The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Harbinger O Great Justice
Oh, more Aerith would be great. I'd prefer it if they would mention her name at least once in the movie, though, I hope they don't add more scenes with her after her smile to Cloud in the original ending... in a way, that would kind of ruin the moment for me. I think the original ending should stay in place.

And a new arrangement? Awesome.

I don't know if this is a real picture, but one of my members found this and I just wanted to show it (it may be in relation to the building falling on Tifa):


It's legit. They're up on TLS's Homepage.







X :neo:

Celes Chere

Too many pages. :monster:

Anyway, I think that new(er) image of Tifa looks absolutely gorgeous. And the DETAIL... ~swoon!~

Oh, more Aerith would be great.

Spirit Aerith riding on the back of Cloud's bike ftw.


Great Old One
Thank you, X-SOLDIER. By the way, I love your signature.

Spirit Aerith riding on the back of Cloud's bike ftw.
I thought that they had brought up the idea of that, but they said it would be too scary or something, so they replaced Tifa?

And also, it'd be cool to see Tifa bloodied up, like Cloud. Maybe in the fight scene they can show us that? :P


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
'Catalyst' means something that starts or triggers something. That's what I had in mind when I picked the word, so you can trust me on it :monster:

Unless you're a C/A fan, then I guess I can't be trusted :wacky:

And all my hopes and dreams

Can you hear me now?

This light?

My shadow [keeps me back?]

Until my heart stops? beating
You'll never hear me say [it]

Never keep me down

I keep it safe and sound

I keep it safe and...

What I heard, anyway :monster:

These are lyrics written by an English speaker, so I assume it'll make a little more sense than random shoulder pain. I don't know much about Mr. Way, but I assume he can write a coherent sentence.

It's just a shame the singer isn't as good as pronouncing them :monster:

Holy shit, this is exactly what I heard dude. THANK YOU. I'm not out of my mind :monster:

As for who wrote these profiles, these profiles are right next to the official interview with the creators, and it'd make sense that Dengeki would ask for their input in writing a Compilation of FFVII digest in their book. Official material being published by Dengeki or Famitsu isn't new. The CC Complete Guide was published by Famitsu :monster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I know, Mako, but it does help to have an official 'sign off' as it were.


Pro Adventurer
aww.. is Cloud resting his chin on Marlenes head?
or is it the angle?

anyways only a week away...I want more dialogue between Cloud and Tifa

Celes Chere

Thank you, X-SOLDIER. By the way, I love your signature.

I thought that they had brought up the idea of that, but they said it would be too scary or something, so they replaced Tifa?

And also, it'd be cool to see Tifa bloodied up, like Cloud. Maybe in the fight scene they can show us that? :P

Lol, really? I know they said that Aerith calling Cloud would be creepy, but I don't remember it being said about the bike. xD


Great Old One
I think so. Something like, "We originally planned for Aerith to jump on the back of Cloud's bike, but we decided that would be too creepy, so we used Tifa instead."

I'm not sure. :-/


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
No, the context was discussing their talking on Cloud's way to rescue the kids. It's why they went with the whitespace, since the Aerith on the back was just too off kilter.


Great Old One
I see Ryu, thanks for the clear up.

“CC” shows her meeting and relationship with Zack, and the budding love between them. However, fate would tear the couple apart.

“At all times, her first love Zack is always by her side.”

These quotes are just too sweet. ^_^


Your Mom
Aerith riding on the back of Cloud's bike would be unintentionally comical, I'm afraid. I know I would laugh if a ghost suddenly appeared on the back of his bike.

Celes Chere

I'd laugh too, Isabella, lol. That's why I want it to happen. It'd be too cute. XD

"“At all times, her first love Zack is always by her side.”"

Woah, where is this quote from?


Great Old One
Yeah, I was thinking that it meant, "She still continues to worry about him, even now," but both girls do that - must be tiring to watch over Chocobo head. :monster:

I'm assuming that their feelings of worry - there's no mention of any other feelings in that quote.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
"... Causing her to scream at the boy for being such a smeg-head." is the end of that sentence. If you've ever seen the fanart where Zack and Aerith twinstrike the monkey so he'll 'spit it out' to Tifa. It's like that.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Hilarious, but not what I was referring to. I believe it's in my archive somewhere, so you should be able to locate it.


Great Old One
Which pic specifically in that zip file again...?

EDIT: Ah, the one where Zack and Aerith hit Cloud for being a douchebag. That one was funny. :P


Pro Adventurer
I see Ryu, thanks for the clear up.

“CC” shows her meeting and relationship with Zack, and the budding love between them. However, fate would tear the couple apart.

“At all times, her first love Zack is always by her side.”

These quotes are just too sweet. ^_^

It doesn't say current love!!! So that means she loves Cloud now and Zack is only there with her because he is a stalker and it is clearly shown in maiden she is not interested!!

.....I can see somebody react like this..


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Yeah, Aerith wearing pink, a color she hates for Zack and wearing his ribbon totally means she doesn't love him.

Or her getting into Cloud due to him being like Zack.

Uh huh. One sided indeed :monster:
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