The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Higher Further Faster
lol Pervy thoughts.....

But anyway yeah, I really don't understand how people can keep telling themselves these lies anymore. It's getting more and more obvious by the day!


Great Old One
Hahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..... *chokes*

“She is the only person who knows his past, and the one person who understands him.”

“She gives encouragement to Cloud, who is unable to shake off his doubts, and creates the catalyst for him to regain the will to fight.”

“At the end of a long struggle, she gently welcomes back Cloud on his return home after settling things with himself.”

Those quotes are just so filled with obvious, I don't see how people can be denying that Tifa doesn't help him. She's the only one who understands him, the only one who knows his past. She's the catalyst for his will to fight, and that third quote just means that he does return to Tifa and the children, and doesn't live in the church and blah blah stay there for the rest of his life.

I really like the 'catalyst for his will to fight.'
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal

Pretty much sums it up :monster:

..That's like the best macro ever. Another wonderful contribution from hito XDDDD


Great Old One

And yes, I believe that's Ryu.

We are frightening creatures.

Song lyrics to Safe and Sound:

"I know my friends and dreams are falling down a well
I'll keep them safe & sound
And if this picture rips
Not there anymore
Oh, can you hear them now
The best of killing
When I say that there's this path
My shoulders give me pain
She takes the pain
The song will give this power
Because I can't bear it anymore
My heart starts beating
And ever healing change
Tell her keep it up
It is for shame
Stop this beating
If I can't find the pain
Little by little now
If I'm here, I'm ok
Till the day
Whoa, whoa whoa
The angel
Whoa, whoa whoa
and everyday
Whoa, whoa whoa
I can't finish this time
Whoa, whoa whoa
It's today"

Just to bring up to um, 'debate' again (or at least, have a convo. concerning the LTD), what do you guys think of the lyrics? You know 'angel,' and 'her,' and Tifa being a catalyst for Cloud.... By catalyst does it mean that she's the reason for his will of fighting? :awesomonster:


Higher Further Faster
A catalyst is basically a trigger for a reaction, so probably. :monster:

Also those lyrics haven't been confirmed but they do sound pretty close. I, too, was wondering if this, "She," was indeed perhaps Tifa. :)


Great Old One
So, if she's the trigger for his 'reaction,' to fight, then:

Tifa + Encouraging Emo Cloud = GIVING HIM THE WILL TO FIGHT?

It's unheard of. And I thought she was making him feel worse. **:monster:**

And, 'she takes the pain,' and, 'tell her to keep it up, I'm here, I'm okay,' really relates to Tifa. I mean, she's suffered a lot, and has hidden a lot of her 'emotions' inside her. Unless, you know, Aerith hides her feelings - which she does not... I think...
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Great Old One
Wrong word, sorry - I meant pain. It looks like it relates to Tifa...

Or maybe the song doesn't relate to anyone at all.

Does anyone know if it's going to replace Calling, or will it just be the end of the movie, not the ending credits?


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I think it's going to replace Calling. No use in having two themes by the exact same performer as the theme of the movie. :monster:

As for the lyrics, I'm holding off my interpretation until the official ones come out. Because while some of them sound right, some of them confuse the hell out of me. XD


Great Old One
As for the lyrics, I'm holding off my interpretation until the official ones come out. Because while some of them sound right, some of them confuse the hell out of me. XD
Yeah, like... the angel, whoa whoa whoa, and everyday I can't finish this time.... eh?

I thought catalysts only affect the rate at which reactions occur. It doesn't actually make something happen, it only hastens or slows down the process.

a.) a person or thing that precipitates an event or change
b.) a person whose talk, enthusiasm, or energy causes others to be more friendly, enthusiastic, or energetic.
c.) something that causes activity between two or more persons or forces without itself being affected.
d.) Chemistry. a substance that causes or accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being affected.

And if Tifa were to slow down Cloud's process of fighting, then there would be no use in mentioning the 'leading to her salvation,' thing at all - which, by the way, I think they mean by 'her Promised Land.'

And on being a catalyst:



You look like you need a monkey
I guess I was going by the strictly chemical definition of catalyst. :P

EDIT: Hmmm, the chemisty definition you gave states that it could cause the reaction, which contradicts what I'd learnt.
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Higher Further Faster
My definition still applies to chemistry! :headbang: lol

But maybe you misunderstood me, or maybe I didn't explain myself well enough, or whatever. :/

Anyway yeah, I'm holding out for official lyrics.
*hopes for tender moment between Cloud and Tifa at the end of ACC*

What? Can't a guy hope for something romantic?
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AI Researcher
'Catalyst' means something that starts or triggers something. That's what I had in mind when I picked the word, so you can trust me on it :monster:

Unless you're a C/A fan, then I guess I can't be trusted :wacky:

Song lyrics to Safe and Sound:

"I know my friends and dreams

And all my hopes and dreams

Oh, can you hear them now
Can you hear me now?

When I say that there's this path
This light?

My shoulders give me pain
My shadow [keeps me back?]

My heart starts beating
And ever healing change
Until my heart stops? beating
You'll never hear me say [it]

Whoa, whoa whoa
The angel
Never keep me down

Whoa, whoa whoa
I can't finish this time
I keep it safe and sound

Whoa, whoa whoa
It's today
I keep it safe and...

What I heard, anyway :monster:

These are lyrics written by an English speaker, so I assume it'll make a little more sense than random shoulder pain. I don't know much about Mr. Way, but I assume he can write a coherent sentence.

It's just a shame the singer isn't as good as pronouncing them :monster:
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You look like you need a monkey
'Catalyst' means something that starts or triggers something. That's what I had in mind when I picked the word, so you can trust me on it :monster:

I dug through my old notes. I remembered the part about catalysts affecting the speed of chemical reactions, but I'd forgotten about how it did that by lowering the activation energy required, which can make it easier for the reactions to start. So, yeah, you're right; catalysts can function as triggers.

Unless you're a C/A fan, then I guess I can't be trusted :wacky:

I got my eye on you, mister!

EDIT: I just went through the forum's smilies list for the first time. Wow. There sure are a lot of cookie monsters. And facepalms a-plenty. :lol:
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AI Researcher
I dug through my old notes. I remembered the part about catalysts affecting the speed of chemical reactions, but I'd forgotten about how it did that by lowering the activation energy required, which can make it easier for the reactions to start. So, yeah, you're right; catalysts can function as triggers.
I haven't done chemistry in over half a decade, so my choice of 'catalyst' was based solely on 'oh yah, that sounds cool'.


I should use it more often :monster:

I got my eye on you, mister!
Should you be trusting me to give the right gender? Like anyone who doesn't think everything is C/A, I am a massive fact-twisting Cloti liar.



Lv. 25 Adventurer
I just wanted to add my opinion on one of the lines from Safe and Sound. We're its translated as "and ever healing change tell her keeps it up" I hear instead,
"You never hear me shout, I love you too."

Dare I start the "love" debate that Calling had? :monster:


盈盈一水间 脉&
Umh, hito, Is 叱咤激励 for " catalyst" in the original Japanese?
If so, 叱咤 means that you reprove/reprimand someone to do something just like Tifa did when Cloud hasitated to rescue the children.
激励 means you stimulate something good out of someone or spur/encourage someone.

It has nothing to do with chemistry, hahah.


AI Researcher
That was 'encourage' in my translation (大きな声で強く励ますこと).

Catalyst was きっかけ.


盈盈一水间 脉&
That was 'encourage' in my translation (大きな声で強く励ますこと).

Catalyst was きっかけ.

Hum. Roger that!

Maybe I can use it in my english essays, haha. It's a cool word.
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