@Quix: The more extreme members of the CxA forums (I emphasize not all) exhibit borderline cultish behavior, imo. They won't allow dissent over "Clerith ideals," they distrust people on the "outside," etc. You won't have a lot of luck writing an essay asking them to look inward. You'll just get kicked out too.
IIRC, someone did get banned literally for doing just that. Asking them to try being more open minded.
CloudxTifa fans do it too. All pairing fandoms have this problem.
Yes, but It would seem not to be as extreme among our ranks in general. We tend to lack a centralized leader, which is quite a hindrance to being cultish.
@Splintered: I don't spend enough time around Cloti forums to know if they warn people or ban them for contradicting Cloti Ideals. I'm sure there are zealous Clotis out there, but on the whole they seem more open-minded than the Cleriths I've encountered.
AFAIK, there aren't any now that Strifeheart's dead.
Quexinos, your attempts are futile.
Unless you want FFG to post a temper tantrum rant about you, quit now. It's a really bad idea that will never work, under any circumstances.
That may be, but even if it doesn't convince the bigwigs, if it convinces a few of the pedestrians, it could help.
Eh, I've been in the Cloti fandom for years, and maybe if you told me that a couple of years ago I would have agreed. CloudTifa got the shit end of the stick for years. Neither pairing was in a clear majority but CloudAerith always seemed to overshadow them. A lot of the CxA fans were rude and overly obnoxious when it came to their pairing, at least it was that way early ACforums. I had people to tell me not to cry when Cloud makes out with Aerith in AC after I told them the SE will never, ever, resolve the love triangle.
C/A didn't overshadow C/T, the C/A supporters just browbeat the C/T supporters with yelling and screaming and illogical and unsupportable arguments.
Then logical people who don't take shit got involved.
Then AC comes out and I had no idea what it did but all of a sudden, Cloti fandom becomes overwhelming. At first it was kind of fun but then I saw they were doing the exact same shit CxA fans did the the CxT fans and I hauled ass out of there. I don't see how my fandom can be so much better than theirs when mine calls them a cult for sticking to their otp.
It's not sticking to an OTP that makes them cultish. It's the fandom structure and their organized hating on other pairings that threaten theirs that make them cultish.
Well it's in the past, people grow up, people change... I hope
I mention this in my essay

Also, gonna beat Vendel to this one:
Obvious troll is obvious.
Sorry, calling Poe's law- in reverse. I've seen other CxA pinkers threaten to bomb S-E if C/T ever became canon.
Yeah I saw someone get banned for saying Tifa was indeed Cloud's light in KH. Pretty sure it was a troll though.
Supporting Cloti openly in defiance of the head honchos= ban.
I'm gonna try to swing this back on topic here.
A lot of Cleriths believe the ending to Dissidia is Clerith but official sources have never confirmed that the flower field represents Aerith though flowers do generally represent her in the FFVII world. Thoughts?

(I haven't played it so I can't really comment)
No. At best, it only partly represents her, sharing time with Squall's meaning of the flowerfield- for whom it appears first- and at worst, all the flowers represent are the peaceful world that Cloud decides to begin fighting for after Firi's monologue.
Here's a related question: If symbolism represents Aerith, does it follow that it must represent Clerith?
No. Just as symbolism of Zack != Clack. Just as symbolism of Kain doesn't equal Cekain (Kacil?) and OVERT boco Symbolism != Barco.