The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Pro Adventurer
But what SE says is canon. If you disagree, than that's your opinion. But in a debate it's good to go by facts. Anyway, did you read my post at all? Just wondering because I thought I explained things pretty well. :c

I know this. And maybe ? It was a quick read because there was alot to reply too. ):

Yes they were. SE SAID SO. That makes it final! xD They knew of one another, Tifa went out specifically to meet him, they talked out by the well and made a promise. That is enough to qualify them as friends even if they weren't as close, they were still friends. In fact if you think THAT is a flimsy standard to set for a friend, replay Crisis Core. Zack calls Tifa a strange girl and when they interact, it's her asking about Cloud and Soldier and yet... her text messages are listed under Zack's 'friends' contact list.

I know. But what I meant was that they're we rent really close friends. Uhm, no thanks. I don't like Crisis Core and I don't want to replay the game again.
] :

Yes he did care. Here are some quotes just to prove how much he does care about the promise: (edit: Quex beat me xD)

It basically says that the promise is in Cloud's memory and he wants to protect more people because of it.

Plus when they meet again, the only thing Cloud cares about is money. He doesn't care about the promise, as much as he cares about money.

Tifa: I guess not... you were in SOLDIER. Make sure to get your pay from Barrett.
Cloud: Don't worry, once I get that money, I'm outta here.
*Begins to walk towards the elevator*
Tifa: Cloud, are you feeling all right?
Cloud: ...Yeah... why?
Tifa: No reason. You look a little tired, I guess.
[Tifa appears at the elevator before Cloud can leave]
Tifa: Listen Cloud, I'm asking you. Please join us.
Cloud: *Shakes head* Sorry Tifa.
Tifa: The Planet is dying. Slowly but surely, it's dying. Someone has to do something.
Cloud: So let Barret and his buddies do something about it. It's got nothin' to do with me.
Tifa: So! You're really leaving!? You're just going to walk right out ignoring your childhood friend!?
Cloud: How can you say that?

[After the well scene]

Tifa: You remember our promise now, don't you? Our promise?
Cloud: I'm not a hero and I'm not famous. So I can't keep our promise.
Tifa: But you got your childhood dream, didn't you? You joined SOLDIER. So come on! You've got to keep your promise...
Barret: *Climbs up the elevator shaft*
Wait a sec big-time SOLDIER! A promise is a promise! Here!!
Cloud: *Received Barret's stash, 1500 gil* This is my pay? Don't make me laugh.
Tifa: What? Then you'll...
Cloud: You got the next mission lined up? I'll do it for 3000.
Barret: What!?
Tifa: It's OK, it's OK. ...psst... (We're really hurting for help, right?)
Barret: Uh... ugh... (That money's for Marlene's schoolin')... 2000!
*Cloud consents. *
Tifa: Thanks, Cloud.

The point in which you're speaking of where he doesn't quite recall the promise, is when Cloud is not his true self. Of COURSE he won't remember everything, his mind is not his own then.

Yes but SE has quoted that Cloud's coldness was part of his true identity. So him only giving a care about cash, was part of Cloud's true identity. Yeah, he wasn't himself then, but that part was real Cloud.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Yes but SE has quoted that Cloud's coldness was part of his true identity. So him only giving a care about cash, was part of Cloud's true identity. Yeah, he wasn't himself then, but that part was real Cloud.
Okay wait, so Cloud being cold being part of his personality=Cloud not giving a shit about the promise despite several quotes mentioning it being important to him and a quote he says in BC which affirms that he wanted to fulfill Tifa's promise? Maybe I'm just confused about your wording here.

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
Hello pipz, this is my first post here so please be easy on me. I am still trying to figure out how to properly navigate this site. Also, excuse me for interrupting. I want to join the discussion.

The creators says that they are childhood friends. Yes, they lived next door to each other, but they didn't hang out. Which is what I'm trying to point out here.

I don't hang out with my neighbor Jeremiah but we consider each others as friends.

[/B]What I'm trying to say here, is that they only knew each other without some kind of a distance for a very short period of time.

How does this negate the word of god that they are friends?

Calm down Smooth Criminal. I feel like If a casual member acted that way and not a mod, you'll be issuing out a warning. I'm not changing anything. I said that Tifa and Cloud only knew each other as next neighbors, so really they didn't know each other closely.

Yes, they were not close as children. Even Tifa admits to the fact, her line being, "We were not THAT close, but I always thought we were friends" (or something like that. mind you that line is paraphrased). Yes, they were not close but they were still friends nonetheless.

Ah no. What I meant was I don't know why SE says that Cloud and Tifa were childhood friends, when really they were more people who had a distant relationship at best. What I meant was, they are not close childhood friends, though the creator quotes make it seem that they were.

Maybe the reason SE describes Cloud and Tifa as childhood friends is because they WERE childhood friends. Cloud may not be within Tifa's close circle of friends but she still considered him her friend. That's all there is to it.

[/COLOR][/FONT][/B]Whut ?

It basically says that Tifa had no interest in Cloud until she heard that he was planning to join Solider. Do you read what I post at all ? Really ?

I'm sorry but what is the contention here? How is Tifa starting to take a romantic interest in Cloud negate their previous status as childhood friends?

[/QUOTE]I'm not making a strawman of a issue xD Shouldn't it be straw-woman in my case ? Anyways xD
But they weren't friends, Tifa- for the 100 th time in a row. Took no interest in Cloud, until he mentioned his ambition to her. If they became friends at any time, it would be during the water tower scene, which only lasts for a short period of time. It doesn't matter if they were ''friends '' because their friendship, if any, was extremely short lived. [/QUOTE]

They were already friends, albeit distant one, before the well scene. Tifa took no "romantic" interest in Cloud before that. She only starts to have romantic interest towards Cloud after the promise at the well. Still doesn't dismiss the point that they were childhood friends.

[/QUOTE]What what what ? Do you only read what you want to read ?

It basically says "
In those days, Tifa didn't take much notice to Cloud. The reason why she said to him "To be saved by a Hero" was only to satisfy her childish princess desire ".

It basically says, Tifa didn't take much notice to Cloud, and she was only interested in Cloud being her hero to satisfy her childish princess desire.

Can you read ? At all ?

But of course. She was a normal little girl after all. So how are they not friends again?

[/B]Tifa recognized Cloud when he stopped her from entering the Mako reactor. She jumps, like she did when she recognized when Cloud was in drag.

Wait what? No, she didn't. She didn't recognize Cloud, hence she did not remember Cloud being there at all.

[/QUOTE]Do you think that Cloud is a mind- reader or something ? He doesn't know what Aerith is thinking.

To some of your previous points I question: Do you think Tifa is a mindreader or something?

Yes she wanted to help Cloud remember on his own. But she still thinks that the well memory is fake. If you actually read to what I'm typing.

No, she didn't think the well memory is fake. That is just so wrong. What Tifa meant in that line was that a "memory consciously" recalled is a "fake", not that the well memory is a fake. That's why she wants Cloud to unlock a "memory locked deep within his heart". And what do we get? Three memories focused on Tifa.

Seriously, read the conversation.

It basically says that the promise is in Cloud's memory and he wants to protect more people because of it.

Plus when they meet again, the only thing Cloud cares about is money. He doesn't care about the promise, as much as he cares about money.

Tifa: I guess not... you were in SOLDIER. Make sure to get your pay from Barrett.
Cloud: Don't worry, once I get that money, I'm outta here.
*Begins to walk towards the elevator*
Tifa: Cloud, are you feeling all right?
Cloud: ...Yeah... why?
Tifa: No reason. You look a little tired, I guess.
[Tifa appears at the elevator before Cloud can leave]
Tifa: Listen Cloud, I'm asking you. Please join us.
Cloud: *Shakes head* Sorry Tifa.
Tifa: The Planet is dying. Slowly but surely, it's dying. Someone has to do something.
Cloud: So let Barret and his buddies do something about it. It's got nothin' to do with me.
Tifa: So! You're really leaving!? You're just going to walk right out ignoring your childhood friend!?
Cloud: How can you say that?

[After the well scene]

Tifa: You remember our promise now, don't you? Our promise?
Cloud: I'm not a hero and I'm not famous. So I can't keep our promise.
Tifa: But you got your childhood dream, didn't you? You joined SOLDIER. So come on! You've got to keep your promise...
Barret: *Climbs up the elevator shaft*
Wait a sec big-time SOLDIER! A promise is a promise! Here!!
Cloud: *Received Barret's stash, 1500 gil* This is my pay? Don't make me laugh.
Tifa: What? Then you'll...
Cloud: You got the next mission lined up? I'll do it for 3000.
Barret: What!?
Tifa: It's OK, it's OK. ...psst... (We're really hurting for help, right?)
Barret: Uh... ugh... (That money's for Marlene's schoolin')... 2000!
*Cloud consents. *
Tifa: Thanks, Cloud.

You do realize Cloud is still schizophrenic in this here scene, right? This was still when he feigned coolness and badassery by being a jerk. And no, he stayed not because of the money but to fulfill his boyhood promise with Tifa. Yeah, even fucked up Cloud still wants to fulfill the promise to her. Of course it's important. And maybe what makes it important is because of the person on the other end of the promise. Also: Read Cloud's profile.

Yes but SE has quoted that Cloud's coldness was part of his true identity. So him only giving a care about cash, was part of Cloud's true identity. Yeah, he wasn't himself then, but that part was real Cloud.

Yeah, real Cloud may be a little cold sometimes but that doesn't mean he doesn't care about the promise anymore. And if we are to take Cloud's profile seriously (which we should), then yes, he cares about it. Also, being cold =/= being a dick. And certainly, being a dick is not part of Cloud's real identity.


Pro Adventurer
Okay wait, so Cloud being cold being part of his personality=Cloud not giving a shit about the promise despite several quotes mentioning it being important to him and a quote he says in BC which affirms that he wanted to fulfill Tifa's promise? Maybe I'm just confused about your wording here.

People change, in BC Cloud is what 15 ? In the OG Cloud is 21 so that's about a six years difference. In the future he no longer cares about the promise. Judging by what he says to Barret and Tifa.

Homura Akemi

Just a lurker now ;3
Black★Rock Shooter, Hatsune Miku, Rin, Rin Okumura, Zack Fair.
People change, in BC Cloud is what 15 ? In the OG Cloud is 21 so that's about a six years difference. In the future he no longer cares about the promise. Judging by what he says to Barret and Tifa.

Okay I'm gonna try a little bit with this debating :joy:
I know that by in the Future you mean just FF7(the game), but Cloud still cares about his promise to Tifa.
Cloud in FF7 disk 2 said:
"After all, I promised. That if anything were to ever happen to
you, I would come to help."
Why would he say that if he No longer cared about the promise.
Okay thats my bit done :awesome:

Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
People change, in BC Cloud is what 15 ? In the OG Cloud is 21 so that's about a six years difference. In the future he no longer cares about the promise. Judging by what he says to Barret and Tifa.
Cloud is referring to their promise in ACC and DoC too.

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
People change, in BC Cloud is what 15 ? In the OG Cloud is 21 so that's about a six years difference. In the future he no longer cares about the promise. Judging by what he says to Barret and Tifa.

Wait! You are COMPARING BC Cloud (who is the real Cloud) with the start of OG Cloud (the fucked up Cloud) and claim the latter has more weight as to who the real Cloud is?!

And people change, you say? What do we take from this conversation then?

Scene from FF7, under the highwind (where the real Cloud has finally resurfaced)

(The scene fades in to show Cloud and Tifa alone on the bridge. Tifa is
still watching the clouds go by.)

"What are you going to do, Tifa?"

(She turns to him)

"Did you forget?"
"I'm... all alone. I don't have anywhere to go."

(The scene fades out, then in to show Cloud and Tifa on a grassy hill.
Tifa stands close to the camera, looking past the player. Cloud is behind
her, staring in another direction. The Highwind hovers above. The only
sound is that of the wind.)

"Everyone's gone..."

"Yeah, we don't have anywhere or anyone to go home to."

(She looks down.)

"You're right..."

(A pause. She looks up and straightens her hair with one hand.)

"But... I'm sure someday... they'll come back, don't you think?"

(He crosses his arms)

"Hmm... I wonder...?"
"Everyone has an irreplaceable something they're holding on to..."
"But this time, our opponent..."

(A long pause. The sound of the wind fades. Tifa nods)

"Hmm... But that's all right, even if no one comes back."
"As long as I'm with you... As long as you're by my side... I
won't give up even if I'm scared."

(He uncrosses his arms and looks at Tifa.)

"...... Tifa......"

(She moves her arms behind her.)

"No matter how close we are... We were far apart... before this."
"But when we were in the Lifestream surrounded by all those
screams of anguish, I thought I heard your voice..."

(She closes her eyes, crying softly. Her arms fall to her sides and she
bows her head.)

"...sniff... you probably don't remember this..."
"But deep in my heart I heard you calling my name... Or at least
I thought I did..."

(Cloud looks away and puts a hand to his face)

"Yeah... At that time I heard you calling me."
"You were calling me back in from the stream of consciousness in
the Lifestream."

(He lowers his hand. He nods)

"After all, I promised. That if anything were to ever happen to
you, I would come to help."

Yeah, Cloud doesn't care about the promise.


Pro Adventurer
Hello pipz, this is my first post here so please be easy on me. I am still trying to figure out how to properly navigate this site. Also, excuse me for interrupting. I want to join the discussion.

Welcome to the Lifestream forums. I hope you plan to stay more than just for the LTD. We could do with some more members, the more the merrier as they say (=

I don't hang out with my neighbor Jeremiah but we consider each others as friends.

Cool ? But does Jeremiah let you hang out with his mates ? If you said to Jeremiah that you were going to join the army, would Jeremiah suddenly be more impressed with you, and show more interest you ?

Because that's how the Cloud and Tifa friendship works out.

How does this negate the word of god that they are friends?

That they only knew each other for a short period of time. And Tifa doesn't know Cloud that well, because they only really spoke to each other for a short amount of time.

Yes, they were not close as children. Even Tifa admits to the fact, her line being, "We were not THAT close, but I always thought we were friends" (or something like that. mind you that line is paraphrased). Yes, they were not close but they were still friends nonetheless.

Well it says in the quote that Tifa thought that they were friends. If Tifa knew Cloud that well, then how come she thought that they were close friends ?

Maybe the reason SE describes Cloud and Tifa as childhood friends is because they WERE childhood friends. Cloud may not be within Tifa's close circle of friends but she still considered him her friend. That's all there is to it.

What I'm saying here or trying to get across that Tifa couldn't of known Tifa that well, friends or not.

I was also trying to get across that they don't seem like friends, or childhood friends. Because Cloud was never in her main group, and Tifa didn't notice him till he was about to leave Nibelhiem in the spring...

I'm sorry but what is the contention here? How is Tifa starting to take a romantic interest in Cloud negate their previous status as childhood friends?

How do you see that as romantic ? Tifa wants a hero, she wants to be saved by a hero. That's not romantic. SE states it as a childhood fantasy xD She just wants to be saved by a hero, a knight in shining armour. Romantic is a passionate kiss by the fire.

Wanting to be saved by superman one day is not romantic xD

They were already friends, albeit distant one, before the well scene. Tifa took no "romantic" interest in Cloud before that. She only starts to have romantic interest towards Cloud after the promise at the well. Still doesn't dismiss the point that they were childhood friends.

I like how you're twisting Tifa's childhood fantasy into a romantic interest. No. It says that Tifa didn't notice Cloud at ALL till she heard Cloud says that he wanted to be a 1st class Solider. Tifa wanted Cloud to be a hero. Tifa ignored Cloud, even though he lived next door. When Cloud got bullied, did Tifa do anything ? No.
If she noticed Cloud, she would of done something to stop the bullying, but instead she didn't, and she only noticed Cloud during the water tower. Don't twist quotes.

But of course. She was a normal little girl after all. So how are they not friends again?

I didn't say that Tifa was strange or acted weird. D: Oh dear, If you READ what the quotes says, it says that Tifa didn't notice Cloud till she had that childhood fantasy of Cloud saving her one day.

I've said this like, 100 times. If not more. <__________<

Wait what? No, she didn't. She didn't recognize Cloud, hence she did not remember Cloud being there at all.

I can't have backup for this, because I've searched everywhere for FF VII pictures and can't find anything. xD

To some of your previous points I question: Do you think Tifa is a mindreader or something?

Lol no, because I'm sure that Tifa recognized the real Cloud during the Nibelhiem incident. xD And yes, before says it. I have played the game. :/

No, she didn't think the well memory is fake. That is just so wrong. What Tifa meant in that line was that a "memory consciously" recalled is a "fake", not that the well memory is a fake. That's why she wants Cloud to unlock a "memory locked deep within his heart". And what do we get? Three memories focused on Tifa.

Tifa clearly says this " memory is fake " How hard is that to understand ? And stop trying to twist things.

Seriously, read the conversation.

And you are ? I've said the same thing over and over again.

You do realize Cloud is still schizophrenic in this here scene, right? This was still when he feigned coolness and badassery by being a jerk. And no, he stayed not because of the money but to fulfill his boyhood promise with Tifa. Yeah, even fucked up Cloud still wants to fulfill the promise to her. Of course it's important. And maybe what makes it important is because of the person on the other end of the promise. Also: Read Cloud's profile.


If you read the quote I posted it says that Cloud's coldness during CD 1 is apart of Cloud's true identity.

So no.

Also. Read what quotes I've been putting down.

Yeah, real Cloud may be a little cold sometimes but that doesn't mean he doesn't care about the promise anymore. And if we are to take Cloud's profile seriously (which we should), then yes, he cares about it. Also, being cold =/= being a dick. And certainly, being a dick is not part of Cloud's real identity.

I didn't say anything about Cloud being a dick. I said that he was being cold, and that during the start of the OG at that stage, that he cared more about money than his promise to Tifa, and that people change over time.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Wait what? No, she didn't. She didn't recognize Cloud, hence she did not remember Cloud being there at all.

I can't have backup for this, because I've searched everywhere for FF VII pictures and can't find anything. xD

You can't find anything because what you're saying isn't accurate. Tifa did not talk to Cloud, she was unconscious. Can you please just watch the video I posted? It's from Crisis Core and it shows the same scene. I'll even tell you it starts at 4:25. Okay just start from there. Same scene, no talking.

I honestly don't care about any of this "childhood friend" business, and I understand that some things are based on one's interpretation and such, but when you say something like "Tifa talked to Cloud during the Nibelheim incident" and you have 6 other people say, "no he didn't" and you find no proof, you should consider the possibility that you might be wrong.
Last edited:


Pro Adventurer
Wait! You are COMPARING BC Cloud (who is the real Cloud) with the start of OG Cloud (the fucked up Cloud) and claim the latter has more weight as to who the real Cloud is?!

Again do you read what I put down, the quotes that I put down and stuff. Yes, the start of OG Cloud is the fucked up Cloud, and BC is the true Cloud. BUT SE basically says that COLDNESS IS PART OF CLOUD'S TRUE PERSONALITY.

Fucked up Cloud or not. The COLDNESS IS A TRUE PART OF HIM. According to SE.

Yeah, Cloud doesn't care about the promise.

You realize that there is two parts of the Highwind affection bit right ? Maybe if that part was canon, then okay.... but there's two parts to it depending on your affection with Tifa.

You can't find anything because what you're saying isn't accurate. Tifa did not talk to Cloud, she was unconscious. Can you please just watch the video I posted? It's from Crisis Core and it shows the same scene. I'll even tell you it starts at 4:25. Okay just start from there. Same scene, no talking.

No you just THINK that what I'm saying is accurate. Just because I can't proof it doesn't mean that it's not accurate Que.

I don't want to watch the Crisis Core because what I'm talking about is the true Nibelhiem incident from the OG and that.... " that game " <_______<

/ Off topic.

Heading to bed because it's 2 am. xD I'll rewatch the Lifestream scene tomorrow and see if Tifa did notice army grunt Cloud and etc blah blah.



Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
So then what about the "A promise to Cloud etched in his mind" quote from the 10th AU?

Or that quote in Dismantled where it says he'll never forget that night he made the promise?

Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
How do you see that as romantic ? Tifa wants a hero, she wants to be saved by a hero. That's not romantic. SE states it as a childhood fantasy xD She just wants to be saved by a hero, a knight in shining armour. Romantic is a passionate kiss by the fire.

When do you think Tifa got feelings for Cloud then? She's in love with him when FFVII starts.

Wanting to be saved by superman one day is not romantic xD

Wanting to be saved by a knight in shining armour is.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
No you just THINK that what I'm saying is accurate. Just because I can't proof it doesn't mean that it's not accurate Que.
No I think it's inaccurate... and you already said to me that Tifa said "Cloud you came..." and all that and I explained to you that it was the present day Tifa saying that, not the wounded one. If you could provide a screenshot of Tifa talking to Cloud, that would be most helpful. Maybe I'm just not making myself clear or something idk.

And if you can't take screenshots, link me to a video and tell me exactly when it is and I'll post it for everyone to see.

Heading to bed because it's 2 am. xD I'll rewatch the Lifestream scene tomorrow and see if Tifa did notice army grunt Cloud and etc blah blah.
I wish you no road construction then and a good night's sleep. Thanks for debating with us...


wangxian married
When do you think Tifa got feelings for Cloud then? She's in love with him when FFVII starts.

I don't think they really love each other til after the lifestream scene. Romantic interest is there, sure, but I don't think that it's love.

Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
I don't think they really love each other til after the lifestream scene. Romantic interest is there, sure, but I don't think that it's love.

"She and Cloud were childhood friends, and although she has strong feelings for him, she would never admit it."

This is a quote from the character description of Tifa on SE's FFVII site.
Are strong feelings not love?


wangxian married
"She and Cloud were childhood friends, and although she has strong feelings for him, she would never admit it."

This is a quote from the character description of Tifa on SE's FFVII site.
Are strong feelings not love?

Not really?

I mean romantic interest/childhood crush sure but I don't really count that as love.

I think they had to go through some shit together before those feelings matured.

Elisa Maza

It's the age old formula: the feelings of affection that are already there build and build up, and the couple comes together close to the end of the story, they admit/confess, yadda, yadda. Tifa was already in love with Cloud throughout the game and never had the guts to tell him. Cloud was crushing on her since childhood and had his head screwed when they reunited. These feeling matured with time and then, poof, Highwind scene, and the formula is set:

The couple will always ALWAYS come together at the end of the story. :monster:

Or, if they do it earlier (ex: The Incredibles, where they get married in the beginning of the story), they have to go through trials and tribulations that in the end, they make their bond even stronger, blah, blah...

CloTi fits the first formula in the OG and the second in ACC.

'night. I have to work on the Fack FC now. :awesome:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
People change, in BC Cloud is what 15 ? In the OG Cloud is 21 so that's about a six years difference. In the future he no longer cares about the promise. Judging by what he says to Barret and Tifa.
uh except there are several quotes already posted from the Ultimania, he refers to the promise in AC and DoC, that all prove yeah, the promise is important to him. To say otherwise is just blatantly ignoring what you don't like in other bits of the games/movie.

Well it says in the quote that Tifa thought that they were friends. If Tifa knew Cloud that well, then how come she thought that they were close friends ?
huh? because sometimes friends get into fights and people like to be reassured that yeah they're still friends?

Idg this quote seriously.


Because they never really knew each other. Tifa hanged out with her friends and Cloud being the town misfit was always alone, and he was never allowed to enter into the group. They were next door neighbors, so they didn't know each other. Because Tifa didn't notice him till Cloud mentioned that he wanted to be like Sephiroth.
Tifa: It's true that we weren't THAT close, but...
Tifa: You were so small then....and cute

Note the capitalised "THAT". Pretty much what Mako said.

though the creator quotes make it seem that they were.
So...according to you, FOR WHAT PURPOSE?
Why not simply say "Cloud and Tifa were neighbors" or "Cloud and Tifa knew each other from childhood"? Done. Nope. CHILDHOOD FRIENDS ad infinitum. Why?
I don't think they really love each other til after the lifestream scene. Romantic interest is there, sure, but I don't think that it's love.
As a child, he continues on up the mountain when all other boys interested in Tifa back off, hates himself for not being able to save Tifa, joins freaking SOLDIER so that she may notice him, keeps to a childish promise as if it's his life's purpose until he's into his 20s, hides his face behind a mask because he can't bear her knowing he can't fulfill her promise, singles her out repeatedly, his heart calls out to her...

I don't know if I would label it a childish crush. Tifa is very important to him. She's not simply some girl he likes who may or may not like him back. And although sure, we see their relationship progress and they definitely grow closer only during the course of the game, I can't really say that Cloud doesn't love her until the Lifestream sequence. Or that she only loves him after she figures out his past. Tifa does abandon everything to stand by him before the reveal anyway. She drops her revenge, separates herself from her other friends to nurse him back to health BEFORE that.

This is not the behavior of people crushing on each other or having just romantic interest.
No you just THINK that what I'm saying is accurate. Just because I can't proof it doesn't mean that it's not accurate Que.

I'll do the work for you. Here's proof that everyone else is right and you are wrong on this matter.

Tifa admitting she does not believe Cloud was there at ALL and that she wasn't telling the whole truth before about knowing this. Yes, he was there, but in her memories, she never saw him.

Skip to the end, a little before 9min mark.


Celes Chere

I've come to provide a quote dump (aside from the ones already) that are focused on the Cloud from FFVII which you assume to be 'cold' and uncaring about the promise. Here's proof that he cares about the promise and Tifa in FFVII and the future:

Link to FF7 series:
The lead who acts &#8220;the hero like Zack&#8221;

Obviously, Cloud is the lead of FF7. In the beginning of FF7, he looks like a cool hero, but actually he&#8217;s simply unsociable and was dragged by the inferiority that &#8220;he could never be like Sephiroth.&#8221; His personality was formed not only by the intention of concealing such self, but also by the implanted Jenova cell which twisted what Zack went through as the base. In CC, Cloud&#8217;s weak side unfolds before us: it makes us realize the influence from Zack that affects Cloud.

Text near the img:
In the beginning of FF7, Cloud announces Zack&#8217;s title. As for Cloud&#8217;s regular motion also looks like Zack&#8217;s manner, Aerith is also surprised.

Quote: text near the screenshot of Cloud and Tifa remembering the promise on the well
She ventured into Lifestream together with Cloud. Amidst the course of him trying to ascertain his memories, they became aware of the thoughts/feelings which each other was holding.

&#12300;You're late . . . . . .&#12301;

Quote: text near image of Cloud holding Tifa
Tifa, who collapsed at the slum's church where the memory of Aerith still lingered. Cloud, who had came to save her, always seems to be a tempo late . . . . . .

Even more on childhood friends:
KEYWORD Cloud and Tifa

Cloud and Tifa are childhood friends, both born in Nibelheim. When Cloud leaves the village, he calls Tifa out to the water tower and promises that he will become a SOLDIER. At the same time, he is also made by Tifa to promise that he will come to rescue her if she is ever in trouble.

Following this, the pair experience many hardships, such as the Nibelheim incident which also appears in CC, and the Jenova War in FFVII, and through these the distance between them shortens. And in AC they live together, with Barret's daughter Marlene and a boy named Denzel. Though there was also a period later where Cloud lived away from them after having contracted Geostigma, they finally reach a commune with each over and return to living together once again. In DC, they rush together to Vincent's aid, in his battle against Deep Ground SOLDIER.

Quote: text near images of Tifa in the church with Marlene and smiling at her
I want to see Cloud -- Marlene's honest words, which reflected what Tifa felt in her own heart, caused her to smile. The present Tifa isn't just Cloud's childhood friend, but also the mother of the 'family' they were forming in Edge.

Quote: text near image of Tifa smiling on the Sierra
Tifa, watching over Cloud warmly as he regains the strength to move forward.
Having been together with him since they were young, she is able to believe in his recovery for certain.

And about there being NO romance in her hero wanting to save her, here are her three text messages to Zack:

1. Topic: Is he alright?

Is that guy all right? I'm a little worried, because it looked like he got hurt pretty bad. I'm glad you were there, thank you, Zack. I had heard of SOLDIER and how tough they are. I hope we can talk a little bit more about SOLDIER one of these days, because there's something I want to ask you.

2.Topic: I Can Fight Too.

Sephiroth--- I don't get him at all. Is everyone in SOLDIER like him? Oh. and are there any blond guys in SOLDIER? Well, it's just a dream... Any girl would love to have a blond SOLDIER guy protect her when she's in a pinch. Well. it's no good just waiting for my blond knight in shining armor to show up, so I've started learning how to fight, myself. My teacher tells me I've got a knack for it.

(side note: This is why I love Tifa! She doesn't just sit there and wait, she does something!)

3.Topic: Don't Tell Anyone

I almost forgot. Please don't tell anyone in SOLDIER that I asked about the blond guy. Okay?

It really sounds like she's got VERY strong feelings for Cloud here. Nothing changes by the time FFVII rolls around except maybe she isn't as naive as she was as a teen.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Man, this asploded.

Well the fake Nibelhiem incident was just that. It was fake. It was not real, and it didn't happen that way, and Cloud's memories were confused with Zack's because of Jenova. In the real Nibelhiem flashback, Cloud says nothing about mentioning his pain, he just cries out to Sephiroth " Mum, Tifa, my hometown, give them back ! "
Cloud could of said anything in the fake Nibelhiem incident and it wouldn't matter, because it was fake, it didn't happen that like that.

But he remembered it like that.

I'm sorry but what... ?

Tifa didn't know the true Cloud at all. They didn't even hang out together as Children, and she never really noticed Cloud until he mentioned that he was going to leave Nibelhiem to become the next Sephiroth. That meeting by the well was like... 10 mins ? Maybe 5 mins ?
That's not enough time to know somebody.

But six months after that and three months later on?

Plus, during most of the game Tifa thought that Cloud was really a true Ex- Solider.

Tifa " Well after all, you were in Solider ".

Even if she did- and she has no reason to doubt THAT part of the story- SO DOES AERITH. That puts them on even footing.

Aerith knew that Cloud was wasn't really being himself, and she knew that the CD 1 Cloud was a fraud and he wasn't being true to himself.

AND SO DID TIFA. Tifa asks Cloud to work for AVALANCHE to keep an eye on him because he's not acting like himself. BEFORE THE GAME.

Cloud says something in the Corel prison that proves that Cloud would be upset if Barret died. Something like " I'll have nightmares if you ever died " or something like that xD

I'm not disregarding it. I'm just saying that it's not that supported. In AC/C, Tifa calls Cloud out on him giving up and waiting to die, but we say that he did not want or wait around to die. So Tifa didn't really understand what Cloud wanted, despite her 'knowing him the best' or 'understanding him the most'. Granted, Tifa knew Cloud was acting distant because of his guilt, and suspected that it was connected to Aerith, she didn't understand that it was Cloud's own personal battle, at first, and tried to get him to let her join in. Just my observation.

Okay, bring some context back into this. Cloud had just expressed the idea that he was unfit to help anyone- he couldn't do it. So she asks if he's just going to give up and wait to die. She's not saying that's how he is, she's trying to kick him in the metaphorical pants.
And there was one thing Cloud HAD given up on. Not life, but himself. And her question got him to keep fighting. She said the exact thing he needed to hear. So yes, SHE DOES KNOW HIM PARTICULARLY WELL.

I did say that she sensed it before Tifa found out about it. Granted she didn't know the real Cloud while she was alive, she had sensed that he wasn't acting like himself at times. And just because she died doesn't mean that she can't get to find the real Cloud and love him.

You are incorrect. Tifa found out about it long before Aerith sensed it. Tifa, AT THE LATEST, knows Cloud is messed up from his telling of Nibelheim. Aerith does not know til later.

Maybe Tifa was with Cloud, but she only provided one memory. Cloud was the one who remembered everything else. Technically, Tifa watched Cloud's memories unravel in the Lifestream event. The three of them, Cloud, Aerith and Tifa, watched as memories were shown in Cloud's POV, which Tifa couldn't have had a clue about since it was seen through Cloud's eyes.
Yes, Aerith wished she could have been the one to help Cloud. Sadly, she was dead by that time. She badly wanted to help, so she aided Tifa in taking a walk through Cloud's mind.

No. She aided Tifa in taking Tifa TO Cloud's mind. Aerith herself COULD NOT COMMUNICATE WITH CLOUD. Because Cloud was closed to her. He opened only for Tifa. And Tifa provided more than a memory. She provided encouragement and unwavering surety in the idea that Cloud really WAS himself, even when CLOUD doubted it.

Tifa "...that's right."
"We lived next to each other."
"But I really didn't know you that well."

They didn't know each other at all, Tifa only started to notice him when she heard that he wanted to become the next Sephiroth.

Please do not twist quotes or quote mine. Tifa said THAT WELL. That is not 'AT ALL'

Even though Cloud was holding feelings for Tifa from some time ago, Tifa's interest in Cloud did not start until the time when the promise was exchanged. It might have been her loneliness due to her surrounding friends leaving one after another, but more than that, it seems largely in part to him making the promise to become her hero. ~FFVII Ultimania Omega, pg. 25

Yes, she became interested in him when he did something really interested and romantic. That does NOT mean he was invisible to her beforehand. Remember, she thought he was cute back then.

Tifa "I guess not..." "You were in SOLDIER."

She did.

Egads, nothing against your point, but your posts themselves are a spaghetti code nightmare. Please, PLEASE pick a font and a color and stick with it.

She knew that something was wrong with him, but she believed that Cloud was a Solider and that they were close childhood friends. And they weren't.

They WERE Childhood friends.

She didn't think that disturbed in the head. Aerith knew that Cloud wasn't being himself. A bit of a difference.

Which puts her on the same footing as Tifa. And Tifa didn't need magic powers. She KNEW Cloud.

Tifa has no clue about Cloud's real identity during the lifestream event. She thinks that the meeting by the well could be a fake memory. If she knew Cloud really good, she would know that the meeting they had by the well really happened.

You are SO wrong. SO SO wrong.

Tifa "Cloud, what about your other memories?"
(She shakes her head.)
Tifa "No, not memories."
"A memory is something that has to be consciously recalled, right?"
"That's why sometimes it can be mistaken and a different thing......"
(She looks down, into the endless green space.)
Tifa "But it's different from a memory locked deep within your heart......"
"That's why it must be a fake. If he could recall up that memory......"
"That's it! What about some memory that has to do with me?"
(She turns to the Cloud of the well.)
Tifa "I say something and you don't remember it......"
"But you say something, and I remember it, too... Then we'll know that's our memory......"

She had no clue whether the meeting by the water tower occurred or not.

No. She KNOWS the water tower meeting fucking happened. What she's referring to is whether or not the memory could have been implanted in Cloud.
She later notes that it definitely is a genuine memory of Cloud's and not manufactured.

For added fun, read the first sentence with an even emphasis on all words.

Chill out bro. It's only a FF7 debate. xD

Regardless of the severity of the debate, quote mining is still an incredibly infuriating practice. Please desist.

Is it possible childhood friends is being used kind of loosely. I mean Tifa says they didn't know each other that well so to me that makes it seem like that term is being used rather loosely.

But they are STILL childhood friends and they are still noted as such dozens of times. Tifa noting them being that close is more a lament of them not doing more together than them not knowing each other.

it's just that... when did the Childhood Friends phase start do you think? Was it after the promise or before?

Before. At least as early as the mt nibel climb.

I know I'm just kind of curious, because I mean there was Tifa's fall from Mt Nibel... and I was under the impression that Cloud was too humiliated to talk to her again until the Promise scene, so I was just wondering if you felt there was some interaction between then or not?

His father forbid him from going near Tifa. Doesn't mean he didn't. Besides, she at least took notice of him during that time.

Well, Cloud in the well scene says "Come this spring...", so from the night of the promise to the day he left, there has to be at least some months in between, and the Ultimania DOES say that Tifa noticed Cloud when he promised her, so... they interacted a lot more than before during this time? Between the promise night and his leaving, I mean. :hohum:

Around six, I think. Nibelheim's a mountain town, Tifa's wearing light clothes, and complaining it's starting to get cold. Cloud is also wearing shorts. That suggests late summer, early fall.

Woah, woah time out. Tifa DID know the true Cloud. That's why she was the one to help him through his subconcious. She knows him better than any other person, as stated officially. At least, any other woman. True, they weren't as close as children but she still cared about him and they still crushed on one another. They still made a promise, and Cloud still came back to Nibelheim at what, age 15? By then Tifa was STILL waiting for him to return. She could also recall the things that happened in his past, because they happened to her too. Like when she fell off the bridge, and when her Mother died. She even came to realize more about Cloud she didn't before and apologized for it. Cloud's subconcious sent the message to Tifa that Cloud would be so happy to hear that she cared for him in the past. While they have this past, they grow stronger in their present. The promise is something that connects both of them very deeply. You can say it's strong armed or whatever, but it's important to Cloud. He is dedicated to keeping that promise he made with her as children. One of the reasons he joined Shinra was FOR Tifa. He has nothing like that with Aerith. No past, and a barely developing present. The future never got to unravel for them because Aerith passed on. Not saying love can't transcend death, but the point is Aerith never got that chance with Cloud. And I don't think she ever would have if she had lived, because no one can quite get Cloud the way Tifa can.

Welp, that's all I wanted to say. :monster:

Simply QFTing here.

Because they never really knew each other. Tifa hanged out with her friends and Cloud being the town misfit was always alone, and he was never allowed to enter into the group. They were next door neighbors, so they didn't know each other.

1. He was allowed into the group when he tried to get in. Tifa allowed him in, even.
2. You get to know your next door neighbors. Especially in a town the size of Nibelheim.

Because Tifa didn't notice him till Cloud mentioned that he wanted to be like Sephiroth. Before then, Cloud would look hopelessly as Tifa hanged out with her mates, not able to hang out with them or Tifa.

No, he'd pick fights with the other boys in the group. And yet Tifa still was willing to talk with and meet him at the town's most popular date spot.

Don't knowing each other well, and basically not all is the same in this case. Because really, they didn't know each other, expect a) they lived next door and b) Cloud had a dim crush on Tifa.

Again, they are not the same, and they would have known each other through proximity if nothing else.

That's not much of a friendship no matter what SE says.

Your opinion, especially so ill supported, doesn't trump SE.

Did you read the quote at all ?

It said that Tifa didn't give Cloud a single ounce of interest until Cloud spoke out about wanting to become a hero. So yes, it does say that they were never friends at that moment.

No, it says her interest in him began at that point. One can be friends with someone and not be interested in them.

No, they weren't childhood friends. Because Cloud was always excluded from hanging out from Tifa's group, and she didn't really notice Cloud until he said something about joining Solider.

Cloud excluded himself. And yes, Tifa began taking notice of Cloud when he did something worth noting apart from try and beat up her other friends.

And lol.

Then how come the pieces of material says that Tifa didn't care about Cloud until he wanted to become a hero ?

In those days, Tifa didn't take much notice to Cloud. The reason why she said to him "To be saved by a Hero" was only to satisfy her childish princess desire. ~Cloud's profile, FFVII Ultimania Omega

Even though Cloud was holding feelings for Tifa from some time ago, Tifa's interest in Cloud did not start until the time when the promised was exchanged. It might have been her loneliness due to her surrounding friends leaving one after another, but more than that, it seems largely in part to him making the promise to become her hero. ~Cloud's profile, FFVII Ultimania Omega

Tifa took notice and interest in Cloud when he made himself notable. Why is this some great crime or evidence that they could not have been friends?

Tifa was around during the Nibelhiem incident, she should really know that Cloud was just a army grunt, and they only had one meeting together which was shorter than 5 mins. But she didn't. She felt like something was wrong, but she still assumed that Cloud really was a Solider. And you said that Tifa knew the real Cloud but she doesn't. Cloud could wear Chocobo Jockey clothing and say that he was a Chocobo Jockey, if you truly know somebody you should know their true identity.

Cloud hid his identity during the Nibelheim incident. So as far as Tifa is aware, Cloud spent seven years away, and did actually become a SOLDIER. That means she's not aware of what he did during those 7 years. That does NOT mean she doesn't know Cloud. But if you want to go down that road...

If Tifa knew Cloud, she would of known that Cloud was just a army grunt and be wtf are you wearing a Solider uniform for ?

... it means Aerith doesn't know Cloud either. Even at the end, she didn't know Cloud wasn't a SOLDIER either. She just knew he was presenting a false image.

Aerith wasn't around when Cloud fainted during the Mako Reactor, she wasn't around when Cloud faints during the Honey Bee Inn, or Shrina HQ. The only time Cloud looses it in front of her, was AFTER the date that they had together.
She had no idea that Cloud was acting mentally unbalanced, because she was never around when Cloud had a fit.
Not all of CD 1 Cloud is Zack.

No, but his sword his Zack's, his mannerisms are Zack's, and many other aspects that Aerith notices are Zack's. She doesn't need to see a wigout to see that he's walking and gesturing like her Ex and holding HIS GIANT ASS SWORD.
And Tifa knew Cloud was off long before those incidents as well.

After developing his personality by using Zack's memory as a base, Cloud still maintained the part of coolness even though Zack had cheerful characteristics. The part of Cloud's coolness that keeps him away from the surroundings and the part of his asserting “no interest” all have nothing to do with the influence of Jenova cells. They belong to the real Cloud’s personality. ~page 180, FFVII Ultimania Omega

Which doesn't mean there's not enough Zack for Aerith to pick up on.

The bit marked in red is not true. Did you read the Tifa quote that I posted before ? The one that you thought that she didn't say, and you thought that I had no knowledge of FF VII whatsoever, even though she DID say it ?

Tifa thought that Cloud was REALLY a Ex- Solider.
No, she's making CLOUD remember HIS own memories, and not just rely on her own words. Great job taking her words and encouragement out of context.

(The screen fades back in and we are back in Cloud's subconscious. The Nibelheim well is no longer visible.)
Tifa "Cloud, what about your other memories?"
(She shakes her head.)
Tifa "No, not memories."
"A memory is something that has to be consciously recalled, right?"
"That's why sometimes it can be mistaken and a different thing......"
(She looks down, into the endless green space.)
Tifa "But it's different from a memory locked deep within your heart......"
"That's why it must be a fake. If he could recall up that memory......"

No. Read the quote again.

Read the entire quote.

Cloud and Tifa are in the Lifestream and they're by the water tower. She says that this memory must be a fake.


Tifa :"Did you imagine this sky? No, you remembered it."
(Young Cloud shakes his head.)
Tifa "That night the stars were gorgeous. It was just Cloud and I. We talked at the well..."
"That's why I continued to believe that you were the real Cloud."
"I still believe you're the Cloud from Nibelheim..."
"But you don't believe in yourself..."
"These memories aren't enough."

YOUR quote comes when they are in the common area, and her point isn't that the memory or Cloud is a fake, but that Cloud needs to find a memory SHE CAN CONFIRM is real so CLOUD will believe it's real.

Tiff- Cloud didn't care about his promise to her. He was willing to walk out on her and Avalanche because he didn't give a damn at that stage. And yes, SE does say that the coldness that Cloud had, was the true Cloud. So truly, Cloud didn't give a damn about the promise he made to Tifa. And he joined Solider because he wanted Tifa to notice him.
Because Tifa didn't notice him at all, until Cloud said that he wanted to become a hero.

When Tifa mentions the promise, the only thing Cloud cared about was money, and what made him stay in Avalanche was not Tifa or the promise, but more money.[/QUOTE]

You are so wrong here it hurts. Yes, at the one point, he acts tough, but ON EVERY OTHER OCCASION, the promise is mentioned as important to him, including later on in the game, in AC/DOC, in the ultimanias, everywhere. IIRC, Even THERE it's said he actually keeps working for AVALANCHE only because of the promise in one of the sourcebooks.

...And what is a "dim crush?" Way to go at using a mistranslation. It's "hidden crush."

No, it's not, it's "Slight feelings." The word does not at any point mean hidden.

My dictionary says you are wrong. One of the readings of that hiragana is the word for 'hard to perceive' which is also used in the verb 'to insinuate' so 'hidden' would be an entirely valid way to render it in English.
Besides, 'slight' feelings don't fit the greater context of ALL THE OTHER evidence. 'Hidden' does.
Arguably, so would stupid. Boy has stupid feelings for Tifa.

The creators says that they are childhood friends. Yes, they lived next door to each other, but they didn't hang out. Which is what I'm trying to point out here.

So they were childhood friends.

What I'm trying to say here, is that they only knew each other without some kind of a distance for a very short period of time.

So, you're arguing they were on the same playing field as Cloud and Aerith?

Calm down Smooth Criminal. I feel like If a casual member acted that way and not a mod, you'll be issuing out a warning. I'm not changing anything. I said that Tifa and Cloud only knew each other as next neighbors, so really they didn't know each other closely.

No. You've said she didn't KNOW HIM AT ALL. That IS misrepresenting the material.

...And what is a "dim crush?" Way to go at using a mistranslation. It's "hidden crush."

I'm not using a mistranslation.

Expert: Michael DePaula
Subject: Dim Feelings vs Secret Feelings
Question: QUESTION: Heya, I'm looking at this here:

And I've seen a few people arguing about the "‚Ù‚Ì‚©‚É‘z‚¢‚ðŠñ‚¹‚Ä‚¢‚½‘º‚Ì￾*￾—ƒeƒBƒtƒ@‚É" part. Mainly whether or not it's saying Cloud had secret or hidden feelings for Tifa, or whether his feelings were there but just kind of weak. I'm just wondering how you feel it should be translated.

ANSWER: Alison,

I don't know any of the context surrounding these characters, but I would translate ‚Ù‚Ì‚©‚É‘z‚¢‚ðŠñ‚¹‚Ä‚¢‚½‘º‚Ì￾*￾—ƒeƒBƒtƒ@‚É as " Tifa, for whom he had had slight feelings..."

Slight, dim, faint...I would rework the wording if I had to translate to make it flow off the tongue, but yes, the part you quoted indicates a slight affection for in the past for this character Tifa, not secret.

Egads that's nothing but nonsense on this end. You wanna try again and actually get the japanese, maybe link to the original?

Ah no. What I meant was I don't know why SE says that Cloud and Tifa were childhood friends, when really they were more people who had a distant relationship at best. What I meant was, they are not close childhood friends, though the creator quotes make it seem that they were.

Because the fact that they've known each other their entire lives is an important part of the story, just like them sharing their mutual feelings and other things the creators repeat endlessly.

Whut ?

It basically says that Tifa had no interest in Cloud until she heard that he was planning to join Solider. Do you read what I post at all ? Really ?

Yes. She did not begin having a romantic interest in Cloud until he made himself notable.

I'm not making a strawman of a issue xD Shouldn't it be straw-woman in my case ? Anyways xD

No. It's a strawman argument. You are attacking an issue other than that which is presented in order to claim victory over that which was actually presented.

But they weren't friends, Tifa- for the 100 th time in a row. Took no interest in Cloud, until he mentioned his ambition to her. If they became friends at any time, it would be during the water tower scene, which only lasts for a short period of time. It doesn't matter if they were ''friends '' because their friendship, if any, was extremely short lived.

Cloud and Tifa- EVEN IF we limit their friendship to only the time to after the water tower, four times the amount of time to be friends in that Cloud Aerith EVER got. TWO WEEKS. I want to remind everyone of this. FF7's start to Aerith's demise is TWO WEEKS.

What what what ? Do you only read what you want to read ?

It basically says, Tifa didn't take much notice to Cloud, and she was only interested in Cloud being her hero to satisfy her childish princess desire.

And then he agreed to it and made an actually impression and she became romantically interested in him. That doesn't mean they couldn't have been casual friends beforehand.

Tifa recognized Cloud when he stopped her from entering the Mako reactor. She jumps, like she did when she recognized when Cloud was in drag.

EVEN IF that dialogue happens during the massacre and not the recollection, Tifa is very likely not to have remembered it due to all the blunt for trauma she had just taken which put her into a Coma.

Do you think that Cloud is a mind- reader or something ? He doesn't know what Aerith is thinking. Aerith asks Cloud for the date because she wanted to spend time with him and express her feelings to Cloud, without the mission to revenge Sephiroth and Shrina getting in the way. She wasn't ''trolling Cloud '' she wanted to express to Cloud how she felt.

But why would she need to NEED to meet the real Cloud if she already knew him? THAT'S Mako's point. She doesn't know him. That's why she wants to meet him. She knows he's not him, not who he is.

Did you read the quote I posted ? It said that not everything about Cloud is Zack. You know that people can be completely different but be alike from somebody else right ?

Irrelevant. Aerith NOTICED those similarities with Zack. Hell, because of those and her feelings for Zack, she fell for Cloud initially.

Are you really with this debate at all ? You said that Aerith knew Cloud because he was completely like Zack. And he wasn't. So stop making up BS.

Mako did not say completely. He said THERE WERE OBVIOUS SIGNS CLOUD WAS NOT HIMSELF, including notable similarities to her dead boyfriend, including his iconic sword.

Yes she wanted to help Cloud remember on his own. But she still thinks that the well memory is fake. If you actually read to what I'm typing.

No. She doesn't. She says THE EXACT OPPOSITE while in the scene. What she's commenting on is that Cloud will doubt that those memories are real. So she wants him to remember something and have her corroborate, instead of her remembering and him copying it. She doesn't doubt the memory, she knows Cloud doubts.

People change, in BC Cloud is what 15 ? In the OG Cloud is 21 so that's about a six years difference. In the future he no longer cares about the promise. Judging by what he says to Barret and Tifa.

And then three weeks later he's back to affirming how much the promise means to him. Seriously, you've got Headscrew Cloud saying it doesn't matter and EVERYTHING ELSE saying it's really important to him.

That they only knew each other for a short period of time. And Tifa doesn't know Cloud that well, because they only really spoke to each other for a short amount of time.

Y'know, The irony here is that this line of argument really REALLY comes back to bite you in the butt big time. I won't mention how just yet, though.

Well it says in the quote that Tifa thought that they were friends. If Tifa knew Cloud that well, then how come she thought that they were close friends ?

Tifa knew Cloud well enough. Rosy Memories can take care of the rest.

What I'm saying here or trying to get across that Tifa couldn't of known Tifa that well, friends or not.

1. Couldn't have. It's Couldn't HAVE.
2. She knew him well enough to know he was not himself long before the game began.

I was also trying to get across that they don't seem like friends, or childhood friends. Because Cloud was never in her main group, and Tifa didn't notice him till he was about to leave Nibelhiem in the spring...

She did notice him, but he was always picking fights with her other friends. And even then she thought he was cute.

How do you see that as romantic ? Tifa wants a hero, she wants to be saved by a hero. That's not romantic. SE states it as a childhood fantasy xD She just wants to be saved by a hero, a knight in shining armour. Romantic is a passionate kiss by the fire.

I can't speak for women, but being a woman's knight in shining armor IS a romantic fantasy. And I'm pretty sure most women will agree having one is a romantic fantasy for them too.

Wanting to be saved by superman one day is not romantic xD

Tell Lois Lane and Lana Lang.
And Jimmy Olsen. :Drumbeat:

I like how you're twisting Tifa's childhood fantasy into a romantic interest. No. It says that Tifa didn't notice Cloud at ALL till she heard Cloud says that he wanted to be a 1st class Solider. Tifa wanted Cloud to be a hero. Tifa ignored Cloud, even though he lived next door. When Cloud got bullied, did Tifa do anything ? No.

CLOUD WAS THE FUCKER PICKING FIGHTS. Cloud himself says this. He was not bullied, He was the BULLY.

If she noticed Cloud, she would of done something to stop the bullying, but instead she didn't, and she only noticed Cloud during the water tower. Don't twist quotes.

She said, missing the irony entirely.

I didn't say that Tifa was strange or acted weird. D: Oh dear, If you READ what the quotes says, it says that Tifa didn't notice Cloud till she had that childhood fantasy of Cloud saving her one day.

Take notice of. Again, colloquially very different from not noticing someone. And how is 'Cloud saving her one day' not a romantic fantasy?

I can't have backup for this, because I've searched everywhere for FF VII pictures and can't find anything. xD

Youtube? The actual game?

Lol no, because I'm sure that Tifa recognized the real Cloud during the Nibelhiem incident. xD And yes, before says it. I have played the game. :/

She would have had to be one to recognize him with his mask on all the time.
Cloud in Drag and Cloud when you can't see his face are two very different things.

Tifa clearly says this " memory is fake " How hard is that to understand ? And stop trying to twist things.

Seriously, read the conversation.

Watch the scene immediately prior. And a memory consciously recalled- as in, someone you remember in response to prodding- can be fudged. That's why she wants him to find a deeper memory, one that won't be altered in any way for her to corroborate.

If you read the quote I posted it says that Cloud's coldness during CD 1 is apart of Cloud's true identity.

But not caring about that promise ISN'T.

I didn't say anything about Cloud being a dick. I said that he was being cold, and that during the start of the OG at that stage, that he cared more about money than his promise to Tifa, and that people change over time.

And we see once Cloud's shell begins cracking, he admits that promise is still really fucking important to him.

You realize that there is two parts of the Highwind affection bit right ? Maybe if that part was canon, then okay.... but there's two parts to it depending on your affection with Tifa.

And one of them, the high version, is canon. Just as there are several versions of the Sister Ray confrontation with Hojo, but only the scenes with Vincent in them can be canon.

No you just THINK that what I'm saying is accurate. Just because I can't proof it doesn't mean that it's not accurate Que.

I don't want to watch the Crisis Core because what I'm talking about is the true Nibelhiem incident from the OG and that.... " that game " <_______<

/ Off topic.

What you're talking about is easily explained as Cloud and Tifa commenting on events after the fact.

Not really?

I mean romantic interest/childhood crush sure but I don't really count that as love.

I think they had to go through some shit together before those feelings matured.

Dude, the feelings pesisted for seven years apart. That's more than just a crush. You can't call it a romance until they do anything, but love is closer to the mark than crush.

Tifa: It's true that we weren't THAT close, but...
Tifa: You were so small then....and cute

Note the capitalised "THAT". Pretty much what Mako said.

So...according to you, FOR WHAT PURPOSE?
Why not simply say "Cloud and Tifa were neighbors" or "Cloud and Tifa knew each other from childhood"? Done. Nope. CHILDHOOD FRIENDS ad infinitum. Why?
As a child, he continues on up the mountain when all other boys interested in Tifa back off, hates himself for not being able to save Tifa, joins freaking SOLDIER so that she may notice him, keeps to a childish promise as if it's his life's purpose until he's into his 20s, hides his face behind a mask because he can't bear her knowing he can't fulfill her promise, singles her out repeatedly, his heart calls out to her...

I don't know if I would label it a childish crush. Tifa is very important to him. She's not simply some girl he likes who may or may not like him back. And although sure, we see their relationship progress and they definitely grow closer only during the course of the game, I can't really say that Cloud doesn't love her until the Lifestream sequence. Or that she only loves him after she figures out his past. Tifa does abandon everything to stand by him before the reveal anyway. She drops her revenge, separates herself from her other friends to nurse him back to health BEFORE that.

This is not the behavior of people crushing on each other or having just romantic interest.

Hell, it might be creepy if it wasn't so endearing.

I'll do the work for you. Here's proof that everyone else is right and you are wrong on this matter.

Tifa admitting she does not believe Cloud was there at ALL and that she wasn't telling the whole truth before about knowing this. Yes, he was there, but in her memories, she never saw him.

Skip to the end, a little before 9min mark.

And make sure you watch the bit where Tifa says Cloud actually remembered the sky and stars.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Here you go Ryu:

You can translate "honoka ni" into a few different English synonyms to suit the literary requirements of prose, but the meaning is not ambiguous. To suggest that they were secret feelings would be an entirely different conotation and word-choice entirely.

Skip to the end, a little before 9min mark.
Odd, I don't remember some random dude yelling PLOTTWIST when I played the game :awesome:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
You know you want to thank the post, Ryu. It is one click away to the best decision of your life. :awesome:

But clicking thanks does not explain why I approve of your post, nor does it repeat the entire post to hammer it into the head of naysayers.
Plus, I have this cantankerous bastard thing going. Why ruin a good thing?

Thank you for the link, but this still doesn't address the fact that 'slight' feelings don't make sense in context. Unless it's somehow 'slight' compared to later.
I mean, these are 'slight' feelings here, but elsewhere they make note of how absolutely important that promise to Tifa is to Cloud, and that's incongruous with 'slight' feelings. Unless they mean it in the 'delicate, fragile' sense, which would SORTA fit with having tender, dear memories about Tifa.

Odd, I don't remember some random dude yelling PLOTTWIST when I played the game :awesome:

That's because you were yelling it.
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