The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
okay guys it's not "They shared feelings of having no feelings." it's "They shared little feelings."

Also the word translated to "apathetic" (淡白) can also mean candid or frank. I believe Tres translated it to "candid." That' a whole nother can of worms though.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Uhm. I don't get it. Just because I said 'belief' many times,
it automatically states that I am arguing based on JUST my belief? Have I worded myself in the wrong way? I guess I did.
First, I said that the statement was enough for me to believe in Cloud and Aerith. And it came from CoL:W.
Was I not clear in saying that, yes I believe in C/A because I saw facts for it and use it in my arguments? :(

You've been clear in saying you have seen facts and use them. What you have not done is present and analyze the facts to anywhere near the same level.
As for 'important' in COLW, what COLW says is that CLOUD was important to AERITH, not the reverse.

Can we talk about our arguments in general Ryu? Not just about that article? I was aiming at that in my comment. :(

This IS about our arguments in general. I used the example of the front page article to demonstrate how I employ context in my analysis of facts. The first thing I did when I saw the page in question way back when I did the translations was to ask Tres about a few of the other entries. When Tres translated the whole page, I appended a link to his translations because the context mattered. When I see something that says 'Tifa is important to Cloud' I look to see what else has been said, to understand a deeper meaning from the links between each data point.

Yeah, how does that differ from what I said? Because of the page title which says "love", the feelings being talked about is 'love'. Did I say otherwise? I just said that those may not be the only feelings they were feeling (if it was in another page).

Because the subject matter is love, that which is talked about is love. Not the title alone, but the subject of the entire page is about the expression of romantic love of people, with the small subsection in the lower right dedicated to nonromantic love.

What is special pleading?

Cited from wikipedia, but it's a good summary-
Special pleading is a form of spurious argumentation where a position in a dispute introduces favorable details or excludes unfavorable details by alleging a need to apply additional considerations without proper criticism of these considerations themselves. Essentially, this involves someone attempting to cite something as an exemption to a generally accepted rule, principle, etc. without justifying the exemption.

In this case, arguing that the FF7 Highwind entry is the exception to the entire point of discussion of the page without justification.

I'm getting a nosebleed from your words. Seriously, I should be holding a dictionary when I'm talking to you. :p

*checks the meaning of 'anathema'*

Here it is!

1. Something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.
2. A formal curse by a pope or a council of the Church, excommunicating a person or denouncing a doctrine.

So page title + canon couples discussions = romantic discussion for C/T as well. Yes, I get it now Ryu. :)

Again with the religious connection.. Hmm.. :glomp:

Yes, though it was meant in the somewhat less formal sense of 'unrelated or contrary to,' rather than 'denounced.'
Also, you're gonna find a lotta words have a religious connection. Tuesday has a religious connection.
Also, Page title and subject matter. The introduction to the page also sets the tone.

I don't really get how you get the self-defeat and audacity part. Comes from years of debating? Well, it's not really the same case for me. :)
I said it wasn't the official version? I think I said it's not 'canon'. Man, I'm such a scatterbrain. And short-term memory loss too I guess. LOL.
I'm not saying it against the HW entry. I'm saying it in defense of the date scene. :)

Yes, but your argument can also be made FOR the HW entry, which you also tried to argue as acanon just because it has a variant version.

Uhm, just a thought, if SE did intend Cloud and Tifa as canon, it would have been easy to make the date a default with Tifa, but it's with Aerith. Why? Well, maybe because she did promise to go out with him. And it's kind of where she tries to communicate her feelings to Cloud.

There are narrative reasons apart from the Love Triangle to want to emphasize Aerith to the player. Primarily to make her sudden and unglamorous death all the more shocking to said player, to emphasize the point that death- real death- is not heroic, it is tragic, often brutish, and meaningless. It's the same reason they have Cait Sith have his melodramatic 'remember me!' speech before being crushed and immediately replaced by another remote controlled robot.

Collectible cards? Oooh. I want one! :)

They are long out of print. Check Ebay.

I was saying that we already cleared the part where you got your files mixed up. But I'm not contesting the part where the HW scene is one of the most notable scenes in FF7. :)
I think I was talking about the deviation because I was defending my point that referencing it with the photo means that SE did want people to remember that there is one, where no confirmation of feelings happened.

But they want us to know that the confirmation happened a lot more. Like with Shadow in FF6. They want us to know he can die. They also want us to know he lived.

Maybe because its a scene that's gotten the most interest from gamers who are Cloti? You know, a marketing ploy?
Just a thought though. :)

Or because it really is just an important scene for the main characters, and a major turning point in the game and their relationship.

I can't really say something on Vincen'ts part. As all of you know, I haven't played the game. So what consequences happened?

Well, in the first place, Vincent joins the party. Optional. Unofficially canonized when he's in AC and DoC.
Secondly, finding Lucrecia's Cave. Also optional. We know it was found because Vincent knows where it is in DoC, and was surprised to learn of it in FF7. Thus, this event is unofficially canonized. It's also unoffically canonized by a second incident
Thirdly, the dialogue preceding the sister ray- it changes depending who is brought along. Most unofficial scripts have Cid and Tifa at this juncture along with Cloud. Vincent particularly, has special dialogue with Hojo. In Dirge, again, this dialogue is referenced, as is one of Vincent's limit breaks. So not only is Vincent's presence unofficially confirmed, but so is the acquisition and usage of a particular limit break which requires visiting Lucrecia's cave at least twice in order to acquire.
Again, none of these events have ever been officially 'DECLARED SO' but they must have occurred as we know that the results of these events came to pass.

Err. I think I already gave some in my last post. Please check? :)

You had not previously, however, which was my point.

Oh my gosh. Explaining one thing to you takes forever. LOL. Again. Our arguments are also based on 'context'. We see the facts, we study it, analyze its connection, then we use it to support our side. How can you get the "actively deny the context" part? :(

Because you just did with regards to the FTOIL page.

Uhm. That statement concerned Cloud's undying feelings which were different from Aerith's comrades. His guilt is not really an undying feeling, so it wasn't guilt.

How is guilt incapable of being undying? It had not faded with time, and was only through the intervention of others that it could be taken from him.

Heartbroken? His lines. Then Tifa mentions Cloud's heart being torn apart once again (meaning it has been torn apart before in regards to her death).

Again, Tifa was also heartbroken about Aerith's death.

Maybe he knows he can't rush going to the "Promised Land". And he did say he thinks he can meet her there, which was an answer from the Planet (meaning that he was asking for it :p).

Actually, no, it means that was the answer the planet gave to the question 'The Hell is going to happen to us when Holy goes off? Are we going to die too?' And the answer is 'Don't worry, death's not the end.'
Also, Tifa's the one who says they SHOULD go meet her there. Cloud tells Tifa 'it can be done' and Tifa says 'let us do it.' And again, they both meet Aerith a few minutes later.

That wasn't gonna stop him from living on. And we do see why Cloud moves in with Tifa. They had built the place together, I think Barret helped too? Ugh. I seriously need to read CoT again. :))

But Cloud decided to be together with Tifa came long before the 7th Heaven mk 2 was built. He thought he could start his life anew successfully with Tifa by his side where he had previously failed, and the way he had Tifa was different from how he had her before. Saying this made him blush. They then proceded to form a family where she's the mother and she sees him as the father of the kids they take care of.

Not just people, Aerith herself. And we're talking about the English dialogue. That's how it was translated so that's how it must have meant in Japanese as well.

This Guy are Sick says that argument doesn't hold water.
My point is that Cloud does not specify who he's talking about. Even a 'her' in Japanese. He also doesn't specify 'I.' This is because Japanese does not require pronouns in the same manner English does. Now, from context, yes, Aerith is the most likely person to go meet in the lifestream, but nothing in the Japanese indicates Cloud was speaking soley for himself. Remember, he says these things out loud. The UO says he and Tifa talk about this and plan to go meet someone in the promised land. Cloud is informing Tifa of these things. Why? Because she would want to meet Aerith at the end, too, and both he and she are facing their imminent demise, but really don't want to die. So Cloud tells Tifa that he learned from the planet that death is not the end and that someone (Aerith in context, but again, never specified) can be met in the lifestream, or so he thinks. Tifa smiles at this and says they should go together.

And Tifa's line? Idk. To me, it was her inviting herself to go meet the certain her with Cloud. :D

And not her reacting positively at the prospect of meeting her good friend again after being told it's possible to do so? Do you really think so poorly of Cloud that he would exclude Tifa from meeting her friend again? And so poorly of Tifa to think she'd think she was invited if she wasn't?

How do they meet Aerith at the end of FF7? For the love of all that is , how? :P

She appeared. She smiled. Everyone on the Highwind saw it.

Just because I haven't played the 'damn' game doesn't mean that my argument cannot be taken seriously or without

It DOES mean you are not understanding the full picture, though. You're missing a considerable portion of the experience and are getting a seriously skewed picture as a result. You are ill equipped. Would you argue a book without reading it? Or a movie without seeing it?

Yes, go you.

I shall I shall.

What I meant was the part where he said that my belief is already my fact. No. My belief is SUPPORTED by my fact.
Big difference, I should say.

Did I really? Oh well, my bad bro. To answer your question, which I can't even quite remember now, it would sound romantic. Talking about a person's smile, laughter.. and all that. Yes, it would. The lines contained heavy emotion.

At least you are consistent here, then.

CHILL OUT BRO! Sheesh. You're too caught up in this debate.
I got the answer up there, yo. :p

It's not that I'm caught up in the debate, it's that you were evading questions.

Err... you have a pretty deep scar there?

No. I have amusing stories of crazy people, and quite a lot of insults hurled my way. I remember them, but I am not scarred by them.

If he was nodding to reassure himself, then there is that slight doubt. Maybe because of the sudden realizations from his memories. Poor Cloud. His head might have been aching. :(

Regardless, the conclusion is the same. Whether reassuring or simply concurring, he was affirming that he heard Tifa's heart as she heard his.

Let me get back to you on that. My head's now spinning from your long post. :p

Fair enough.

When does he say those lines? Immediately after the death, and with the cause of death right behind him? If not, then the situation differs slightly and the context of the scene changes with it as well. :)

He said them years after Yorick's demise. Surely that would indicate the romance was greater, would it not? With Sephiroth there, Cloud's words take on less romance and more 'You're a sick fuck, y'know that?' but Hamlet can casually remember to himself and Yorick just how fond he was of Yorick despite the length of time it had been since he'd been alive.

But this was regarding Cloud's reactions to Aerith's death, you know, the eyes, etc... How could controlling Cloud after Aerith was already dead contribute to what he wanted?

But it seems to me that what he wanted has become his obsession. LOLZ.
So again, how does controlling Cloud right after Aerith dies and while he holds her dead body, contribute to what he wanted?

Because only by asserting his power will he be able to take control of Cloud. He keeps the pressure on to try and find an inroad to control Cloud, and inroad he only finds later by shaking Cloud's faith that he's real by having Tifa unveil that Cloud was not -as far as she knew- at Nibelheim.
You ask how continuing to assert power helps Sephiroth control Cloud. I ask, how does letting the pressure up do anything but give up? Sephiroth doesn't want Cloud feeling anger, sadness, or anything but 'I'm a fake, a puppet, a nobody'

Uhm, Zack left before Aerith did. Technically, they didn't leave *together*. :) And, you're talking about li'l ol' Buster Sword right? How does is say that Aerith and Zack can still be a "couple" or a "pair"? Whoever moved the Buster there, most probably Cloud, may have done that as a one-for-two memorial for both Aerith and Zack. How does that say that it's a Zerith fact? The person who put Buster there was a fan of Zerith? Nah. Doesn't make sense. :D

They left together. That Zack exited the doorway a few seconds before Aerith doesn't change the fact that he waited for her approach to begin leaving so he could leave with her.
As for moving Buster to the church, why bring the symbol of your dead friend to the place that is the symbol of your dead love? Especially when said dead friend is said dead love's first love who tragically never returned to her despite all he tried?
I mean, there's romantically awkward, and then there's THAT.

And, I was saying that in reference to AC/ACC. If I had really played the game, knowing that Aerith was once with Zack, who was considered to be her first love, then watched AC/C, I would still say the same. I didn't see Aerith looking at Zack when they left. She was just walking straight to the light, no aversions to Zack whatsoever.

Yes, no aversion to Zack at all.
a·ver·sion   [uh-vur-zhuhn, -shuhn] noun
1. a strong feeling of dislike, opposition, repugnance, or antipathy (usually followed by to ): a strong aversion to snakes and spiders.
2. a cause or object of dislike; person or thing that causes antipathy: His pet aversion is guests who are always late.
3. Obsolete. the act of averting; a turning away or preventing.

Heck, Zack didn't even wait for Aerith to leave first before he did. That doesn't look like a 'romantic' action for me. And, still, for the Buster being in Aerith's Church, I've said it above.

Zack waited until Aerith was nearly dead on to his position to head out, actually.

And when did you *really really* pay attention to Zerith in the game? The *most used* instances in debates where Zack was mentioned in the game (with relation to Aerith) was when Aerith was telling Cloud he was her first love. Then we get AC and CC, a PREquel game which happened *before* the FF7 game itself.

But which still emphasizes Zerith, and makes a point of setting it so that many of the scenes seen as most Clerith are imitations of those that are actually Zerith, including Aerith's offer of one date as payment, and noting that she falls for Cloud because of feelings for Zack.

Yeah, they weren't feelings of jealousy. Just "peevish feelings" or feelings that could make a friend have a "complex expression" on her face. :D
Btw, cherishing a person does not automatically mean that there will never be times when you'll feel emotions other than love/friendship.

You're trying to conflate two COMPLETELY different periods of time two years apart.
Tifa is Peevish in the ShinRa tower. This is unrelated to her complicated feelings about Aerith in the rest of the game, and her complicated expression two years later.

Incidentally, You've left out an ENTIRE PARAGRAPH.
Tifa’s complicated feelings continue even in AC, two years after Aerith had departed the world. This was due to the fact that Cloud, succumbing to the notion that Aerith’s death was his fault and condemning himself, construed that Denzel was “the child which Aerith brought here” and took care of him. In addition, Cloud had also gone away to the church that Aerith had been in. The thing which she is unable to hide in her irritation towards Cloud is the fact that he isn’t merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith.

Her feelings are complicated because her dear friend is also unfortunately the cause of Cloud's self condemnation.

How did Tifa verify those again? Ah yes, She verified it from her point of view of the memories. Cloud remembered his part, Tifa confirmed it from what she remembered too, well, it seemed like they were both confirming then. :)

No, because Cloud can't confirm, not being the independant observer in whom Cloud trusts.

That is exactly why I say that other interactions that could have happened are now assumptions. It's because... the well scene started the "childhood" friendship. Now, Tifa would either cut short hanging out with her old friends to be able to keep seeing Cloud, who wasn't much of a socialite. Count the time between winter-spring, that would be like... 3 months at most? Then out of those 3 months, we'd have to consider the days where Tifa met with her friends, then with Cloud. Or should we just assume that Cloud became friends with Tifa's friends all together?

Up to six. Maybe a bit more. Things were getting chilly. Start of fall to beginning of spring.
What you propose is also a false dichotomy. Tifa can spend time alone with Cloud WITHOUT having to leave her old friends entirely in the cold.
If you've ever gone on a date with someone, it's what you're doing. Spending time with one person but not excluding others.

So tell me then, why was being in Tifa's room an important memory for Cloud?

Does it matter why, if it was?

And no, it wasn't to let go of Aerith's memory itself.

Ah! Now we get into the rub of the matter. In the English, yes it is. They have to let go of the memory. You argue below and above that we must use the English version. Why not here?

This says that Aerith was stuck and couldn't return to the lifestream. So they were referring to freeing Aerith from whatever was stopping her. Not her memory.

No, it says to free her, they most let go of her memory.

For the record, I do quite realize that's not what this is actually saying, but you're going to have to outside the English version to find what that is. This is my point. There are mistakes in the English version, as any guy who are sick would say "off course!" to.

Uhm, no. When you ask a person, "You see?" It's either reinforcing what you're saying or slapping the obvious fact right in their face. It's like saying, "I told you so," in a softer tone. And you keep saying that "things will be all right" when in the English translation she says it in the present tense: "Everything's all right". Why do you do that? :no:

I keep saying that because in the Japanese, it's all a single question, and it's not asking if Cloud sees or not. It's asking if he's okay/ going to be okay. It's inquiry, not affirmation.

For example..

"He didn't hold her hand. Let's watch it again."

*watches again*

"You see? They didn't hold hands."

It's short yet effective. :p

Not yet done, Ryu. :)

But again, you're trying to assert the English translation version which must make concessions to the lip flaps and over the prime source language and subtitles.
Literary historians and Otaku both wonder why you'd take a translation over a prime source when discussing the meaning of a scene or bit of dialogue.

And I would counter that I did my own clarification of what I've read. There are parts which I don't understand with regards to essays, so I try looking for other facts to support it. If I find none, I drop it.
And what research would you have me do that has not been done and tackled elsewhere?

Play, or at least watch as much of the games as you can. They are visual media, presentation is important. Like I said above, you wouldn't comment on a movie without watching it, would you?

It's about DoC, is it? Take this in mind. DoC, is more concerned with Vincent's life. AC was concerned with Cloud's life. Seeing the subject of said events, SE made it clear to whom Aerith's appearance should be emphasized.

But Aerith didn't intervene simply because Cloud was in trouble. In either case. She intervened because THE PLANET was in trouble, which in the case of AC, included helping Cloud so he could tackle the problem threatening the world- Sephypoo. Why, then, a year later, would Aerith neglect to lend her assistance when the planet is in arguably even more dire circumstances?

And seeing as how you pointed out that Great Gospel was already Aerith's spell in Disc1, can you think of another of her spells which could counter Omega?

Yes, I can. Because any of her spells could have been used to supercharge Vincent in his fight with Omega. She could have commanded the lifestream to ignore the artificial crisis, or avoid the Midgar plants to avoid aiding Omega. Three years prior, the lifestream surged forth to aid Holy because she said so. But during DoC, nothing. Not a peep.
Nothing suggests Aerith came back. You assert she can. You need to validate that assertion.

Sometimes, the shortest of moments holds the strongest of content. :)
No. I did not even say where I saw the 'longing' Cloud felt. It's when Cloud tried to turn around to look at Aerith, to see her face again. I took it as him longing to see her again.

But he wasn't longing to see her, he was perplexed and confused at what she had said. She confused him by asking who Cloud needed forgiveness from. Again, forgiveness and confusion are the emotions involved. He turns around in reaction to what is said.

It's done now, Ryu. :) I had started on replying already and was hoping I could finish it in time, but I couldn't so there. :whistle:

And so there in response.
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undercover Clerith evangelist
First, I'm not going to reply to everyone, since it's just way too time consuming. But I will try to cover the major points:


Ariadne said:
It wasn't conveniently left out. It wasn't mentioned because it's not on the page in question.

In any case, you're ignoring that the caption for every one of those scenes under the romantic love header on that page -- not just the scene with Tifa and Cloud -- refers to another page elsewhere in the book (specifically, the scenes' places in their respective games story recaps). Click here for the translation of the entire page. Was I supposed to provide a translation for every one of them?
Yes, I know that the other scenes under the romantic love header page had reference pages listed at the top of the pictures. My point is that what it says on page 232 totally undermines your claim of Cloti being canon, especially when your article also says this under the Clerith date scene:

nothing so amazing, no, all it tells us is that the date itself is up to player control, so no one version is ‘official,’

So if a scene under player control can't have an official version, then the Highwind scene (which is also under player control because it has optional versions), also can't have an official version. Your entire article is undermined and contradicted.

Ariadne said:
Also, I've never made a secret of the content of pg. 232. I was the first to translate it (see here), and did so way back when I first translated the "For the One I Love" page. The day after, in fact.

I've also freely made reference to it on other occasions (example), and have included translation of it in my FFVII Plot Analysis FAQ for nearly two years now.
Fair enough - but what it says has direct impact on your "For the One I Love" article, and it was omitted from there.

Ariadne said:
While Ryu did word it that way, I would disagree (and so would he) that the matter being under player control makes it have no canon outcome. Many things in the game, such as recruiting Vincent and Yuffie, are under player control, but still have canon outcomes.
And I think that's merely your opinion. Yes, some scenes have a canon outcome, but not all scenes.

Ariadne said:
For another example, the scene mentioned with Terra on the same page ("Also, in 'FFVI,' there’s the scene where Terra recovers her ability to fight and comes to understand the emotion called 'love'; when talking about 'love,' this is a scene that shouldn’t be left out") was an optional scene, and, thus, under the player's control. It's still treated as something that definitely happened, though, both on that page and in FFVI's story summary within the book (pg. 186).

For that matter, even leaving Shadow behind on the Floating Continent in FFVI is in the sidebar of FFVI's story summary under a "Deviation" heading (pg. 183) called "The Life and Death of Shadow," yet recruiting him back into the Returners at the Coliseum later is mentioned in the main body of the story recap (pg. 187), and he's included in the ending screens and description -- things that can't be done if he's left on the Floating Continent. Re-recruiting Relm in Jidoor is also mentioned in the main body of the story summary, while finding her in the Veldt cave is mentioned under the same kind of "Deviation" heading, and is identified as a consequence of the player choosing to leave Shadow behind.
I never said that scenes with optional outcomes can't have a canon outcome. I said that the Highwind scene having a canon outcome is pure assumption, especially since SE has never said it has a canon outcome.

SE is quite familiar with the whole issue of the Love Triangle. IF a scene like the Highwind scene had a canon outcome that determined the Love Triangle, SE would say so. They've essentially said that the Date scene has a default outcome. If SE is willing to say that the Date has a default outcome, then why wouldn't they say that the Highwind scene has a canon outcome - IF a canon outcome truly exists?

Ariadne said:
Pg. 232 speaks of the high affection version of the Highwind scene as being what took place anyway: "And when Cloud and Tifa remain behind alone, in their final hours, they disclose that their feelings for each other match."
That's not what I see on page 232. That sounds like what it says on page 394 (the "For the One I Love" page).

And if you think that means "that's what happened anyway", then I think you're just seeing what you want to see - to put it frankly. Sorry if that seems rude.

Ariadne said:
Not to mention that the beginning of FFVII's story summary (pg. 199) details said version of the scene as one of its four most important scenes.
I'm sure I've seen this at some point, but please link me to the translation? I'd like to make sure it's the same one I'm thinking it is.

Ariadne said:
Well, I suppose they've not yet said it 777 times (I'm guessing that's the requisite number of times), but it's darn close:
In reality, they haven't said it even once.

Ariadne said:
(FFVII Ultimania Omega, pg. 15; Cloud's profile)

"Declares that the team should dissolve in the final hours before the final battle, and communicates his feelings together with Tifa, who remains behind at the airship with him."
That only says that they share feelings - it doesn't say whether those are good feelings or bad feelings or platonic feelings or romantic feelings. You're simply making an assumption that it's romantic feelings.

See, they also share feelings in the Low Affection version of the scene. It's just that their feelings in the Low Affection version aren't romantic.

Ariadne said:
(FFVII Ultimania Omega, pg. 27; Tifa's profile)

"When Cloud proposes that the group separates temporarily, she remains behind at the airship and communicates her feelings together with Cloud. "

Ariadne said:
(FFVII Ultimania Omega, pg. 27; Tifa's profile)

"If Tifa's affection regarding Cloud is high, when the two stay behind at the airship, they will confirm that their feelings of desire/wanting for one another match."
This specifically says that they say this to one another in the High Affection version only, which means there is another version.

Ariadne said:
(FFVII Ultimania Omega, pg. 198; story summary)

"When their companions disperse to the places where people important to them await, Cloud and Tifa are the only two to remain behind. They reveal their mutual feelings in their final hours, and......."
Seems to me that their feelings are mutual in the Low Affection version, too. If Tifa'a affection for Cloud is low, then Cloud's affection for Tifa is low. Isn't that mutual?

Ariadne said:
(Crisis Core Ultimania, pg. 33; Tifa's profile)

"She communicates her feelings together with Cloud in the final stages of the story, and in AC and DC they live together."
Doesn't say what feelings they communicated to one another. Could be that they communicated friendship, disinterest in each other romantically speaking, or romantic feelings. In any case, Tifa lived together with Barret before Cloud got there at the beginning of FFVII and took care of his child - if living together means you're in love, then Tifa was in love with Barret. Also, Shera was living with Cid when Avalanche got to Rocket Town. Cid obviously didn't develop any feelings for Shera until he learned she was right about the oxygen tank. Until then, he practically hated her - yet they lived together.

Ariadne said:
(FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania, pg. 118; pg. 120 in the Revised Edition; story summary)

"Cloud and Tifa, who remain, reveal their feelings for each other and confirm them to match."
Once again, their feelings match in the Low Affection version, too. If Tifa's affection for Cloud is low, then Cloud's affection for Tifa is low. So that refers to both versions.

Ariadne said:
(FF 20th Anniversary Ultimania File 2: Scenario, pg. 232; main body of FFVII's story summary)

"And when Cloud and Tifa remain behind alone, in their final hours, they disclose that their feelings for each other match."

(FF 20th Anniversary Ultimania File 2: Scenario said:

Ariadne said:
(FFVII International Memorial Album, pp. 241-242)
[Script of high affection version of the Highwind scene the only one included in script of the game]

(FF 20th Anniversary Ultimania File 2: Scenario, pg. 199)
[Script of high affection version of the Highwind scene included as one of four "Impressive Scenes" selected to represent the game at the beginning of its section of the book]
But the Highwind scene wasn't shown in Reminiscence. The hand reach scene was. There was also a tribute to the hand reach scene during AC/ACC. The Highwind scene wasn't given that recognition.

Face it, if SE wanted to confirm either Clerith or Cloti in AC/ACC, all they had to do was put a kissing scene in between Cloud and one of the girls. But they chose not to. Why?

Because SE wants to leave it up to interpretation.

I can remember back when Aerith was the only one shown in KH1 and Nomura said that he'd put the scene in to show the relationship between Cloud and Aerith in FFVII. SE put that scene of Cloud meeting up with Aerith at the end of KH1 following scenes of Jasmine meeting up with Aladdin, Beauty meeting up with Beast, and other romantic partners meeting up. Clerith's were jumping all over the place saying that Clerith
had been confirmed.

Just wait. ^_^

Ariadne said:
But, hey, I'm still waiting for them to convince me that Vincent joined the party. I call bullshit on that jank.
Good point.

Sorry, that's all I have time for - I'll try to get back to the rest of you later.


Pro Adventurer
Cloud never went to the church to be close to Aerith or whatever. He went there to get away from everyone. Yes the church represents her but he was hiding there from her included.

That is so clearly represented in the movie so that when he is forced to go to the Forgotten City that is when he faces Aerith and his guilt.


unsavory tart
But I don't think I'm really missing out on anything by not playing the game.
You are. Let me be pretentious for a moment and say, yes, by not playing the game you miss out on something essential. That's because videogames is a medium that's not like books or movies, it's a storytelling genre of its own and it's use of immersion, character building, and world exploration should not be ignored when taking into account any parts of the game.

Hell we are even taking apart game mechanics to help break down the relationship between Tifa-Cloud-Aerith, by looking at date and highwind scene mechanics and what goes into one being chosen over the other. This shows that actually experiencing the game changes the way people look at the relationships between the characters.

I mean, let's take Aerith for example, ]her character and what they are trying to show. We know that's she has had a hard life, but she's seemingly upbeat even in rough situations. How do we know she's had a hard life, well you could always drag out a line of dialogue, but it's much more effective by allowing you to explore the neighborhood. You get to see how rundown and poor the place is visually, how low key and downtrodden the place is from music, but you also get to understand it by interacting with the locals, what they say and how they live is how you can compare Aerith's life with theirs. Hell, even the enemies you fight can help you experience her side of Midgar (ie, those goddamned thieves).

You also get to see her take control during the WallStreet sequence, which while is a hilarious minigame, also gives a piece of her character. I mean, what kind of flower girl seamlessly navigates and is comfortable in Wall Street, one of the busier places, full of pushy salesmen, out of luck drunks, and brothels. And it's something you only really get to understand when playing the game. It not only sets up her character nicely, but it also explains how she's at ease and even lighthearted when shit does go down.

I think it may have been you or a different person that said they didn't see Tifa and Aerith has good friends, and I was like "Really? How could people not see it?" but I guess if you don't play the game I understand where you are coming from. You don't get the vibe from the big story parts, you get it from understanding the atmosphere as you play the game. Aerith and Tifa almost immediately clicked and understood each other once they started talking in Don's mansion. In almost any scene where the party splits up, they usually go off with each other to talk, this is true when they are mysteriously released from the Shinra tower, it's true during Junon, in Cost de Sol, and then in Cosmo Canyon. It seems insignificant but it really does set the stage for how they interact and how you perceive their relationship to each other. And its why when Tifa comments on the nature of Aerith's sacrifice, why it holds so much weight and why I find it more true that what Cloud thought of it.

Out of curiosity, how much of the game do you know and what have you seen? Is it most, or is it just AC/C + pairing moments. Because as much as we debate ltd like its the central theme in FFVII, it isn't. It really, truly isn't, and you miss a lot by not understanding the rest of the game.

Because Cloud-Aerith and Cloud-Tifa are a decent portion of the game, but the main theme is, imo, the search for self. And that's what you need to keep in mind when you watch AC/C. Because Cloud's problems don't stem from relationship problems, but he has once again lost himself. Whether he forgot, or he gave up, or it just went away somewhere, Cloud wasn't the man he really is in AC/C. If you watch AC/C with only shipper goggles you just see Cloud who is either only ripped up with angst about Aerith, or runs away from his family. But what it's really about is gaining the confidence to be who he really is. That's what is important at the end of the movie. That's why he found the will to fight. That's why he can smile.

And this is all reinforced by understanding the game, which is fully realized by the audience by actually playing the game.

tl;dr: I am a huge nerd who supports videogame storytelling as a compelling and brilliant medium narrative.


Pro Adventurer
Reading every line in the script is definitely not the same as living the experience and soaking in the atmosphere.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Reading every line in the script is definitely not the same as living the experience and soaking in the atmosphere.
Well, at the same time not everyone has a ps3 or psp to buy it off of psn, and not everyone has $30 they can shell out to get a copy of the game on ps1/pc. I mean yeah, I understand that playing the game is important, especially if you want to debate it, but if you don't have a lot of money that can be pretty difficult.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Or Purchase/ acquire the PC version. Any remotely modern computer will play it without issue. If a PS3/ PSP and The download or PSX and the game costs too much, it's a fair cop, but on the PC, YOU'VE ALREADY BOUGHT THE OPERATING PLATFORM. Your only cost is the game itself, and that's if you do it the legal way.

Regardless, get the PC version. Install it. Patch it. Play it. Bob's yer uncle.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Or Purchase/ acquire the PC version. Any remotely modern computer will play it without issue. If a PS3/ PSP and The download or PSX and the game costs too much, it's a fair cop, but on the PC, YOU'VE ALREADY BOUGHT THE OPERATING PLATFORM. Your only cost is the game itself, and that's if you do it the legal way.

Regardless, get the PC version. Install it. Patch it. Play it. Bob's yer uncle.
The PC version is still, on average, $30. :\

unless you're suggesting pirating in which case SHAME ON YOU MISTER


unsavory tart
Eh, if people have problems playing the game, they have problems and I understand that. I'm not trying to imply it's a cop out of anything. Hell I'm stuck with Starcraft II and no computers in my house are able to handle it.

But that doesn't take away from the fact that playing the game is the best way to experience it. Saying things like "oh I'm not missing anything from not playing" is a disservice. ;_;


Well, at the same time not everyone has a ps3 or psp to buy it off of psn, and not everyone has $30 they can shell out to get a copy of the game on ps1/pc. I mean yeah, I understand that playing the game is important, especially if you want to debate it, but if you don't have a lot of money that can be pretty difficult.
Whether or not someone has a ps3 or $10 to shell out for a copy of the game is not the issue here. The fact of the matter is that unless you have played it, you are missing out on several things, prime among them character body language and behavior, atmosphere, tone of a particular scene, etc.

In the context of this thread, I can see how it can be frustrating to debate against someone who lacks a basic grasp of the above. It's primarily a visual medium. Not having the visual means missing a huge chunk of the experience, yes.


lol my copy of ffvii was busted and I bought another one a few years back for...$15ish?
Where the hell are you guys getting your shit? :shifty:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Yes. $30 dollars. Flat. No additional cost apart from time.
nah, looks like 33.99 if you want to get really picky. you're forgetting shipping and junk

also you are still assuming that everyone has plenty of expendable cash and can frequently go out and buy random video games for themselves which not everyone can do. that's all i am saying

lol my copy of ffvii was busted and I bought another one a few years back for...$15ish?
Where the hell are you guys getting your shit? :shifty:
you must have absurdly ignorant gaming stores as last year there was a copy at one of my local gamestores going for $50. now i believe it's down to $30 but i am still grateful i bought it years back for like $10

Celes Chere

Here, I have not seen FFVII below 50 dollars. FFIX, VIII, and all the others are reasonable prices but they're just over pricing VII like crazy. Even online. Even at the damn pawn shop, I went there and it was 70.00. Sucked because my friend wrecked my copy - I felt bad she bought it back for me for nearly 90.00 at wherever she went to get it.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
nah, looks like 33.99 if you want to get really picky. you're forgetting shipping and junk

Okay, 33.99 flat. Cost of platform already sunk since she's communicating with us via computer. And that's doing it harder andthe squeaky clean way instead of the much easier bootleg route.

also you are still assuming that everyone has plenty of expendable cash and can frequently go out and buy random video games for themselves which not everyone can do. that's all i am saying

Who said anything about frequently? Heck, I technically didn't even say anything about buying. What I'm getting at is just as I expect someone trying to argue about Star Wars to have watched the films, I'd expect someone arguing with me over a game to have experienced it as well. Let me put this another way. Would you pay attention to someone arguing about the narrative Homestuck or Adventure time who has not actually read or watched either?

you must have absurdly ignorant gaming stores as last year there was a copy at one of my local gamestores going for $50. now i believe it's down to $30 but i am still grateful i bought it years back for like $10

You think that's bad? Tales of Destiny 2 can run up to $215 bucks last I checked, even with the PSP remake.


Sometimes, the shortest of moments holds the strongest of content. :)
No. I did not even say where I saw the 'longing' Cloud felt. It's when Cloud tried to turn around to look at Aerith, to see her face again. I took it as him longing to see her again.

Going off of memory, isn't that the part where Cloud says he wants to be forgiven and Aerith says "by who" and Cloud looks surprised?

What exactly is romantic about that? Or says "longing" to you? It's not like he said "I miss you" or "I just wanted to see you again" or anything like that. Nor was he responding to a similar statement by Aertih.

Cloud finds her there, she says that he's late,

Which is a call back to the promise under a star they made.

he asks who did it, she replies, Tifa remembers Marlene, then collapses, and then looks around and he says "Damn!" before he lost consciousness during a Geostigma attack. Where is the romance there? :D

So you felt nothing at all about Cloud's reaction to seeing Tifa like that? Nor him somehow falling at an impossible angle to be face to face with her?

Nor Cloud *gasp* trampling Aerith's precious flowers to get to Tifa?

Like you said, Tifa chewed Cloud out because he left the task of rescuing the children to Reno and Rude.

Their children. And chewed him out in a very uncomfortable moment for the Turks I might add.

And Cloud's promise to Denzel, I didn't even notice Tifa that time,

Well here is your problem. You can't seem to notice Tifa when she is standing right there the entire scene.

that he's going back home, well, it was like a younger brother excited and delighted to have his big brother back home.

So now you also felt that Denzel was the "younger brother"? You certainly have built up a rather elaborate alternate reality vision there. Quite the feat considering you stated not to have any info before hand.

Tifa just told Denzel to go near Cloud, and did not hand him over to the blonde. It was like me telling my sister to go and say hello to a friend who came over.

At this point I am calling into question this being your first impression of the movie. Somehow without bias you managed not to see anything C/T or "family" related in AC? Yet you got C/A out of like 10 seconds of screen time?

I'm calling BS on this.

Family photo... Where Cloud seemed so quiet and distant? Yeah. That's one good family photo they have. :awesome:

Quiet? Do you know any loud photos? And again somehow the very fact that he does have a family photo (with Denzel pretty much mimicking Cloud) and that he keeps it ON HIS DESK slipped your notice.

Thinks of his family? When was that?

Conversation with Tifa. Conversation with Sephy-poo.

I was just 13 (or 14?) when I watched AC. I watched it because I saw a poster of Cloud and Sephiroth (the cover I guess?) and it looked kick-ass. I was more into the action than the romance itself, but still, I noticed Cloud and Aerith.

You somehow noticed Cloud and Aerith while not noticing Tifa and his family?

You're over-analyzing.

From the person who said Zack doesn't "technically" leave with Aerith?

I said technically, they didn't leave together. Zack went out first. If you were with your love interest, you would've waited for her to exit first.

Hello arbitrary standards.

Where did I even imply that I want to remove the presence of Zack? I was stressing how unromantic that scene was.

So again as an unbiased first time watcher you saw that end scene and said "wow he left .05 seconds before her thus I know this isn't romantic"?

Why should I feel threatened with something that had happened in the past?

You can say you are not threatened all you want. But you do as good of a job ignoring Zack as you do Tifa.

But you would've loved to use it to emphasize Zerith, would you not? We're talking about the Buster being in the Church.

So flowers on Zack's grave (and remember we have been told by C/A shippers that flowers=Aerith) and Zack's sword in Aerith's church is NOT putting Z/A together? In Cloud's eyes if nothing else?

Was there ever a part in the game where Zack told Cloud about Aerith? I don't really remember. So if there were none, Cloud only has Aerith's view of the Zerith past, which isn't much to go on about because Aerith moved on from it.

Please. Aerith never "moved on". She tried. She died. She is with Zack again (in a manner of speaking).

In the first place, Cloud isn't even visiting Aerith's grave. He kept on visiting the Church, which symbolizes Aerith in every way especially with the flowers. Moving the Buster Sword, which also symbolizes Zack, to a place which can be seen as a memorial, yes, can be because the Church would now be a memorial for both of them.

Cloud had no problem visiting them separately before. What has changed where he puts these two symbolically together? It couldn't possibly be that he last saw them together could it?
What exactly is romantic about that? Or says "longing" to you? It's not like he said "I miss you" or "I just wanted to see you again" or anything like that. Nor was he responding to a similar statement by Aertih.
If one tries to look at a persons face, then this usually means he wants to see this person. Also, it was already said that Cloud wanted to see Aerith for this two years. Maybe "longing" would be too much of interpretation, but he definitively wanted to see her.

So you felt nothing at all about Cloud's reaction to seeing Tifa like that? Nor him somehow falling at an impossible angle to be face to face with her?
So you define romantic CloTi evidence by the way you felt while watching the movie?
...Are you serious with that?
ClerithRaven did ask a good question. What is romantic about that?
Would he have acted differently if it was Vincent who lay in Aeriths flowers? Certainly not.
After Cloud was beaten by Kadaj's gang, he certainly didn't go to Tifas bar. He didn't even phone her. He went to Aeriths church.
And was surprised like hell to see her lie in the flowers. So, again, what is depicting romance in this scene? He looks around, cusses, and then faints.
So it's his motion of holding Tifa in his arms? He has clearly shown that he even does this towards enemies, too. So is it a special treatment she only shows towards Tifa?
Well, no.

Nor Cloud *gasp* trampling Aerith's precious flowers to get to Tifa?
Everyone tramples over Aeriths flowers nowadays. Kadaj, Cloud, Tifa, Zacks, the player turk in BC, big motorcycles...

Their children.
Wait. Marlene is Barrets child.
Tifa only takes care of Marlene while he is somewhere else. And the only time Cloud is called a "young father to Denzel and Marlene" is by Tifa herself, and I might add that Tifa is mostly lying to herself if it comes to such matter - a thing she realizes herself in CoT. The other times, it was said that Cloud is more like a child himself, therefore not being a father to Marlene and Denzel.
Also, the whole reason why Cloud brought Denzel with him was because he thought that Aerith had sent Denzel to him. Tifa originally didn't want him to be at her house though this changes later.
So Marlene and Denzel are not "their" children but Tifas (and Barrets) children.

And again somehow the very fact that he does have a family photo (with Denzel pretty much mimicking Cloud) and that he keeps it ON HIS DESK slipped your notice.
So, he has a family photo on his desk - and now? You think that expresses his romantic love for Tifa? Well, he seems to be very happy at this photo, leaning himself away from Tifa and looking gloomy to the left. In fact, Tifa is the one who is standing more closely to the middle, hugging Marlene and Denzel.
So it's important that the photo stands at his desk? Why? Because he is there so often? How do you know that it wasn't Tifa who placed it on the desk?

I said technically, they didn't leave together. Zack went out first. If you were with your love interest, you would've waited for her to exit first.
I don't think it's overly important in a relationship to go through a door to express your romantic love towards a person. They are both dead, and they're returning to the Lifestream (at least for a few moments in Aerith's case) - so can't they walk through a door without being romantic love interests? To be honest, Aerith has already said multiple times that she doesn't love Zacks anymore, so I think it shouldn't be the matter if going through a door together has to imply a romantic relationship or not.

So flowers on Zack's grave (and remember we have been told by C/A shippers that flowers=Aerith) and Zack's sword in Aerith's church is NOT putting Z/A together? In Cloud's eyes if nothing else?
Well, no. If Aerith says that she doesn't love Zacks and loves Cloud, then that means that the ending doesn't imply anything romantic between Zacks and Aerith.
* Aerith was in love with Zacks but this faded after time
* Aerith was attracted to Cloud because she thought he was like Zacks but soon came to know the real Cloud and still loved him
* Aerith says that she loves him in her monologue as well as in CoLW
* Aerith tries to reunite with Cloud in AC
* Aerith leaves together with her good friend Zacks
So, again, where is the Zerith romance? If there is no mention of Aerith loving Zacks after FFVII, then there is no Zerith love - especially when she says otherwise.

Was there ever a part in the game where Zack told Cloud about Aerith?
Maybe there was one. Cloud definitively didn't know about Aerith, but at the time of his death, Zacks said while entering the Lifestream that this sky is peaceful and that Cloud - should he ever meet Aerith - should greet her for him. In fact, even Zacks is foreshadowing that Cloud and Aerith will meet - something that was called a "destined" encounter.

Please. Aerith never "moved on". She tried. She died. She is with Zack again (in a manner of speaking).
So Aerith just "tried" to move on? Well, in fact, she seemed to be really successful, calling Cloud her beloved in Case of Lifestream White, with Ultimanias saying that she soon fell for the real Cloud after she saw that he wasn't Zacks... wow. Impressive logic.

Cloud had no problem visiting them separately before. What has changed where he puts these two symbolically together? It couldn't possibly be that he last saw them together could it?
What? Cloud had no problem to visit Zacks grave, but to visit Aeriths grave, he surely was troubled. The grave hasn't do to anything with that.
So what is the meaning of the Buster Sword in Aeriths church? Guys, are you realizing you don't know what that means? We don't know what the Buster Sword stands for! If anyone should be associated with it, it would certainly be Angeal since it was originally his sword. The sword as a symbol can have multiple meanings:
* Clouds past as a hero
* The battles he tries to forget
* Zacks death
So, who are you to say that this sword means either this or that? If it's not officially said what it means, it's not proven.

Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
Wait. Marlene is Barrets child.

The other times, it was said that Cloud is more like a child himself, therefore not being a father to Marlene and Denzel.
So Marlene and Denzel are not "their" children but Tifas (and Barrets) children.
一緒に暮らしている期間はまだ短いが、 クラウドとティファを両親のように慕っており、彼らとの絆は強い 

"Although he's only been living there for a short while, he adores Cloud and Tifa like parents and his bonds with them are strong."

Edit: Quexinos, you gotta help me out with the source here, since you found it and translated it.(?)
Although he's only been living there for a short while, he adores Cloud and Tifa like parents and his bonds with them are strong.
Notice something?
Denzel is the one who sees Cloud (and Tifa) as his parents.
However, I'm talking about Cloud seeing himself as a father to those two children.
I'm very sure that Denzel feels a parental bond to Cloud (I think he said that himself somewhere in the novels); however, I don't think Cloud thinks of himself as a father to anyone.
This means that Cloud is seen as a father to both children through another ones eye, but that he is at the same time rather depicted as a child himself to Tifa.
So maybe Denzel sees himself as Clouds and Tifas child, and Tifa certainly thinks of herself as the childrens mother, but Cloud certainly not thinks of himself as a father - hence, they are not "their" children but mostly Tifas (and Barrets) children.

Tina Armstrong

Fackbito, RedGloves, Eileen Galvin, Saria, Lady Croft
Notice something?
Denzel is the one who sees Cloud (and Tifa) as his parents.
However, I'm talking about Cloud seeing himself as a father to those two children.
Ok, sorry about that.

So maybe Denzel sees himself as Clouds and Tifas child, and Tifa certainly thinks of herself as the childrens mother, but Cloud certainly not thinks of himself as a father - hence, they are not "their" children but mostly Tifas (and Barrets) children.
Why wouldn't Cloud think of himself as a father? Just because of his personality?
And Barret isn't even a part of the family. So you can't leave the father-role to him.


Pro Adventurer
Ava, Spike Spiegel, Stella Nox Fleuret, Altair Ibn-La'Ahad, Princess Zelda, Alice, Raven Roth, Faye Valentine, Tifa Lockhart, Khal Drogo
Okay, I told myself I'd stay out of this. And for the most part, I will. But there's just one thing that's been said a lot that bothers me to no end.

Let me say this:

Tifa and Aerith both loved Cloud. As in, lovers. They wanted to date him, fuck him and have his children. Whatever the heck it is you associate with wanting to be his girlfriend/lover/waifu etc.

How can the entire FF7 game that indicated this, suddenly start turning these two women into 'mothers' to Cloud? Neither woman is a 'mother' to Cloud. Neither woman sees Cloud as their son rather than a potential lover. They act 'motherly' towards him, yes. Both women have this need to mother Cloud, like many females generally do towards their lovers. Does that suddenly change everything that's happened in previous games where they were once depicted as potential love interests to now seeing Cloud as their son?


So can this argument please just end? It makes absolutely no sense canon-wise and really ticks me off.


undercover Clerith evangelist
I'd like to say that I responded to Ariadne's entire reply, but it apparently hasn't been approved yet. For some reason, I get a message each time I post saying that my posts have to be approved by a moderator before they appear in the thread. So I posted yesterday - but it apparently hasn't been approved yet?

EDIT: Hmmm... for the first time, I didn't get a message saying that my post had to be approved. I'm still wondering what happened to my post yesterday, though.

Just to point it out, I'm fairly certain Anastar believes feelings were shared in both versions, but only in the High Affection version were feelings of romance shared. In the Low Affection version, we don't know what the feelings were. That's the common response I see to that anyway. And to be fair, I don't think it was ever said "NO FEELINGS ARE SHARED IN THE LOW VERSION!" just that it was apathetic, which shows little feeling, but not none.
That's exactly right, Quex. Nowhere does it say that no feelings were shared in the Low Affection version. I explained that at length in my post yesterday.

In fact, when Tifa's affection for Cloud is low, then Cloud's affetion for Tifa is low. So their feelings still match in the Low Affection version.

I'm not absolutely positive about this, but I believe that the picture of the HW scene on the "For the One I Love" could actually be from either version of the scene. When it says that their feelings match in the caption, that could also be a reference to either version.

@Ryu~ I believe everything you brought up was answered in my response to Ariadne, but we'll see once it gets posted. ^_^

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
I'm not absolutely positive about this, but I believe that the picture of the HW scene on the "For the One I Love" could actually be from either version of the scene. When it says that their feelings match in the caption, that could also be a reference to either version.
Wouldn't that make the caption even more confusing if they're not referring to romantic love? They have all the other couples of Final Fantasy on that page, but Cloud and Tifa is supposed to be the singular exception to the mutual love between those couples?
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