But then... did you just contradict yourself or what? I don't have good English, I might have misread it. But...
Just clarifying. I got the impression that you thought "undying feelings can never mean anything else ever" because you kept arguing the fact that you think it's "romantic unless made very clear otherwise". How clear is "very clear" to you? Parameters, please.
Mmm. I'm not contradicting myself. "Undying feelings can never mean anything else ever" means I would never connotate them to anything else other than romance. "Romantic unless made very clear otherwise" means I will take them to be romantic unless the wording says otherwise or the context. But this was where the main weakness to my argument appeared because I was looking at the immediate context (how Nomura was speaking of the viewers' and comrades' affections) and how I feel some of the typically claimed "Clerith" scenes are a little Clerith which boils down to opinion. And you're right, that's subjective, so I was always going to have a hard time trying to bring across my point.
2. the word "feelings" don't automatically mean "love/romantic feelings".
I never said "automatically"!!!!!
It could even mean "feelings of hatred" (ie. Sephiroth having undying feelings for Cloud, if you get my what I'm saying),
Which was an example I repeatedly gave of when it doesn't mean romantic feelings....ohhhhhh I give up.
I'm called a padawan too. It was meant to be an affectionate term. The way it was used didn't seem like that to me.
Okay, well I've never seen it used in an affectionate or nice/nonhostile way.
Anyway, if the persons themselves told you just how they intended the word to be used, then I'd put more trust in what they said, because they're the ones who used it and
they know best about what they used it for. Urban dictionary did not use it on you.
He didn't include a definition when he first used it.
Where I sit, saying 'Sounds like X' implies you think it is X.
Well I didn't mean it like that. "Sounds" to me means "it implies it could be", but nevermind.
Except the thing is, as TrueCloud, he can view his memories as ZaCloud from a different perspective, and may or may not hold the same emotional investment as ZaCloud.
Like a multiple personality disorder. I like this idea.
Especially when they're trying to argue linguistics with someone else.
I Am Not Me said:
My stand on this is that thinking that "undying feelings" is "romantic unless made very clear otherwise" is biased. I'm saying this because 1. there is nothing immediately romantic about "undying feelings". I have undying feelings for my late grandma, is that romantic?
You're contradicting yourself. "Undying feelings UNLESS MADE CLEAR OTHERWISE are romantic, but I'm not saying undying feelings are always romantic." You are saying when not specified as something else, undying feelings are romantic ones. This is the very issue we take issue with.
OKay. Here's a google search of undying feelings.
Ignore the occasional Clerith and Cloti result and if you keep going through the pages, almost all the results are referring to romantic feelings/love.
For example:
~Finally Jessy has a place to vent her
undying feelings and drool over pictures of Noah.
~You don't want to confess your
undying feelings towards her. Don't say to her that you love her so much.
~But at David and Donna's wedding, she gives into her
undying feelings for him.
~I want to show my passionate,
undying feelings.
~Fuelled by
undying feelings of guilt (An example of undying feelings of a different kind being made clear by the input of "of guilt").
~I see my ex every day at school and I still have
undying feelings for her. Wat to do?
undying feelings and all that kind of sentiment, in the newly weds.
~Kannan harbors
undying feelings for Priya. But the girl's family vehemently opposes the match
~I don't know maybe its because you sick bastard wanted me to confess my '
undying feelings' for a girl I barely know, which then turned out horribly wrong.
~Because of WALL- E's
undying feelings for EVE, he followed EVE to outer space
~This never ending circle of stones embodies your
undying feelings and emotions for your partner.
undying feelings for a departed lover.
To give a few

. The first result is also a poem about love.
And this is why I feel "undying feelings" has strong romantic connotations. I've seen them associated so often and exactly like this.
I don't really want to argue about this further because you're obviously not going to shift on where you stand but at least this may help you see why I see "undying feelings" as having strong romantic connotations in English.