The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Lily Ella

Pro Adventurer
[any friend would feel bad like that?? well no not exactly, yes you would be sad, but no not THAT sad for someone you hardly know
I just have to answer to this, because, really... WTH.

If someone was killed in front of me -- RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME -- it would haunt me for years, if not for the rest of my life. It wouldn't matter to me if I knew that person very well or not. A friend of mine (he was a "new" friend, since only knew each other for a few weeks) died over ten years ago, and til this day, it haunts me, and it's sometimes painful for me to think of him. Was I in love with him? Nope.

@ fondness of Aeris: wasn't everyone fond of her? It wasn't a speshul Cloud thing (they have a speshul bond now, because he was the one who was there when she got shish-ka-bobbed). She's supposed to have some kind of vulnerability or innocence or somesuch of some sort that made peeps want to protect her. Didn't that happen in BC? Person protected her/took care of her after knowing her for about 2.5 seconds? She's just so wunnuerful and had a speshul something about her. Actually... you could say that same about any female heroine in these RPGs actually (Tifa included).


AI Researcher
I had to stop what I was doing to tell you that we were all wrong :monster: But I don't remember which thread it was in, so it goes here.

About the 20 minute original AC, that is. In Nojima's interview from Dengeki PS3, he says that the characters in it was children, Cloud, and Aerith rather than Tifa. He/someone definitely said it was Tifa before, and he says he 'thinks' it was kids, Cloud and Aerith, so there must be a mistake in there somewhere.


Great Old One
Nomura: It was originally going to be a movie about Cloud, Tifa and the kids...

Really? Where did you get this from? Because I'm pretty sure Nomura... or Kitase stated that it was originally supposed to be a movie about Cloud, Tifa, and the kids. Let's not forget that there's that reporter who got to look over the twenty minute movie script, stating that the message he got was from Tifa. So...

I'm confused now. :awesomonster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It's from the interview in the Dengeki PS3 magazine.

Honestly I think it had all three. Cloud, Tifa AND Aerith. And yeah. Guess they forgot now. :monster:


Great Old One
Can I see it?

And now, I'm really confused. So is the messenger Aerith or Tifa? Because one has them saying that it's a message from Tifa...


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Well it could be a message from Tifa, delivered by Aerith and the kids :monster:


Great Old One
I hate how Square Enix gives all these trick questions and hidden messages all the times. Why don't they just end the compilation with Cloud and Tifa and Aerith and Zack? There, everyone's happy and no one has to be the loser. :monster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
If it helps you feel better BBM, it still says that Zack and Aerith are side by side in the lifestream together. :monster:


AI Researcher
- FFVIIAC was apparently a 20 minute story originally, but what was that like?

Kazushige Nojima: It was kind of more mysterious or [??], it wasn't that full of a story. The characters were mainly Cloud, Aerith and children, I think the other characters mostly didn't appear. There's a scene at the end of FFVIIACC where the children gather at the church; this is a bit that was written for the scenario of the 20 minute version.

He does sound a little unsure (it has been over 4 years now), and uses words like 'mostly'. So it doesn't mean Tifa didn't turn up at all. Maybe Cloud gets a message from Aerith, forgives himself, and goes home to Tifa in the end. Who can tell from that little thing :monster:

That 'the message was from Tifa' thing only seems to have come from an English magazine, so I wonder where they got that from.


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Great Old One
If it helps you feel better BBM, it still says that Zack and Aerith are side by side in the lifestream together. :monster:
Lol, no, it doesn't disappoint me. I would have sounded like an idiot if I was debating against someone using that. :awesomonster:

At Hito:
Whaaa, that's so weird! I've seen so many sites confirming that it was, 'just a movie about Cloud, Tifa, and the kids.' D: Have people made that up?

Oh well. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Thanks for bringing that up hito. :monster:


AI Researcher
They did say that before, it was basically that "focused on Cloud, Aerith and kids" quote with Tifa's name in place of Aerith's. So either someone made a mistake down the line, or they actually both appeared in it.

They ought to just publish this 20 minute thing. Not for LTD related nonsense, just because it's interesting to see how things change :monster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I believe the 'Cloud, Tifa, and Kids' came from Reunion files originally, when discussing the progress of the picture from short to full length.
I'll look for it in a bit.

And yes, I want to see the original 20 minute version, for much the same reason I want to see early drafts of Star Wars and such.


Great Old One
They did say that before, it was basically that "focused on Cloud, Aerith and kids" quote with Tifa's name in place of Aerith's. So either someone made a mistake down the line, or they actually both appeared in it.
They ought to just publish this 20 minute thing. Not for LTD related nonsense, just because it's interesting to see how things change :monster:
The internet has filled my brain with lies. D : Who knows what else could be a lie?

I believe the 'Cloud, Tifa, and Kids' came from Reunion files originally, when discussing the progress of the picture from short to full length.
I'll look for it in a bit.
That's what I thought too. The twenty minute version movie looks interesting, I can't wait to see it.

IGN must be biased.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Right. Reunion files, specifically on page 67, says in both Japanese and English that it was originally just a 'story was just about Cloud, Tifa, and the kids'

So, yes. I'm willing to bet Dengeki made a copy error, or Nojima mispoke, or even that both ladies were in the story.

That the message was from Tifa specifically does not seem to be in the Reunion files, but rather reports on the 20 minute movie.
Ah well.
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AI Researcher
Did they ever actually make the 20 minute version? I don't remember ever hearing about it being completed.

But if it was never made, I don't see how anyone can report on it, barring them getting to look at the script. In which case they should let the rest of us see it too :P


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Yes, page 80 of the Reunion Files talks about the 23 minute version shown at the Venice Film Festival, and the response they received there.
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AI Researcher
But the Venice/Cannes one was from the final film, wasn't it? After they started working on it again, and it ended before Sephiroth appears. So it can't include the ending with the children in the church scene that the original 20 minute version had.

Plus it's been included with the original DVD of AC, so if there were messages and stuff in that, I would think it'd be more widely known.


The original version has never been completed, the stuff shown at the Film Festival was indeed only the preview that's also on the bonus DVD.

Lily Ella

Pro Adventurer
There was also an interview on ITMedia, during the 2005 Venice Film Festival. There was an interview with the three dudes. I remember them mentioning Cloud, Tifa, and some children.



I can't read Japanese.. I just know that C & T's names are in there. It was from this interview that we got the whole "original movie onry had Cloud, Tifa, and kiddies" from.

In any case, it seems that they never actually made teh 20-minute version... and in ACC, the scene from the original 20-min version that was included was simply the kids gathering around the church (in other words, nothing speshul, LTD-related scene/thing).
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AI Researcher
That's pretty much the same as the Reunion Files one. 20 minutes, characters were just Cloud/Tifa/kids.

Given the several mentions of Tifa (and closer to the time it was written), maybe Aerith was a mistake. Or they both appear.

Or a Cloti ninja wasn't doing their twisting-and-tampering job right.
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