Tifa's fault Cloud struggled so much in FFVII. Otherwise, I don't bother. Youtube debates are all sloppy and limited, as you said.

"isn't that Aries?? I thought she died?"

Ware did u get that clip of Zak dying? IS THAT A NEW MOVIE?~!!?!1

Remember, they don't hate Tifa, they just hate Cloti Tifa.

Lol, reminds me of that one Anti banner that says:
"Remember, Cloti hurts Tifa too."



Danzaii: Fuck you, Cloti!

Cloti: Dude, you don't have to be so rude about it. Why don't you calm the fuck down and say something intelligent?

-five minutes later to Clerith friends-
: ( Guys, I was debating nicely and stating my opinion, but this mean Cloti just shot me down. I was being so sweet and trying to make friends... I used to be rabid but I respect everyone's opinion now. I swear they are always judging me... I'm really upset. They hurt my feelings. </3
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Yeah, even though he never outright says he hates Tifa, everyone can tell. He's always leaving her behind because she doesn't understand him the way Aerith does.

Even though she understands him all to well, of course, and nothing even remotely similar has been declared or implied about Aerith.

I've never seriously debated on Youtube, except for one time. This guy insisted it was all Tifa's fault Cloud struggled so much in FFVII. Otherwise, I don't bother. Youtube debates are all sloppy and limited, as you said.

500 character limit reply? No thank you.

Ware did u get that clip of Zak dying? IS THAT A NEW MOVIE?~!!?!1

This is made all the more hilarious by the number who have neither played nor familiarized themselves with CC.

Lol, reminds me of that one Anti banner that says:
"Remember, Cloti hurts Tifa too."

If it does, it's far, far less than the pinker FF7 does.

Danzaii: Fuck you, Cloti!

Cloti: Dude, you don't have to be so rude about it. Why don't you calm the fuck down and say something intelligent?

-five minutes later to Clerith friends-
: ( Guys, I was debating nicely and stating my opinion, but this mean Cloti just shot me down. I was being so sweet and trying to make friends... I used to be rabid but I respect everyone's opinion now. I swear they are always judging me... I'm really upset. They hurt my feelings. </3

That's the Danz in a nutshell, yes.
That and massively strawmanning both the Compilation and C/T arguments/ viewpoints.


You look like you need a monkey
Remember it, Shadowfox, I was there when it came up! I might even have the page saved for posterity. I know I have lifestream family in my archives.

It seems we have a new one. Referring to CoT and RF where Tifa's shown to be growing into her motherly role in the family, there are now people claiming that Cloud having a romantic relationship with Tifa would be incest.

So much silliness over the years. Sometimes I find myself wishing I'd had the presence of mind to take screenshots of them.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
It seems we have a new one. Referring to CoT and RF where Tifa's shown to be growing into her motherly role in the family, there are now people claiming that Cloud having a romantic relationship with Tifa would be incest.

That's not particularly new, unless you mean it's cropping up again.
We've dealt with it many times before- It's natural for a woman to have motherly feelings towards her man. It's less so for the reverse.

So much silliness over the years. Sometimes I find myself wishing I'd had the presence of mind to take screenshots of them.

I just saved the HTML pages of the more amusing threads, myself.


Oh WTF... >_>
Seriously?! Are they believing that crap themselfs?

Tifa is like a mother to Cloud, because she got motherly feelings for him

Well, it's normal for a woman to get "motherly feelings". Didn't she also get that because of their new family? She was going to be the mother of it.

If Cloud was happy with Tifa then why did he leave to go live at the church? I mean really.

I mean really, I have you even played the game or watched the movie?
Cloud leaved because he was going to find a cure for Denzel, then he got Geostigma, felt that he couldn't protect his family, so he moved to Aerith's church to die.

Even if she was the catalyst at that moment, Cloud&#65279; was ready to give up again after the fight with Kadaj in the woods. It wasn't until Aerith spoke to him that he snapped out of it for good.

What? Her being the catalyst doesn't dissapear for a day. She will always be. Why would SE even put it in the ACC Dengeki Profiles if she just was it for a short moment?
She gives Cloud the will to fight, so does the children he live with. Denzel and Marlene.

Also all Tifa did was nag nag nag, it was Aerith who made Cloud want to protect Tifa and Marlene! Geeze, what movie were you guys watching?

Thanks to Tifa, Cloud started to move on. Then he got help from Aerith too.
She wasn't nagging, she did the right thing. To make him realize what he was doing.
Was Aerith the one that....? Yeah, TTLY true.
So, if Aerith hadn't 'made him' to protect Tifa and Marlene? Then he wouldn't care at all? I think Cloud did it all by himself, he care for his family deeply.

If Cloud was so happy with Tifa, why did he go to live in the Church in AC?

The happier he is now,
The more Cloud is tormented by painful &#8220;memories&#8221; of the past.

The more he realizes how happy he is living with Tifa and the children, the more the fear of losing that and regrets toward the past trouble Cloud&#8230;

However, when Cloud contracts Geostigma he disappears. Behind these actions lies feelings of guilt towards his past failure to protect people who were important to him..

-FF7 10th Anniversary Ultimania

I think that says it all.. :monster:
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Celes Chere

If Cloud was so happy with Tifa, why did he go to live in the Church in AC?

If Cloud was so happy with Aerith, why did he just stand there going ":B" when she was stabbed?

And I am totally serious about that, too. :awesome:


Great Old One
If Cloud was so happy with Aerith, why did he just stand there going ":B" when she was stabbed?

And I am totally serious about that, too. :awesome:
I don't get how you base Cloud's happiness with Aerith in a death scene tbh.

Youtube debates are FAIL. Especially because only one person is making all the Youtube debates FAIL, and by one person, I mean one person with multiple identities.


Higher Further Faster
&#51648;&#51008;;118756 said:
Youtube debates are FAIL. Especially because only one person is making all the Youtube debates FAIL, and by one person, I mean one person with multiple identities.

YouTube debates fail because their comment system fails. I find it rather difficult to be able to keep track of comments and where they're at, etc. And in order to reply to a comment you have to go to the video page and dig through everything just to try and find it, which usually I can't so i just say screw it. Would make much more sense if one were given that option from the inbox.

And I don't want to start private messaging people just to reply. That's going too far, imho.
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