The Lifestream - Free Company (An FFXIV Thread)

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lols, I keep forgetting who's who. Next time I pop in there, I'll indicate who I am and ask who everyone else is.


Joe, Arcana
Guess who got both Summoner and Scholar last night?

Hint: He's awesome.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Edge is still in the FC Skype chat so someone should ask him what's up.
I'll hit him up whenever he's online. That's really strange to see him go, as he kept saying to me he'd stick to the Company.

Edit: Ok, so I have spoken to him online. It's more or less of a case of following friends and such, which I really can't blame him for.

[14:35:41] Amizon: Heya, did I see right or did you leave the Company?
[14:36:56] Edge // Keag: Hey, yeah i did my friends such as miss behaven aiden destyn summoner left i didn't honestly want anybody to leave aiden and destyn said about joining another and i felt horrible after what i wanted to help with the FC about leaving
[14:37:35] Amizon: Ah, right. Because I came back and saw even more people had left, and I only just got back from Eurogamer recently. So was all wtf. :O
[14:37:59] Edge // Keag: Yeah i understand, i didn't wanna leave you all i loved everybody in the FC
[14:38:07] Edge // Keag: i don't wanna lose friends over my decision either though
[14:38:36] Amizon: I mean, there's no pressure for you to either stay away or come back. We don't really do things that way. It's your decision at the end of the day.
[14:39:03] Edge // Keag: Yeah i know, as i said i don't want to lose friends thats all
[14:39:13] Amizon: No worries, that's cool
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Misha Mie

Rookie Adventurer
this is the big issue with the way the game launched... I know about 8 of my friends play this game, but none of us were able to land on the same server (we're spread out among 4-5 servers), and now we're all too invested in our characters, FC's and such to want to switch servers....


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Very sad indeed, but he's also reassured me he still wants to play and that I could hit him up anytime. It's just such a shame when one person goes, and it splits people between the Company and their friends. Ah well, life goes on and all that jazz!


So, is anyone going to plan something for, for example, this weekend? I'm level 21 now and have access to the first couple of dungeons, if that's any help.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I'm planning to get back on activity-wise, after my recent Eurogamer getaway. Just hit me up on Skype if you want any help, Yop. Happy to help, ofc.


Neato, :monster:. Next time, Gadget. We should organize / do something this weekend, maybe.

I just ran into Amizon while questing, lols.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I'm still a bit irritated with Aiden and Destyn leaving without so much as a warning that they would, because it seems like their leaving lead to the others leaving as well, but whatevs~


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Is this a very crowded group?

Is there a space that I can join?

I'm thinking to starting XIV in a day or two.

Also, what is a good server to get on?


The TLS people are mostly on the Cerberus server (EU server, iirc); not sure how the lag is if you connect from the US though. Probably not too bad.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
I'm still a bit irritated with Aiden and Destyn leaving without so much as a warning that they would, because it seems like their leaving lead to the others leaving as well, but whatevs~
Well, screw them. I'm not in the mood to be dwelling on people leaving, really. This is a Company, where we're playing together and not really being big on enforcing rules, etc. That was the mind set we had when it was created and it's still the one in mind, too.

However, it's nice that Edge and I still talk occasionally. Even though his friends buggered off and cut all contact, it's nice to see there's still nice players out there, despite all the impatient gits leaving.

Misha Mie

Rookie Adventurer
there isn't really any lag from the US (playing from Michigan). Incidentally, the data center is in Canada from what I hear.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
The TLS people are mostly on the Cerberus server (EU server, iirc); not sure how the lag is if you connect from the US though. Probably not too bad.

Someone on Tumblr told me the NA and EU servers are all stationed in Canada, to be honest. What does it matter which server one is on? I'll try to get on the Cerberus one (or Lich, for that's the one this other person is on).


Well, you can't play together or join the same Free Company / guild if you're on different servers, :monster:.

Alright then. I guess the servers are labeled EU to get more people that have the same language to play together.


Yeah you need to be on Cerberus to be able to join The Lifestream free company or play with any of us :monster:


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
19 more minutes for this download (already went through the linking accounts, etc.) Soon.

what matters is where your friends are. other than that I dont think it matters NA or EU.

Well, you can't play together or join the same Free Company / guild if you're on different servers...

Yeah you need to be on Cerberus to be able to join The Lifestream free company or play with any of us...

Got'cha. Thanks. ^_^

But I thought the Companies were able to be joined via the game - meaning it didn't matter which server you were on. Hmmmm... Okay.

Sad they can't link up all the servers and allow members to play despite which server they are on. (Of course, I ask too much of technology with this, yes?)


Depends on what game you play, :monster:. Most traditional MMO's - World of Warcraft, FFXIV, etc - have their server architecture based on 'realms' - i.e. servers that handle a certain chunk of the player base, to distribute server load or some shit. A game that goes against this - and has done so since its inception ten years ago - is Eve Online, which has only two 'realms', one for EU and the US, and one for China. So you have 50.000 players active on one 'realm', which equates to one server cluster.

The separation is mainly in server and software architecture, really. The programmers behind Eve solved it for that game; all players play in the same cluster, and the sever-side processing power is handled by having certain solar systems run on certain servers. They have a few high-powered servers for the most active solar systems (like Jita, the primary trade hub), but the other servers can handle several solar systems without too much trouble.

A system introduced a few years ago will allow sudden unexpected spikes in player activity to be performed on regular servers; it's called TiDi, or Time Dilation, which basically slows down in-game time to up to 10% of normal time so that the server gets the time to process all player commands and communication.

erm. I'll stop ranting about eve now. TL;DR: eve is server-side technologically superior to any other MMO out there.

Misha Mie

Rookie Adventurer
guild wars 2 allows you to belong to guilds cross-server and includes a guesting feature so no matter what server your "home" is you can move over to other servers temporarily to hang with friends.
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