Okay, that should cover all the prep work, now we can actually talk about how to craft and what actions we want. I won't go into gathering much--it's basically get the best gear, try to use HQ-increasing actions, and eventually in the 40-50 levels you can unlock an action that lets you gather 2 items instead of one. This learned command stacks, and there are mining/botany sites out there that already allow double drops, so you can get 4 items per swing (making 16-20 drops total.) Really cuts the tedium, especially when mining shards.
Since I'm nice, here's one such double yield location for Botanist in Central Thanalan (if your stats are high enough.)
When you earn the Byregot's Ward action, use it to quadruple your lightning shard yield.
The game does a pretty good job of explaining the Gathering jobs as you go along, like the Stealth and Prospect commands, but most of their Crafting command descriptions can get pretty vague, probably on purpose so that people can crack the formulas on their own.
So, back to crafting then. It's very much gambling, except you have a lot of control adjusting parameters by using the action commands. In fact, a lot of it is resisting the temptation to punch early, as it's usually the game's ploy to bring out its lovely failure rate.
You'll find making regular items is easy. In fact, that's all you'll be able to do in the first few levels. Later, the touch actions come into play and the door to HQ items finally opens. So let's take a look at the crafting menu:
Your prime objectives are to raise the Progress Bar (top) and Quality Bar (bottom) by any means necessary.
The key to getting HQ items is simple in theory: the closer you get to a 100% rating in the Quality bar, the more likely you will get a HQ item. Filling the bar up to a complete 100% will give you HQ without question. Your success rate is pretty good in the 75-90% range, but sometimes when the game knows you're on a role, even getting a 98% will drop you like a sack of potatoes. But, getting over 50% is always the goal; remember this, as there is an action that can exploit this further (I'll explain later.)
It's also important to remember: using HQ ingredients will raise the Quality bar by a set amount. The more HQ you use, the more the bar will start off with a percentage already filled, making it easier to raise the bar to 100% with actions.
Located just above the Quality bar is the Progress bar. It is what is needed to actually make the item, using Synthesis actions. Depending on your gear and crafting levels, the bar will climb by a certain amount with each synthesis action until it reaches the total amount of necessary points, shown to the right of the bar. If you don't want to make a HQ item (or can't), you can just concentrate on raising this bar.
Also remember that when using actions to raise the HQ rate, points are needed to make the item itself. It does no good to get a 100% HQ rate if you can't make the item, and you will watch as all your hard work explodes into glittery bits when your durability points (DP) reach zero. Speaking of: DP is your action points, whether it's performing HQ actions (known as Touch Actions) or making the item itself (Synthesis, or Progress Actions.) When making the smaller materials or components (iron ingots, aldgoat leather, growth formula beta) you're usually given 40 DP. Normally, each action requires 10 DP, giving you 4 turns. When actually constructing the more complicated stuff like armor, weapons, and gear, you're usually given 60-80 DP, giving you 6-8 turns in one go. There is also another action that can affect this that I will go into later.
DP points. Make them count, when you reach zero and the item isn't finished,
you can lose some of the used ingredients.
So that explains DP and the 2 horizontal bars in the middle, but what is that text in the bottom left of the menu that keeps saying things like good/excellent/poor/normal? That is the actual roulette wheel of crafting: Condition status. Each time you make any action, even if it doesn't expend DP, that wheel will change so keep an eye on it. It probably helps synthesis actions the same way, but it is really good for touch actions:
-Normal: your HQ percentage increases at the standard rate. If your gear and level say it increases 10 percentage points, that's what you get.
-Good: you get a moderate jump in HQ rate, maybe a 140-150% increase of your normal point climb. After this turn shows up, the roulette wheel will always become Normal again in the next turn.
-Excellent: Happens very rarely, but when it does, try to take it. This baby jumps the HQ rate to a 170-190% increase of your normal point climb. With good gear, it can fill your Quality bar up to a complete 100%.
-Poor: Only, and always, shows up in the next turn after Excellent. Your percentage points only increase at maybe a 20-30% amount of your usual point climb.
Your stats and gear affect your parameters like so:
Craftmanship: Affects Synthesis. The higher the Craftmanship, the more your Synthesis will climb to the required points.
Control: Affects HQ rating. The higher the Control number, the higher HQ rate you can get.
CP: HQ, or Touch Actions, will use up Crafting Points/CP (similar to GP and Gathering.) You can no longer use HQ Actions when CP is at zero.
Craftmanship helps Progress, Control helps Quality, and CP is needed for actions that increase Quality.
It helps to balance all 3, and it's very tempting to try to build your stats so that you have a lot of CP (more CP = more room for HQ Actions). But don't neglect Craftmanship or Control, as you can get more bang in a smaller number of turns. I guess my favorite now is building up the Control level, since the HQ can climb with fewer turns. Having good gear and adequate levels is usually sufficient for Craftmanship. Plus, your CP will be sufficient if you equip a lot of HQ jewelry, as they usually specialize in raising CP stats.
So with all that said, let's look at some of the actions and make a few crafting palettes in the action menu. I haven't unlocked everything, but these should start everybody off right:
The Actions:
Basic Synthesis: the first action learned in all classes. It increases your synthesis (progress), and needs to be used to make anything and everything. Later levels unlock the stronger Standard Synthesis, which gives your progress a higher jump. Uses DP.
Basic Touch: works like Synthesis, but increases your touch action. Standard Touch gets unlocked later, which increases HQ rate even more. Uses DP and CP at the same time.
Master's Mend: resupplies DP by so many turns. You get a more powerful version later, but these are really only good for the beginning levels until you unlock the Leatherworker's Waste Not Action, which does it so much better. Uses CP only.
Steady Hand: You should be trying your best to keep this action activated during the whole process. It greatly increases you success rate for everything, and it's basically your buffer when using the riskier actions like increasing HQ. You should have this buff activated before using any Touch Actions. Uses CP and lasts for 5 turns, so that's something to consider when using other buffs (using other actions uses up your turns, even if they're buffs. Sucks, I know.)
Inner Quiet: You want to start your crafting off with this. As you increase your HQ rate, it adds a small bonus that varies in number. Uses CP.
Observe: It took me forever to figure out what this does, but it is very powerful if used right. You should use it as one of your last actions as you finish up an item--usually the second to last, as the last action will be a Progress action and will need this buff to bring it all together. It increases the success rate of getting a HQ item, even if your HQ rate is at 50% (or even at 20% sometimes!). It's best used as a way to get a HQ item if you can't get a high HQ% rate, or if you just want more insurance to get a HQ item. If you can get a better HQ% or 100% using touch actions, do that instead and don't even bother using Observe.
Great Strides: Another one that I'm not entirely sure what it does yet. It's still a good buff to activate, and noticeable when you don't have it activated. Says it doubles the next Touch action, and says it lasts for 3 steps. I think it disappears as soon as you use a Touch action, so I guess it's best to hope for a Good or Excellent Condition to show up during the 3 steps that it's active. Or you can just activate it and blow it on a Normal Condition immediately, it still doubles the HQ in that turn.
Actions that are unlocked with certain classes, that you'll need later:
Waste Not: My favorite action. For 4 turns, it halves 2 of your DP turns into 4, giving you a total of 6 DP turns instead of 4. 7 if you plan it right, because 5 DP remaining still counts as a turn. Unlocked from leatherworker class. Try to get it as soon as possible, it trumps any master's mend actions. Feel free to replace those with it, you won't be needing them any more, as Waste Not requires less CP and allows more DP turns. I hear in the level 40s, there's a stronger Waste Not that divides DP even further.
Careful Synthesis: Another good one, unlocked from Weaver class. A fairly moderate jump in Progress points, has a very high success rate. This is the 'slow but steady' synthesis action, I use it a lot when making things like those stubborn dew threads, when I'm at a good level to make HQ raise quick and quite a lot of DP left over. This can replace your Standard and Normal Synthesis as soon as you get it.
Rumination: Unlocked from Carpenter. Very handy. It is used after Inner Quiet is in effect. For every Touch Action used to increase HQ rating, the Rumination button will glow (the icon will have a dashed outline around it). Activating Rumination will then convert, into CP, however many HQ points were accumulated up to that point, beginning with the time Inner Quiet was first in effect. Inner Quiet will leave as a result, which is why it's best to have Inner Quiet activated first before using any Touch Actions. Good for last-minute restoration of CP gauge, which you will be doing a lot in my strategies. And honestly, because it starts the bonuses, Inner quiet should be the first action you activate before anything else.
Rapid Synthesis: Unlocked from Armorer. The failure rate is very high, but when it goes through your progress sky-rockets. It's very common to complete the progress bar in one turn using this action. I use this a lot for the more complex gear that has 60-80 DP, because I can concentrate more time to raising the HQ rate and allow a few turns to getting Rapid Synthesis to work at the end.
There are other actions unlocked in the other classes, but I've found these to work best for me in most situations.
So let's start applying these actions on the field:
In each palette that I'm about to describe, I'm using my first actions to try to raise the HQ meter as much as I can, then finish off with using Progress actions to make the item. A lot of guides that I've read before try to use their first actions getting the Progress meter to climb, then concentrate on raising their HQ. That's fine in the beginning crafting levels, but they really short themselves out of maximizing the Waste Not ability, because activating that command will not work when DP is at 10 or less--it will not subdivide that 10 DP into 4 extra turns. The action will be useless, and more than likely there will go your strategy. Using Waste Not in the beginning along with a bunch of other buffs saves you a lot of frustration, smoother Touch actions, and less use of DP.
With the basic plan in mind, let's make a palette for beginners:
Around levels 10-15 in any class, you should have a set like this already at your disposal:
Basic Synthesis
Basic Touch
Master's Mend
Steady Hand
This lets you get the job done. Begin with steady hand, then try to raise the HQ with a few basic touches. You might need to use Master's Mend to resupply DP at this point, then you might be able to use some basic touches again before using the last of your DP for basic synthesis to make the item.
Example Video (Sorry about the out of sync audio):
When you unlock the special actions from the other classes, add them to your set as soon as possible for all jobs. Replace Master's Mend with Waste Not, replace Basic Synthesis with Careful Synthesis, add Rapid Synthesis.
This gives you much better advantages. Start with Steady Hand, then Waste Not. Build up with standard touch actions, and finish off with careful synthesis actions when your DP starts to fall by 10. Reactivate Steady Hand as soon as it disappears to keep your success rate going.
As you continue in levels, you'll get Standard Touch, Inner Quiet, and Observe unlocked. Put these in your set, but have both basic and standard touch available; don't replace one with the other, you'll use both.
Start off with Inner Quiet, activate Steady Hand, then Waste Not. By the time all this is done you will have 4 turns left of Steady Hand. Use up Waste Not turns with Standard Touch, reactivate Steady Hand, then try to use a standard touch and basic touch. If, in those last few turns you start off with a normal condition, use your basic touch first. More than likely Good or Excellent will show up in the next turn, which is perfect for using the stronger Standard Touch. If you don't have enough DP for touch actions, just use careful synthesis actions to finish the crafting. You'll eventually level up enough to be able to use 2 touch actions like I've described.
As you get further along in leveling, just about all of the other skills should be available. Add Great Strides and Rumination to complete the set.
Now you can fly. Start off with Inner Quiet, activate Steady Hand, Waste Not, then Great Strides. You should have 3 turns left of Steady Hand and Waste Not. Hopefully, condition is good for the next turn as you will use Standard Touch. Then use Standard Touch 2 more times. This should fill up Rumination, so use the last of your CP to reactivate Steady Hand, then activate Rumination to refill your CP. If the next turn shows Good or Excellent condition, use Standard Touch, if not, use Basic Touch. Hopefully Good or Excellent shows up in the next step, if not use Standard Touch anyway. Use the last of your DP to use Careful or Rapid Synthesis to complete the item. Protip: it usually takes 2 remaining DP turns at this point to complete an item. If you still have a touch action and some CP available, you can bait a Good condition out in the next few steps. In other words, if the current turn is Normal condition, use a careful synthesis to 'lure' the good or excellent condition out in the next step. Sometimes this will work, if it does use a touch action. Then complete the item with a synthesis action.
And there we go, everything I can think of about crafting.
-share your gear with your other jobs,
-convert gear into materia when it's obsolete,
-triangulate your warp points to save time and money when gathering,
-use the action commands like I've described
It should go a lot quicker and easier, no matter your level. Happy crafting!