Hence why I said sounds romantic. Not it is romantic.
Except what Hito said was along the lines of 'Could sound', not 'sounds'
Where did you get that from? ZackCloud is basically Cloud with some Zack (and Jenova). Once Cloud returned to himself the Zack in him dissapeared ya? But Cloud was still friends with Barrett so Cloud probably still saw Aerith as a friend too. That was what I was saying.
Yes, and I'm saying while that makes sense, it's not assured. ZaCloud has quite different set of memories and mental structure than true Cloud, so while it's probable that his emotions are similar, it is not guarunteed that they are the same.
I just see no reason to think it is any different. Yes, she died but if anything that means his feelings towards her would have (I spotted that one

) probably stayed around the same as he couldn't interact with her once he was back to his true self.
Except the thing is, as TrueCloud, he can view his memories as ZaCloud from a different perspective, and may or may not hold the same emotional investment as ZaCloud.
No, that it didn't change dramatically. But there you go, let's not go round in circles about this.
No, not even dramatically. TruCloud and ZaCloud view things from a different perspective and can be considered like an MPD. Different personalities with access to the same memories, and differing personalities may like or dislike different things or feel differently about a person.
I said "sounds" because I was aware of that. It sounds it but not necessarily is it.
Where I sit, saying 'Sounds like X' implies you think it is X.
No she said FHS was an idiot as a come back to her calling her an idiot. It was meant to be a joke. (I used a smilie to make that obvious).
Her and my opinion is that when you have undying feelings for another person, it is romantic unless made very clear otherwise. I have never said "always" "no way has any other meaning" "undying feelings can never mean anything else ever", I even repeated myself several times making it clear that I don't think this.
You're contradicting yourself. "Undying feelings UNLESS MADE CLEAR OTHERWISE are romantic, but I'm not saying undying feelings are always romantic." You are saying when not specified as something else, undying feelings are romantic ones. This is the very issue we take issue with.
I basically felt it could be romantic in this case and so I argued for as to why.
That's fine. It's this broad brush swept over an english phrase we take issue with.
And I think sex is for reproduction, but we're back to opinions again. Not to mention this isn't even relevant to the topic.
And eating is for survival. But that doesn't mean we can't or or aren't supposed to enjoy it even if we don't need it to survive or in the case of sex, procreate (even infertile folks enjoy sex)
Well I looked it up and...
... and I should trust UD BECAUSE?...
It can be used as an insult. But so can 'darling' if you know what you're doing. It's not inherently insulting.
I doubt you were calling me a trainee Jedi. The way you used it also made it look like an insult or an attempt to be patronising, which I felt was unecessary.
A trainee JEDI, no, but with the same teacher/student dynamic and the filial nature depicted betwixt most Jedi and their padawan.
Oh I've been doing "of" instead of "have" for years, I don't even realise when I'm doing it. Why does it annoy you so much? If you're just being a grammar nazi then what the hell?? You failed to put in spaces and had some spelling mistakes that annoyed me but I wasn't going to bring them up just for the sake of it.
Because 'Could of' is an inherently meaningless phrase, and is about the same as people mistaking there and their or you're and your. It's one of those things everyone should be familiar with.
Especially when they're trying to argue linguistics with someone else.
I always thought Cloud looked awkward that entire time in a way that suggested he didn't understand why this girl was clinging to him.
Well, he didn't.
My stand on this is that thinking that "undying feelings" is "romantic unless made very clear otherwise" is biased. I'm saying this because 1. there is nothing
immediately romantic about "undying feelings". I have undying feelings for my late grandma, is that romantic?, 2. the word "feelings" don't automatically mean "love/romantic feelings". It could even mean "feelings of hatred" (ie. Sephiroth having undying feelings for Cloud, if you get my what I'm saying), 3. it's already
your own interpretation of the two simple words, 4. they are two words being taken out of the bigger context, and 5. seriously, people, WTF.
The bias here is that those words already seem romantic to you, when all they do is describe feelings that are lingering/aren't dying, aka undying feelings. Taking it as romantic does not support the bigger picture, nor does the bigger picture support that take. The bigger picture being everything else besides those two words. Take in consideration too, that the quote does not mention only Cloud, but everyone else as well.
What I learned about things like this is that we should all look at these objectively first. The opinion that "undying feelings" connotes romance is already biased, thus subjective, which is not good for debates and whatnot.
You have to give support with data/facts/pancakes, with your opinion being backed up not by another person's opinion, or not by something out of canon/authorial intent.
Pancakes ideally, should supplement, not replace facts.
I'm called a padawan too. It was meant to be an affectionate term. The way it was used didn't seem like that to me.
We still can't let Mei handle a lightsaber since the... incident.
Anyway, if the persons themselves told you just how they intended the word to be used, then I'd put more trust in what they said, because they're the ones who used it and
they know best about what they used it for. Urban dictionary did not use it on you.
I now imagine UD as an entity randomly spouting memes at people.
Say... Mumbles is UD? Nah...
Speaking of UD, I decided to see if it had anything for Undying feelings.
Of the found entries containing both words, only the ludicrous Clerith entry even suggests that undying feelings = love, and the others specify undying love and feelings are separate, strange if it's assumed romantic unless otherwise specified.
Also, one of the entries is about Anakin Skywalker, so we have in fact come full circle.
'Only a master of evil, Darth.'