The First Epic LTD of TLS forums

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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I predict the reaction to be something like: "They're retconning again!"
Or perhaps: "AC was so outrageously Clerith that they decided to throw the Clotis a bone or two to make them feel better." :monster:

It already is. Because the creators 'keep contradicting themselves' by saying the same thing over and over again.
And we have so many bones now, we can make Skull Man's level.

So these were written by the creators, is that right? It isn't the magazine editorializing?

Even if they are, they're pretty damn obvious statements, but yes, having these be first party creator statements would give them a lot more credibility.

I just wanted to add my opinion on one of the lines from Safe and Sound. We're its translated as "and ever healing change tell her keeps it up" I hear instead,
"You never hear me shout, I love you too."

Dare I start the "love" debate that Calling had? :monster:

Wait til the official lyrics come out. Though speaking of the 'Calling is a LURVE song' bull, at least this song was actually written for the film, eh?
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Higher Further Faster
@ Purple: Shh I was just trying to sugar coat my post to make him feel better. ;)

That being said, catalyst isn't JUST for chemistry. I've heard catalyst used outside of it before quite a bit. "Be a catalyst for change," or some such (trying to be all uplifting or whatever). lol

Haven't any of you?


AI Researcher
That being said, catalyst isn't JUST for chemistry. I've heard catalyst used outside of it before quite a bit. "Be a catalyst for change," or some such (trying to be all uplifting or whatever). lol

Haven't any of you?
I didn't even remember the chemistry usage until reading this thread :monster:


Your Mom
Hito, the way you're hearing some of the lyrics more closely matches how I'm hearing them. But I don't even want to discuss them until we have actual lyrics in hand. I have a feeling they don't belong in an LTD thread though. It sounds to me to be more about Cloud overcoming his demons again.

And of course Tifa's the catalyst. She bitch-slapped and humiliated him into going after the children. He was so filled with self-loathing after she shit on him that he was primed for Aerith to step in and take all his pain away.


AI Researcher
Hito, the way you're hearing some of the lyrics more closely matches how I'm hearing them. But I don't even want to discuss them until we have actual lyrics in hand. I have a feeling they don't belong in an LTD thread though. It sounds to me to be more about Cloud overcoming his demons again.
I thought the same about CALLING, but that found it's away all over the LTD.

With my twisted, biased translation.


(Also, I now think "my shadow" should be "your shadow". But am waiting for the proper lyrics.)

Speaking of twisting translations, I like how one little word can generate so much talk :monster:

Oh wait, I remembered 'koi :fail: bito'.


Great Old One
And of course Tifa's the catalyst. She bitch-slapped and humiliated him into going after the children. He was so filled with self-loathing after she shit on him that he was primed for Aerith to step in and take all his pain away.
Of course, she's the only one alive, therefore she can be his catalyst - naturally, Aerith was the one who gave him the motivation he needed... Tifa was the one who verbally bitch slapped him, which is perfect, because that gave Cloud the chance to moan about how abusive his relationship was with her to Aerith, who then encouraged him with her own words and gave him the will to fight. It just contradicts everything, doesn't it? You biased Cloti, you.

And it's really hard hearing the lyrics for Safe and Sound, I guess we'll just have to wait till ACC comes out... which is in six days baby! :awesomonster:
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Tifa has the strength to accept reality and try to move forward. Perhaps acting as the mother for the two children has giving her further strength.
Umm, excuse me Mr. hito, I think you mean three children. Stop being a biased fuck, k?

And Tifa has no strength to accept reality. She's delusional.
Hito, these are highly supsicious. I'm watching you, buddy.

The latter seems more likely, since the it was mentioned more than once (in interviews from '05, when AC first came out) that Tifa was the one in the 20-minute preview.
Ja, it's what I think too.
Well, from the creators' words or not, at least the vast majority ain't wearing pink glasses and can interpret the movie for what it was.
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Higher Further Faster
And it's really hard hearing the lyrics for Calling, I guess we'll just have to wait till ACC comes out... which is in six days baby! :awesomonster:

You mean Safe and Sound?

Also I don't know why people are in such a hurry to try to make Safe and Sound into a Cloti love song. Unless the pink side is in a hurry to make it into a Clerith love song.

But why does FFVII even NEED a love song?


Great Old One
Yeah, Safe and Sound.

Also I don't know why people are in such a hurry to try to make Safe and Sound into a Cloti love song. Unless the pink side is in a hurry to make it into a Clerith love song.

But why does FFVII even NEED a love song?
Hey, I'm just listening to the lyrics. If it's not a 'love song,' then it's not a love song. I do wonder what it means by her though, which is what I was looking at. It's not like people are immediately insisting that the song is a 'Cloti love song.' And no, FFVII doesn't need a love song. For all we know, Cloud could be fucking with himself and that'll be the main point of the song. Either way, they lyrics seem interesting enough for an interpretation.


....why does 'her' have to refer to anyone specific?
If the overall mood of the song fits, fine. It doesn't mean you have to go in an analyze every word and try to link it to something that specifically happens in the movie.
That's generally not how it works in ze production process.

And btw, I haven't even heard of this before.
There's new songs added?


Higher Further Faster
I was just meaning you, Alise, I meant everyone.

Also lol OWD you need to play more attention and check the front page of the site sometimes. XD


Great Old One
I don't see anything wrong with looking into it. If there's no meaning to it, fine. But the movie will tell us enough in the end. And new songs added...?
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Higher Further Faster
I think she means Safe and Sound.

And also it's been said that other songs are being remixed as well. :)


You look like you need a monkey
That being said, catalyst isn't JUST for chemistry. I've heard catalyst used outside of it before quite a bit. "Be a catalyst for change," or some such (trying to be all uplifting or whatever). lol

Yep, the word's definitely been used for people, those who spur things on or who make things happen.


AI Researcher
I think she means Safe and Sound.

And also it's been said that other songs are being remixed as well. :)
Since Aerith's Theme apparently has a longer version too, that would suggest that her scene is longer now. How many times did that play during the film, just the once (first appearance)?


Since Aerith's Theme apparently has a longer version too, that would suggest that her scene is longer now. How many times did that play during the film, just the once (first appearance)?

I think it played twice.

But how can it be "longer"?
They used the piano version from the piano arrangement album and kinda cut it short when the scene was over and that's it. The full version was on the soundtrack already.

So it must be a new arrangement...?


Great Old One
Oh, more Aerith would be great. I'd prefer it if they would mention her name at least once in the movie, though, I hope they don't add more scenes with her after her smile to Cloud in the original ending... in a way, that would kind of ruin the moment for me. I think the original ending should stay in place.

And a new arrangement? Awesome.

I don't know if this is a real picture, but one of my members found this and I just wanted to show it (it may be in relation to the building falling on Tifa):

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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Don't double post, Ali.

And 'MAY' nothing. If that's not related to the rushing bike/ falling building, I'll eat my hat.


Great Old One

I'd like to see the expression on your face if (IF) it doesn't happen. :monster: And maybe take a camcorder with me to see you eating your hat.

I wonder which part of whatever trailer that happens in though. I don't recall seeing something like that in any of the trailers so far. ._.
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