I have to ask, what the does irl stuff have to do with a discussion of fictional pairings?
Because it's an example of heart engraving/ heart living that's not romantic
Because Tifa doesn't get the engravement. D :
Yeah she does. Cloud has engraved his promise with her on his heart. Though I do recall someone throwing a stink because it was 'etched' rather than 'engraved' even though they mean the same thing.
Even if this were true in English (and it's not), it doesn't mean it's true in Japanese.
Which it isn't.
So do I, unfortunately. Having read that 'essay' of theirs, I can't ever unread it. Monkey love proofz isn't the sort of thing one can simply forget.
It's another of their usual routines. Anything remotely Cloti is subjected to the strictest examination and run through the finest of fine-toothed combs, and if any of the i's aren't dotted or t's uncrossed, they'll instantly declare it unfit,
Even if they are all dotted and crossed and undeniably so, a la 'the happier Cloud is...' they declare it unfit because it doesn't match their fanfic.
but Clerith proof needs only the flimsiest of excuses to be touted as true and canon. Hell, Clerith proof doesn't even need to make sense to be true.
It doesn't even have to be remotely about Cloud and Aerith in some cases. DoC was Clerith according to some claims, because Vinny and Luccy were so totally the same.
Ohs no. He chose the archaic translation of a word because he was advised to avoid the subject and avoid lulz, ergo bias! Meanwhile, the same people bitching are the same ones who let Koi-Bito go on for three years.
But yes, we've also been saying that people can be mistaken as to mutuality before. Meanwhile, YOU FUCKS have said it means anything from 'one who loves' to 'nice person' to not meaning lover when written in Kanji.
I want to see people try to guess them first
reading subjecting myself to this Clerith.com essay now.
So they've completely abandoned the whole "it only means lover if your some stupid Westerner/unwashed otaku" then?
Yes. Now that
Ilfana the woman used it to refer to Cloud. Funny how it still doesn't mean anything in the Reunion files statement.
And what's this "Cloud2" magazine?
I vaguely recall it being some sort of ACC promo shit, but I don't recall it having much in the way of content.
It's amazing how one word can cause so much chaos.
I don't think Clerith.com had that, this site did:
That site and Clerith.com are made by the same people. Both are CxA brainchildren.
Resha, Saicho, Kenji, and Shadow Spirit have already politely asked that you stop mangling a language you don't understand.
Hito, knock it off, I mean it
![Rage! :rage: :rage:](/forums/images/smilies/rage.gif)
I think Resha, Saicho, Kenji, and Shadowfox ought to stop calling the hitokettle black. In other words they might understand better, Resha, Saicho, Kenji, SS, NO U.
Where did the rule come from that "koibito" needs Cloud's name attached to it? It just seems awful convenient to me. "It doesn't specify who Tifa's a koibito to so we'll just blow that off ... "
Well, it never specifies who LSB and LSW are about. Must be Mukki and Ilfana...
Incidentally, I didn't pick the word "beloved"
![Cookie Monster :monster: :monster:](/forums/images/smilies/cookiemonster.gif)
I've said it before. That was Mako's suggestion.
I wanted to use "sweetheart" for the lulz
The lulz are greater this way my good man.
I have yet to say "oh hey dudes, 'koibito' means one-sided love only!" I've not said anything I haven't been saying since 2005/6.
Hell, we're not even saying it now. We're saying the recently dead are capable of being mistaken, especially as they begin to lose sections of themselves and have to focus on their connection to a living person to remain coherent.
I have seen Japanese fans bring up that one-sided definition, apparently from the
Kojien (which is
the Japanese dictionary... I mean the actual one that exists). But the Kojien also list archaic usages, and I don't have a copy to check myself.
It does yes- the JP dept at UNC had a copy, natch, and that's where I got the 'it can mean beloved, but that's somewhat archaic' from, so yeah.
Some Japanese fans seem to take it as simply Aerith's feelings for Cloud, but they're probably biased Clotis. Oh wait, I forgot Japanese Clotis don't exist.
They don't exist, and yet they are biased. Amazing.
If Japanese fans disagree with what it means, then what's the problem with English fans having to deal with it too?
Because WE are apparently the ones SE is pandering to. Since there are no JP Cloti, after all.
And Quexi- Wuxia is shorthand for all martial arts movies and the choreography used therein.