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Great Old One
I agree, hito. Though I do think he wants forgiveness from Aerith, that wasn't his reason for going to the FC because he didn't know Aerith would be contacting him there. So it's not like he's thinking, "I want to ask Aerith for forgiveness so I'm gonna go to a place where I can ask her." He wants to alleviate his guilt, and he's trying to save the children in order to do so.
Ohhhhh, this all makes sense now. He didn't even look for her forgiveness in the first place, right?

I hate how the English version talks about Cloud saying he wants it more than anything? Because I thought in the Japanese version it was completely different.

Obviously, though, she is one of the people he thinks he's failed, and in the film she pretty much represents all of them as far as forgiveness goes.
Which brings another question - what do you guys think of him asking Aerith... well, kinda for forgiveness, but not even mentioning about it to Tifa?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I know, but it's not like he left them while he was looking for a cure to protect his family, right? Because he was only living in the church for a couple of days... so when he gets it, that's when he actually 'leaves,' them, right?

And I can't help but wonder what... some people may think about this reasoning. :awesomonster:

Which are facts.

Well, that, and I hope he saves Tifa again.

No, that's what I'm talking about. When he left and they didn't know why. When he *left.* While he was gone, he contracted Geostigma. Hence him hanging out at the Church and being depressed.

And it wasn't just a couple of days. I think it was more like a week or more. He gets the Geostigma while gone. He didn't leave because he had it.


Great Old One
No, that's what I'm talking about. When he left and they didn't know why. When he *left.* While he was gone, he contracted Geostigma. Hence him hanging out at the Church and being depressed.
Yeah, but while he was searching for a cure for Denzel, was he depressed at that point?


You look like you need a monkey
Regarding the spoiler, I think it's a nice addition. It makes Cloud's behaviour look more active -- he really tried to do something rather than passively angst, get sick and angst some more.

On a related-ish subject, was Cloud even looking for specially Aerith's forgiveness in the AC scene (first one with Aerith)? Where she asks why he came there, and he says he wants to be forgiven. The way I read it has been:

- Why did you come (to this place, the forest)?
- I want to be forgiven (so I'm going to save these kids).

Not much of a subject, but thinking of it I was wondering what others read into that scene.

I'd always thought that he did want forgiveness for all of the things he'd done wrong/not done, not just about Aerith. But he'd made Aerith into a symbol of his guilt, so earning her forgiveness would be like being forgiven for the other things.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Maybe a little. He was scared of losing the family he loved so naturally he'd feel panicked and a bit scared. Hence him wanting to go out and find some cure himself, and thus he ends up getting it himself. Which would make him truly despair and REALLY be depressed.

Since in a way, its like the universe is proving his negative cognitions right :monster:


AI Researcher
It was. "I think... I want to be forgiven. Yeah, I want to be forgiven."

I don't get some of the changes in the English version. I don't mind people being a bit liberal with things, I don't see the appeal of a straight literal translation, but you can take it too far in the other way too.

Vagrant Story was a good example of something that added something in translation that benefits the work. But with AC's, I just don't see why they did it.


Higher Further Faster
This all makes Cloud's actions so much more plausible! I'm really getting excited!

Where can I read this interview in full, Mako?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It's from the Dengeki PS3 one, and it's not done yet so you have to wait :monster:


Great Old One
Maybe a little. He was scared of losing the family he loved so naturally he'd feel panicked and a bit scared. Hence him wanting to go out and find some cure himself, and thus he ends up getting it himself. Which would make him truly despair and REALLY be depressed.
Oh yeah, that's true. He may have done it to also prove himself, lol. :monster:


It's from the Dengeki PS3 one, and it's not done yet so you have to wait :monster:
Ten, this is just a mini promotion to get people to comment on the front page when they release it. :awesomonster:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Fail? Well, Cloud's not the type of person who just sits on the sidelines when he wants to help. The panic and fear of the kid he just started caring for and loving being sick with a terminal illness prompted Cloud to get up and do something about it. Since what is his fear?

Being unable to protect the people he cares for. He wants to do that. Not just be the one being protected. And trying to do that and failing because HE gets sick is the ultimate sign of his weakness and confirmation that its over and he couldn't do it.


Great Old One
Fail? Well, Cloud's not the type of person who just sits on the sidelines when he wants to help. The panic and fear of the kid he just started caring for and loving being sick with a terminal illness prompted Cloud to get up and do something about it. Since what is his fear?
No, no, I was joking...

What he did though, wasn't the results he was looking for.


Great Old One
Consider it a practice when someone else is serious about the statement of fail for Cloud the next time. :awesomonster:

GoGo Hito!
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Which brings another question - what do you guys think of him asking Aerith... well, kinda for forgiveness, but not even mentioning about it to Tifa?

Cloud can't blame Tifa, can't even link her to failure at all, hence making Aerith the symbol of all his failures :monster:
Though he does mention 'can't bring back the fallen' as part of his issues to Tifa in CoT, so I'm sure they went over it at some point.

No, that's what I'm talking about. When he left and they didn't know why. When he *left.* While he was gone, he contracted Geostigma. Hence him hanging out at the Church and being depressed.

And it wasn't just a couple of days. I think it was more like a week or more. He gets the Geostigma while gone. He didn't leave because he had it.

The only question was did he fully leave, or just stay away for awhile before contracting. But that's minor, essentially.

Regarding the spoiler, I think it's a nice addition. It makes Cloud's behaviour look more active -- he really tried to do something rather than passively angst, get sick and angst some more.

I'd always thought that he did want forgiveness for all of the things he'd done wrong/not done, not just about Aerith. But he'd made Aerith into a symbol of his guilt, so earning her forgiveness would be like being forgiven for the other things.

Essentially, yes.


Great Old One
Though he does mention 'can't bring back the fallen' as part of his issues to Tifa in CoT, so I'm sure they went over it at some point.
I hope they mention the promise in AC. I didn't like how they just... shoved it aside, even if Tifa did say, 'you're late.'


Pro Adventurer
- FFVIIAC was apparently a 20 minute story originally, but what was that like?

Kazushige Nojima: It was kind of more mysterious or [??], it wasn't that full of a story. The characters were mainly Cloud, Aerith and children, I think the other characters mostly didn't appear. There's a scene at the end of FFVIIACC where the children gather at the church; this is a bit that was written for the scenario of the 20 minute version.

He does sound a little unsure (it has been over 4 years now), and uses words like 'mostly'. So it doesn't mean Tifa didn't turn up at all. Maybe Cloud gets a message from Aerith, forgives himself, and goes home to Tifa in the end. Who can tell from that little thing :monster:

That 'the message was from Tifa' thing only seems to have come from an English magazine, so I wonder where they got that from.

That's odd.. Why would there be contradicting statements?

hmm who really knows, I'll stick to the Reunion files statement for now.. and we only have two weeks left to see what this climatic scene from the 20 minute movie will be anyways :)....


Great Old One
Well, SE has always had contradicting statements, I think - although, I can't think of any on the top of my head as of now. But yeah, I guess we'll just wait and see on the sixteenth - though, I wouldn't be disappointed it it were Aerith, though, it would kinda ruin the moment and impact there was in the original ending of AC, where she smiles at Cloud and disappears with Zack to the Lifesteram. Plus, she can't manifest herself unless one needs her the most, so that's also contradictory as well. Then that reporter stated that the message was passed on from the kids, and then to Cloud - revealing to be from Tifa.

I'm getting more anxious every day.


Great Old One
Holy shit, don't make me more excited then I already am Manda! 8D

And I can't wait for the interview to be posted. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Well, SE has always had contradicting statements, I think - although, I can't think of any on the top of my head as of now. But yeah, I guess we'll just wait and see on the sixteenth - though, I wouldn't be disappointed it it were Aerith, though, it would kinda ruin the moment and impact there was in the original ending of AC, where she smiles at Cloud and disappears with Zack to the Lifesteram. Plus, she can't manifest herself unless one needs her the most, so that's also contradictory as well. Then that reporter stated that the message was passed on from the kids, and then to Cloud - revealing to be from Tifa.

I'm getting more anxious every day.

It wont make a difference if it is Aerith...They explained why Aerith was back in this movie a long time agooo

"The incredible guilt Cloud feels because of what happened to Aerith can only be lifted by forgiveness from Aerith herself."
- Kazushige Nojima

(Explaining why Aerith was brought back ..


I just think its odd how this magazine says it was Aerith.. while other sources say Tifa.. oh well..
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Higher Further Faster
It was either a typo, or Nojima wasn't thinking/was distracted while talking, or everything else is wrong and this is right. Hmmm.....

Holy shit, don't make me more excited then I already am Manda! 8D


And I can't wait for the interview to be posted. :monster:

Ditto that. :comedian:


thats gotta be official actually, so whats happened? aeris has kids with cloud lol? I'm so far behind in this race.
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