The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

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I agree. We can still be somewhat casual as far as FCs go and still organize get togethers and play times for end game content. I know that the majority of the members of the FC are pretty inactive, and that's a shame, but I don't know if that is necessarily the fault of the FC, as some people probably just lost interest in the game and/or have life priorities etc etc etc. We should decide on a time to get together in game and do SOMETHING, then continue doing so, once we at least have something established that the regular members of the FC participate in, maybe we can start advertising ourselves again. Or something, I don't know. I won't be able to be in game until tomorrow night at the earliest (10ishPM Eastern), but then I should be able to be active again regularly. I haven't done any endgame stuffs yet, but I did beat the game with Evelyn.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
These are things I can think of right now. Realize I still haven't seen everything this game has to offer (I get distracted by grinding very easily), so if any of this is redundant/no-brainer let me know, and where to find it in-game:

-There has to be an easy, effective way to arrange meetings for all group story missions. We already know how caustic random arrangements can be outside of the free company on the duty finder. There were a few times I've wanted to junk my subscription because of that. It's a mood killer, which means we can lose members because of this. I shouldn't have to look at a youtube play to make sure I get everything right before jumping in and getting it done, like it's a chore required to access the rest of the game.

-Since everybody has different things going on at different times in their lives, we could make the 'rotational group of leaders' thing a staple. It would be great if we had an accessible list of leader goals and guides posted in game. Leaders could stay as long or short as they want, so long as arrangements were made for someone to take their place. As we know, this thread is here in case assigned leaders really need to voice concerns, but we need to figure out how to handle concerns in game, which leads to--

-We're going to be having houses soon, and they're going to start with free companies first before single member houses. Perfect for group lodge meetings.

-The houses are also going to cost a ridiculous ton of money. We need to set up a treasury system of some kind. Levequests are great for generating $$$ and we could drop some of our shares into the team chest. Small bonus reward items could be given back to members after so much donation, if we can keep account of it all somehow. Company goals on what the money is funded toward need to also be stated clearly.

-Until FFXIV's staff makes a duty finder just for arranging missions inside the free company, we need to make use of the mognet. Members find themselves with a mission requiring group play, they can send a letter to the leaders stating class/mission/good times for play, then leaders can check mail daily and post or arrange missions.

-This is why I wish there was a bulletin board of some kind so all members could see it at any time. The only thing I can think of is the intro message people see when they log in. (Spammers have a habit of preventing people from seeing requests in the chat, but the intro message is always seen by everybody.)

-We also have the team/member vs. battles coming up to think about. Again, should there be an in-game reward system in place for winners?

So overall:

Our main goal should be to make this game as accessible as possible. Community play should be easy to come by, because that's what an MMO is.

Maybe members assigned to leadership positions are given different, specific roles. There should always be a treasurer, mail admin, community chest leader on staff. These jobs can always use more people administrating.

So I think this hierarchy should always be in mind:

-Regular members: want to casually play the game can rely on the FC for rewards, supplies, and arrangements

-Leaders: members that play long enough and want more responsibility in managing the FC

-Admin: Among the leaders, there should be one leader admin per job duty. Admin are responsible for communicating with other admin when concerns arise.

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Tahla'to Dolabnha
So yesterday, I put approximately 30,000 gil into the FC chest as my first investment towards the FC house.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
The beta for the PS4 is coming up next February and I'll definitely be participating in that, as I do want to upgrade to it (I can get it for free, apparently) at some point. I'm right in agreeing that life priorities are taking up time right now. It may be the worst time of the year, since a lot of good games are coming out and we have the next-gen consoles releasing next month, so even more time taken out.

Beyond two souls is a beautiful thing.
Glad you agree! I'm going to be truly sad when I've platinumed the bad girl. :(


unsavory tart
So yesterday, I put approximately 30,000 gil into the FC chest as my first investment towards the FC house.

Awesome, I matched that so we're 60,000 to it now.

As far as organizing runs, not sure I'm there yet because the before mentioned variability in time, but after that passes we should definitely look into it. I'm against making anything mandatory because this is not a job, it's a game, but giving the option is nice.

Also, from what I remember the three really active players that are at least close to the end game content are all Palis, which doesn't help xD I mean, I've got a white mage that's reasonably high level but man do I suck at healing.


Pro Adventurer
I put 40,000 gil in last night to make it an even 100,000. We will need some other classes for endgame stuff. Avec, Force, and Joe all play DD. I am assuming you guys are all still playing, but just took a break? I don't think we have any healers. :P Actually, we did have a white mage that was doing Wanderer's Palace runs with Kiraa, Joe, and I, but I can't remember his name and I am not sure if he is still in the FC. I have Monk to 47, so I could fill a DD spot soon for endgame stuff if needed. I have spent the last few weeks gearing Paladin (full darklight and +1 relic), and I prefer to play Paladin, but it is fun to switch things up and play a different class too.

One problem with the game, and with MMOs in general I suppose, is that people finish leveling and complete the main story and thus lose that forward momentum. But if we can start doing more stuff like WP, AK, and the primals together, I think that would be really fun.
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I'm working on leveling a Conjurer to get to White Mage, so hopefully in not terribly too much time, I can provide some heals :P I can do dungeons up until Ifrit right now if anyone needs a healer in the early dungeons, too.

Yeah, I've been away from home and stuff lately (and will be away this weekend again), but I do want to get back into it.


unsavory tart
I think that was Tierras Zee, but he hasn't been on in a long time, or something like a week or two. I think it's going to be difficult to understand who will be active for awhile, and who will leave right now since there's not a whole bunch of end game content, and it's hard to tell who rushed to the end and decided to wait and those who rushed to the end and decided it's all they wanted.

IMO, thinking ahead, December/January is a good time to actually finalize all of this. By then, most of us would have reached EGC, the new patch would have dropped and people would be trying it out, and we'll see who wants to stay and play and who is okay with what they already played. *shrugs*


Joe, Arcana
Yeah Tierras is one of my rl friends. Neither of us are active right now as we spend a lot of time playing Dota but we both will be getting back into the second the new patch hits! Can't wait for the Crystal Tower tbh.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
ew MOBAs you turribur

I'll be back on XIV full-time once I finish exams in the next week or two! :3


Double Growth
Yeah work has absolutely exploded this month and I have to be out of town next week and I was going to take the month off of XIV...but it just auto-renewed, so so much for that.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I have a question: Since I just realized I need to raise other job levels to unlock Monk, and now this game is FFV with the attribute sharing (which is great! I love that game for that reason)--when I have to level sync down, does my equipment and job attributes do the same?

For example, say I have to sync down to lvl 22 for Ifrit, because I'm at 30. Does my materia and equipment get halved? I haven't tried materia yet (still collecting it and finding the stats I want.)

Just wondering if I can beef up my dude and bypass the level sync.


unsavory tart
I'm almost positive equipment syncs down, but having that equipment is still good because it will be better geared than normal ones. I think your abilities do too, I ran a lower dungeon with my white mage and I couldn't rez someone in battle, which is job attribute iirc. I don't know about materia or points you attribute yourself.

Cross abilities also get sync'd but not in the traditional way. You can still equip the higher cross abilities but the number of slots gets synched down as well.


What do you mean by the attributes being shared like FFV? Does each class not have their own fresh start? Does this mean that if I were to start a physical DD character, my high magic stat from my casters would apply to the physical character?

And Splint, which dungeon were you running in which you couldn't rez? Isn't that a really low level ability? There was one dungeon that I ran in which I was unable to raise someone in battle (despite the fact that I JUST HAD a few moments earlier), which confused the crap out of me, so I'm really not sure how that works.


unsavory tart
One of the first early ones, like Sasashta I was running with Arianna. Rezzing is actually a low level ability. But raising in battle iirc is a job attribute you get later. That's why when you slot it in a cross ability, most people can't raise in battle. The same with protect, anyone can protect but it takes a healer to take it from Physical Damage mitigation to Physical and Magical mitigation, if you look closely at the buffs avatar they look slightly different.

At least, that's what I remember. I could be wrong.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
What do you mean by the attributes being shared like FFV? Does each class not have their own fresh start? Does this mean that if I were to start a physical DD character, my high magic stat from my casters would apply to the physical character?

Every class will always have their set stats and abilities, but if I want more variety I'm going to have to be other (compatible) classes. You'll see what's compatible when you look at an ability's explanation in the action & traits menu.

I have to be a lvl 30 Pugilist and lvl 15 Lancer to unlock Monk, but it would also help me to be a Marauder because it has compatible skills I can equip too.

The other thing is that if I've been leveling one class really high compared to the others, I get an EXP bonus when leveling up the lower ones to catch them up. Also, since Pugilist and Monk are of the same job, Monk should start out at lvl 30 because that's what my Pugilist is.

High stats follow you no matter what job you are, since that stuff falls under STR/DEX/VIT/INT/MIND etc. Those level on their own depending on equipment, leveling, and point distribution. So switching to a physical class would keep your magic stats, but you will most likely level up your physical stats afterward because that's what the new class wants. You would only really lose stats because of the equipment change.

(It took me forever to figure out the difference between STR and DEX, but now that I know, I've really been trying to raise my DEX ability. It increases the rate at which I can block a hit, which opens up some really good attacks that casts status effects as Pugilist.)


Tahla'to Dolabnha
So I found a link I wanted to share with the group; it deals with the game, but I am unable to post links until I have 5 total posts.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Ooh, thanks for that. I'll have to keep this link open the next time I play.
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