The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

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We have come to terms
I'm fed up with my crappy ilevel sooooo it's time to get on dat crafting grind


IIRC there should be a Datacenter Select thing in the main menu, go check it.

Also crafting is meh :monster:. I prefer just doing dungeons, I could probably get up to 120 or so with that. In about two months :wacky:.

I'm not going to go full-on grind tbh, not when I know there's an expansion coming up and fuck knows what'll happen with gear then. I hope they don't pull a WoW and make everything you've grinded up worthless after running the first dungeon, but, based on what I've seen in the 2.x patches so far I doubt that'll be the case. There will be shortcuts to higher ilvl gear added though. After all, you can / I went from ilvl 50/55 to 100 just by doing some dungeons and buying relevant stuff.

anyway, I just had a Quest where I had to do a Thing. Tried to make the best of it.



Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Also crafting is meh :monster:

Lvl 50 triple-star items taught me that yesterday. I'm still trying to unlock the Mor Dhona tools in order to get anywhere. Honestly maxing crafting out to 50 is only good for market board sales.

Fighting Garuda Extreme today, I'm sure it will go swimmingly.
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Joe, Arcana
Picture dump. Iirc those present are Myself, Yop, Lex, Ami, Force, Avec, Marcus and Kieran (Non-TLS).




I really like this one \/ of Force, Me and Avec (did somebody say threesome what)








Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I love the fifth one with Velaria (far right) being all, "Too fabulous for this shot." :monster:


We have come to terms
My master crafting grind, aka time to play god, is only going okay so far. I got the most tedious (CUL) to 37, which us as high as I need it to be, so next up is taking CRP to 50. I like crafting :(

I don't like literally wasting my time, like i have been trying to do Garuda EX. It's really not that hard at all, yet somebody always fucks it up and kills the spiny too early.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
The crafting guide I posted before was more for money-saving, but if you have a couple 100K to 1M gil, it's really easy to crank out 5-10 levels daily:

-Under the levemete menu, go for the levequest that is out of the way (ex., a Gridania quest that has a drop-off in Mor Dhona, instead of being conveniently in Gridania's 2 drop-off points). It has more reward that requires only 1 item turn-in, double EXP if you turn in a HQ item.

-Set 2 favorite destinations so that you can bounce between the levemete and drop-off location.

-Gather up all your required material to be able to craft 15-18 HQ items (this is only for 5 levels, by then another 5 levels will require a different quest and ingredients.) If anything requires animal material (Boarhide, Beastkin blood, Piesteskin), just buy that stuff HQ from the market board. It's not worth the effort to farm and you will usually need that HQ stat. I had to do this with fleece, even though it took quite a chunk out of my cash.

-Drink crafting potions/meals for 3% EXP, buy them in 99 bulk at the shops, unless you're a high enough CUL to make HQ meals for more Bonus

-After gaining 5 levels, complete your next crafting mission and then repeat the grinding process for the new leves.

-When you hit lv 50 in a crafting/gathering job, always complete the lv 50 (last) mission. You want that iLv 50 tool and optional item.


^I levelled Culinarian to 50 over the course of about a week putting in about 2 hours per day, and I did it turning in HQ items to the repeatable levequests that gave the most EXP for each level range. Done this way every 5 levels or so only takes half an hour and it cost about 100k in total. Perhaps most notably I've since made that gil back numerous times over just by HQ crafting all the quest hand-ins.

I think I'm gonna level a DoL class next since I haven't done any of them.

I now have a full 120 set for my DRG so it's about buying the accessories, I already have all the carboncoat to make the accessories 130.

I'm using my WoD drops for my Warrior now, who is currently iLevel 110. I also have some sands of time in reserve and lots of soldiery and I can't really decide what to spend it on. I might do that quest to be able to dye your artifact gear then use it for glamours.

I do the daily low level roulette with my WHM who is currently level 33. At about level 35 I start doing fates in Coerthas then Dzemael farm at 44. To be a decent WHM I've started levelling THM in order to get Swiftcast.

My goal is to have every DoW/DoM class at 30 to essentially fill out the missing spaces in my menu.

My GLA who is currently level 22 I'll probably fire up to 30 at some point this week. 22-25 shouldn't be too bad with a dungeon spam but more importantly there's a levequest in Aleport that literally takes one minute to complete and gives you about half a level a pop. It's so easy it kind of feels like cheating. I've used that to get all my alt classes from 25-30 in the space of half an hour.

I got my Novus last week, been farming light in the PF when the opportunity has presented itself. My favourite relic step so far because it pretty much takes care of itself over time. In the meantime I'm saving up gil to buy the crafts for the final zodiac weapon, I already have the stuff you need seals for so my only real barrier is gil then getting the dungeon drops.

Also I have a carbontwine and a few unstained mark logs so the i30 gear will be mine rather soon. OP'd DRG for sure. Definitely making some progress.


Joe, Arcana
I'm now geared for 1STAR crafts in Goldsmith. Any tips on how to make gil easily enough for me to gear up to higher levels of crafting would be appreciated.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Have you been to Guiding Star/Talan in Mor Dhona? That's where all the iL 70+ tools are (they've set up shop right beside the prism shop and summon bells). You have to complete Guiding Star's quest to unlock Talan's shop.

AFAIK, this is where you have to do fetchquests for stuff that's only found at certain times of day/night (which means the MB may not be so friendly with prices, but I haven't looked much recently).

You have to have some 60 HQ umbral rocks to get a iLv 70 pickaxe for example, and to farm those you have to have 370 Gathering/332 Perception for HQ. Add the fact that you can only get a handful at a time before the clock resets--designed for weekly I imagine.


Joe, Arcana
Oh lord, I'm not even close to those stats on my FSH so I imagine I've got a bit of gearing/materia to do yet. My problem is I just don't seem to ever have any gil.


And the decent gear for it is at best 200k a piece on the Market board. I can do 1 Star crafts with my Culinarian but I'm below the threshold for the crafts I need to get the i70 tools and gear so idk what to do with my crafters at this stage of the game.


Lex told me the other day that one of the best ways to make decent money is to buy some ilvl 45+ gear, spiritbond it and convert it to grade IV materia.


Yeah, fanservice is nice and all, but the pre-VII characters aren't exactly remembered for how they look, outside of Amano-artwork that was only known to the audience (i.e. us) way after the games were released, and even then you kinda need a certain taste to appreciate them.


Joe, Arcana
Eh. I'm not turning my nose up at good quality cosmetics. More variety in gear, with or without stats, is always nice.

Personally I feel like there should be a ton of cosmetic stuff plugged into high level crafting. I love the fact that I can craft a pair of bitching shades as a GSM.


Double Growth
Is that that random guy that throws cards about in FFVI? Those look so boring :<

...Have you...have you not played VI?

Yeah, fanservice is nice and all, but the pre-VII characters aren't exactly remembered for how they look, outside of Amano-artwork that was only known to the audience (i.e. us) way after the games were released, and even then you kinda need a certain taste to appreciate them.

But...almost all of the relic armors are based on pre-VII characters...


I've played it 3 times, I just didn't really take it in for some reason. It's the only FF that's renowned that I don't remember very large chunks of. I blame it on the fact that there are a million characters. I remember the opening, the bit with the raft and the water where they get separated, the ghost town with the incredibly annoying encounter rate, the phantom train, the opera house, the bit where the world kind of goes boom and Celes ends up on a tiny island with someone else, and Everything Is Orange(tm). Also Kefka's massive sprite in the final battle. From memory the characters I remember are Locke, Celes, Terra, Ninja guy, Card Guy (probably because we just talked about him though), Tiny Girl... and there are how many, 16? When people mention the names I remember them but this paragraph is proof that my knowledge of VI is quite poor.

I didn't connect with VI very well tbh. I can objectively see it's one of the best in terms of how it's story is told and having cool distinctive characters, but it's just not my cup of tea. I prefer V. VI isn't even super high on my list if I were to rank them. I prefer it to XIII but all the rest that came after VI I liked far better.


But...almost all of the relic armors are based on pre-VII characters...

...o rly? :monster:. I recognised the Magitek armor, but only because it's actually called Magitek armor, :monster:. Also note that I've hardly played any pre-VII outside of VI, and I haven't even finished that one yet.


It is known. I'm trying to think of something more awesome though.

Oh wait! Ragnarok (the spaceship) flying mount. I want it.
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