The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

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Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I think we're at the point where we have to schedule our meetups. There's usually only me or 1 other person online when I'm on, and I need to get some dungeons done (for hunting logs and the main quest)


unsavory tart
I think we're at the point where we have to schedule our meetups. There's usually only me or 1 other person online when I'm on, and I need to get some dungeons done (for hunting logs and the main quest)
It's a shame we keep missing each other. What dungeons do you need, I'll see if I can't hop on at a good time and queue in together (Tank instaqueue ftw). It'll give me a break from farming Castrum/Praetorium


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I need a raid for Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak (story mission)

and Cutter's Cry (Guild Log), but I don't think I'm leveled enough to unlock it, so that's a ways off

I'll pretty much be online at night all week, so that should give us enough time to set up. I'd like to get a mage and healer from our company too (some random duty finder teamups were pretty peaceful, other times it was pretty bad D: even when you do everything they want they get pretty volatile for the heck of it now)


unsavory tart
I need a raid for Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak (story mission)

and Cutter's Cry (Guild Log), but I don't think I'm leveled enough to unlock it, so that's a ways off

I'll pretty much be online at night all week, so that should give us enough time to set up. I'd like to get a mage and healer from our company too (some random duty finder teamups were pretty peaceful, other times it was pretty bad D: even when you do everything they want they get pretty volatile for the heck of it now)
Yeah, Cutter's Cry isn't until late 30s, early 40s.

What time zone are you on? I won't be able to be on tonight but I know I'll be on this week.

I don't think we have a dedicated healer on our fc anymore, the one that use to run is inactive. (actually, there's only two or three semi active people in it and we are rarely on at the same time) That said, I do have a white mage and have healed Thousand Maws before. ... I'm just a really bad healer. Luckily thousand maws is actually pretty easy to run either way.

But I don't think'll it be an issue. As long as the tank is halfway competent, the thing will be a breeze. And if they are giving you a hard time, we'll leave and requeue. As long as you are paired in with a tank or healer, you'll get it in almost instantly so you can be picky like that. I don't think I've ever done it, I've stuck with pretty shaky groups until the end, but there's nothing worth the heartache of a douche.

Maybe it's just me, but most of my groups have been pretty laid back, if not just silent. I run dungeons constantly and I can probably count on one hand how many dungeons I've had a personal problem with one of the members being jerks. Maybe most of them are tanks or something.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
I'm U.S. Central. I didn't know that about the lack of healers in our group, I'll probably jump on leveling mine up then. Been meaning to try that class out for a while.

As for the groups, I think the duty finder just has a problem with monks. XD


unsavory tart
I'm U.S. Central. I didn't know that about the lack of healers in our group, I'll probably jump on leveling mine up then. Been meaning to try that class out for a while.

As for the groups, I think the duty finder just has a problem with monks. XD
From what I heard, monks are pretty much the hardest job to do effectively. They are very technical and heavily position dependent.

Sadly, the duty finder time for dps is heinous. Some of my irl friends actually dropped FFXIV for that reason. People would rather fate grind. But you miss a lot of how your role fits in with your group. There are some mechanics of fights I fought multiple times as a tank I completely missed until I ran as a healer.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
So that was quite lovely. We should do this again sometime.

Also, for some reason I had overwritten my monk suit with my mage, and so I had to change gear on the fly while we were running. >_<


unsavory tart
So I'm post lvl 50 grinding and decided to try out getting my relic weapon but I hit a bit of a snag because I'm not sure how to approach getting a group for chimera. I heard I just go around shouting for a group but being still new to MMOs I'm too passive to do it. *sigh*

At least I found a guy that melded materia on my unfinished weapon.


the minute I posted this I found a group.

This is the best thread to complain to, it has magical properties.
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unsavory tart
Talking around with other people, the rumor is that the cheapest housing will cost around 800,000 gil. Sadly we only got about 280,000 in the fc chest. :<


Holy cow...

I am sorry to say that I decided to take the month of December off from XIV, but I will definitely be back. I just didn't see myself playing it very much this month, and so didn't want to pay for something that I wasn't going to use. I do want to continue to level my healer, though, so I will be back :)


I will also be back (pah! I hear you say), but it's true. Predictably, this semester has (and still is) taking its toll on my sanity, so I've not actually been able to do anything that I can't just casually dip in and out of (XIV is just one of those things, it needs loooooooong sessions for me).


Pro Adventurer
Glad to hear you will be back, Lex. FYI, I will be out of town for a few days the week the patch hits, so you probably won't see me on until that following weekend. I should be able to donate some more money though. It won't be enough to get us a house, but eventually I think we will have enough to get one.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I got to level 30 GLA i think :3

This doesn't sound like much BUT I AM A SLOW OKAY

It may or may not have had something to do with the Lightning FATEs


unsavory tart
xD Don't mean to pressure you guys. Life happens and takes priority. I'll probably go to Mordana and wait for someone to advertise so I can cling and cry to them.

Actually, reading on Crystal Tower apparently allows duty finder but with restrictions (like needing a relic weapon), so I might try that before Coil of Bahamut. I don't even know what kind of gear I need for Coil.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I haven't played in a few days. I don't know when I'll be able to get back on - perhaps tomorrow? Anyhow, I started, but did not finish the Lightning side quests. I'll have to wait until February for that, I guess. I left off trying to level up a bit as a fisher and as a lancer.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Give me a good reason to come back. Seriously.

I want to, but I have so many games to get through right now. With ACIII now finally out of the way, it could help.


Joe, Arcana
Give me a good reason to come back. Seriously.

I want to, but I have so many games to get through right now. With ACIII now finally out of the way, it could help.
Totally with Ami on this one. I really enjoyed playing FFXIV but grinding the end-game dungeons and content got old really quick. I'll definitely be coming back once the new patch hits but there's no telling whether that will hold me for more than a month.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
This is why I take my time with things, y'all were so eager to go through everything that you guise burned yourselves out :monster:


unsavory tart
Patch 2.1 dropped. I haven't seen most of it but...

I've tried Ultima Weapon Hard mode. I don't think I'm quite use to that much right now, but we got pretty far- but both tanks got tanking tunnel vision trying to deal with too many stacks of a debuff at once and missed a wiping mechanic.

I think I'm going for Good King Moogle next. Hopefully it'll be a bit more on my level. And then Crystal Tower for some new gear. Sadly though, Crystal Tower has a "only pick up once piece a week" restriction.

Extreme Primals are probably too much for me. I'm stuck with duty finder, and while it guarantees a Hard Mode Ifrit win, Garuda is about 50/50, and I've only downed Titan once, and I was carried by an extremely competent party. All other times with Titan we didn't pass the 50% HP Dps check.

PvP is suppose to be fun but eh, I know nothing about PvP but I'm sure I don't want to go in it as a Pali or White Mage. Though I heard black mage was pretty crucial to pvp since sleep is op'd.

Warriors and Monk's got buffed to extreme. With mink potentially being the best single target dps in the game. I'm not too upset because they are also the harder of the classes.

The bard's debuff kind of worried a lot of people, but actually it's the summoner that got the short end of the stick- they changed the pet mechanics so it's harder to manage and they replaced thunder with blizzard II.

Blizzard II, meanwhile, got debuffed. It went from 100 potency to 50 potency, either to prevent spamming Blizzard II, or it's suppose to be a pvp deal since white mage and summoners get them.

The rest of the changes I don't remember. Shield oath got a buff for palis, it wasn't needed since it was already easy mode but it's kind of appreciated because I met some black mages that aoe everything and give absolutely no fucks.

Cover's range is slightly longer and Cure III has a chance of comboing off of Cure II for half mp, maybe in hopes that someone will actually friggin use it (I've only used the two in very rare and specific situations).

Duty finder has a roulette option that gives you daily rewards like gil and tomes of philosphy/mythology. It's pretty funny because more than I found myself in a level 10 guildhest with other really high levels. I think the idea was to get more people to run dungeons but it ended up with a lot of high level duty roulette people running together.

Apparently similar classes don't build limit bars. Its suppose to stop from groups that form to limiting classes and just taking a whole bunch of bards and black mages. Kind of sucks because duty finder you don't get to chose. And some fights limit breaks are absolutely necessary.


Pro Adventurer
Benoist; Captain Highwind
Not sure if it's my PS3 or something about the new update, but my console crashed 5 times in a row this past hour and I had to hard reset every time. At one point it happened during a save, so for a good 15 minutes of fun panic, I had to uncorrupt my character data. :monster:

The problem with that is, all your hotkeys and costume saves get wiped because they're not stored on Square's servers, so you have to arrange everything again. And at one point after getting 2 jobs re-assigned it froze on me again without saving. So beware!


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I've been back on the game in the past few days. I've seen and spoke with Splintered. Anyone else on?

I have questions. Please help.

~ When do you get to fight Ifrit? I am a level 25 THM (level 12 LNC and level 9 CNJ) and just have received the mission "Into a Copper Hell" (Copperbell Mines). Am I anywhere near this? Actually, doesn't one fight Garuda before Ifrit?

~ Using said information above (Copperbell Mines mission), how far along in the game am I? What is the main objective I'm going for here? I guess, I repeat my question for a while ago, what's the storyline of the game?

Hopefully someone is not afraid to spoil me. :P Seriously.


Ifrit is the first Primal you fight, and it's a little bit after Copperbell Mines IIRC. The Ifrit fight marked the end of the beta so it's quite a bit further back in the story.

I'm dying to play this game again, especially now that the new patch is out and I have a PS4 and I can get a free copy on my PS4 soon :D. I'll be on in the next week or so.


I've finally gotten around to buying this game and am a Miqo'te Pugilist by name of Mareko Paronta.
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