The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c

Doesn't Barret also say some shit about Tifa being Cloud's "little baby" or something? Or was that soemone else? Yo, Sheilz!

I recall something of the sort too.

Then the scene on the highwind after Cloud and Tifa's night together :monster:


Pro Adventurer
@ Ryu....
My grammar is getting worse with reading too many books about diseases.. :(

Barret does say Tifa wears the pants in the relationship ;)


Higher Further Faster
Actually that's Cid who says that Tifa wears the pants in her and Cloud's relationship. But he says it in Case of Barret so you were close. :)


Pro Adventurer
Actually that's Cid who says that Tifa wears the pants in her and Cloud's relationship. But he says it in Case of Barret so you were close. :)

Dang!!! I was close, but even those two can figure out that Tifa and Cloud are an item....

wait... what do Cleri say about those lines from CoB? I mean, it cant get anymore obvious, oh wait it can, but you know..


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Yeah, they could literally show Cloud and Tifa fucking in full hardcore pornography style and Cleriths still wouldn't be convinced. :monster:


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I won't be convinced until Cloud full on tells Tifa that he loves her (not like he did in the past as that creepy little standoffish kid) but full on "Tifa, I love you. Aeris means NOTHING to me."

After that, I'll admit defeat. :monster:


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Not to mention, I'm sure Aerith means something to him, just like Barret and Cid and the other cast members do. Probably just a poor choice of words on Channy's part, but :monster:


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
A tad. But I'm looking for more than just inadvertant actions here and there that can be interpreted depending on how YOU want to look at it.


Your Mom
But why are those "inadvertent actions" enough to convince you he loves Aerith? :awesomonster:

All either side has is inferences, but one side has a whole shitload more of them than the other.


Pro Adventurer
A tad. But I'm looking for more than just inadvertant actions here and there that can be interpreted depending on how YOU want to look at it.

wait.. how else can you look at moving in with someone and raising children with them?
and the lifestream scene, CoT lines, and words from the creators BASED on the story?

Nice to know there is a Cleri in here though..:)


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Just depends on how you want to look at it. You say that because there's alot more people here to out number me. :monster: Go to the Clerith forum, and you'll easily be out numbered by all these people who have "facts". Neither side has full blown hard evidence of him choosing someone. And the creators haven't fully clarified it because they want to leave the FUN (or at least the LTD used to be fun before it became so political >_> ) and interpretations to the individual.

Also, if Cloud was so happy living with Tifa and the kids, why has he moved to the Church? :monster: jus sayin.


Your Mom
User, you still haven't told us what Cloud says or does that shows he loves Aeris romantically. Care to cough 'em up?
Also, if Cloud was so happy living with Tifa and the kids, why has he moved to the Church?
SE has explained this several times, and it has nothing to do with not being happy with Tifa.


Pro Adventurer
Yes, he was so happy living with Tifa, that's why he left..he felt guilty about it.. It was explained by the creators in some quote no, this is not some interpretation, it is a FACT... anyone have it?

so yeah.. I am sure someone else can better explain..


Oh wait, he has.
She took a stroll through his freakin head and totally missed the Cleris love. Tifa's just blind and delusional.
Also, if Cloud was so happy living with Tifa and the kids, why has he moved to the Church?
It is happiness he runs from, happiness and comfort that Tifa/kids offer him. He thinks he doesn't deserve it and runs away so they don't see him dying. He wants to protect them from that and at the same time he runs because he's failing them again, because he's dyign and can't protect them.

it has nothing to do with missing Aeris. If that were the case he'd have just moved there from the very beginning.
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User, you still haven't told us what Cloud says or does that shows he loves Aeris romantically. Care to cough 'em up?

Well, for a start he spent more time with aeris throughout her time in the game, even though he had known tifa for so much longer, now surely tifa would find that a bit strange...obviously not since she showed no signs of jelousy :monster: but still thats 1 fact.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I'd have to disagree with my usernamed friend here and I'm trying to recall where Tifa does get jealous about Aerith. The two actually get quite jealous between eachother throughout the game iirc. But he's right that during the first disk, you do get alot more time with her, and alot of the time she insists upon being taken in the party.

Also, I don't know what quote you two are referring to. If you can find it, then enlighten me. But the way that I see it (it's not so much about being unhappy with Tifa, that was just sarcasm) is that Cloud's sick, yeah? He doesn't want the other's knowing he's sick, and so he hides out in the most comfortable place to him, being Aerith's church. Being in a place that was her second home is probably comforting to him in his sickness. Not to mention that it's also where the place he was healed of his stigma.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Well, for a start he spent more time with aeris throughout her time in the game, even though he had known tifa for so much longer, now surely tifa would find that a bit strange...obviously not since she showed no signs of jelousy :monster: but still thats 1 fact.

Could you better define 'spent more time with Aerith', User? Because in all 'official' images of the game being played (Memorial Album, Reminiscence, etc.) Tifa is always in Cloud's party when available. Aerith rotates out with Barrett.

Furthermore, according to local gossip, Cloud and Tifa are quite pally with each other during his convalescence, to which some person says in essence 'Childhood friend. You're not fooling anyone', among other gossipy bits.

I'd have to disagree with my usernamed friend here and I'm trying to recall where Tifa does get jealous about Aerith. The two actually get quite jealous between eachother throughout the game iirc. But he's right that during the first disk, you do get alot more time with her, and alot of the time she insists upon being taken in the party.

She insists upon is when she's member no 2. of 2, and the ToA. At no other time is she explicitly required.

Also, I don't know what quote you two are referring to. If you can find it, then enlighten me. But the way that I see it (it's not so much about being unhappy with Tifa, that was just sarcasm) is that Cloud's sick, yeah? He doesn't want the other's knowing he's sick, and so he hides out in the most comfortable place to him, being Aerith's church.

No. He RUNS from his comfort. AC Prologue book, IIRC, states this. It might be echoed in Reunion Files somewhere.

Being in a place that was her second home is probably comforting to him in his sickness. Not to mention that it's also where the place he was healed of his stigma.

But that hasn't happened yet.
And it's where a LOT of people got healed of stigma.
ZOMFG Derith?

Again though, you're getting ahead of yourself.
Loves in the first place is needed before loves more than the other. First principles!


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
She insists upon is when she's member no 2. of 2, and the ToA. At no other time is she explicitly required.

At no time is Tifa ever explicity required. :monster:

No. He RUNS from his comfort. AC Prologue book, IIRC, states this. It might be echoed in Reunion Files somewhere.

Okay, but can you provide a quote? Because I've still no idea what you're talking about. I don't go digging through every little piece of literature to try and prove my theory right, I just let my imagination go with it. :monster:

Again though, you're getting ahead of yourself.
Loves in the first place is needed before loves more than the other. First principles!


Also, I'd just like to say that I have no doubt that you people might be right. Cloud could love Tifa. The reason being behind all this LTD is that he hasn't shown affectionate feelings towards her. Why? Cause Aerith is dead.

No this isn't to say ZOMG HE HAS AFFAR WIF HUR, it's a justification of his feelings. The two were quite close by the end of Disk one, and to see her die in front of his eyes is probably a very traumatic experience. But because of that he's not just gonna go "Kay, well I lost one, I still got another. TIFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" It's (I want to say rude but I know that's not the right word...) inconsiderate(?) to just drop her like she meant nothing and pick up on a new relationship. Cloud's grieving. Yeah. We all see it. I know that if I lost someone dear to me, a potentional love interest, I wouldn't be so healed easily of the pain to just go and jump in another relationship.

Plus, the creators have been waving the LT in our faces for so long without firmly confirming who he loves. Why? Because it'll piss off an enourmous amount of fangirls. Quite like how ya'll are getting riled up right now. :monster:


Your Mom
to just drop her like she meant nothing and pick up on a new relationship
You're still assuming Cloud had romantic feelings for Aerith without demonstrating it. ::p:

And no one's getting riled up. I think mostly we're just amused. Same old arguments that Cloud isn't "over" Aerith, when no one's bothering to demonstrate he was ever "under" her. (Yeah, I stole that line from Friends. So sue me.)



Could you better define 'spent more time with Aerith', User? Because in all 'official' images of the game being played (Memorial Album, Reminiscence, etc.) Tifa is always in Cloud's party when available. Aerith rotates out with Barrett.

Yeah but i could argue that because aeris was eventually going to die, having her in your party continously, and then dieing is very unfair for the player :monster: i know quite a few people were outraged because she died purely because they trained her up loads of levels, so u can only imagine how people would react if she was always in your party.

Also cloud spent lots of time talking with aeris throughout the game.


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
Well considering the two demonstrate alot of flirty banter between one another during their time together. It's no more factual than Cloud still loves Tifa. :monster:
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