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Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
It COULD. Cloud could also ask to try on Aerith's dress. Neither actually fits the context.

If Cloud can throw on a dress, a wig, some expensive perfume, silk briefs and make up, and then later jump in a tub with a bunch of guys, I think ANYTHING can fit into the context of that game.

Yer welcome.

Naw. Too much chance they'd knock it off the cable.

They probly like it rough, huh?

When your power got knocked out? Because you paused it and never came back.

Yeah I'm pretty sure that's how it happened.

Sadly, only Nomura, Myself, and the other Nomura have access to it.



Pro Adventurer
Mako Eyes said:
I also laugh heartily at the argument of Tifa driving Cloud off when ACC now shows us he left to try and save Denzel. That argument is rendered moot now.

My question is, did they change him ignoring his phone? (I still haven't seen it.) Not that I think Tifa "drove" him off, I'm just wondering how if/how they reconciled him leaving without a word or explanation. If he really was leaving for something that well intentioned, why wouldn't he say something?

hitoshira said:
I know because I spoke to am Nomura. Prove I'm not.



Rookie Adventurer
It's rather difficult to answer everyone.

In regards to coming to a woman's aid if she were threatened sexually, you all miss my point. The creators could have chosen to show the scene in any way - they could have done without the innuendo. Tell me why they chose to have it if we're not to relate to it some how? Also, why include Aerith?

You can't weigh a scene's importance based on how pretty it looks. That's inconsistent and makes no sense. The FMV scenes were chosen because of their action potential, not their significance to the plot. Again, you're telling me a nifty action scene of a train going through Midgar is more important than Cloud and Tifa in the Lifestream, hand in hand? That's bollocks. FFVII's FMV's are not the same as FFVIII's, nor were they rendered out of storyline significance. That argument makes no sense.

But you can base the amount of attention paid to those scenes. They paid more attention to Tifa's assets in the previous FMV sequence than they did to when Tifa and Cloud fell into the lifestream.

And Cloud may have grown up quickly, but he is definitely lacking in all of the social lessons and experiences most men his age come to age with. He spent most of his pubescent years in a test tube. Give me a break.

I meant to say that he scratched communication on the test tube with Zack. We don't know the extent to which he was kept conscious and tested. It is logical to assume that as a grunt, Cloud is much more mature and advanced than the average north american male who still lives at home with his mother.

Applying your logic to FFIX, The battle between Bahamut and Alexander is more important than Kuja's revenge, ascension, defeat, and death.
To X, Khimari and Rikku's entrances are more important than the entire story between Tidus and Jecht.
To IV, Edward's reaction to Anna's death, Rydia's attempt to escape Cecil are more important than the revelations about Baron, Edge's parents, Cecil's history, or even the entire ending sequence.
To quote Bender 'To quote an old Robot saying, "DOES NOT COMPUTE."'

First off, I haven't played all those games. Second, the sequences in the subsequent games were still rendered better. When it was revealed Rinoa was a sorceress and she was to be taken away, the rendering was still better. It looked like they slapped the lifestream sequence together quickly.

Why are we comparing this to other games? I thought we were talking about FFVII.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
My question is, did they change him ignoring his phone? (I still haven't seen it.) Not that I think Tifa "drove" him off, I'm just wondering how if/how they reconciled him leaving without a word or explanation. If he really was leaving for something that well intentioned, why wouldn't he say something?

Was Cloud really ignoring his phone though? At the opening we can see him listening to Tifa's voicemail about Reno and about Barret finding the oil mine.

Tifa driving Cloud off is lol-worthy. If anything, it's Cloud who can drive Tifa off. Take a few more years of emo Cloud, and Tifa will up and leave with the kids. :monster:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
But you can base the amount of attention paid to those scenes. They paid more attention to Tifa's assets in the previous FMV sequence than they did to when Tifa and Cloud fell into the lifestream
Tifa's titties>Cloud regaining himself, got it. :awesome:

I meant to say that he scratched communication on the test tube with Zack. We don't know the extent to which he was kept conscious and tested. It is logical to assume that as a grunt, Cloud is much more mature and advanced than the average north american male who still lives at home with his mother.
How? As a grunt, he still wouldn't see a lot of girls, so he couldn't develop any sort of healthy female relationship. I'm failing to see what you're trying to say.

First off, I haven't played all those games. Second, the sequences in the subsequent games were still rendered better. When it was revealed Rinoa was a sorceress and she was to be taken away, the rendering was still better. It looked like they slapped the lifestream sequence together quickly.
They slapped the whole game together quickly, thanks. None of it looks very pretty or well done, except for perhaps the FMVs which still look rather bad. Again, failing to see your point.

Why are we comparing this to other games? I thought we were talking about FFVII.
We are, but FFVII is another FF game. Shouldn't other games be a good example to go off of and not, say, Metal Gear Solid?


Pro Adventurer
Was Cloud really ignoring his phone though? At the opening we can see him listening to Tifa's voicemail about Reno and about Barret finding the oil mine.

I meant he's not taking his calls. Why wouldn't he answer his phone if he'd left for the sole purpose of saving Denzel?


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Depression, probably. By that point he wasn't exactly in a rational frame of mind, and let's be honest, he'd been through a lot.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
In regards to Null's question, no, he still doesn't answer the phone. However, he left because he wanted to save Denzel. However, while trying to save him, THAT'S when he contracted Geostigma and that, coupled with him being unable to find a cure is what has him waiting to die and despairing.

So instead of him just leaving because he was just sick, he left first because he wanted to find a cure for Denzel, and THEN while gone, he contracted it.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I don't think he actually 'left' to find a cure. I think he was going around looking for a cure, but didn't tell anyone so as to not get their hopes up, then got geostigma while out somewhere, got Geostigma, and started panicking, hence his apologies to Zack, request for penance, and feelings that he couldn't help anyone.

It's rather difficult to answer everyone.

Not really, ponyboy.

In regards to coming to a woman's aid if she were threatened sexually, you all miss my point. The creators could have chosen to show the scene in any way - they could have done without the innuendo. Tell me why they chose to have it if we're not to relate to it some how? Also, why include Aerith?

What innuendo, exactly?

But you can base the amount of attention paid to those scenes. They paid more attention to Tifa's assets in the previous FMV sequence than they did to when Tifa and Cloud fell into the lifestream.

Ah, so Tifa's breasts = Aerith's demise and burial. Glad we realized this.

I meant to say that he scratched communication on the test tube with Zack. We don't know the extent to which he was kept conscious and tested. It is logical to assume that as a grunt, Cloud is much more mature and advanced than the average north american male who still lives at home with his mother.

Not really. Military school, etc.

First off, I haven't played all those games.

So your ignorance is no excuse.

Second, the sequences in the subsequent games were still rendered better. When it was revealed Rinoa was a sorceress and she was to be taken away, the rendering was still better. It looked like they slapped the lifestream sequence together quickly.

You have completely ignored the point and answered one of your own imagining. Answer the POINT I RAISED.

Why are we comparing this to other games? I thought we were talking about FFVII.

If FMV= More important for FF7, certainly, it would apply to the other games as well, yes?
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Pro Adventurer
But that still doesn't explain why he wouldn't at least reassure them. A simple "don't worry, I'm ok, I'll be back" would do fine.

Basically I'm just hoping the writing isn't even shittier than the last go around. Cloud's motives for leaving seem even more contradictory (to me at least, without having watched it yet.) I'll take depression as the most plausible, but it still seems strange that someone who's already depressed about being helpless would undertake such an ambitious quest.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Basically yeah, he didn't tell people before he left because he didn't want to get their hopes up for nothing, then didn't tell people afterwards because by that point he was depressed.


Pro Adventurer
ARRRGGHH!!! Why would he make them worry like that, then?

Did he leave, intending to let them know he's ok, and them IMMEDIATELY get depressed before dialing the phone?

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Perhaps he wasn't expecting to be gone very long, so he didn't call. Then he contracted THE STIGMAZ and got depressed and stopped calling. Plus it seemed like he wasn't in much of a habit of calling people anyways, they'd just call him and he'd answer.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
He didn't want to get their hopes up while he was setting out, so he didn't really tell them, figuring that if he found a cure it'd just be a pleasant surprise for them, and not expecting that anything bad would be likely to happen to him. Then he got Geostigma and got depressed. By that point he wasn't thinking rationally - in fact he probably just hated himself more for making them worry and for getting sick and a bunch of other crap.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I think he was probably in the middle of his normal routine, while also looking for a cure, when he discovered his condition. Given how Cloud is, and keeping his phone, he was probably trying to figure out how to tell Tifa about it, since he was worried about some sort of misfortune befalling the family and such.
He also may be worried about
Sephiroth's control since He hears Sephy's voice during one episode in ACC.
Yeah but if we're left to interpretations an such an such regarding sexual healing, then we may as well whip out that thread on Cloud and Aerith getting it on.

You can't be a 'maiden' if you've DONE THE NASTY. :wacky:

I tried to give VIII a chance, but tbh I got bored. The battle system/junction system confused the fuck out of me, and when I went to go get dinner, I put it on pause, forgot about it and just... yeah.

Yeah srsly. Got to the end. It isnt worth it. Turn it off and walk away.

Rinoa, Quistis and Selphie are still hawtt though.

So apparently are a train, A rocketship, an airship, and stealing a truck.
You're saying stealing a truck is exactly as important as Aerith dying.

HEY. I take offense to that. I was deeply and emotionally moved by the Train sequence! Don't you DARE say it can be compared to such a dry, and rushed, and poorly rendered pixel of gutted!Aerith, then her being thrown into a lake, rather apathetically, might I add, and everyone moves on. That train was BEAUTIFUL. :awesome:


So...after reading the last several pages it struck me.

Has the Clerith argument been reduced to Cloud and Tifa didn't get :quote:physical:quote: until after AC?

That is an entirely different discussion. One that I am more than willing to have. But if that is the new point can we just declare victory for canon sense and call it a night?

Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
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Selene, Sheila
Lol @ maiden definition. Personally I'm surprised it wasn't brought up in the "get it on" thread.

As for the absurd fmv talk, wasnt the lifestream sequence partially fmv, and full fmv before/after?

Goodbye Charlie

Rising Chest-Bank Protestor
I have to agree with Null, that from the face of it, this slight revision on Cloud's exodus doesn't gel for me - maybe once I've seen it I'll be able to see the intent more clearly. On the outset, it sounds a messy revision. Need to see with own eyes to be able to say for certain.


He didn't want to get their hopes up while he was setting out, so he didn't really tell them, figuring that if he found a cure it'd just be a pleasant surprise for them, and not expecting that anything bad would be likely to happen to him. Then he got Geostigma and got depressed. By that point he wasn't thinking rationally - in fact he probably just hated himself more for making them worry and for getting sick and a bunch of other crap.

This made me think of how Cloud surprised Tifa with rare foods. It sounds like he likes the idea of surprising them with what he found outside.

But now after he had his own bike that he could use freely, he would be able to take longer trips. Sometimes he would bring home rare foods and surprise Tifa.

Cloud doesn't need to bring home rare foods, but he did --may be just to prove that he's worthy of being with them. He probably think it would make Tifa happy. So when he got Geostigma during the search for the cure, Cloud suddenly thought he doesn't fit/is not worth to help them anymore and felt too ashamed to go home --like when he hid under his army helmet because he didn't want Tifa to know that he didn't make it into SOLDIER.
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