The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Pro Adventurer

Cloud's untreated illness: Geostigma

wikipedia said:
Dysfunctional families are primarily a result of co-dependent adults, and may also be affected by addictions, such as substance abuse (alcohol, drugs, etc.), or sometimes an untreated mental illness.[1]

Geostigma =mental illness?

He runs from this problem and hides it from Tifa. It only causes more problems. He seeks out Aerith to find comfort, not Tifa. I think many people take this as an extremely big clue.
Because he contracted Geostigma, Cloud left Tifa and the children, and began living in the Slum church. FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania Complete Timeline

Now running a delivery business while helping out Tifa with the newly opened “Seventh Heaven” bar, Cloud, Tifa, Marlene and Denzel lived together like a family. However, when Cloud contracts Geostigma he disappears. Behind these actions lies feelings of guilt towards his past failure to protect people who were important to him, but through his battle with Kadaj’s gang, the legacy of Jenova, he regains the courage to face reality.
FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania Cloud Strife Profile p36-41

Because he contracted Geostigma, he left Tifa and the children, and began living in the Slum church. FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania Cloud Strife Profile p36-41

AC Prologue: “Nojima: Cloud never had a candid personality to begin with, and although he started living with Tifa and even started working, he obtained a peaceful living he’s never experienced before, and this conversely made him anxious. And in the midst of this he contracts Geostigma himself, and rather than being able to protect the people dear to him, he instead was forced to face his own death, and so ran away.”

In Kingdom Hearts:
“…So Cloud’s really running from something but goes around pretending, saying that he’s chasing Sephiroth. Then we decided to make it him running from the “something warm” like what Tifa was after in AC.” — Nojima
Back to FFVII

“Nomura: Even though he found peace, Cloud has lost a lot of people dear to him up until this point. Not only that, but looking at Cloud’s history, this is the first time he’s experienced a ‘peaceful’ environment in the true sense of the word. Cloud is a character who will always keep thinking, regardless of what’s going on around him.”
“— So, why has Cloud separated himself from his friends?

Nomura: Cloud is scared that the peace he has now might shatter, so he is living on his own.

— Why?

Nomura: In the past he meet Zack, his best friend, and Aerith, someone who was important to him, but he lost them, so wonders if his present peace will also shatter one day... Since something might happen while he’s around, he left everyone behind and is doing delivery work on his own.

— But he still has a mobile phone, and he doesn’t seem to have rejected other people outright.

Nomura:Yeah. Delivery work itself is something which connects people together. While he appears to be rejecting other people, in actual face he feels lonely deep down. That’s why he has his mobile phone.”
-Shonen Gangan Interview

The happier he is now,
The more Cloud is tormented by painful “memories” of the past. FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania Cloud Strife Profile p36-41

I don’t think I’m fit to save anyone. Not family, not friends … no one. 」

The more he realizes how happy he is living with Tifa and the children, the more the fear of losing that and regrets toward the past trouble Cloud…
FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania Cloud Strife Profile p36-41

Nomura in Distance: “The happier Cloud is, the more lonely he becomes.”

I wanted to write Cloud as a person, seen through Tifa’s eyes. But he really isn’t the type to open up (laughs). ~Nojima, interview about On the Way to a Smile

Tifa, who from 2 years ago has been the only one Cloud opened his heart to. Now he has closed off his heart even from her. ~AC Prologue Book

Okay where is the part saying he seeks Aerith instead of Tifa? And read the last quote on how Tifa is the only women Cloud has opened his heart to. Even if he seeks Aerith:

1. He's happier with Tifa and the kids and he's lonely when he separated himself
2. Seeking someone is not proof of romance, now I'm going to copy-paste from my tumblr again:

Three years ago, when my grandpa was dying because of emphysema, he wanted to be alone, confining himself in his room most of the time, one of those days to write to write a will for us. Then one day he rented a cab to run away. We almost went crazy looking for him, everybody was panicking and even calling the police and our relatives abroad. Do you know where he went to? His parents’ graves. He begged his parents to let him join them. He just came back because he believed there was a sign from heaven that he is meant to live.

He wanted his grandkids and relatives to stop supporting him and shouldering his medical expenses. He didn’t want to be a burden to anyone.

My whole post:

Cloud’s actions in Advent Children is pretty similar to my grandpa’s so I get peeved whenever people try to use this against Cloud and Tifa's relationship.

He ran away from his wife he was married for 50 years, ran away from his four living children, his 17 or so grandkids.

See my point?

And again with my grandpa analogy.

My grandpa is engraved in my heart forever
He lives inside me
When I go to heaven one day, I think I'll see him there

Sounds just about right eh? But let me use my grandpa for Cloti quotes

Thinking that we will die tomorrow, me and my grandpa revealed our feelings for one another
Me and my grandpa confirmed feelings of desire towards one another
Me and my grandpa confirmed our feelings without using words

“It all starts now. A new…”
Grandpa looked for the right words.
“A new life.”
“I’m going to live. I think that’s the only way I can be forgiven. All sorts of things… happened.”
“That’s right…”
“But when I think about how many times I’ve thought about how I was going to start a new life, it’s funny.”
“Because I’ve always failed everything.”
“That’s not funny.”
“After this … I think I’ll be okay.”
Grandpa was silent for a long time before he spoke again.
“Because I have you this time.”
“You’ve always had me.”
“What I mean is kind of different,” Grandpa answered with another smile.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Cloud doesn't seek comfort in Advent Children. He seeks penance, redemption. He runs from comfort- from Something warm, same as what Tifa represents in Kingdom Hearts 2.

If Cloud is seeking Aerith, it's not because he wants to be comforted by her or because he can't find it in Tifa, it's because he wants to feel DESERVING of comfort and happiness that he feels with Tifa and the kids, and he needs to be a combination of forgiven and useful to do that. And to that end, he seeks out a cure for Geostigma and retreats into exile when he feels he has failed.

Remember, first and foremost, Advent Children/ Complete is not a love story. It is a story about a man finding closure with the sins and fears of his past and gaining the confidence and assurance to embrace his good fortune and his future.

Cloud's biggest fear- bigger than death- is losing those who make him happy- that's why Sephiroth wants to know who to kill first, and why Cloud tells him there's no one he does not Cherish.

Cloud has left his family for feeling he doesn't deserve them and only brings them misery. He seeks a cure for his condition and forgiveness for his sins to return to his family. That is his goal in Advent Children.

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
Ewwwwwwww... Danseru... that's incest. :S

Kidding aside, my condolences (although I think it's kinda late). You have a pretty grandma, too.

Remember, first and foremost, Advent Children/ Complete is not a love story.

THIS x 100000000000^infinity + 1

I dunno about you people, but my main reasons for watching AC/C had nothing to do with the LTD: (1) Well, it's FFVII so there's no reason not to watch; (2)Fancy gravity-defying action scenes (and hair); (3) Wanted to know how the characters ended up after Meteor-Holy showdown; (4) Game references and 3d animated limit breaks; (5) Seems like a good movie anyway and I was invited to watch it for FREE.

Now that I think about it, my reasons for watching were pretty darn shallow but that's the truth of it. Although I knew there were romantic subplots in the OG, I actually did not expect any of it in the movie. I guess it must be because the OG's romantic route was pretty clear to me back then or I must've really had a one-tracked mind when it comes to the OG's romantic angles (I believe I mentioned it back then how I'm more the 'stick to canon' than a 'death of the author-ish' kind of guy) so I kinda 'knew' Cloud would end up with Tifa. I even thought the LTD would've ended by then. Imagine my confusion when I found out otherwise.

Anyway, I digressed much. I guess what I'm saying is that, yes, as Ryu said, AC/C is not a romance story. Heck it wasn't even advertised that way. But what some people usually forget foremost than this is that FFVII itself was FAR FROM A ROMANCE STORY.

Every Cloud-Tifa-Aerith-Zack-related angle is not solely about romance FFS.

Jesus Fucking Christ.

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Calling FFVII a love story is almost as bad as calling FFXII a love story. The only real importance romance has to the plot is that Cloud's love for Tifa and desire to impress her and be strong enough to protect her is what motivated him to attempt to join SOLDIER, and the fact that Aerith's love for Zack causes her to fall in love with Cloud and that causes her to join Cloud on his adventures. FFVII is primarily a fantasy(as all FFs are) and adventure(as most RPGs are) story, with a little psychological thriller in the mix(Cloud's identity crisis). There is romance, but it has little to do with the main plot.


Pro Adventurer
I watched Advent Children totally clueless about FFVII, but it never felt to me like a love story. Sure I shipped Clerith back then but from my blank slate perspective I always find Cloud's reaction to her as guilt and wanting forgiveness, which romantic tendencies just a possibility. What did he say?

"I want to be forgiven"
With Vincent, "Do you think sins are forgiven?"
Then at the children's room "But... I let you die."

And I actually watched this in English subs so I got the "did we lose to our memories?" line and not a single shred gave me the impression that Tifa girl is making Cloud choose between her and the dead one.

And then Tifa's line: "Two years ago ... think of the strength we all had when we fought that last battle. It's only been a couple of years, but already that feeling is gone. For Cloud, I think he's found it again."

That line struck me even at my first viewing, I've watched FMA this time and one line in that anime is about soldiers finding it harder to live after the war, so I knew this Cloud character kinda has a PTSD.

And of course the ending scene, I know nothing of FFVII but I was touched when all his friends and family were there surrounding him and then the two dead people also visited him. Imagine my shock when I discovered the internet and there are arguments saying his promised land is about the Aerith girl and not those very happy people cheering him up.

And aha it seems that Blankbeat deleted his caption saying "Clerith is canon since 1997" in tumblr, nice move but the url is still the same. :>

For the benefit of the doubt I'll just assume he just changed his mind since then, but this was actually posted during the time he was debating with us last year hmmm I thought no pairing is canon?


And of course the ending scene, I know nothing of FFVII but I was touched when all his friends and family were there surrounding him and then the two dead people also visited him. Imagine my shock when I discovered the internet and there are arguments saying his promised land is about the Aerith girl and not those very happy people cheering him up.

Same here, but I was moar baffled with claims that Aerith now lives in Cloud literally and they're able to continue their so-called romantic relationship.

She was LEAVING, jfc

And aha it seems that Blankbeat deleted his caption saying "Clerith is canon since 1997" in tumblr, nice move but the url is still the same. :>

For the benefit of the doubt I'll just assume he just changed his mind since then, but this was actually posted during the time he was debating with us last year hmmm I thought no pairing is canon?
Blankbeat's tumblr said:
Cloud and Aerith The Intended Pairing of Final Fantasy VII
It's not even that different. If Clerith is the "intended pairing" of FFVII, then that's basically saying it's canon, is it?

Kermitu Kleric Katie

Isn't BlankBeat one of the cleriths that says the LTD is up to interpretation, but then says clerith is the intended pairing?

And clerith has NEVER been canon. Cloud is canonically oblivious to Aerith's feelings for him the entire time he knew her, and you can't be a canon relationship if one of the people doesn't know about it. And you ESPECIALLY can't be in a relationship if one of the people is dead.


Angry Lesbian
This is one of the instances where I think it might be good to clarify terms. For some people, "canon" just means that the characters had mutual interest in each other. And Cloud doesn't have to be aware of Aeris's feelings to have his own for her.

That's not really meant as an argument so much as a clarification. I can't speak for what Junko and BlankBeat mean by Clerith being canon.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
This is one of the instances where I think it might be good to clarify terms. For some people, "canon" just means that the characters had mutual interest in each other. And Cloud doesn't have to be aware of Aeris's feelings to have his own for her.

That's not really meant as an argument so much as a clarification. I can't speak for what Junko and BlankBeat mean by Clerith being canon.

Well, BB insists that neither is canon- despite thinking C/A is the intended pairing- so he can't be using the same definition. I don't know Junko's stance on canon, but she holds that Cloud and Aerith have a relationship beyond her death in some fashion.

What I mean by canon in this situation is more a shorthand for 'extant relationship, easily verified through creator statements and/or the preponderance of the evidence."

And yes, I do hold that C/T is canon, whereas C/A is not for various practical reasons, regardless of what they may or may not feel about each other.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Where confusion enters is also partly due to what someone means by "CxA." Mutual feelings that never got addressed? Established relationship prior to death? Ever developing relationship after death? One of those at the exclusion of Cloud and Tifa also having mutual feelings/CxT otherwise being canon too in some way, shape or form?


Angry Lesbian
Tres, what you're saying is kind of what I was getting at, just phrased better. XD

And for your definition of canon, Ryu, I agree that Cloud/Aeris wasn't/isn't canon. The few times that I've felt it worth standing up for one side or the other, I've been using "canon" just to mean that they had feelings for each other. I feel like there's more textual wiggle-room when you're talking about character feelings, particularly with a character as tied up in meta-text as Cloud.


Pro Adventurer
Hawkeye said:
Thanks for not replying to the primary point I made: "And maybe it has been [settled]? Do you have any evidence that he's been asked about it since the fall of 2005?"
That's completely irrelevant because Nomura's quote is addressing the 2 years after Final Fantasy VII ended, not Advent Children. The truth of Cloud and Tifa's relationship during the 2 years after FFVII was extremely complicated and unclear. However, by Advent Children, the truth of their relationship becomes clear -- they're completely incompatible together and follow along with Nojima's premise that things "aren't going well" between them. Maybe the dysfunctional "truth" about their relationship wasn't crystal clear until AC…?

Furthermore, the translation I use for Nomura's quote was given by
Tetsuya Nomura: What kind of question is that? I've never thought about it. Honestly, I don't care who loves whom. I think you could imagine the scenerios that we don't mention however you want to. You could enjoy talking about that with friends. For example, I was frequently asked if there had been romantic relationship between Tifa and Cloud for two years, after FF7 ended, but I don't have any clue.

This translation says Nomura has "no clue" about the status of their relationship, not that he "doesn't care". Therefore, the HAHW scene does not unequivocally prove Cloud and Tifa entered a romantic relationship because the status of their relationship after FFVII is unknown by Nomura.

Here are the other two sources I use for my translation:
Source #1
Source #2

Since there is no official translation, we will have to agree to disagree. The point I'm making is that even if we accept your translation, Nomura still doesn't give a definitive answer about the status of Cloud and Tifa's relationship because their isn't a definitive answer. Nomura could have easily put an end to the questions he was receiving about their relationship, but since there isn't a definitive answer, he isn't able to give one.

In addition, if Cloud and Tifa are in a romantic relationship, why does Tifa show jealously toward Cloud's relationship with Aerith? To me, the reason Tifa shows jealously over Cloud's relationship with Aerith is because she doesn't know if Cloud loves her. Tifa has to ask Cloud if he loves her, and he doesn't even give her a response.

One could say Cloud didn't respond to Tifa's question because Cloud had just woken up and didn't hear her. But why would SE include this scene to simply show us that Cloud didn't hear Tifa? This scene was obviously included to tell us that their relationship is in trouble. Unless SE specifically says Cloud didn't hear Tifa, we shouldn't come up with excuses and assumptions for why he may not have heard her. The fact is, Cloud heard Tifa's question and didn't give her a response because he is not sure if he loves her. I know this is a hard fact for Cloti's to swallow, but the obvious conclusion SE knows viewers will draw from this exchange is that both Cloud and Tifa don't know if their feelings for one another are mutual.

Also -- if Cloud didn't hear Tifa, why didn't he ask her to repeat the question?

The bottom line is:
If Cloud and Tifa are in a romantic relationship, why doesn't Tifa know if Cloud loves her?
If Tifa doesn't know if Cloud loves her, how can anyone be certain that they are in a romantic relationship? Maybe that's the very reason Tifa asked -- she, herself, isn't even sure if they are in a romantic relationship because she doesn't know if Cloud loves her.
If Tifa doesn't know if Cloud loves her, how do you know?
Why doesn't Cloud respond to her question? Perhaps he doesn't know if he loves her, either.

This is a huge red flag given to us by SE that tells us Cloud and Tifa are not in a romantic relationship. Either that, or it tells us that their romantic relationship is rapidly falling apart to the point where Cloud isn't sure if he loves Tifa anymore. This could easily mean that even if a romantic relationship existed between them at some point, the relationship has broken down to the point where both Cloud and Tifa don't know if the love between them is mutual.

Nojima's premise that things "aren't going well" between them is highlighted by the fact that Tifa doesn't know if Cloud loves her, and is further highlighted by the fact that Cloud doesn't answer her question. Both Tifa asking the question, and Cloud's lack of a response, suggests that he doesn't love her -- meaning that whatever feelings he may have expressed to Tifa during the HAHW scene have disappeared by Advent Children, or that the HAHW scene never led to a romantic relationship in the first place (hence why Nomura doesn't know the status of their relationship).

Hawkeye said:
Unlike Aerith, I guess? :awesome:
I'm not arguing that Cloud and Aerith are canon, therefore I'm not held to the same standard of proof that you are. Since you are trying to proclaim that Cloud and Tifa are canon, you have to provide undeniable evidence that they moved from friends to lovers after the HAHW scene. Simply expressing mutual feelings does not automatically mean a relationship begins, especially if circumstances such as those shown in CoT and AC prevent it (ie: constant communication problems and disagreements, Tifa not knowing if Cloud loves her, Nojima speaking of a premise that things "aren't going well" between them, and Nomura not knowing the status of their relationship, etc.)

But to answer your question, I would say that SE treats C/A similarly to other Final Fantasy couples. Final Fantasy couples are typically show under a romantic context doing romantic activities together, such as Squall and Rinoa dancing in FFVIII. Since Cloud and Aerith share a romantic date for an extended period of gameplay, I would say that SE treats C/A similarly to other Final Fantasy couples by portraying them together in a romantic context. In addition, it is stated that Cloud and Aerith's promised date "ends magically". Common sense suggests that when a date ends "magically," something extremely *magical* happened. Just as we can make assumptions about what happens when a screen fades to black, we can also make assumptions about what happens when a date ends *magically* :excited::moar:

One could say that out of the two versions of the Highwind scene, the HA version is canon. One could also say that out of the four versions of the Golden Saucer date, the C/A date is canon. To me, the C/A Golden Saucer date is equal to the HAHW scene in terms of showing mutual romantic feelings.

Granted, SE specifically says that Cloud and Tifa express mutual feelings during the Highwind scene. But a date is inherently romantic, there is no need to state the obvious. By Cloud agreeing to go on a romantic date with Aerith shows that he has mutual romantic feelings for her (especially when you consider that Cloud is refereed to as Aerith's "koibito").

To me, the HAHW scene and the C/A date are equal in terms of showing Cloud's romantic feelings for both women.

But I'd like to point something out:
“In Aerith’s case, if you play the game normally, the partner that generally comes will be Aerith.” ~Final Fantasy VII Dismantled

This tells me that the normal/canon outcome is the C/A date. On the contrary, nowhere is it specifically stated that the HAHW scene is the *normal* outcome, nor is it ever stated what type of mutual feelings are expressed during the Highwind scene. In both the HA and LA version, Cloud and Tifa express doubt and hesitation about heading into the final battle, and both come to agree that as long as they have each other they can get through any obstacle together.

So although the HAHW scene is used more often than the LA version, that could simply mean it is being used as a placeholder because obviously one of the two versions has to be chosen. The HA version *IS* more interesting, which is probably why it has been used as a placeholder more often than the LA version, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's canon.

None of the quotes where SE talks about the Highwind scene do they specifically refer to the high affection version, except on the FTOIL page. But the FTOIL page is irrelevant because I see no reason to think the HAHW scene is canon just because a page discussing love includes the romantic version of a variable scene. That’s more like a “no sh*t Sherlock” moment.

The FTOIL page is restricted to romance, so therefore the HAHW scene is the only appropriate version to include. But a page that is confined to such restrictions has no relevance or bearing towards the canon story of Final Fantasy VII, nor should it.

Again -- the C/A date has a quote that says Aerith is the *normal* outcome. Nowhere is it stated that the HAHW scene is the *normal* outcome.

In my honest opinion, the HAHW scene is most likely canon (although the evidence behind it is not as strong as many of you think). But my biggest point during this debate has been that even if the HAHW scene occurred, it did not necessarily lead to a romantic relationship between Cloud and Tifa.

Expressing mutual romantic feelings does not necessarily mean a romantic relationship comes after it, especially when we consider that Nomura doesn't know the status of their relationship, the fact that Tifa doesn't know if Cloud loves her, and the premise from Nojima that things "aren't going well" between them.

No scene after the Highwind scene unequivocally moves Cloud and Tifa from friends to lovers. To me, this suggests that even if the HAHW scene happened, there is no proof that a romantic *relationship* developed from it. And even if one did develop for a brief period of time, it was completely gone by Advent Children when Tifa doesn't even know if Cloud loves her.

If Nomura doesn't know if Cloud and Tifa form a romantic relationship after the HAHW scene, how can we be sure that they are in a romantic relationship?

If Tifa doesn't know if Cloud loves her after the HAHW scene, how can we be sure that Cloud loves her after the HAHW scene?

Hawkeye said:
And SE describes Cloud and Tifa's moments of great confession in identical wording to other canon Final Fantasy couples.
SE has showed other Final Fantasy couples having intimate physical contact with each other that is indisputably romantic. The same cannot be said for Cloud and Tifa.

Hawkeye said:
Were the date alone proof enough of that, it would prove the same with Tifa, Yuffie and Barret, wouldn't it?
Irrelevant. Tifa, Yuffie, and Barret's dates aren't canon.

Hawkeye said:
What you said is that there is no dialogue between them similar to other canon couples. I pointed some out to you. Whatever tangent you've gone off on now has nothing to do with the point we were discussing.
You mentioned two canon couples that have scenes similar to Cloud and Tifa (Fei/Elly and Squall/Rinoa). But you did not provide any specific pieces of dialogue, you simply referenced the scenes. Until you show me the exact pieces of dialogue, I can't make any judgements.

But I will note that the two Cloud x Tifa scenes you chose occur in both the HA and LA Highwind scene. This means that even if Cloud and Tifa's dialogue match the dialogue from other canon couples, we can't be certain that the dialogue is romantic in Cloud and Tifa's case because their dialogue occured in both the HA and LA Highwind scene.

Hawkeye said:
You do recall that both hand reach scenes with Cloud and Aerith were life-and-death situations, yes? One of them being, in fact, the same life-and-death situation where all of his friends gave him a boost?
"The ending scene of the battle with Bahamut, the scene where Aerith reaches out her hand, is homage to the last scene from a previous production. It was Tetsuya (Nomura)'s idea...." ~Nojima, Reunion Files

The fact that the hand reach scene in AC is paying homage to the hand reach scene in FFVII makes it very romantic, especially given the context of Cloud and Aerith's relationship (Cloud is Aerith's "koibito").

The context of their relationship becomes especially clear when we remember all of this: Cloud agreed to be Aerith's bodyguard for the price of one date, he tells Marlene he hopes Aerith likes him, he reaffirms his commitment to being Aerith's bodyguard at the Shinra headquarters, Cloud and Aerith share two canon dates, the intimate conversation at Cosmo Canyon, a wedding prediction (SE words, not mine) from Cait Sith, and an "undying" feeling for Aerith that becomes "engraved in his heart." This is further supported by SE's koibito quote, the quote that says FFVII has a hero that wavers between two love interests, and the cameo appearances between Cloud and Aerith (flower field ending in Dissidia, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy Tactics, and the ending of Kingdom Hearts in unison with Nomura's quote). When you combine all of these things together (official quotes, in-game moments, cameo appearances, etc.) it becomes clear what SE was trying to do by paying homage to the hand reach scene in AC.

If Nomura thinks the hand reach between Cloud and Aerith in FFVII should be honored and given dedication/respect through a homage in AC, it is clearly different than the times Cloud holds hands with his comrades. The act of holding hands is established by SE as a very special piece of physical imagery between Cloud and Aerith.

To me, the scene itself is touching and bittersweet. Cloud wasn't able to take Aerith's hand in FFVII -- but he was finally able to do so in AC.

I will also note that the hand reach scene between Cloud and Aerith is similar to other canon couples -- Kairi/Sora in Kingdom Hearts and Snow and Serah in FFXIII.




Hawkeye said:
Both were enveloped in mako as they sank into the Planet.
Cloud's second time; Tifa's first experience.

Aerith bet everything on this one chance.

She eagerly turned her attention to Tifa, whose mind was
being overwhelmed in the highly concentrated mako. Aerith
guided her consciousness into Cloud's closed mind.

In truth, she wanted to do it herself. However, Aerith could
not play this role. Therefore, she entrusted it to Tifa. She
entrusted Tifa with all the feelings she had for Cloud in her
own heart. To the person who would "live" together with
Cloud ...

And Tifa succeeded. Comparing her memories with Cloud's
memories, she looked for those things only the real Cloud
could know. This serving as proof, the closed door was
opened. She released the memories that were firmly locked
up in the bottom of his heart; he didn't get to be a SOLDIER,
but due to an ability from Jenova he had been imbued with,
Cloud, an ordinary soldier, copied the traits of his best friend,
Zack. She restored him to his natural personality rather than
the fake one he had created to maintain his sense of self.

"You did it, Tifa. Thank you ... I'm a bit jealous of you, but
look after Cloud ― and the upper world too, please."

Aerith watched as they returned to the surface with Tifa
pulled up against Cloud, who was back to his senses. She
smiled like an affectionate mother, though.
Aerith isn't jealous of C/T's relationship, she is jealous that Tifa is able to live with Cloud and look after him. Tifa, on the other hand, is jealous of Cloud and Aerith's actual relationship. In fact, Tifa isn't even sure if Cloud loves her and yet they are supposed to be an official romantic couple…? If that doesn't nuke the idea that they are canon, I don't know what does.

The fact is -- Cloud himself doesn't even confirm that he loves Tifa when asked the question. How can you be so sure Cloud loves Tifa if both Tifa and Cloud don't know the answer to this question?

I'd also like to take a moment to expand on Tifa's jealously since it is much different than Aerith's jealously.

Here is a passage from the 10th Anniversary Ultimania outlining Tifa's repeated jealously of her "love rival":
"The thing which she is unable to hide in her irritation towards Cloud is the fact that he isn't merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith.

FFVII: Seeing Cloud and Aerith developing their world together before her eyes, she inadvertently lets slip her peevish feelings.

AC: Upon knowing that Cloud had been residing in Aerith's church after leaving the place they had been living in together, her expression becomes complex."

 ~Tifa's character profile, 10th Anniversary Ultimania

One of the lines specifically says that Tifa let her "peevish feelings" slip when she saw Cloud and Aerith developing their "own world" together. Why would Tifa be jealous of a world of friendship?

It is clear that Tifa is jealous of the world her "love rival" is forming with the man she loves because the world he is forming with this "love rival" is romantic, which is exactly why Aerith is considered Tifa's love rival in the first place. Tifa continues to be jealous of Cloud and Aerith's "world" during Advent Children, probably because she's not sure if Cloud loves her.

Instead of becoming the romantic partner Cloud potentially saw in Tifa during the HAHW scene, he was faced with someone who was constantly nagging him and telling him what he should and should not do. Tifa's nagging behavior (which is a huge turn-off for Cloud, which is why he refuses to talk to her at some points) is confirmed by Nomura when he says Tifa feels a "maternal bond to Cloud".

The behavior Tifa exhibits toward Cloud during CoT and AC is that of a Mother to a child: always telling Cloud what to do, what not to do, nagging him, etc. This behavior is exactly why Nomura confirms Tifa has a "maternal bond" towards Cloud. We see, with our own eyes, that this maternal bond drove Cloud away because he completely shuts Tifa off at the end of CoT and repeatedly during AC. To me, the real-life manifestations of Tifa's maternal bond toward Cloud drove him away and ruined any possibility of a romantic relationship between them. This is behavior is exactly what causes Tifa to not know if Cloud loves her, and is exactly why Cloud, himself, doesn't give her an answer.

Hawkeye said:
Then you have been misled. I've placed the proof in front of your eyes. The line does not identify Cloud specifically; it identifies 生きている人 -- "living people," "those who are living," "living persons," etc. If you refuse to so much as open a single damned online translator (those be links; click them), then that is your problem, not mine.

"The words “memetic legacy” are used a lot in the film…but in Advent Children, rather than focusing on memories we wanted to show that consciousness is what lives on. We took the ending of the game and expanded on that idea. Even if they’re dead, their consciousness is still with us. As for Cloud…he sees Aerith several times throughout the film. It’s not that he sees her because he feels her presence. He sees her because her consciousness…lives on inside him." ~Nomura; Distance Interview

You can see this quote for yourself if you watch the special features disc for Advent Children.

The way we see Cloud and Aerith connecting in the flower fields, the hand reach scene, Aerith using her Church to bring Denzel to Cloud, and her ability to whisper to Cloud, all suggest that their spiritual connection is stronger than her connection with other people. This is confirmed by Nomura saying that Aerith's consciousness, in particular, lives on inside of Cloud because he is able to see her, "several times throughout the film".

In addition, Aerith also interacts with Cloud physically by boosting him during the battle with Bahamut-Sin:

"Cloud's friends sent him toward Bahamut like a relay race, and as for the last push---Aerith!" ~FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania, Aerith's profile

If Cloud and Aerith can interact both physically and spiritually, I see no reason to assume a relationship can't continue between them (especially when we consider that love beyond death is a theme SE has repeated with several FF couples).

Hawkeye said:
pg. 578 of the FFVII Ultimania Omega
The people she had been close to, such as her adoptive mother, Elmyra, and the comrades she had journeyed with to save the Planet; as well as the people she knew only a little, and those she may have met in the future, but would now never see ― the truth was that she could no longer associate with "living people."
But she does connect with those who are living despite this quote. Maybe it is an inconsistency from SE? Maybe it means she can no longer associate with living people the same way she did while she was alive?

The fact is -- SE has shown us that Aerith CAN and DOES communicate with the living. Aerith helped Tifa get safely into Cloud's mind using mako, Nomura says Cloud hears Aerith's voice whispering, and Aerith connects with everyone during AC through the use of Great Gospel. We also see Cloud and Aerith connecting spiritually throughout AC.

So my question to you is: does something change in the lifestream after AC that now makes Aerith unable to connect with the living?

The bottom line is: Aerith is able to connect with the living despite this quote. That means that when it says she can no longer "associate" with living people, it probably means she can't associate with living people like she did when she was alive.

I guess a question for SE would be: what do you mean when you say Aerith can't associate with the living even though you specifically show us that she can and does associate with the living?

I'd also like to point this out. It's an excerpt from an essay I was reading the other day:
"Since Sephiroth exists, Aerith must exist. There was no doubt about that one." ~Nojima, Reunion Files

So, what is important in this quote? Because there are CloTis who are quite comfortable accepting the fact that Cloud can see, hear, and interact with Sephiroth, but they refuse to accept that Cloud can see, hear, and interact with Aerith. Why? Because, if Cloud can see, hear, and interact with Aerith, despite the fact that she's dead, it makes their "Cloud can't be with Aerith because she's dead" argument null and void.

In the two novellas written by Nojima, Case of Lifestream: White and Case of Lifestream: Black, a glimpse into the Lifestream is given, showing how both Aerith (White) and Sephiroth (Black) influence the world. Sephiroth decides to form remnants of himself from negative Lifestream to do his will on the planet's surface. Aerith wonders if she can do the same, then decides against it, wishing to meet Cloud as he knew her. However, the fact remains- if Sephiroth can use negative Lifestream to manifest remnants of himself, Aerith should be able to use positive Lifestream to physically manifest herself.

If both Aerith and Sephiroth are capable of influencing the world, and they are both capable of talking to Cloud and being seen by Cloud, then why would anyone believe that Cloud is only capable of interacting with Sephiroth, and not Aerith? Clearly, Aerith can produce a physical manifestation, or she would not have been able to boost Cloud upward during his battle with Bahamut-Sin in AC/ACC. This is just one more reason why death means nothing to Cloud and Aerith's relationship. Cloud is fully capable of hearing Aerith, speaking to her, and even touching her. So, what's stopping them from being together?"

Makes a pretty good point, IMO.

Hawkeye said:
What is at issue are the much grander claims you've been making that you need to substantiate: That Cloud and Aerith not only can continue a romantic relationship, but that they do.
Maaya Sakamoto (Aerith's Japanese voice actress): "She's presented in this movie as Cloud remembers her, and her spirit is still with him - talking to him throughout the film." ~Reunion Files, pg. 58

"Cloud feels an incredible sense of guilt for not being able to save her [Aerith], but sometimes he can still hear her voice in a soft whisper." (Reunion Files, Aerith's profile)

"I tried to create an atmosphere in which she still seems to be by his side - in spirit at least." ~Nojima, Reunion Files, pg. 58

Cloud: "Aerith is here....and so is Sephiroth."
Cid: "Wa, wa, wait a minute. You serious!?"
Tifa "But how can you tell?"
Cloud "...It's not an excuse. I feel it in my soul."
~Final Fantasy VII

Aerith also appeared in Cloud's dreams during Final Fantasy VII when she tells him about her plan to stop Sephiroth.

To me, Cloud visiting and living in Aerith's Church, in addition to the spiritual connection shown between them during AC, shows us that they are able to communicate with each other and continue a spiritual relationship. Their relationship is established by SE as being romantic (Cloud is Aerith's koibito, Aerith is one of the heroines Cloud is wavering between, and Aerith is Tifa's "love rival"). Cloud and Aerith also share a romantic date together, in addition to many other romantic moments and cameo appearances.

Vincent, Barret, Dyne, and Elmyra all chose to live with the memory of their loved ones instead of moving on. Maybe Cloud is no different -- especially after he realizes how incompatible him and Tifa are?

And in the same way that Yuna searches and finally finds a way to bring back Tidus in FFX-2, I believe Cloud is continuing to search for ways to continue connecting with Aerith.

During the ending of ACC, the yellow and white flowers on the side of the road are still there during the credits. Nomura stated in the Reunion Files that yellow and white flowers are the colors of the flowers in Aerith's church. SE also states that flowers have "always" represented Aerith.

So although the ending of ACC is not as obvious as the ending of AC, I believe ACC still leaves viewers with the final impression that Cloud is still searching for ways to be with Aerith. SE knows that the credits are the final images viewers see, and since the credits happen after everything that had transpired before it, it is only reasonable to assume that anything new shown in the credits happens AFTER the events that came before it.

Yes, Cloud runs a delivery service. But the flowers on the side of the road continue to represent Aerith according to SE. They didn't show Cloud riding on a road that was surrounded by dirt or grass, they specifically chose to show Cloud riding through flower fields that represent Aerith (according to SE). The same flower fields that we see Cloud and Aerith connecting through during AC. The credits don't leave us with the final impression that Cloud is with Tifa and the children, the final impression we are left with is that Cloud is by himself, riding through flower fields, still searching for ways to continue connecting with Aerith.

But again -- Aerith does interact with Cloud both spiritually and physically during AC. Aerith physically boosts Cloud during the battle with Bahamut-Sin:

"Cloud's friends sent him toward Bahamut like a relay race, and as for the last push---Aerith!" ~FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania, Aerith's profile

If Cloud and Aerith can interact both physically and spiritually, I see no reason to assume a relationship can't continue between them (especially when we consider that love beyond death is a theme SE has repeated with several FF couples).

Hawkeye said:
That last part is you editorializing, not what SE actually said.
“The place where he awakens. That is Cloud’s Promised Land…"

The quote doesn't say, "the people around him" are his Promised Land. The quote specifically says the "PLACE" where he awakens is his Promised Land. The place where Cloud awakens is Aerith's Church. Period.

Hawkeye said:
It only seems logical to assume the man has an actual bedroom.
No it doesn't. It's not as though this is Cloud's old childhood house. It's not as though Cloud bought this house new. He moved into Seventh Heaven after it had already been established as a residence for other people, which means they are probably making do with the space they have available.

My parents bought a house with 4 bedrooms -- one for them, and 3 for their three children. One of my sisters friends came from a dysfunctional family, and we allowed my sisters friend to come live with us. Do you know what we did? We turned my Dad's office into another bedroom. Honest. To. God.

The fact that SE included a bed in Cloud's personal room, suggests that because he moved into Seventh Heaven long after it had already been a residence for other people, suggests that they were doing the best they could with the space they had available.

There is no reason to assume that Cloud doesn't sleep in the bed that is in the four walls that is considered his own personal space.

Do you honestly think SE provided a random place to sleep in a room that is considered Cloud's for the hell of it?

It makes a lot more sense to assume Cloud sleeps in that bed than to make random assumptions that SE decided to include the bed for a guest, or that they included it for the hell of it.

Until you can confirm that someone else sleeps in that bed, or that Cloud sleeps with Tifa, there is ZERO reason to assume SE included the bed in his personal room for any reason other than the fact that they were giving him a place to sleep in Seventh Heaven.

Hawkeye said:
Attraction and romantic feelings aren't the same thing. I've been on dates with women I was attracted to but didn't have what I would call "romantic feelings" for. I've had sex with many of the same.

Again, he does have romantic feelings for her, but there is zero reason to believe he had any at the time of the agreement.

Not that I know why we're even debating this. But you brought it up and I disagree.
Agreeing to protect Aerith for the price of one date could mean that he was both attracted to her and romantically interested in her at the same time. It doesn't have to be an either/or situation. It seems you are arguing over semantics, word choice, AND missing the bigger picture.

This entire discussion started over Cloud's guilt. You claimed that Cloud felt guilty because he failed to protect Aerith. I responded that he only wanted to protect her because of the romantic feelings he had for her, therefore his guilt is completely tied to his romantic feelings for Aerith. Then you said attraction is why he agreed to protect her, not his romantic feelings. But my entire point is that although he initially might have agreed to protect Aerith because he was attracted to her, the reason he continued to want to protect her long after their initial meeting, and the reason he feels guilty for his failure to protect her, is because of the romantic feelings he developed for her after their initial encounter.

Cloud's guilt is tied directly to the romantic feelings he has for Aerith.

Hawkeye said:
It appears you're deciding all on your own what they mean, while selectively ignoring them when the same shit gets used for Tifa. Once again, take "wish in his heart" as romantic if you want, but have you to do the same for "engraved in his heart" with the promise to Tifa. They both use "mune." You can't have one without the other.
I'm not ignoring the same shit that gets used for Tifa at all. I firmly believe that the LTD is up to interpretation. I'm simply sharing my Clerith interpretation.

If you want to view the promise Cloud made Tifa under a romantic lens because it is described as being "engraved in his heart," go for it.

But I will point out that one could argue that the only reason Cloud's promise to Tifa is "engraved in his heart" is because of his childhood crush, and thus has no bearing towards his adults feelings. But I don't mind applying this quote romantically to Cloud and Tifa's relationship because of the confirmed love triangle where Cloud wavers between two heroines.

All I'm doing is applying the terms "wish in his heart" and "engraved in his heart" to the context of Cloud and Aerith's romantic relationship as it has been established by SE. You are free to apply the same sort of quotes in the same way to Cloud and Tifa's relationship.

The fact is, SE has a "koibito" quote for both pairings. They also have two "engraved in his heart" quotes for both pairings. In addition, C/T has the HAHW scene and C/A has the Golden Saucer date. When you look at all of the evidence for both parings, in conjunction with Nomura's quote where he says SE's work is specifically created to be interpreted differently, it is not hard to see why the LTD is a matter of opinion and interpretation.

But I will say that my Clerith interpretation comes from quotes like these:
"I believe, for those who formerly traveled with her as comrades and for the viewers, each carries their own feelings and loves for Aerith. In this story, Cloud also carries his own undying feeling for Aerith even to this very day." ~Nomura interview; Dengeki Playstation 2007

The feelings Aerith's comrades have for her are platonic, while the feelings Cloud has for her are romantic (this is exactly why SE separated Cloud's feelings from her comrades feelings).

Cloud is Aerith's "koibito," therefore he has romantic feelings for her that are different than the platonic feelings her comrades have for her. Period.

EDIT: This is where I get my translation from:


The translation I use is from Saeki of the CxA forums:
Saeki said:
Nomura: I believe, for those who formerly travelled with her as comrades and for the viewers, each carries their own feelings and loves for Aerith. In this story, Cloud also carries his own undying feeling for Aerith even to this very day... It's relations with this church scene is... Yup. I'll leave this part to your imagination. (Laughs). ~My Translation

Original Japanese one...
エアリスはかつてともに旅をした仲間で、受け手側の皆さんにも、それぞれの愛情や想いがあると思います。この物語のクラウドも、エアリスに対して、いまもなお死なぬ想いは あると・・・・。この教会の場面との関係は・・・・・うーん。このあたりは皆さんのご想像におまかせします(笑)。]

想い = omoi = feeling
愛情 = aijou = love
Since a lot of the translation from TLS come from Cloti's, there is no shame (IMO) in getting my translation from someone of the CxA forums.

Saeki believes that Nomura is contrasting Cloud's feelings with the feelings of his comrades, which is a fair comparison to make considering Cloud and Aerith's relationship is different from that of her comrades. Cloud is Aerith's "koibito".

Minato Arisato said:
You can have a canon date with anyone in the Golden Saucer.
The Cloud x Aerith Golden Saucer date is confirmed as canon within the compilation:

A: “#111: The Planet’s largest amusement park is run by Dio. Cloud and company visit this place many times in their battle. They meet Cait Sith here. A PROMISED date [there is only one promised date in the game] that ends in a magical night. In the city of desire that floats above the sands, the light memory of the two people is asleep even now…Aerith: “I think I must have seen him again, in you… But you’re different. Things are different… No, Cloud… I’m searching for you…” ~Final Fantasy Art Collection

B: “In Aerith’s case, if you play the game normally, the partner that generally comes will be Aerith.” ~Final Fantasy VII Dismantled

C: “Oh, Cloud…I enjoyed our date at the Gold Saucer. The view from the gondola that night was really beautiful. I’ll never forget it. I’ll never forget you, Cloud…” ~Aerith, Final Fantasy VII Dismantled, Square Enix

(If Aerith is able to remember the date, it happened)

NORG said:
BlankBeat, I'm looking forward to this essay of yours you mentioned. I'm going to debunk the shit out of it.
It's already hard enough to keep up with my debate with Hawkeye, so I have no idea when I'll be able to respond to your "debunking". Also -- I was not writing an essay, I was writing a response.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
So, we're ignoring that Cloud and Tifa get hand reach scenes now?

And that Nomura's comment is just as figurative as ever?

Seriously, Blanky, I haven't read your whole post, but if you're going to be THAT stupidly selective with your arguments and examples, then there's not much point, now is there?

To be quite frank, I think you need to damn well get back to the brass tacks and find concrete evidence that Cloud had more than a passing fancy for the Flower girl whose affections towards him he was oblivious of for the whole two weeks they knew each other.

THEN you can go onto seeing hand reaches as inherently romantic in a film where redemption and renewal, not romance, is the primary thrust of the character narrative.

Because, well, until you do that, you build your house upon the sand, and the tide of evidence shall wash that house away.


Pro Adventurer
Ryushikaze said:
To be quite frank, I think you need to damn well get back to the brass tacks and find concrete evidence that Cloud had more than a passing fancy for the Flower girl whose affections towards him he was oblivious of for the whole two weeks they knew each other.
"She was surprised at the great sorrow he had for her. She was a little happy that he thought so much of her but she also felt the pain that was many times greater." ~The Maiden who Travels the Planet

"Cloud searched for the right words. 'I didn't fix the problem. I don't think I'll ever fix the problem. I can't make somebody unlose their life.'" ~CoT

"The incredible guilt Cloud feels because of what happened to Aerith can only be lifted by forgiveness from Aerith herself." ~Nojima, Reunion Files

"For Cloud, no one other than Aerith can solve that problem for him. I tried to create an atmosphere in which she still seems to be by his side - in spirit at least." ~Nojima, Reunion Files

"The Forgotten City is tied to Aerith throughout the film. Here, Cloud is constantly reminded of her no matter how painful it is for him." ~Nojima: p.9, Reunion Files

Trying to dismiss their relationship because it only lasted "two weeks" or because Cloud wasn't completely his "real self" is pointless because even if you don't believe Cloud had romantic feelings for Aerith, the fact that Cloud feels so much sadness and guilt because he let her die suggests that they developed a strong and meaningful relationship despite it only lasting a few weeks and despite Cloud not completely being his "real self".

All the evidence I need to support this are in the 5 quotes I provide above.

Ryushikaze said:
THEN you can go onto seeing hand reaches as inherently romantic in a film where redemption and renewal, not romance, is the primary thrust of the character narrative.
I've never stated that AC is primarily about romance. But just as FFVII is not primarily about romance, that doesn't mean there aren't aspects of romance in it (ie: Cloud and Aerith's canon Golden Saucer date).

As for the hand reach scene, well, Nojima explains why Cloud and Aerith's hand reach is special:
"The ending scene of the battle with Bahamut, the scene where Aerith reaches out her hand, is homage to the last scene from a previous production. It was Tetsuya (Nomura)'s idea...." ~Nojima, Reunion Files

The definition of "homage" is: "a show or demonstration of respect or dedication to someone or something"

If Nomura thinks the hand reach between Cloud and Aerith in FFVII should be honored and given dedication through homage in AC, it is clearly different than the times Cloud holds hands with his comrades. The act of holding hands has been established by SE to be a very special piece of physical imagery between Cloud and Aerith.

To me, the scene itself is touching and bittersweet. Cloud wasn't able to take Aerith's hand in FFVII -- but he was finally able to do so in AC.

Ryushikaze said:
Because, well, until you do that, you build your house upon the sand, and the tide of evidence shall wash that house away.
The type of relationship Cloud and Aerith have becomes especially clear when we remember all of this:
-Cloud agreed to be Aerith's bodyguard for the price of one date
-Cloud tells Marlene he hopes Aerith likes him
-Cloud reaffirms his commitment to being Aerith's bodyguard at the Shinra headquarters
-Cloud and Aerith have an intimate conversation at Cosmo Canyon
-SE gives us a Clerith wedding prediction (SE words, not mine) from Cait Sith
-FFVII has a hero that wavers between two love interests
-TIfa is jealous of the world Cloud and Aerith began forming together
-Aerith is considered Tifa's "love rival"
-The hand reach scene
-Cloud and Aerith share numerous cameo appearances (the flower field ending in Dissidia, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy Tactics, and the ending of Kingdom Hearts in unison with Nomura's quote about KH's ending)
-Cloud has an "undying" feeling for Aerith that becomes "engraved in his heart"
-It is the wish of Cloud's "heart" to have Aerith's forgiveness
[even though in Japan heart is not as synonymous with love as it is in the United States, it can still be synonymous with love in Japanese culture, especially when we apply it to the fact that SE refers to Cloud as Aerith's "koibito"]

But the three biggest pieces of evidence I have are SE refering to Cloud as Aerith's "koibito," the sharing of TWO canon dates, and...
"I believe, for those who formerly traveled with her as comrades and for the viewers, each carries their own feelings and loves for Aerith. In this story, Cloud also carries his own undying feeling for Aerith even to this very day." ~Nomura interview; Dengeki Playstation 2007

The feelings Aerith's comrades have for her are platonic, while the feelings Cloud has for her are romantic (this is exactly why SE separated Cloud's feelings from her comrades feelings).

Cloud is Aerith's "koibito," therefore he has romantic feelings for her that are different than the platonic feelings her comrades have for her. Period.

EDIT: This is where I get my translation from:


The translation I use is from Saeki of the CxA forums:
Saeki said:
Nomura: I believe, for those who formerly travelled with her as comrades and for the viewers, each carries their own feelings and loves for Aerith. In this story, Cloud also carries his own undying feeling for Aerith even to this very day... It's relations with this church scene is... Yup. I'll leave this part to your imagination. (Laughs). ~My Translation

Original Japanese one...
エアリスはかつてともに旅をした仲間で、受け手側の皆さんにも、それぞれの愛情や想いがあると思います。この物語のクラウドも、エアリスに対して、いまもなお死なぬ想いは あると・・・・。この教会の場面との関係は・・・・・うーん。このあたりは皆さんのご想像におまかせします(笑)。]

想い = omoi = feeling
愛情 = aijou = love
Since a lot of the translation from TLS come from Cloti's, there is no shame (IMO) in getting my translation from someone of the CxA forums.

Saeki believes that Nomura is contrasting Cloud's feelings with the feelings of his comrades, which is a fair comparison to make considering Cloud and Aerith's relationship is different from that of her comrades. Cloud is Aerith's "koibito".
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Pro Adventurer
Blankbeat has still ignored Cloti HW quotes being exactly the same used for Squinoa, CelesxLocke, SteinerxBeatrix, ZellxLibrary girl and TidusxYuna then argue the hand scene is a substantial proof.

If we go by the hand reach scene, then AngealxZack might as well be canon.

Blankbeat said:
If Cloud and Tifa are in a romantic relationship, why doesn't Tifa know if Cloud loves her?
If Tifa doesn't know if Cloud loves her, how can anyone be certain that they are in a romantic relationship? Maybe that's the very reason Tifa asked -- she, herself, isn't even sure if they are in a romantic relationship because she doesn't know if Cloud loves her.
If Tifa doesn't know if Cloud loves her, how do you know?
Why doesn't Cloud respond to her question? Perhaps he doesn't know if he loves her, either.

My mother was sleeping I asked her if she loves me, she wakes up with a perplexed look because I woke her up.

I don't know if my mom loves me anymore because she never answered my question :(
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
"I believe, for those who formerly traveled with her as comrades and for the viewers, each carries their own feelings and loves for Aerith. In this story, Cloud also carries his own undying feeling for Aerith even to this very day." ~Nomura interview; Dengeki Playstation 2007

Well I'll see you guys later, I don't want to be here when Tres sees this. :monster:

/me leaves thread...

No but seriously, that quote is not only

A. Translated wrongly
B. NOT from 2007
C. Talking about guilt

But this has been pointed out to you numerous times

Why do you insist on using this wrongly translated and cited quote as evidence of anything when we've shown you numerous times that it's incorrect? I dn't care if you want to use it as some kind of evidence for CxA but PLEASE properly cite it and use a proper translation and the FULL quote.

On the CxA note... the fact that Cloud wanted Aerith to like him... since his canon response to Marlene is "Let's hope so" when she said Aerith likes him... idk, isn't that some kind of proof?


I'm replying to this, but I hope you ARE still getting around to replying to all my posts directed at you too BlankBeat.

That's completely irrelevant because Nomura's quote is addressing the 2 years after Final Fantasy VII ended, not Advent Children. The truth of Cloud and Tifa's relationship during the 2 years after FFVII was extremely complicated and unclear. However, by Advent Children, the truth of their relationship becomes clear -- they're completely incompatible together and follow along with Nojima's premise that things "aren't going well" between them. Maybe the dysfunctional "truth" about their relationship wasn't crystal clear until AC…?

"things aren't going well" is not the same as completely incompatible. My parents would have to be completely incompatible for that to be true.

Furthermore, the translation I use for Nomura's quote was given by
Tetsuya Nomura: What kind of question is that? I've never thought about it. Honestly, I don't care who loves whom. I think you could imagine the scenerios that we don't mention however you want to. You could enjoy talking about that with friends. For example, I was frequently asked if there had been romantic relationship between Tifa and Cloud for two years, after FF7 ended, but I don't have any clue.

This translation says Nomura has "no clue" about the status of their relationship, not that he "doesn't care". Therefore, the HAHW scene does not unequivocally prove Cloud and Tifa entered a romantic relationship because the status of their relationship after FFVII is unknown by Nomura.
The quote actually DOES very specifically say that he doesn't care. And the fact that the director of ACC neither knows, cares or ever even thought about whether Cloud might be in a romantic relationship proves by itself that all your reading into CloudxAerith's romantic relationship is unfounded.

In addition, if Cloud and Tifa are in a romantic relationship, why does Tifa show jealously toward Cloud's relationship with Aerith? To me, the reason Tifa shows jealously over Cloud's relationship with Aerith is because she doesn't know if Cloud loves her. Tifa has to ask Cloud if he loves her, and he doesn't even give her a response.
You've never heard of a girlfriend who was jealous for founded or unfounded reasons? And Cloud was probably sleeping when Tifa asked him that. You know, cause she did it at the middle of the night.

One could say Cloud didn't respond to Tifa's question because Cloud had just woken up and didn't hear her. But why would SE include this scene to simply show us that Cloud didn't hear Tifa? This scene was obviously included to tell us that their relationship is in trouble. Unless SE specifically says Cloud didn't hear Tifa, we shouldn't come up with excuses and assumptions for why he may not have heard her. The fact is, Cloud heard Tifa's question and didn't give her a response because he is not sure if he loves her. I know this is a hard fact for Cloti's to swallow, but the obvious conclusion SE knows viewers will draw from this exchange is that both Cloud and Tifa don't know if their feelings for one another are mutual.
It was included for the same reason half the scenes in Case of Tifa were written. To show Tifa's insecurities. Which was still accomplished even if Cloud was still sleeping.
Also -- if Cloud didn't hear Tifa, why didn't he ask her to repeat the question?
because he didn't hear her.
The bottom line is:
If Cloud and Tifa are in a romantic relationship, why doesn't Tifa know if Cloud loves her?
If Tifa doesn't know if Cloud loves her, how can anyone be certain that they are in a romantic relationship? Maybe that's the very reason Tifa asked -- she, herself, isn't even sure if they are in a romantic relationship because she doesn't know if Cloud loves her.
Again, being in a romantic relationship does not mean all your insecirties wash away and you are always sure of your partners feelings.

This is a huge red flag given to us by SE that tells us Cloud and Tifa are not in a romantic relationship. Either that, or it tells us that their romantic relationship is rapidly falling apart to the point where Cloud isn't sure if he loves Tifa anymore. This could easily mean that even if a romantic relationship existed between them at some point, the relationship has broken down to the point where both Cloud and Tifa don't know if the love between them is mutual.
Off course anyone that went on to finish Case of Tifa and maybe even watch AC would know that there was (a lot) more going on with Cloud then his relationship with Tifa and maybe should be cut some slack.

Simply expressing mutual feelings does not automatically mean a relationship begins, especially if circumstances such as those shown in CoT and AC prevent it (ie: constant communication problems and disagreements, Tifa not knowing if Cloud loves her, Nojima speaking of a premise that things "aren't going well" between them, and Nomura not knowing the status of their relationship, etc.)

But to answer your question, I would say that SE treats C/A similarly to other Final Fantasy couples.
The reason the expressing of mutual feelings is brought up is because it is the same wording SE uses for all does oher Final Fantasy couples to imply that they are in a romantic relationship. Providing undeniable proof of any of em is pretty difficult to because SE doesn't go into specifics like that but they are still accepted as canon.

Final Fantasy couples are typically show under a romantic context doing romantic activities together, such as Squall and Rinoa dancing in FFVIII. Since Cloud and Aerith share a romantic date for an extended period of gameplay, I would say that SE treats C/A similarly to other Final Fantasy couples by portraying them together in a romantic context. In addition, it is stated that Cloud and Aerith's promised date "ends magically". Common sense suggests that when a date ends "magically," something extremely *magical* happened. Just as we can make assumptions about what happens when a screen fades to black, we can also make assumptions about what happens when a date ends *magically* :excited::moar:
Since you've been so down in the dumps about Marlene's "things aren't going well", let's talk about this "romantic date"

Aerith asks Cloud if he wants to go on a date. Cloud replies "what", showing incomprehension. Aerith then asks him if he's never gone on a date before and neither of Cloud answers is reminding Aerith of their time in Midgar. So for your constant reminding that Aerith and Cloud went on two dates, neither Aerith or Cloud agree.

Aerith literally drags Cloud along. His reaction to being called a couple are "wha" and "hey". Aerith convinces Cloud to take part in the theater event on the premise that it'll be "fun" not "do it for me" or anything romantic.

During the gondola ride Cloud decides to just sit there not making conversation at all. After being ignored for a while Aerith decides to explain herself by telling Cloud who she reminds him of someone but that he's different. She then tells him she is searching for him, the real him. Cloud has no idea what she is getting at.

After the "magical ending" Aerith has ask whether Cloud doesn't like being with her.

One could say that out of the two versions of the Highwind scene, the HA version is canon. One could also say that out of the four versions of the Golden Saucer date, the C/A date is canon. To me, the C/A Golden Saucer date is equal to the HAHW scene in terms of showing mutual romantic feelings.
Not only COULD you say that, you HAVE repeatedly insisted that the A/C date is canon, while not giving HA version anywhere near the same benefit of the doubt.

Granted, SE specifically says that Cloud and Tifa express mutual feelings during the Highwind scene. But a date is inherently romantic, there is no need to state the obvious. By Cloud agreeing to go on a romantic date with Aerith shows that he has mutual romantic feelings for her (especially when you consider that Cloud is refereed to as Aerith's "koibito").
Insofar as being dragged saying "waa" and "hee" and participating in the activities on the basis that it would be fun, yes. And a romantic interest doesn't equal mutual feelings. Agreeing to go on a date is not a guarentee of love.

To me, the HAHW scene and the C/A date are equal in terms of showing Cloud's romantic feelings for both women.
Even if we read into both fade to black endings the same way, for all your talk about how dysfunctional Cloud/Tifa is, Cloud is actually willing to talk in complete sentences in the HAHW scene.

"After all I promised. That if anything were to happen to you, I would come to help."
"Hey Tifa.... I..... There are a lot of things I wanted to talk to you about."

Cloud doesn't even TRY to talk to Aerith.

But I'd like to point something out:
“In Aerith’s case, if you play the game normally, the partner that generally comes will be Aerith.” ~Final Fantasy VII Dismantled
It's an objective explanation of the game mechanic.

nor is it ever stated what type of mutual feelings are expressed during the Highwind scene.
It's not expressed that Cloud and Aerith confirm romantic feelings on the "date" either.

And even if one did develop for a brief period of time, it was completely gone by Advent Children when Tifa doesn't even know if Cloud loves her.
if it was completely gone it wouldn't even be a question now would it. And hell, maybe Tifa just wanted to hear him say it.

SE has showed other Final Fantasy couples having intimate physical contact with each other that is indisputably romantic. The same cannot be said for Cloud and Tifa.
Even the low Affection Highwing scene has some intimate physical contact.

Irrelevant. Tifa, Yuffie, and Barret's dates aren't canon.
They're not the normal date. Neither Aerith nor the other have undisputed claim to being the canon date.

"The ending scene of the battle with Bahamut, the scene where Aerith reaches out her hand, is homage to the last scene from a previous production. It was Tetsuya (Nomura)'s idea...." ~Nojima, Reunion Files

The fact that the hand reach scene in AC is paying homage to the hand reach scene in FFVII makes it very romantic, especially given the context of Cloud and Aerith's relationship (Cloud is Aerith's "koibito").

The context of their relationship becomes especially clear when we remember all of this: Cloud agreed to be Aerith's bodyguard for the price of one date, he tells Marlene he hopes Aerith likes him, he reaffirms his commitment to being Aerith's bodyguard at the Shinra headquarters, Cloud and Aerith share two canon dates, the intimate conversation at Cosmo Canyon, a wedding prediction (SE words, not mine) from Cait Sith, and an "undying" feeling for Aerith that becomes "engraved in his heart." This is further supported by SE's koibito quote, the quote that says FFVII has a hero that wavers between two love interests, and the cameo appearances between Cloud and Aerith (flower field ending in Dissidia, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy Tactics, and the ending of Kingdom Hearts in unison with Nomura's quote). When you combine all of these things together (official quotes, in-game moments, cameo appearances, etc.) it becomes clear what SE was trying to do by paying homage to the hand reach scene in AC.
You don't have to tell Marlene you like Aerith anymore then you have to reassure Aerith you like being with her. The Golden Saucer Date is only considered canon in your earlier reasoning. you might to see how that goes before reminding everyone how it is now canon. Cloud being Aerith's koibito doesn't mean Cloud is in love with Aerith.

To me, the scene itself is touching and bittersweet. Cloud wasn't able to take Aerith's hand in FFVII -- but he was finally able to do so in AC.
Yes, he failed to reach before, he can now. That is the extent of what happened, you don't have reads whole books into it.
I will also note that the hand reach scene between Cloud and Aerith is similar to other canon couples -- Kairi/Sora in Kingdom Hearts and Snow and Serah in FFXIII.



You know Cloud/Zack, Zack/Angeal (with more significant looks then all the other examples combined), Tidus/Jecht and probably a bunch of other I'm forgetting do the scene right?
Here is a passage from the 10th Anniversary Ultimania outlining Tifa's repeated jealously of her "love rival":
"The thing which she is unable to hide in her irritation towards Cloud is the fact that he isn't merely dragging the past around, but because that reason might perhaps be related to Aerith.

FFVII: Seeing Cloud and Aerith developing their world together before her eyes, she inadvertently lets slip her peevish feelings.

AC: Upon knowing that Cloud had been residing in Aerith's church after leaving the place they had been living in together, her expression becomes complex."

 ~Tifa's character profile, 10th Anniversary Ultimania

One of the lines specifically says that Tifa let her "peevish feelings" slip when she saw Cloud and Aerith developing their "own world" together. Why would Tifa be jealous of a world of friendship?
She isn't jealous of a world of friendship. Tifa and Aerith are LOVE rivals. The fact that Tifa is insecure doesn't mean she has no chance or even that Cloud automatically actually does like Aerith better, it means just that, that she's insecure.

Cloud most certainly is no longer creating his and Aerith's little world anymore in AC. We see Aerith's perspective she has no idea he is visiting her church. And Cloud is just as, if not more concerned with Zack's memory. He actually TALKS to Zack's sword, all of his own initiative. There were no equivalent C/A scenes worth showing, not prior to Aerith making contact in order to stop Sephiroth.

The behavior Tifa exhibits toward Cloud during CoT and AC is that of a Mother to a child: always telling Cloud what to do, what not to do, nagging him, etc. This behavior is exactly why Nomura confirms Tifa has a "maternal bond" towards Cloud. We see, with our own eyes, that this maternal bond drove Cloud away because he completely shuts Tifa off at the end of CoT and repeatedly during AC. To me, the real-life manifestations of Tifa's maternal bond toward Cloud drove him away and ruined any possibility of a romantic relationship between them. This is behavior is exactly what causes Tifa to not know if Cloud loves her, and is exactly why Cloud, himself, doesn't give her an answer.
Okay, first of all, you are making an elephant out of anthill. Tifa doesn't nag Cloud much at all in Case of Tifa. And in ACshe on his case for abandoning her and the children and refusing to go rescue them when bad guys have kidnapped Marlene and Denzel. In short, behaviour that you can hardly expect Tifa to ignore. Also in the subject of these conversations the actual reason he left comes up. Cloud is dying of Geostigma.

"The words “memetic legacy” are used a lot in the film…but in Advent Children, rather than focusing on memories we wanted to show that consciousness is what lives on. We took the ending of the game and expanded on that idea. Even if they’re dead, their consciousness is still with us. As for Cloud…he sees Aerith several times throughout the film. It’s not that he sees her because he feels her presence. He sees her because her consciousness…lives on inside him." ~Nomura; Distance Interview
Excuse me if i can't take this quote so literally when the actual afterlife in FFVII exist, works nothing like that, we see Aerith perspective from within the Lifestream and she is not connected to Cloud at all.

In addition, Aerith also interacts with Cloud physically by boosting him during the battle with Bahamut-Sin:
Just like everyone else.
If Cloud and Aerith can interact both physically and spiritually, I see no reason to assume a relationship can't continue between them (especially when we consider that love beyond death is a theme SE has repeated with several FF couples).

But she does connect with those who are living despite this quote. Maybe it is an inconsistency from SE? Maybe it means she can no longer associate with living people the same way she did while she was alive?

The fact is -- SE has shown us that Aerith CAN and DOES communicate with the living. Aerith helped Tifa get safely into Cloud's mind using mako, Nomura says Cloud hears Aerith's voice whispering, and Aerith connects with everyone during AC through the use of Great Gospel. We also see Cloud and Aerith connecting spiritually throughout AC.

So my question to you is: does something change in the lifestream after AC that now makes Aerith unable to connect with the living?

The bottom line is: Aerith is able to connect with the living despite this quote. That means that when it says she can no longer "associate" with living people, it probably means she can't associate with living people like she did when she was alive.

I guess a question for SE would be: what do you mean when you say Aerith can't associate with the living even though you specifically show us that she can and does associate with the living?

I'd also like to point this out. It's an excerpt from an essay I was reading the other day:
"Since Sephiroth exists, Aerith must exist. There was no doubt about that one." ~Nojima, Reunion Files

So, what is important in this quote? Because there are CloTis who are quite comfortable accepting the fact that Cloud can see, hear, and interact with Sephiroth, but they refuse to accept that Cloud can see, hear, and interact with Aerith. Why? Because, if Cloud can see, hear, and interact with Aerith, despite the fact that she's dead, it makes their "Cloud can't be with Aerith because she's dead" argument null and void.

In the two novellas written by Nojima, Case of Lifestream: White and Case of Lifestream: Black, a glimpse into the Lifestream is given, showing how both Aerith (White) and Sephiroth (Black) influence the world. Sephiroth decides to form remnants of himself from negative Lifestream to do his will on the planet's surface. Aerith wonders if she can do the same, then decides against it, wishing to meet Cloud as he knew her. However, the fact remains- if Sephiroth can use negative Lifestream to manifest remnants of himself, Aerith should be able to use positive Lifestream to physically manifest herself.

If both Aerith and Sephiroth are capable of influencing the world, and they are both capable of talking to Cloud and being seen by Cloud, then why would anyone believe that Cloud is only capable of interacting with Sephiroth, and not Aerith? Clearly, Aerith can produce a physical manifestation, or she would not have been able to boost Cloud upward during his battle with Bahamut-Sin in AC/ACC. This is just one more reason why death means nothing to Cloud and Aerith's relationship. Cloud is fully capable of hearing Aerith, speaking to her, and even touching her. So, what's stopping them from being together?"
Aerith CAN interact with the living. and yet for strange reason, Cloud is talking to Zack's sword with no response instead of banging Aerith at the beginning of AC. And we don't see her in DoC with Cloud either. And Cloud is having grouppictures with the group without her. Aerith is LEAVING the church alongwith Zack for some reason too. And while see makes contact a few times, she keeps fading out leaving Cloud to do stuff on her own.

No it doesn't. It's not as though this is Cloud's old childhood house. It's not as though Cloud bought this house new. He moved into Seventh Heaven after it had already been established as a residence for other people, which means they are probably making do with the space they have available.
The fact that SE included a bed in Cloud's personal room, suggests that because he moved into Seventh Heaven long after it had already been a residence for other people, suggests that they were doing the best they could with the space they had available.
Are you joking?

“Yeah, let’s go home” Cloud agreed.
“Where to?” Barret asked.
“Our suspended reality.”
“What the hell do you mean by that?”
“Our normal lives.”
“And where do we have something like that?”
“We’ll find one.” Cloud looked at Tifa and said, “Right?”

The three of them began preparations. They decided to build in the avenue that sprung up at the east of Midgar and transport the necessary materials from Midgar like everybody else. The people, who got helped from the information Tifa and the others shared, felt obliged and quickly gathered to help building the bar.

Do you honestly think SE provided a random place to sleep in a room that is considered Cloud's for the hell of it?
Because that would be the weirdest furniture choice SE has ever come up with?

Agreeing to protect Aerith for the price of one date could mean that he was both attracted to her and romantically interested in her at the same time. It doesn't have to be an either/or situation. It seems you are arguing over semantics, word choice, AND missing the bigger picture.
HE'S not the one that came up with the date, you know. He wasn't truly the kind of person that would leave someone to the Turks' mercy. He protected her because he wanted to protect her.

This entire discussion started over Cloud's guilt. You claimed that Cloud felt guilty because he failed to protect Aerith. I responded that he only wanted to protect her because of the romantic feelings he had for her, therefore his guilt is completely tied to his romantic feelings for Aerith. Then you said attraction is why he agreed to protect her, not his romantic feelings. But my entire point is that although he initially might have agreed to protect Aerith because he was attracted to her, the reason he continued to want to protect her long after their initial meeting, and the reason he feels guilty for his failure to protect her, is because of the romantic feelings he developed for her after their initial encounter.

Cloud's guilt is tied directly to the romantic feelings he has for Aerith.
Cloud feels plenty guilty about Zack too, you know. I feel guilty about tons of stuff without being in love with the object involved.

Cloud is Aerith's "koibito," therefore he has romantic feelings for her that are different than the platonic feelings her comrades have for her. Period.
Cloud being Aerith's koibito speaks to how Aerith feels about Cloud, not the other way around. when we get Cloud's perspective and he uses words like that about Aerith, get back to me.


Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
Gonna jump in a bit...
Quex, what then is the correct translation? I wasn't here for the correction of that quote, if it was corrected in the past. Thanks.


Pro Adventurer
Danseru-kun said:
My mother was sleeping I asked her if she loves me, she wakes up with a perplexed look because I woke her up.

I don't know if my mom loves me anymore because she never answered my question :(
I'd say Cloud not answering her question because he doesn't have an answer is more plausible than assuming he didn't hear her question.

Why would SE include this scene to simply show us that Cloud didn't hear Tifa? This scene was obviously included to tell us that their relationship is in trouble. Unless SE specifically says Cloud didn't hear Tifa, we shouldn't come up with excuses and assumptions for why he didn't hear her.

Also -- if Cloud din't hear Tifa, why didn't he ask her to repeat the question? That's usually what people do when they don't hear someone. The fact that he gave her a perplexed look is a hint from SE that Cloud doesn't know if he loves Tifa.

The fact is, Cloud heard Tifa's question and didn't give her a response because he is not sure if he loves her. I know this is a hard fact for Cloti's to swallow, but the obvious conclusion SE knows viewers will draw from this exchange is that Cloud doesn't know if he loves Tifa.

If Cloud, himself, doesn't even know if he loves Tifa -- how can anyone possibly call them the canon couple of Final Fantasy VII?
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Cloud woke up, a perplexed look on his face.
“Hey, Cloud. Do you love Marlene?”
Cloud SPECIFICALLY woke up after the question was asked. And Tifa didn't wait for answer. She basically dodged the possibility of Cloud asking her to repeat it by asking him another question. She wasn't counting on a response. Yeah, they were having difficulties. But I don't doubt that Cloud would have replied tyo the question in the positive.

Also, if they weren't in a relationship and Cloud was sleeping in that tiny metal crapheap then Tifa's behavior is VERY odd.

After making certain that Cloud was asleep, she spoke to him.
Tifa waited for his answer, though she couldn’t hear it even if she waited until the morning.

She was just standing looking over him throughout the entire night in your mind?


Pro Adventurer
Cloud SPECIFICALLY woke up after the question was asked. And Tifa didn't wait for answer. She basically dodged the possibility of Cloud asking her to repeat it by asking him another question. She wasn't counting on a response. Yeah, they were having difficulties. But I don't doubt that Cloud would have replied tyo the question in the positive.

Also, if they weren't in a relationship and Cloud was sleeping in that tiny metal crapheap then Tifa's behavior is VERY odd.

After making certain that Cloud was asleep, she spoke to him.
Tifa waited for his answer, though she couldn’t hear it even if she waited until the morning.

She was just standing looking over him throughout the entire night in your mind?
I think Tifa was giving Cloud an out so he didn't have to answer her question and so she didn't have to face the harsh reality that Cloud doesn't love her.

Why is Tifa insecure? Well, you can argue that she's naturally insecure. But you can also point out that their relationship wasn't going well according to Nojima, and that Nomura doesn't know the status of their relationship. Therefore, it makes sense that Tifa doesn't know if Cloud loves her because their relationship had completely collapsed.

It's not just Cloud's lack of response that is troubling, it's the fact that Tifa has to ask the question in the first place. Trying to write it off by saying, "oh, she's just an insecure female" ignores the context of where their relationship was at and statements made by the creators.

I don't even need to argue about Cloud's lack of response because Tifa having to ask the question in the first place is equally as troubling.

Tifa should know more than anyone if Cloud loves her or not. If she doesn't know, no one should pretend they know, either.

Miss Aubrey

Lv. 1 Adventurer
It's not just Cloud's lack of response that is troubling, it's the fact that Tifa has to ask the question in the first place. Trying to write it off by saying, "oh, she's just an insecure female" ignores the context of where their relationship was at and statements made by the creators.

Or maybe she just wanted to hear him say it :monster: Don't women love to hear that they're loved, even when they know that they are? Idk just a thought


I think Tifa was giving Cloud an out so he didn't have to answer her question and so she didn't have to face the harsh reality that Cloud doesn't love her.

Why is Tifa insecure? Well, you can argue that she's naturally insecure. But you can also point out that their relationship wasn't going well according to Nojima, and that Nomura doesn't know the status of their relationship. Therefore, it makes sense that Tifa doesn't know if Cloud loves her because their relationship had completely collapsed.

It's not just Cloud's lack of response that is troubling, it's the fact that Tifa has to ask the question in the first place. Trying to write it off by saying, "oh, she's just an insecure female" ignores the context of where their relationship was at and statements made by the creators.

I don't even need to argue about Cloud's lack of response because Tifa having to ask the question in the first place is equally as troubling.

Tifa should know more than anyone if Cloud loves her or not. If she doesn't know, no one should pretend they know, either.

Again, unlike Tifa we watched AC, we read author's comments about Cloud's state of mind going into AC. We know was wrecked with guilt over Zack and Aerith, we know he was dying, we know he felt he didn't deserve the happy life he had now and it was making him anxious. Tifa was reading into his behaviour not knowing he was thinking and came to the conclusion he was not happy living with her.

And i don't know how Tifa being insecure irrespective of their relationship has to be argued.

I wondered if I could continue living the way I was. If someone else asked her the same question then she would answer them that they should live on no matter what happened. But when it was about her, she didn’t know.

“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.”
She felt Cloud’s hand on her shoulder. He was holding onto her firmly as if he didn’t want her to go anywhere. For now, I’ll just let myself cry as much as I want. I’ll leave the rest in his hands.
Tifa and the others couldn’t say anything in reply. Did we really do all we could?

“We’ll find one.” Cloud looked at Tifa and said, “Right?”
“Yeah!” cried the cheerful Marlene. Tifa nodded too, but just like Barret, she wondered where they had a normal life.

When Tifa and Cloud were alone, Cloud said, “It’s not like you to be troubled by your thoughts.”
“It’s… Just the way I am.”
“No. You’re much more cheerful and strong. If you’ve forgotten the way you were then, I’ll be there to remind you.”
“You really will?”
“Probably,” Cloud said blushing.

Tifa couldn’t answer right away. She understood what Barret was saying. But opening up a store felt like going back to the times of AVALANCHE. Cloud spoke up.
“Tifa, lets give it a go. If it gets too tough, we’ll just quit.”
“It won’t be tough. If Tifa doesn’t work, she’ll end up thinkin’ about all sorts of things. Then she’ll end up not being able to do anything.”
That might be true.

“I like ‘Seventh Heaven,’” said Marlene. It was the one name Tifa didn’t want.
Just having the past in me was enough. There was no need to go to the trouble of making a name that would remind me of it.
“Because it was fun. If we make it Seventh Heaven it’ll be fun again.”
We had forgotten. Adults had their ambitions but Marlene had nothing to do with them. To her, Seventh Heaven was a happy home where Barret, Tifa, and her friends were.
Tifa was major doubts about her whole life in the wake of Meteor. Attributing it all to a collapsing relationship with Cloud is stupid. Not as stupid as ignoring Geostigma as crucial factor from Cloud's perspective off course


Pro Adventurer
Well I'll see you guys later, I don't want to be here when Tres sees this. :monster:

/me leaves thread...

No but seriously, that quote is not only

A. Translated wrongly
B. NOT from 2007
C. Talking about guilt

But this has been pointed out to you numerous times

Why do you insist on using this wrongly translated and cited quote as evidence of anything when we've shown you numerous times that it's incorrect? I dn't care if you want to use it as some kind of evidence for CxA but PLEASE properly cite it and use a proper translation and the FULL quote.

On the CxA note... the fact that Cloud wanted Aerith to like him... since his canon response to Marlene is "Let's hope so" when she said Aerith likes him... idk, isn't that some kind of proof?
Translate this image for yourself, if you must:


The translation I use is from Saeki of the CxA forums:
Nomura: I believe, for those who formerly travelled with her as comrades and for the viewers, each carries their own feelings and loves for Aerith. In this story, Cloud also carries his own undying feeling for Aerith even to this very day... It's relations with this church scene is... Yup. I'll leave this part to your imagination. (Laughs). ~My Translation

Original Japanese one...

想い = omoi = feeling
愛情 = aijou = love

Since a lot of the translation from TLS come from Cloti's, there is no shame (IMO) in getting my translation from someone of the CxA forums.

Saeki believes that Nomura is contrasting Cloud's feelings with the feelings of his comrades, which is a fair comparison to make considering Cloud and Aerith's relationship is different from that of her comrades. Cloud is Aerith's "koibito".
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Pro Adventurer
I'd say Cloud not answering her question because he doesn't have an answer is more plausible than assuming he didn't hear her question.

Why did SE make sure Tifa made sure Cloud was asleep?

Why would SE include this scene to simply show us that Cloud didn't hear Tifa? This scene was obviously included to tell us that their relationship is in trouble. Unless SE specifically says Cloud didn't hear Tifa, we shouldn't come up with excuses and assumptions for why he didn't hear her.
This scene shows Tifa and Cloud in a very private situation, apprently, Tifa can get close enough to Cloud when he's sleeping and can wait for his answer 'til morning. Tifa is shy woman who cannot spit out her feelings but now she can be so near him when he's sleeping and ask intimate questions.

Also -- if Cloud din't hear Tifa, why didn't he ask her to repeat the question? That's usually what people do when they don't hear someone. The fact that he gave her a perplexed look is a hint from SE that Cloud doesn't know if he loves Tifa.
Did Cloud know that Tifa asked him? In the story Tifa quickly shifted the focus to Marlene. She asked "do you love Marlene." She could have asked again "do you love me" if she really want to know, but apparently she's not desperate enough for his answer and she was just conversing with him.

The fact is, Cloud heard Tifa's question and didn't give her a response because he is not sure if he loves her. I know this is a hard fact for Cloti's to swallow, but the obvious conclusion SE knows viewers will draw from this exchange is that both Cloud and Tifa don't know if their feelings for one another are mutual.
No it's not obvious he heard her question, he just woke up. This is not a fact and you cannot prove it is. If it's obvious why does my friends who don't know anything about FFVII asked me if Cloud and Tifa are married when I forced them to read CoT? Why did they say that they act like a normal couple?

And why do you keep ignoring the FACT that Cloud and Tifa's HW scene is the same as other FF couples like Squinoa, CelesxLocke, SteinerxBeatrix, ZellxPigtailed Girl, and TidusxYuna?

Can you acknowledge that fact? And I know you argue that Nomura's quote proves the relationship deteriorated. But it is a fact that the phrase 想いを通わせる is used only for a koibito.

To prove that 気持ちを確かめ , 想いを打ち明 け , 互いの想い or 想いを通わせる is friendship, you need to show another instance in the SE canon, in any FF for these phrases to have been used between mere friends. The FACT is there is none except for canon couples in Final Fantasy. Those are facts.

Tifa is someone's koibito even in Advent Children, to be someone's koibito doesn't mean there are no relationship issues. It is a fact that for two people to be each others' official koibito, 気持ちを確かめ and 想いを通わせる should have taken place. It took place for Cloud and Tifa.

It is a fact that I consulted Japanese people in these phrases. And now I really get ticked off in this debate, I'm gonna prove that they're imaginary. Check out the general sections' Lifestream Member Picture Thread if you wanna see them.
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