Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
- Smooth Criminal
whip cream?
what a faggot.
Shouldn't you be fapping to Power Girl, Bacon?
whip cream?
what a faggot.
Shouldn't you be fapping to Power Girl, Bacon?
I think it does? What else could it possibly mean?1 *denial*
And here I thought that Cloud only had a mobile phone because he was endorsing it...-- But he still has a mobile phone, and he doesn't seem to have rejected other people outright.
Nomura: Yeah. Delivery work itself is something which connects people together. While he appears to be rejecting other people, in actual face he feels lonely deep down. That's why he has his mobile phone."
Hell, I fucking love Squall/Quistis and wish it happened but you don't see me rejecting reality like Orihime and trying to ignore the fact Rinoa's Squall's....
LOL, you know, I actually think he'd be perfectly content with either of them - but yeah, seeing how shy he is, and... awkward, I feel more bad for the girls then him.Making as much sense as i am although if it counted when it comes to who's happier when being together wise, that kind of makes me think Cloud isn't so happy, with either of them. He always seemed either shy or miserable.
This quote always bothered me - especially because people think that Cloud and Tifa's relationship is based off of guilt, as this quote provides that the 'happier he is with Tifa,' the more 'unresolved guilt that weighs on his shoulders,' apparently meaning that Cloud feels guilty when he's around Tifa.As for who Cloud is happy with- it's actually Cloud's happiness that leads to some of Cloud's issues in AC. The happier he is with Tifa and the kids, the more his unresolved guilt weighs on his shoulders.