The Love Triangle Debate thread of KNEEL BEFORE ZOD OR SUFFER HIS WRATH (ignore the opening posts at your peril) (Round 6)

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Pro Adventurer
Danseru-kun said:
Did Cloud know that Tifa asked him? In the story Tifa quickly shifted the focus to Marlene. She asked "do you love Marlene." She could have asked again "do you love me" if she really want to know, but apparently she's not desperate enough for his answer and she was just conversing with him.
I think Tifa was scared of Cloud's response, which is why she A. waited to ask him while he was asleep, and B. she quickly changed the question to Marlene.

It's not just Cloud's lack of response that is troubling, it's the fact that Tifa has to ask the question in the first place. Trying to write it off by saying, "oh, she's just an insecure female" ignores the context of their relationship and statements made by SE.

The reason she is asking Cloud the question in the first place is because she is jealous Cloud had been visiting Aerith's Church, and because of the constant communication problems we see between them. Sure, all couples have problems. But Nojima isn't even sure if the kids will be enough to help them solve their problems. This suggests that their problems might be unfixable, IMO.

The bottom line is: I don't even need to argue about why Cloud didn't respond because Tifa having to ask the question in the first place is equally as troubling.

Tifa should know more than anyone if Cloud loves her or not. If she doesn't know, no one should pretend they know, either.

Danseru-kun said:
And why do you keep ignoring the FACT that Cloud and Tifa's HW scene is the same as other FF couples like Squinoa, CelesxLocke, SteinerxBeatrix, ZellxPigtailed Girl, and TidusxYuna?
All I was pointing out is that SE tells us that the C/A date is the "normal" outcome. This, to me, clearly canonizes the C/A date because it is the "normal" outcome. Nowhere does SE specifically say that the HAHW scene is the "normal" outcome, therefore all the times it is referenced it could simply be a placeholder because one of the two versions has to be chosen.

In my honest opinion, the HAHW scene is most likely canon (although the evidence behind it is not as strong as many of you think). But my biggest point during this debate has been that even if the HAHW scene occurred, it did not necessarily lead to a romantic relationship between Cloud and Tifa.

Expressing mutual romantic feelings does not necessarily mean a romantic relationship comes after it, especially when we consider that Nomura doesn't know the status of their relationship, the fact that Tifa doesn't know if Cloud loves her, and the premise from Nojima that things "aren't going well" between them.

No scene after the Highwind scene unequivocally moves Cloud and Tifa from friends to lovers. To me, this suggests that even if the HAHW scene happened, there is no proof that a romantic *relationship* developed from it. And even if one did develop for a brief period of time, it was completely gone by Advent Children when Tifa doesn't even know if Cloud loves her.

If Nomura doesn't know if Cloud and Tifa form a romantic relationship after the HAHW scene, how can we be sure that they are in a romantic relationship?

If Tifa doesn't know if Cloud loves her after the HAHW scene, how can we be sure that Cloud loves her after the HAHW scene?


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
Tifa should know more than anyone if Cloud loves her or not. If she doesn't know, no one should pretend they know, either.

You think you've lost your love
Well I saw her yesterday
It's you shes thinking of
And she told me what to say

She says she loves you and you know that can't be bad
She loves you and you know you should be glad whooooooooo.

She loves you yeah yeah yeah


Sorry but, Tifa is the character and as such is not privvy to all of the other things going on - unlike the audience/viewer/reader. From Tifa's point of view she IS unsure/insecure.

I mean really to say nobody should know if the character doesn't know.....I don't know what that says for storytelling in general. :closedmonster:


Pro Adventurer
The reason she is asking Cloud the question in the first place is because she is jealous Cloud had been visiting Aerith's Church, and because of the constant communication problems we see between them. Sure, all couples have problems. But Nojima isn't even sure if the kids will be enough to help them solve their problems. This suggests that their problems might be unfixable, IMO.

Your ignoring the fact that many couples ask this all the time. This is not an abnormal question. And since you said it's your opinion, you might as well accept the fact that people in relationships here in this debate say it's pretty normal and nothing really alarming.

All I was pointing out is that SE tells us that the C/A date is the "normal" outcome. This, to me, clearly canonizes the C/A date because it is the "normal" outcome. Nowhere does SE specifically say that the HAHW scene is the "normal" outcome, therefore all the times it is referenced it could simply be a placeholder because one of the two versions has to be chosen.
Normal outcome of the game=/= canon and it's irrelevant in the HAHW scene. It is a fact that in Disgaea the true ending is too difficult for an average player (no ally kills try it.) In fighting games, you have to do certain things to get the canon ending. in Guilty Gear, you have to perform an IK to have a character live. If you play it normally (Sol Badguy), he'll die and that's not canon because he's alive in the next game and he's the freaking main character.

Character profiles does not show placeholders, it shows what happens to the characters canonically. The HAHW is canon.

Expressing mutual romantic feelings does not necessarily mean a romantic relationship comes after it, especially when we consider that Nomura doesn't know the status of their relationship, the fact that Tifa doesn't know if Cloud loves her, and the premise from Nojima that things "aren't going well" between them.

If Tifa doesn't know if Cloud loves her after the HAHW scene, how can we be sure that Cloud loves her after the HAHW scene?
Why do you ignore that Tifa is someone's koibito according to SE? If you think the woman who has Cloud as her koibito is Aerith, why is it such as stretch that the Tifa is a koibito of Cloud? COLW never said the woman is Aerith. RF never said the one is Cloud, but since koibito denotes deep love and there is nothing who loves Tifa like that. Rude and Johnny's crush are too petty for a koibito level and Johnny isn't even in AC when RF was released. You insist the logic that only members of the love triangle is valid, then you might as well accept that the only person in the triangle that can have Tifa as his koibito is Cloud. Cloud wavered between two heroines. Tifa is said to be someone's koibito after Nomura said he doesn't know/care. New>old.

What you are saying about Cloti's relationship because of "do you love me" are merely your obsevations. True things will not go well at first but you're ignoring these facts about Cloti and Tifa:

In the past you’ve always looked after me, you [Marlene,] Denzel and Tifa. You were there whenever I needed you. Now it’s my turn
.- Cloud in ACC

This is Cloud's words. He knows better than any of us.

Oh, I just remembered. I wanted to write Cloud as a person, seen through Tifa’s eyes. But he really isn’t the type to open up (laughs). ~Nojima, interview about On the Way to a Smile

Tifa, who from 2 years ago has been the only one Cloud opened his heart to. Now he has closed off his heart even from her. ~AC Prologue Book

Tifa is a strong woman. She doesn’t like what Cloud is doing, but instead of lecturing him about every little thing, she’s been waiting for him to realize for himself what his actions are doing. She’s remarkably strong, not only emotionally, but physically as well. I think that using words to help lead Cloud to his own conclusions, instead of constant lecture, is a defining quality of Tifa’s personality. -Nomura page 20. Reunion Files

Apart from being Cloud’s childhood friend, she is also the woman who understands him all too well and devotedly supports the mentally-weak side of him. FFVII 10thAnniversary Ultimania Tifa Lockhart Character Profile p 42-47

With the support of former allies and Tifa, an important woman to him and now also part of his family, Cloud regains the courage to move forward. - Cloud Strife Profile FFVII10th AU

These are facts. Note that in the last quote I provided, Tifa was singled out from Cloud's allies. Everyone is important to Cloud, but SE made sure Tifa gets a special mention in this phrase.

Edit: I might drop from this part of the debate. I have my own issues. I'm sure anyone can take over.
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Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
You think you've lost your love
Well I saw her yesterday
It's you shes thinking of
And she told me what to say

She says she loves you and you know that can't be bad
She loves you and you know you should be glad whooooooooo.

She loves you yeah yeah yeah

I like the Beatles.

But more importantly, there are a lot (oh look, I did not spell it as ALOT) of points in BB's post that's atrociously faulty. As much as I'd love to point them out one by one, I don't think I have the patience to do so, so I'll just have to summarize.

Basically, you are doing the wrong approach, BB. You post like this:

>> [topic of contention]
>> SE has never said anything about this/SE has no official word on the topic
>> Since we don't really know the truth, here's my opinion about the topic
>> I present my opinion as a fact
>> Therefore, my opinion is fact, just because

You do this to almost every contention there is in this thread. Don't you think that's a very unfair tactic?

Kermitu Kleric Katie

BlankBeat, I'll respond to your poasts later cause I have to go to school right now, but I must ask: have you ever had a girlfriend? because you seem to not know how real romantic relationships work. Also to me, canon couple means they were in a romantic relationship with each other at some point. They don't even have to love each other. So by my definition, Cloud/Tifa is canon, Zack/Aerith is canon, Hojo/Lucrecia is canon, etc.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Well I'll see you guys later, I don't want to be here when Tres sees this. :monster:

/me leaves thread...

No but seriously, that quote is not only

A. Translated wrongly
B. NOT from 2007
C. Talking about guilt

But this has been pointed out to you numerous times

Why do you insist on using this wrongly translated and cited quote as evidence of anything when we've shown you numerous times that it's incorrect? I dn't care if you want to use it as some kind of evidence for CxA but PLEASE properly cite it and use a proper translation and the FULL quote.

And for those very reasons, I am done getting dicked around with/trolled on by this dishonest "debater." Fuck this horseshit.


Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
And for those very reasons, I am done getting dicked around with/trolled on by this dishonest "debater." Fuck this horseshit.
For the love of all that is good, could you just tell us what is YOUR translation of it? The source has been cited, it is yours to review. Correct it, then. I am interested in seeing your translation.

Master Bates

Do you enjoy your life?
Mr. Koiwai
Sorry. I told myself not to pick apart any specific line but I was just really bothered by this.

If Tifa doesn't know if Cloud loves her after the HAHW scene, how can we be sure that Cloud loves her after the HAHW scene?

You do realize that during the time of those separate events (the highwind scene and tifa's "do you love me") there was a significant amount of time gap between them, right? And you do realize that feelings CAN change. And I'm not pulling that out of my ass. Feelings change, that is REALITY. It's a FACT. Tifa is aware of that fact.

I'm not arguing whether Cloud's feelings did change somewhere between those times. I'm saying that Tifa, as a non-omniscient character, knows that there is a possibility that Cloud's feelings for her might've changed. Whether that's true or not is another story.

That question stemmed from Tifa, a non-omniscient character who's not privy to other characters' thoughts and feelings (I can't stress this enough), due to her insecurities and Cloud's refusal to open. Tifa was being a very realistic character here. BUT this insecurity-driven question does not really say jack about Cloud's true feelings. This really reflects more on Tifa, not Cloud. So why are you using this to judge Cloud's?

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
ClerithRaven;505179 said:
For the love of all that is good, could you just tell us what is YOUR translation of it? The source has been cited, it is yours to review. Correct it, then. I am interested in seeing your translation.

Alright, since you're asking -- and sincerely -- I'll post my detailed address to this from my as-yet unpublished final LTD article. None of this is new information, though, having been discussed extensively both here and at the CxA forums:

To start off, the quote is actually from the October 24, 2003
issue of “Famitsu PS2.” Sources:

Secondly, there’s actually no comparison here between Cloud’s
feelings for Aerith and those of the rest of AVALANCHE, nor
does the quote even mention Aerith’s comrades on the team.
A more accurate translation would be:

"I think that for all those players with whom Aerith traveled as a comrade,
each carries their own feelings and love for Aerith. In this story, Cloud also
carries his own undying feeling for Aerith, even now .…"

Third, the commonly spread version of the quote seen under the “Claim”
marker above also leaves out the last several lines of the quote, which
are vital to identifying the “undying feeling” in question. This is the
complete quote:

"I think that for all those players with whom Aerith traveled as a comrade,
each carries their own feelings and love for Aerith. In this story, Cloud also
carries his own undying feeling for Aerith, even now .... Its relation to the
church scene is .... Yeah. I'll leave this to everyone's imagination. (laughs)"

Japanese text:
エアリスはかつてともに旅をした仲間で、受け手側の皆さんにも、それぞれの愛情や想いがあると思います。この物語のクラウドも、エアリスに対して、いまもなお死なぬ想いは あると・・・・。この教会の場面との関係は・・・・・うーん。このあたりは皆さんのご想像におまかせします(笑)。

Before proceeding further, I would like to turn to an explanation
from hitoshura that breaks down exactly why it’s clear that
Nomura’s comment does not mention the rest of AVALANCHE:

エアリスは = we're talking about Aerith

かつてともに旅をした仲間 = a comrade (nakama) who once
travelled together [with the rest of them]

で = comes from the verb “to be/is,” and is conjunctive. It means
“[Aerith] is [a comrade who [they] once travelled with], and ...” but
seems to have been taken as 'for those who travelled ....”

受け手側の皆さんにも = [and ...] for everyone in the audience too

それぞれの愛情や想いがあると思います = he thinks they each
have their own affection and feelings

想いはあると = there's not really anything there singling anything out
like “his own” like there was above. Just that he still has some “undying
feelings” as well.

This interview also took place well before even the original edition of
Advent Children was released. This was only a month after the project's
development had been announced at Tokyo Game Show 2003. Nomura
was teasing the eager fans.

He didn't identify exactly what Cloud's unique undying feeling for Aerith was,
but he hinted that it was related to "the church scene.”

So, what is this feeling that's ultimately given so much attention in the
film? Guilt, as we've discussed before. In both editions of the movie, the
wolf that symbolizes Cloud's guilt appears in Aerith’s church when Cloud
finds Tifa beaten up there, and the FFVII 10th Anniversary Ultimania
also refers to Aerith as a symbol of his failures to protect those he cares
about (pg. 50; pg. 52 of the Revised Edition) — reproducing Nomura's
comment here point for point, and explicitly identifying "Cloud's unique
feeling" as guilt: "Aerith still lives on in the hearts of her friends who
saved the planet. And in particular to Cloud, as a symbol of his failure to
... protect those dear to him."

For that matter, at the time Nomura made his comment about "the church
scene," there had only been *one* church scene shown thus far -- the one
with Cloud walking down the main aisle of the church in the trailers from
TGS 2003's first, second and third days (three trailers were shown during
the event, one each day). In that scene, Cloud can be heard saying, "I think
I want to be forgiven. Yeah, I want to be forgiven."

The only church scene shown to the public at that point — indeed, the only
one that existed at the time — was this one featuring Cloud’s desire for

For reference, let us turn to pg. 13 of the Reunion Files, where Takahiro
Sakurai, Cloud’s voice actor, says the following:

The first recording I did for this project was for a trailer shown at the Tokyo
Game Show 2003. It was only four lines, like “I want to be forgiven,” but it
took me over an hour and a half just to get through them (laughs)!

Source scan:

Japanese text:

The footage that existed at the time is corroborated by pg. 74 of the
Reunion Files:
The first time the title and visuals were revealed to the public was at a
presentation held during the 2003 Tokyo Game Show (TGS), from
September 26 through 28. In fact, the only visuals that existed at this
point were this three-minute movie and the secret proto-movie
described earlier. In other words, this sneak preview was actually the

Source scan:

Japanese text:

Recollections from Nomura on the same page echo these

We decided from the beginning that we wouldn’t use the TGS
movie in the final version. It was really just a pilot film. We
produced three different versions and played one on each day of
the TGS, but made them so that they hardly implied FFVII at all.

Source scan:

Japanese text:

Here also are links to all three Tokyo Game Show trailers: (Day 1) (Day 2) (Day 3)

The counterargument has been made, however, that Cloud’s feeling
described in Nomura’s quote could not be guilt -- mind you, despite
no other feeling applying to the church scene from the Tokyo Game
Show trailers or even the same scene in the final film -- due to it being
described as “undying,” whereas Cloud’s guilt is resolved during Advent

This is, quite simply, a misunderstanding of the word “undying.”

"Undying" doesn't mean only that which is inextinguishable. Vampires
and Elves are frequently portrayed in fiction undying (i.e. as time
progresses, they are not in a constant state of eventual decay like
humans), but can be killed through the correct means. The race from
FFXII called the Undying, as well as the same game's final boss, are
likewise — undying, yet can also be killed.

That which is undying is only so until it has died. For examples within
Final Fantasy, one need look no further than the last boss of FFXII. The
form Vayne takes when he fuses with Venat's power is called "The
Undying" — and not just in the English translation.

The Japanese name for this boss is 不滅なるもの -- "that which/he
who is undying." The Occuria of the same game are also referred to in
both languages as "the undying" (不滅なる神; "kami who are
undying") but they very much can be killed, as Venat kindly

For that matter, if one wants to make the case this feeling being
described isn't guilt, they're still going to have to attempt divorcing
that quote from its full context (i.e. the sentences that immediately
follow): "Its relation to the church scene is.... Yeah. I'll leave this to
everyone's imagination. (laughs)"

In any case, if Nomura was talking about something that goes beyond
Advent Children, you have to wonder why he would use “in this story”
to describe the feeling and then relate that feeling to a specific scene in
the trailer where Cloud speaks of wanting forgiveness. The point
becomes all the more clear when you look at the finished work and find
in that scene a manifestation of Cloud's guilt, bearing in mind such things
as Aerith's 10th Anniversary Ultimania profile (pg. 50; pg. 52 of the
Revised Edition) saying that, at the time of Advent Children, Aerith was
the symbol of Cloud's regrets.

Added to that, the character association chart in the same book (pg. 121;
pg. 123 of the Revised Edition) has an arrow running from Cloud to
Aerith that says "sense of guilt" (罪の意識). While guilt certainly isn't all
that he felt for her, and while he may indeed carry an especial fondness
for her all through his life, it only stands to reason that in this particular
quote about Advent Children, Nomura was referring to Cloud's guilt.
That's what the whole film centers around: his struggles with his guilt
and coming to terms with himself.
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Ren, ClerithRaven, Lunafresca's Raven
Alright, since you're asking -- and sincerely -- I'll post my detailed address to this from my as-yet unpublished final LTD article. None of this is new information, though, having been discussed extensively both here and at the CxA forums:
Thank you for your translation. But, the explanation was not really needed. :p I read it though, mind you.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Wait, wut? If it wasn't needed then why did you ask for it? Genuinely confused here, especially since Tres only took the time to get this posted due to your sincere request for it.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
"She was surprised at the great sorrow he had for her. She was a little happy that he thought so much of her but she also felt the pain that was many times greater." ~The Maiden who Travels the Planet

"Cloud searched for the right words. 'I didn't fix the problem. I don't think I'll ever fix the problem. I can't make somebody unlose their life.'" ~CoT

"The incredible guilt Cloud feels because of what happened to Aerith can only be lifted by forgiveness from Aerith herself." ~Nojima, Reunion Files

"For Cloud, no one other than Aerith can solve that problem for him. I tried to create an atmosphere in which she still seems to be by his side - in spirit at least." ~Nojima, Reunion Files

"The Forgotten City is tied to Aerith throughout the film. Here, Cloud is constantly reminded of her no matter how painful it is for him." ~Nojima: p.9, Reunion Files

Trying to dismiss their relationship because it only lasted "two weeks" or because Cloud wasn't completely his "real self" is pointless because even if you don't believe Cloud had romantic feelings for Aerith, the fact that Cloud feels so much sadness and guilt because he let her die suggests that they developed a strong and meaningful relationship despite it only lasting a few weeks and despite Cloud not completely being his "real self".

All the evidence I need to support this are in the 5 quotes I provide above.

None of those five quote say jack diddly about him having romantic feelings for the girl pre-death, much less persisting for two years after. Her being important, yes, but Zack is also important to Zack.

I've never stated that AC is primarily about romance. But just as FFVII is not primarily about romance, that doesn't mean there aren't aspects of romance in it (ie: Cloud and Aerith's canon Golden Saucer date).

Or the Canon confession under the highwind between Cloud and Tifa. Or Cloud deciding to start a new life with Tifa by his side. Or their forming a family. Or their friends thinking she wears the pants. Or them belonging together. Or them having a future together. Or her being someone's beloved.
So, go on. What are the aspects of romance in AC/C? What demonstrates Cloud's deep romantic yearning for the dead woman that- by his own words- he just wants forgiveness from.

Your argument, stripped of flourish and pomp, is currently 'Cloud gave a shit, therefore romance.'

As for the hand reach scene, well, Nojima explains why Cloud and Aerith's hand reach is special:
"The ending scene of the battle with Bahamut, the scene where Aerith reaches out her hand, is homage to the last scene from a previous production. It was Tetsuya (Nomura)'s idea...." ~Nojima, Reunion Files

The definition of "homage" is: "a show or demonstration of respect or dedication to someone or something"

If Nomura thinks the hand reach between Cloud and Aerith in FFVII should be honored and given dedication through homage in AC, it is clearly different than the times Cloud holds hands with his comrades. The act of holding hands has been established by SE to be a very special piece of physical imagery between Cloud and Aerith.

To me, the scene itself is touching and bittersweet. Cloud wasn't able to take Aerith's hand in FFVII -- but he was finally able to do so in AC.

All the handreaches are special, because they show the entire party is standing by Cloud's side metaphorically, if not literally. Aerith's is an homage, yes, but that doesn't mean she's being singled out as meaning more to Cloud than the rest. Granted, she is being singled out, but again, SHE'S DEAD. Getting aid from the spirit of those long passed is pretty fucking special, whether it's Anna or the King of Baron giving the Aid.

Likewise, Zack gets singled out during Cloud's 'what do you cherish?' flash, and a special scene. That doesn't make him more important than anything else. It makes his aid more special, but that doesn't mean Cloud cares about him more than he does the kids, Tifa, or Aerith.

The type of relationship Cloud and Aerith have becomes especially clear when we remember all of this:
-Cloud agreed to be Aerith's bodyguard for the price of one date

A date she literally has to force him on and which he is not interested in when he has it.

-Cloud tells Marlene he hopes Aerith likes him

Which gives us 'passing interest.'

-Cloud reaffirms his commitment to being Aerith's bodyguard at the Shinra headquarters

And again, doesn't seem to give a shit

-Cloud and Aerith have an intimate conversation at Cosmo Canyon

In which case, why in the name of fuck are you protesting C/T? They have several intimate conversations, a lot more intimate than the Cosmo Canyon one. Tifa literally gets to walk around inside Cloud's mind. He opened it up only for her. Can't get much more intimate than that.

-SE gives us a Clerith wedding prediction (SE words, not mine) from Cait Sith

For the fucking love of all that would be holy if there was such a thing as gods, GIVE THIS ONE UP.

Cait Sith is described, also by SE, as an unreliable prognosticator whose predictions are completely unreliable.

-FFVII has a hero that wavers between two love interests
-TIfa is jealous of the world Cloud and Aerith began forming together

Cloud wavers... and then decides on Tifa.
Tifa is jealous... and then later Aerith is jealous. You keep wanting to use the former as evidence of romance, but keep making excuses about the latter. Please, be consistent about what the fuck jealousy is supposed to be narrative shorthand for, because the intellectual dishonest is fucking old.

-Aerith is considered Tifa's "love rival"

They both want the same man. They'd be rivals even if Cloud was only interested in metrosexual robots.
And even IF them being love rivals means Cloud is interested- which, to stress, it does not- then it ALSO means Cloud is interested in Tifa

-The hand reach scene
-Cloud and Aerith share numerous cameo appearances (the flower field ending in Dissidia, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy Tactics, and the ending of Kingdom Hearts in unison with Nomura's quote about KH's ending)

The flower field ending in Dissidia kinda takes a back seat to the actual PLOT of Duodecim and how it flat slams us in the face with how important Tifa is to Cloud, even when he can't remember her.
FF9 is basically poking fun at FF7, and is about as meaningful to FF7 as Gaia's red moon is to FF4. IE- Not at all.
In FF Tactics, Cloud does not recognize Aerith, does not give a shit about her, and is just looking for a way home back to Gaia and Tifa, the 'someone who is waiting for you'
Kingdom hearts' ending isn't about romance. What it might tell us is that Cloud and Aerith are friends. Cloud was searching for Sephiroth. Tifa is Cloud's light.

-Cloud has an "undying" feeling for Aerith that becomes "engraved in his heart"

"Holy shit! My friend got murdered before my eyes and IT'S ALL MY FAULT.!" Undying. Engraved. And again, engraved is idiomatic. It means he'll never forget.

-It is the wish of Cloud's "heart" to have Aerith's forgiveness
[even though in Japan heart is not as synonymous with love as it is in the United States, it can still be synonymous with love in Japanese culture, especially when we apply it to the fact that SE refers to Cloud as Aerith's "koibito"]

Cite this, please. From what I recall, it was third party editorializing.

But the three biggest pieces of evidence I have are SE refering to Cloud as Aerith's "koibito,"

No, Cloud was Woman's Koibito, and again, this only tells us what the woman thinks, not Cloud. Lifestream white is from her perspective.

the sharing of TWO canon dates, and...

Neither of which Cloud really gave a shit about and the first of which not even Aerith actually considered a date...

"I believe, for those who formerly traveled with her as comrades and for the viewers, each carries their own feelings and loves for Aerith. In this story, Cloud also carries his own undying feeling for Aerith even to this very day." ~Nomura interview; Dengeki Playstation 2007

The feelings Aerith's comrades have for her are platonic, while the feelings Cloud has for her are romantic (this is exactly why SE separated Cloud's feelings from her comrades feelings).

Cloud is Aerith's "koibito," therefore he has romantic feelings for her that are different than the platonic feelings her comrades have for her. Period.

WRONG. Cloud is her Koibito, therefore she loves him. Period.

EDIT: This is where I get my translation from:


The translation I use is from Saeki of the CxA forums:

Since a lot of the translation from TLS come from Cloti's, there is no shame (IMO) in getting my translation from someone of the CxA forums.

Saeki believes that Nomura is contrasting Cloud's feelings with the feelings of his comrades, which is a fair comparison to make considering Cloud and Aerith's relationship is different from that of her comrades. Cloud is Aerith's "koibito".

Tres has already posted his response to this, and Quex has pointed out the issues with your citation, but again, we know what Cloud's undying feeling is. IT'S GUILT FOR BEING COMPLICIT IN HER MURDER.

You basically just spent an entire post doing anything BUT address the idea that Cloud was seriously in love with Aerith beyond passing fancy and good friendship. You quoted him feeling guilt for her- like he does for Zack- you quoted 'woman' being interested in Cloud, you cited irrelevant passages and instances that even in the interpretations you use would prove Cloud is in love with Tifa as well...

You have a mountain of evidence to surmount. You'll have to do better than these little aggrandized molehills, Blanky.
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Kermitu Kleric Katie

I think Tifa was scared of Cloud's response, which is why she A. waited to ask him while he was asleep, and B. she quickly changed the question to Marlene.
That's actually rather reasonable. But know that her asking if Cloud loves her does not me he doesn't love her, it just means she's unsure if his feelings for her have changed. It's a common question for aone person in a relationship to ask the other when they're going through a rough patch.

It's not just Cloud's lack of response that is troubling, it's the fact that Tifa has to ask the question in the first place. Trying to write it off by saying, "oh, she's just an insecure female" ignores the context of their relationship and statements made by SE.
Not it doesn't. See above. And Cloud was woken up by the statement, so he probably wasn't sure if he heard her correctly, hence why he says "What?" afterwards. And then when she changes it to asking if he loves Marlene, it's believable for him to think that that was the question she asked him, as "Do you love Marlene?" does sound similar to "Do you love me?".

The reason she is asking Cloud the question in the first place is because she is jealous Cloud had been visiting Aerith's Church, and because of the constant communication problems we see between them. Sure, all couples have problems. But Nojima isn't even sure if the kids will be enough to help them solve their problems. This suggests that their problems might be unfixable, IMO.
I've bolded the parts of the first sentence that are correct. She wasn't jealous he had been visiting Aerith's church, and even decides to go with him next time. You have to remember that Tifa was moar or less just as saddened by Aerith's death as Cloud. And also, Nojima doesn't say he isn't sure if the kids will help them work it out, and in fact it's quite the opposite, since he's says he is sure the kids will help them work it out.

The bottom line is: I don't even need to argue about why Cloud didn't respond because Tifa having to ask the question in the first place is equally as troubling.
Cloud didn't respond because the question woke him up and he may not have been sure if he heard her correctly.

Tifa should know more than anyone if Cloud loves her or not. If she doesn't know, no one should pretend they know, either.
Tifa found out Cloud loves her in the Highwind scene. But people change and they were having communication problems so she wasn't sure if he still loved her.

All I was pointing out is that SE tells us that the C/A date is the "normal" outcome. This, to me, clearly canonizes the C/A date because it is the "normal" outcome. Nowhere does SE specifically say that the HAHW scene is the "normal" outcome, therefore all the times it is referenced it could simply be a placeholder because one of the two versions has to be chosen.
Even assuming the C/A date is canon, the date still says nothing about Cloud's feelings, and in fact Cloud seems rather apathetic and disinterested the whole date.
In my honest opinion, the HAHW scene is most likely canon (although the evidence behind it is not as strong as many of you think). But my biggest point during this debate has been that even if the HAHW scene occurred, it did not necessarily lead to a romantic relationship between Cloud and Tifa.
At least you see that it's most likely canon. But it does lead to a romantic relationship between them, the newest Ultimania quote about the scene even nigh-explicitly tells us this.
Expressing mutual romantic feelings does not necessarily mean a romantic relationship comes after it, especially when we consider that Nomura doesn't know the status of their relationship, the fact that Tifa doesn't know if Cloud loves her, and the premise from Nojima that things "aren't going well" between them.
Expressing of mutual romantic feelings does usually lead to a omantic relationship. And you technically just admitted Cloud and Tifa have mutual romantic feelings for one another. And Nomura says he doesn't care. Had he said he doesn't know, then that would be contradictory to a later statement where he says he does know. And while Nojima says things aren't going well, he also says he's sure the kids will help them work it out.
No scene after the Highwind scene unequivocally moves Cloud and Tifa from friends to lovers. To me, this suggests that even if the HAHW scene happened, there is no proof that a romantic *relationship* developed from it. And even if one did develop for a brief period of time, it was completely gone by Advent Children when Tifa doesn't even know if Cloud loves her.
But then it comes back when Cloud comes back home.
If Nomura doesn't know if Cloud and Tifa form a romantic relationship after the HAHW scene, how can we be sure that they are in a romantic relationship?
Nojima nigh-explicitly says they're in one.
If Tifa doesn't know if Cloud loves her after the HAHW scene, how can we be sure that Cloud loves her after the HAHW scene?

Because he decides to live with her and raise kids with her.


The hand reaching between Aeris and Cloud being an homage to the ending of the game doesn't negate the damn fact it's still a life & death situation (which by your standard omits it) -- just like it was in the game proper.

She is shown as ONE OF Avalanche, who by the way are all guilty of hand porn with Cloud.

The reason she is asking Cloud the question in the first place is because she is jealous Cloud had been visiting Aerith's Church, and because of the constant communication problems we see between them. Sure, all couples have problems. But Nojima isn't even sure if the kids will be enough to help them solve their problems. This suggests that their problems might be unfixable, IMO.
Correction. Their problems are CLEARLY fixable as they are fixed by the end of the damn movie. Seriously. Tifa is happy. Cloud is happy. The kids are happy. Cloud is where he belongs (with Tifa & the kids), etc., etc.
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
In FF Tactics, Cloud does not recognize Aerith, does not give a shit about her, and is just looking for a way home back to Gaia and Tifa, the 'someone who is waiting for you'

An argument could certainly be made for Tactics at least highlighting an especial connection between Cloud and Aerith, particularly since the Compilation was years down the road.

Also, he certainly recognized her, as well as came to her rescue. Really, their scene together in Tactics was sort of an abridged combination of their first two meetings in FFVII.

Agreed about the rest, though.

Ryu said:
Cite this, please. From what I recall, it was third party editorializing.

Here's my translation and the original text from pg. 126 of the 10th AU (pg. 128 of the Revised Edition):

DVD & UMD CHAPTER 9 In the place where sorrow doesn't heal
Violent sparks fly in the Ancient capital, where sadness holds dominion
With the Forgotten Capital ahead of him, Cloud has a vision. Behind
him, he feels a nostalgic presence and hears that gentle, innocent
voice, unchanged from that time ——

"Why did you come?"

Being so asked, Cloud gives voice to the desire within his heart (34).
To that, the voice responds with amusement (35).

"By who?"

Japanese text:
DVD & UMD CHAPTER 9 悲嘆癒えぬ地で

Source photo:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
An argument could certainly be made for Tactics at least highlighting an especial connection between Cloud and Aerith, particularly since the Compilation was years down the road.

Also, he certainly recognized her, as well as came to her rescue. Really, their scene together in Tactics was sort of an abridged combination of their first two meetings in FFVII.

Agreed about the rest, though.

He comes to her rescue, but IIRC, does not remark on her appearance, nor does he hear her name- I think he appears on screen after the last mention of such- he just jumps in to protect a woman in danger.

Here's my translation and the original text from pg. 126 of the 10th AU (pg. 128 of the Revised Edition):

Ah, I was thinking of the magazine page with the out of place english in the middle of the sentence.

Still, if what resides inside Cloud's heart regarding Aerith is 'forgive me' then where's the romance sitting? His liver?[/sarcasm]



The truth of Cloud and Tifa's relationship during the 2 years after FFVII was extremely complicated and unclear.
Sorry bb, but Cloud & Tifa’s relationship is only “extremely complicated” if you are a Cleris who holds Cloud’s using her home as a bed & breakfast, and is somehow in a complicated creepy friendship with her, where she stands in his room for hours on end, watching him sleep and asking creepy-ass questions.

To everyone else, AVALANCHE & the kids included, they are in a typical relationship where the woman wears the pants, and where they are the parent figures of their fucking family. Nothing weird about them at all, or extremely complicated.

Since there is no official translation, we will have to agree to disagree.
[FONT=&quot]Ha! You wish bb. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean there is no “official” translation. That’s easily verifiable. Others speak the Japanese language. You can’t say that a translation is invalid because it didn’t come from SE. SE did not fucking invent the language. Pretty much all of what you’re quoting didn’t come from official sources, but fan translations. [/FONT]

That's pure bullshit, quit wasting our time.

EDIT: formatting FAIL!

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
He comes to her rescue, but IIRC, does not remark on her appearance, nor does he hear her name- I think he appears on screen after the last mention of such- he just jumps in to protect a woman in danger.

He does react to her appearance, though, which she picks up on. That's why she asks if she looks like someone he knows.

Honestly, the Tactics cameo and reference in IX seem like legitimate romantic allusions to me. Cloud's guilt over Aerith's death had not been established yet, so there was really nothing to cloud (ha!) what may or may not be on the mind of the developers who threw those things in.

Still, if what resides inside Cloud's heart regarding Aerith is 'forgive me' then where's the romance sitting? His liver?[/sarcasm]

As I recall, anger comes from the stomach. :awesome:

Those wacky Japanese.


Oh, and I love that we bring in Kingdom Hearts, reaching for hand-reaching scenes, but completely ignore that TIFA IS THE EMBODIMENT OF CLOUD'S MOTHERFUCKING LIGHT, DIRECTLY OPPOSED TO SEPHIROTH, HIS DARKNESS.

Ja, keep it coming.

BB said:
Furthermore, the translation I use for Nomura's quote was given by
Tetsuya Nomura: What kind of question is that? I've never thought about it. Honestly, I don't care who loves whom. I think you could imagine the scenerios that we don't mention however you want to. You could enjoy talking about that with friends. For example, I was frequently asked if there had been romantic relationship between Tifa and Cloud for two years, after FF7 ended, but I don't have any clue.

This translation says Nomura has "no clue" about the status of their relationship, not that he "doesn't care".
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Yeah, romance doesn't have much of a claim to hand-reach scenes. Even characters who have been involved in hand-reach scenes with romantic partners have been involved in hand-reach scenes that didn't involve romantic partners.

Just look at this list:
Sora and Kairi
Sora and Riku
Cloud and Aerith
Cloud and Tifa
Aerith and Kadaj
Squall and Rinoa
Tidus and Jecht
Snow and Serah
Snow and Nora Estheim
Snow and Fang/Vanille
Noel and Serah

I mean, really. If a hand-reach is supposed to be the most romantic CxA moment, then what the fuck is this casserole of nonsense in the list above.
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Kermitu Kleric Katie

It's obvious that Sora is having a three way with Kairi and Riku, and that AVALANCHE enjoys massive sex orgies(and sometimes bring Kadaj in on the action), and that Snow, Serah, Fang, Vanille, and Noel also enjoy sex orgies.:monster:


unsavory tart
Correction. Their problems are CLEARLY fixable as they are fixed by the end of the damn movie. Seriously. Tifa is happy. Cloud is happy. The kids are happy. Cloud is where he belongs (with Tifa & the kids), etc., etc.
That's the hardest part of taking the anti-Cloti position, saying it's unfixable negates the fact that it's fixed in the movie.

Saying that they only fail to communicate ignores the fact that despite having hard times communicating just because that's the kind of people they are- they do have plenty of instances of communicating. The lifestream event, the highwind event, the "I have you" event, the scene at the end CoT where they talk about whether or not he has resolved his issues, Advent Children when Tifa tells him not to run away (and him later saying his burdens have eased.

They do have the most intimate, sometimes life changing discussions. Cloud has not had these conversations with anyone else, the real hard ones and the introspective ones.

Problems do come up, they probably always will, and they will always be resolved. They've been through hell and disease and misunderstandings and confusion and depression and survivor's guilt and ptsd and insecurity. But guess what. They beat it. That's how strong they are.


Just look at this list:
Sora and Kairi
Sora and Riku
Cloud and Aerith
Cloud and Tifa
Aerith and Kadaj
Tidus and Jecht
Snow and Serah
Snow and Nora Estheim
Snow and Fang/Vanille
Noel and Serah
True & Intended couple of KH.

Look at that motherfucker. There's a goddamn tidal wave heading towards Sora and he still reaches for that hand. Hell, he gets submerged and STILL keeps fighting. Hell, it's repeated in KHII.

Take a seat! Better than your faves, etc.
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Pro Adventurer
Oh, and I love that we bring in Kingdom Hearts, reaching for hand-reaching scenes, but completely ignore that TIFA IS THE EMBODIMENT OF CLOUD'S MOTHERFUCKING LIGHT, DIRECTLY OPPOSED TO SEPHIROTH, HIS DARKNESS.

Ja, keep it coming.


Did you not read the last line of his quote? At the beginning of the quote Nomura says he doesn't care who loves whom, and then he goes on to say he doesn't know the status of Cloud and Tifa's relationship.

*working on an all-encompassing response to the numerous responses I've received from numerous posters*
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