The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Pro Adventurer

The only difference though is that Katniss and Gale were the real childhood friends and been together for long. Peeta is the one Katniss is with for a shorter time. :awesome: I'm not very fond of Hunger Games, but I never realized it similarities to FFVII until you posted it.


General Eccentric
The Iron Witch
You're right about Gale and Katniss being childhood friends. I like the Hunger Games well enough; I prefer it over something like Twilight. But, oddly enough, someone actually made a video and combined FFVII and the Hunger Games together:

I find the clips used to be fairly fitting, for the most part. I don't know about Yuna being Effie Trinket, but I do like Zack as Gale. :)


^Thank you for sharing that. I really enjoyed watching it. Yuna as Elfie Trinket made me laugh so hard, but I liked the way they used the Dissidia scenes for the other tributes (Squall etc). I was a huge Hunger Games fan until... well, no spoilers.

Also I see the similarities now that it's been brought up, it's never a parallel I would have made on my own though.


There's a Hunger Games books thread on the forum somewhere where you can read my large TL;DR's on the whole thing. I basically have huge issues with some things that happen in the last book, but I'm always hesitant to tell people because I still think it's a story worth experiencing.

The result is basically, when someone asks me in real life if I would recommend the series, my face does this weird thing for about 2 minutes and I'm at a complete loss for what to tell them. I feel like I'm betraying someone by telling them to read the book, but I feel like I'm denying them an awesome experience for the most part by telling them not to read it. I'm also spoiler sensitive when introducing new things I liked to people so another battle going on inside my head is "if I want this person to read the book I shouldn't tell them why half of me doesn't want them to read it".

So in the end I never know what to say and end up going around in circles. Yes, I'm fucked up in the head and a bit OC :sadpanda:

EDIT: Apologies for the sheer not on topic-ness of this post.


Chloe Frazer
Here's how I recommend the series to people: The first two books are most definitely worth reading, the third one? Enter at your own risk.

*disappears from LTD thread again*


Pro Adventurer
Okay for the sake of discussion I don't like the Hunger Games very much, mostly the 1st person POV thing. I have an unpopular opinion that the movie is better than the book. In fairness I think Catching Fire is the best in the trilogy.

Okay let's go back FFVII.


Guys it's over.

When you type "Cloud Strife" in bing his mini profile says he is in a relationship.....with Aerith.

Time to pack it up and go home.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Where can I find the dumbass who put that Cloud is in a relationship with Aerith on Bing? I need to question them on how they came to that conclusion and then refute their "evidence" and provide them with evidence that Cloud is in a relationship with Tifa. I also need to ask them when in FFVII Cloud and Aerith entered a romantic relationship, because never in any of the half dozen or so times I've played the game has Cloud entered a relationship with Aerith.


wangxian married
why would you do that when cake exists

instead of seeking out people on the internet to argue with you can eat a whole cake




General Eccentric
The Iron Witch
Unfortunately, the cake appears to be a lie.

I believe that may very well be true. I just did a Bing search for Tidus and Yuna, and neither of them are listed as being in a relationship together. And heart of my hearts, was I pained to discover that Zidane isn't in a relationship with Garnet. According to Bing, everything we've ever known about FFIX and FFX has been a lie. :doh:

They did get it right about Squall being in a relationship with Rinoa. There's that, at least. Maybe some of the frosting on the cake has some substance to it after all. :monster:


AI Researcher
who even uses bing

bill gates, is that you

this is the first time i've even used bing and i don't know what these mini profiles are, i don't see anything

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Microsoft just keeps giving me moar and moar reasons to hate them every day. I also hate how they didn't even give FFIV characters like Cecil and Rosa and Kain mini-profiles at ALL. Do you have something against IV, Microsoft? Because I don't like it when people dis mah FFIV.

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
who even uses bing

bill gates, is that you

this is the first time i've even used bing and i don't know what these mini profiles are, i don't see anything

Likewise. I also don't see anything. And I don't know if that'd make me glad for not having to witness it or if that doubles my regret for actually trying yet finding nothing.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

I also noticed they failed to include any of the relationship status's of Star Wars character. I didn't see anything saying Han Solo is in a relationship with Princess Leia or Darth Vader is in a relationship with Padme Amidala(If Cloud can be in a relationship with a dead girl so can Vader).
EDIT: also, who controls what goes into the mini-profiles on Bing. Is it one person or a team of people or what?

And we shouldn't be trusting Bing on what ships are canon since everyone knows Wikipedia has the ultimate say on what is true or untrue, and even it knows Cloti is canon. Just look at these excerpts from Tifa's Wikipedia page:
Wikipedia said:
She convinces Cloud to join the group to keep a closer eye on him after noticing his personality has changed, and she follows him in pursuit of the game's antagonist, Sephiroth. Unable to keep him from being manipulated by Sephiroth, she helps him recover after his mind becomes fractured, and they realise their mutual feelings for one another, working together to defeat Sephiroth.[1]
Wikipedia said:
In flashbacks, it is revealed that as children Tifa and Cloud had decided to follow a path to a mountain near their hometown of Nibelheim. However, they were both injured and Tifa was in a coma for a week, with her father holding Cloud responsible for the incident.[4] Cloud eventually left to join Shinra's SOLDIER program in order to become stronger, but it is later revealed that he did it primarily to attract her attention.[16]
Wikipedia said:
n early drafts of Final Fantasy VII, Tifa was to be a background character, her role in AVALANCHE was to add support behind the scenes, and to cheer everyone up after missions, as well as having a particular fondness for Cloud. She was additionally supposed to have a large scar on her back caused by Cloud, and partial amnesia from the incident when she had received it.[19] A scene intended to imply herself and Cloud having sex was proposed by Masato Kato, one of the event planners, but it was replaced with a toned down version by Kitase in which a risqué line is followed by a fade to black.
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wangxian married
it's getting harder and harder to tell who's being serious and who's taking the piss


Angry Lesbian
Not to be a killjoy, but isn't making fun of the Bing screenshot thing kind of...unnecessary, since it's clearly something a few people are just amused by and not being trotted out as actual evidence?

...if it is actually being given as "evidence" somewhere I retract this comment, carry on.
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